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Last active March 19, 2019 19:23
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  • Save derekmurawsky/df53e570dafe47a367fdfed22836690f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Environment Setup
# Install homebrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
# Install basics
brew install git python nmap docker node nvm wget jq cookiecutter curl git nano
brew cask install iterm2 google-chrome
# Manually configure iterm2 with pro theme from the below clone
git clone
# Install bash-it
git clone --depth=1 ~/.bash_it
# Configure Bash-it
bash-it enable plugin python ssh osx git aws
bash-it enable completion awscli bash-it brew bundler gem git git_flow pip pip3 ssh system test_kitchen
bash-it enable alias curl git homebrew homebrew-cask osx ansible bundler
# Override bash-it's default bobby prompt to support python venvs
cat <<'EOF' >> ~/.bash_profile
#Override Bash It Bobby prompt
function prompt_command() {
PS1="\n$(__bobby_clock)${yellow}|$(python_version_prompt)$(ruby_version_prompt) ${purple}\h ${reset_color}in ${green}\w\n${bold_cyan}$(scm_prompt_char_info) ${green}→${reset_color} "
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