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Last active February 13, 2023 08:04
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Gulp task to compile Shopify Liquid tags in SASS with Autoprefixer
var gulp = require('gulp');
var sass = require('gulp-sass');
var replace = require('gulp-replace');
var autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
gulp.task('compilesass', function() {
// root SASS file (contains all your includes)
return gulp.src('./sass/style.scss')
// compile SASS to CSS
.pipe(sass({ outputStyle: 'compressed' }).on('error', sass.logError))
// add vendor prefixes
// change the file name to be a liquid file
// remove the extra set of quotations used for escaping the liquid string
.pipe(replace('"{{', '{{'))
.pipe(replace('}}"', '}}'))
// save the file to the theme assets directory
gulp.task('default', function() {
// watch all SASS (.scss) files['./sass/**/*.scss'], ['compilesass']);
.classname {
// note the extra set of double quotes
background-image: url(#{'"{{ \'awesome-hero-image.jpg\' | asset_url }}"'});
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Hey @joemottershaw
Those functions seem to be exactly what I need since configuring Gulp has been a real pain.
I just tried to use it as exactly as you have but it's returning a bad URL (, do you have any idea why?
Btw, did you come up with a better solution yet?
Thank you!

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I removed the the extra quotes right before the {{ and }} tags and it seems to be working fine now :)
Here's how it looks:
@function shopify_asset($file) { @return unquote('url(\'{{ "'+ $file + '" | asset_url }}\') '); }

Not sure if this is properly formatted, though. If someone comes up with a better solution I'd love to hear!

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What about %{ if... ?

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What about %{ if... ?

@jack-fdrv did you find a good approach for liquid expressions that use {% ?

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Guys i have tried this but the output in my css.liquid is just the setting without the {{ }} so its not working... can someone help me out with this issue?

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KevinChauvet commented Aug 10, 2021

Not for me ...
After some research I have this code now :

var gulp = require('gulp');
const sass = require("gulp-sass")(require("node-sass"));
var replace = require('gulp-replace');
var autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');

gulp.task('compilesass', function() {
// root SASS file (contains all your includes)
return gulp.src('./sass/theme.scss')
// compile SASS to CSS
.pipe(sass({ outputStyle: 'compressed' }).on('error', sass.logError))
// add vendor prefixes
// change the file name to be a liquid file
// remove the extra set of quotations used for escaping the liquid string
.pipe(replace('"{{', '{{'))
.pipe(replace('}}"', '}}'))
// save the file to the theme assets directory

gulp.task('default', function() {
// watch all SASS (.scss) files['./sass/*.scss'], gulp.series('compilesass'));

But still not working !

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What if I have in theme.scss.liquid liquid tags - {% ... , ?

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