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Last active July 23, 2021 15:21
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Do a rudimentary transcription using vosk
# Largely followed this post
# Download the show,
# Convert it into the format vosk is epxecting
ffmpeg -i downloaded-mp3-file.mp3 -ar 16000 -ac 1 file.wav
# Install vosk
pip3 install vosk
#clone the vosk-api repo to get examples
git clone
cd vosk-api/python/example
# get a more advanced open vosk model and move it to the model directory
mv vosk-model-en-us-daanzu-20200905 model
time python3 ./ file.wav >transcript.txt
# I timed it because I was curious
# real 7m21.777s
# user 7m17.250s
# sys 0m3.188s
well i'm pleased to welcome back to the show mister chris fischer while combat chris thank you alex i just got done dry and everything i've only a few moments ago who we missed you man so ah it's story time
i need to stay awhile and listen yes and first of all thank you to morgan for filling in eye at the last minute had to jump out when i realized that my laptop i got soaked and i didn't want to turn it on and hopefully it will help licks her hugs gotta like somebody to fill in for me are it's i was set up to go camp out in the woods bree
story to end i wanted to get out to the woods and get set up in time for the show and so i was in a bit of a rush and i thought cause i'm an idiot i thought hey you know be a great idea is all do some updates on this laptop and i've got this really old twenty thirteen macbook the runs arch linux by the way and so it's for me it's like this thrilled about
booted up about once every six months and see if when i do an update if the installation explodes or not right so i thought well i'm running around packing up the ivy i'll set this thing to do some updates just so i can you know have like a little thing to do for my atv brain and check in it and so i'm packing up and i go round and collect all of my electronics because i
my kids and i had been going through some stuff and so we had the fire tablets were down off the wall that we used to control home assistant are front end and some game controllers were out and we're going down the road we want to get there quick so i just took this basket and it like a good little boy i picked up everything and put my basket
and of course i want that basket to spell so i i said it in the back in the bathroom and i finished up my laptop and close the lid and went about packing up the rest of the ivy i'm driving down the road for probably twenty twenty five minutes and i realize i should probably get gas somewhere be off grid for a while and if for some reason we don't kick
solar i'm gonna need to build to run my generator
so i i ike i pull up to a gas station and i start to poland which is a downhill kind of turn in and as i pull into the gas station and begin to decline down into the parking lot a healing like a wave sound behind me like like her a noise maker on my i turn around look over my shoulder alex and i see this wave of water come
down the middle of the hallway of my ivy is sloshes down into the the inner this do the step well it's all over the place it's coming down into my feet while i'm driving it was everywhere how tied to your asshole pucker when you saw that huh alex in like one motion i'll grab the radio and i radioed my wife cause she's chasing me in the car behind
now you gonna get in here quick we got an emergency i throw the radio down i park the car we stand up and i began just walking straight to the back and as i approach the back of the ivy i hear a sound i immediately recognize
is my water pump and it's pumpkin in his pomp and and it's pumping it shouldn't be on but in our rush to leave i had left it on and didn't notice and so i flip it off as i opened the door and i look right at the sink away it just instinctively knew the problem was
gonna be somehow i knew and i could immediately see the entire chain of events i had left that big old heavy macbook on the counter and when i went down the road it slid down the counter slid it just right and fell into the sink and as it fell it turned the faucet on which is where
my basket full of electronics was sitting home that be turned that that alex had turned into a bathtub alex it was it was so bad alex it soaked everything and then proceeded to spill out from there into the rest of the read about about ah about seventeen seventeen fifteen twenty gallons it's hard to say
got the laptop got all the fire tablets got the game controllers got all the charging bricks everything not to mention flooded the ivy
i i had to act quick and so thankfully i was able to position the army in such a way that he kind of tilted it so i could just get all the water to pour out in one direction and then i just spent like two hours drawing it up then we moved out to our spot in the woods and spend another couple of hours trying to dry it all out i lost a lotta devices
it's a lot of good devices died that day hikes
oh but not that stupid old macbook it's still kickin even though got water in the event in the vents and all that it's still kickin for the device that caused the problem just ran away going t not today doing great together although it's power adapter bit the dust i don't know exactly what it's long term plan was just like cutting
the nose off to spite your face is no that's why you should plan and plan to learn visit our sponsor a cloud guru the leader learning for the cloud linux and other modern tech skills hundreds of courses and thousands of hands on labs
get certified get hired get learning at a cloud guru dot com hear that story just hurts me so deeply because water and electronics you just have this pathological thing that they do yeah goes did did you don't mix like no i've probably missed out on several experiences in my life because i had a phone in my pocket i'm like well i'm going to
go and run in the ocean or whatever it is because of qualified him up okay and and so many devices obvious statement time but i really was feeling there's so many devices have the battery built in and so there's just nothing i can do now
damn man i feel your pain i really do
it was rough it was rough inside now you have to selectively choose what i'm gonna replace and what i'm just gonna try to live without her hand you just miss prime day i know at that cross my mind because i i had a couple of fire tablets in the mix gone warm warm
it's you got something to cheer me up while i was watching a youtube you that i as is often the case in in my household and i was watching a video by techno tim and he data on or failure introduction that she is a single sign on
service that basically allows you to have one login cookie get set which then allows you to login to all of the services that you select through a set of rules you configure to say right if i wanna access i'm next cloud as long as i got this token set that i'm i'm all good and then you could do it for
a wiki or any of any of the services that are running on your system and the really nice thing is it is it's configured with a single line of docker compose configuration so you just added a single line to declare that you want to use or failure as what's called a piece of middle where in the traffic configuration
m and you're good to go in that's it i see so it is first while we should mention it's open source and it essentially takes authentication requests using engine eggs and provides authorization for those authentication request yeah not just engine exit supports traffic as well as a bunch of others and actually
more recently supports communities in grass control us which is nice as well i am checking it out right now it actually looks like it has a pretty good interface too so this will have linked in the show notes or you go to a u t h e l i a doctor hey don't really need a whole bunch of interface for a login client essentially what hap
and when you have a service that's backed by this let's say i got a wiki might my personal wiki my tiddly wiki traffic will detect that i've set that piece of middle where as part of the chain of traffic that it it wants to go through and so or family will then papa offended web form all typing my username and password it does support two factor authentication so free
even for services that don't have to if i natively i can use or failure to add to our fe to those services as well and then just transparently that token lasts for the length and duration of your session you configure how long it is i think it's five minutes by default any other service has the same rule on your system
it will reuse the authentication token so if you're switching between a bunch of different services on your system login once and you're looked into all of them all at once automatically point that does seem nice if it has a lot of great features in here all right well sounds like something to check out we talk about this kind of stuff also when we talk about
things like hosting your own password manager hosting your own email i wonder if there's an audience and i wonder few out there to one of theirs a portion of the audience that thinks i'd never wanna host this this crosses a line like this is this is like this breaks and things get hosed
and so i wonder if there isn't just a discussion to be had there alex about where that line is for us and if we ever consider dropping something insane you know what i'll just go with a commercial service for this is his grumpy old man comics coming out here but my tolerance for stuff breaking be an update bit of dodgy
power cable whatever the reason my tolerance is so low these days and i a couple of episodes ago i mentioned i had my server on the desk next to me because i was troubleshooting some issues with hard drives failing turns out it wasn't the hard drives failing i wasted maybe three weeks on trying all sorts of different drives
cables and disk controllers know it was the power cable from the power supply to the drives no kidding i wasted three weeks on that damn thing and that just left me with a huge bitter taste in my mouth and yeah i'm not gonna stop self hosting don't worry audience were ok
but they were just moments in that three week paradise like screw this i don't wanna throw the towel in and just be done and just pay netflix or whoever it is well know in that same period time i think you also have a certain home a system update narcos so well to say you are really getting it from both ends get us the thing and they know this week another example
is the next crowd just stopped working for some reason i have no idea why i've been sat on next crowd nineteen for the last year plus i haven't touched it i i pull in the regular updates that they provide to the nineteen branch food docker hub tagging but i don't update me
engines next cloudiness i have a good reason to it i don't want all of the new stuff but i just use it for documents has pretty much it read actually figure this out because i got a notification on my phone because photo uploaded stopped working it said this server is in maintenance mode and i'm like okay i remember i've had this before see you googling
first result says go into the conflict file and edit a single line says change maintenance mode from true to false in the conflict dot php file here so i did that was already set to maintenance mode false so my o k well clearly something's going on here so i then start looking into the
next round container logs and then it said something about character encoding beauty of eight char sets and i just got at that point i was i oh no here we go is gonna be a long evening
long story short i ended up having to go into the my sql container itself with a docker exec command get into the my sequel nitty gritty
details delete and change a couple of data types from voucher to text fields and honesty know stuff is way over the head of most people out there doing self hosting unless this is your day job i just thought to myself who is this stuff targeted at if i was paying for next cloud as a
hosted service i mean these things exist like google drive is
a similar one drive you know all these different cloud file repositories if these things broke and i had to jump through all these different hoops to fix them i would just migrate to a different service and yet because i feel a certain sense of obligation partly because of the show but also partly
oh my beliefs towards self hosting in general
i power through it but sometimes i just i just wanna throw the towel in you know did you ever get to the root of why that next cloud issue just cropped up am at i think it was because of the the character encoding so i end up doing is part of the troubleshooting process was like right okay well i'm in the weeds airways will go to next cloud twenty two of them here yes
so do my line of thinking too yeah and then i thought well if it didn't start because i saw some database schema changes of probably happened and it's just not tested properly and ninety okay fine i'll go to the next major release am that stable the answer like i said i had to drop to the mice equal command
line delete a couple of tables that were failing the repair because there's an o c c command so you can you can login to the next cloud container and run game there's like a shell look at the c l i am too bill into it called cc own cloud client i would imagine is what it stands for don't quote me on that
and you can do a bunch of maintenance stuff i can tell maintenance mode allomorph you can repair things etc etc and it kept failing on this line item to do with news articles which is a plugin i don't even use anymore i think i enabled it for testing and then forgot about it
and much like my home assistant up they are probably miss the in the logs because i don't necessarily look at the logs every day
because i got other stuff to do and yet once i deleted the news once i got into the correct database table and then deleted this three or four lines that were causing the schema migrations to fail then the upgrade preceded and it was all fine but to me a couple of hours i've had those moments where i thought maybe like
a server was dead and gone and i thought i don't i don't know if i on if i ever want to rebuild this
and then thank lay out they came back and i thought okay but i get my backup game ethnic better get my vacuum figured out yet is immediately got it i mean you got a hardware failure in your server you got a software failure in next cloud a home assistant a pretty dramatic home assistant failure based on some deprecation and changes i mean you got one after
or another i recently also had a home assistant update go south when the o s update didn't complete correctly the system locked up and then rebooted and then it couldn't get an ip until i had fiddled with her for quite a while and i have for a brief moment i thought to myself should i just bail on this and maybe just go back to a traditional server and
in home assistant court container and just keep it simple
and then it gets working again and then i think okay no this is better and i like this and i think to myself in the grand scheme of things this is the cost of having full control over these services and and it does give me a better appreciation of the value that the cloud providers are offering and it makes me also understand how
valuable my data must be if they can pay for these services based on mining my information like wow there must be some real value there because it's not cheap and to keep something reliable like file services for a ten year streak i actually takes an incredible amount effort yeah you're not wrong i mean these these guys there are entire jobs
i mean a site reliability engineers us the name of our you know a supporters club that we have and there's an entire job dedicated to keeping things up and stable and reliable and these guys they write software they write scripts they do all sorts of ninja magic tip to keep these services online i think part of it alex is
giving yourself and you've done this you know the ability to rebuild fairly quickly like you do that you makes you makes if you adopt something you make sure that you can redeploy as necessary in those kinds of things i think they help a lot but if i i think this show should ask the question more often is there a cloud service that could do
do this and if there is why are we not choosing to use it because it is a big trade off every time and the more critical the services to you i think the more serious you have to consider that traffic of a good example i suppose wiki would be a decent one because you can you can probably throw some stuff up on github in or around the repository is a bunch
your tax files and
culver a wiki if you want to you could also go to some random website as a by probably wiki capabilities but there's nothing quite like hosting your own and keeping that kind of information in house because the the role a wiki in particular fulfills often is to see
store proprietary custom information it may maybe wifi passwords feel a house or something or the the code to the safe so that your wife could open it when you're out or something other than
what people storing them in i am wikis but they could be some sensitive information in there sounds like you have a code for a safe that if i was i run your lan i should try to get that code by the same first i that her only he has a safe okay that's a good example you're right i have been thinking like how can i leave my wife notes
in a way that is fully secure and there is this feeling that i think is actually pretty special and is this total feel of control and i i feel this when i am off grid and i'm generating my own power and i've brought my own food and idols don't need anyone to do anything i ever for a brief moment i feel
it's like i'm truly in control and i have that same sense when it comes to everything being offline in my our wwii and and being self contained to the army and having having this gone through this project off grid where i offload a bunch of services and got everything running locally
when when i act get access to that stuff it's it's like this is this feeling of confidence that we get so sparingly now with with so many cloud services that integrate with our mobile devices are integrated with commercial desktops less and less consumers and in technology users have control less unless they have less
control than ever of modifying their devices of controlling their devices or even determining who has access to their data or if it can be scanned or any of that and so when we have these areas we can't actually exercise that control we have to keep doing it or else it will go away if there's no users of these self hosted services and if there's node
market demand for this control eventually the developers and the companies that serve that niece will dry up and so it's like you have to always be looking like where can i exercise that control where does it matter the most and that's kind of where i've come down on it it's like okay this information like secret stuff i wanna give my wife
that is always gonna be on my land like i'm just never gonna put anywhere else and thankfully and i've come up with a little system where just markdown files it's really simple it's not it's not it's not a big effort to actually do it you are right there are an increasing number of companies doing stuff for this marketplace in a two yeah
we be talked about it last episode with morgan have announced a native home assistant integration as part of their product line as these things are happening and you see was his name linus sebastian has just bought a new house he's talk about how he's gonna implement smart dampers in every room is regional air conditioning every room in
how there is lots of proprietary services that could do this stuff and harris just all so overwhelming and i think that's largely why i'm feeling too is just a bit overwhelmed by the amount of stuff i could do is not even necessarily just when stuff breaks it's it's it's that feeling of once i put my daughter to bed or something in the evening of a i've got a couple of hours before
go to sleep now i don't wanna just sim venture much cartoons necessarily i'll do that whilst i'm doing something else but what out of my huge long list of ideas i've got should i pick and i can't be bothered i'll just watch cartoons
you don't have been doing is like the really simple stuff ah i went through my home assistant dashboard and i made individual i chose like individual icons for each entity so each light bob has like a unique light bulb icon really just slow kind of paced work while i was watching rick and morty
you know it's sounds like not very high cognitive load by i can sit there and fiddle with something of an and the other thing that i did recently was it was one of those moments where i was like i don't need to build something complicated here
i could just get a couple of window fans off of amazon that have manual controls plug them into some smart plugs and i could have some set to input and i could have some set to output and then i could just set up automation so turn the smart plugs on and off and it was one of those moments where was like i could just do something very simple for cooling and it would probably take
me thirty five minutes to set it all up and i was so down in the weeds with all of these things like i could build a new virtualization backend and then i could set up individual host of s's and then put containers and that i was going through this entire thing about how i wanted to rebuild all of the infrastructure and then i thought you know what else i could do i could just spend thirty minutes doing this tonight help
in thirty mins do in that tomorrow and over a couple of nights i got it all done if it works it ain't stupid
leno dot com slash ss h go there to support the show and get a one hundred dollars in credit on a new account leno is our cloud hosting provider when we're building something that we want experiment with we do it on the note there's a lot of quick ways to deploy they have eleven data centers to choose from they have crazy fast network connections and a whole range of types of search
so if we want something simple get like a five dollar a month system but sometimes we want some dedicated cpu or jeep use they have a lot of choices roger wrote into the show to say that he used linux to replace zoom was something he can host himself he says along with just about everybody else the milwaukee linux users group had to go to virtue
well did a covert nineteen and as you might expect from a group of linux users they weren't a big fan of using zoom they wanted to use gypsy so i looked around a different providers and they chose lin owed they pick the five dollar a month machine and they also chose to do the automatic backup service so that way there's just backup center just taken care of
they installed gypsy meet on that system and they're now using it with next cloud talk to do the video calls for their lug all running on the note you know what's really nice about this too is is roger was able to prototype gypsy and next cloud and try them all out really quickly ends in environments that are
production style environments he could really get a sense for how it's gonna perform and it's pretty great because at one point they made a change the next cloud just before the lug meeting and it broke hence the hook raja says they were able to use the snapshots that they got with automatic backups and just roll back i'd so is basic
really a non issue and then after the lug was over they are able to continue on with the next cloud update and that's just an example of how you can use linux you know to run your own zoom instance or they also have a one click deployment her own caste which is essentially a twitch in a box you can use it for that as well there's so many different choices from host
on your website to their object storage for like i use it for like a sink thing instance just go try it out learn something an experiment with that one hundred dollars and support the show at the no dot com slash as a sage
now in case you haven't heard we're getting together in denver i'm looking forward to this and not only is alex gonna be there but he's gonna be our trivia master at the meet up so you gotta come just to say hi to alex looking forward to that i've been working hard on the trivia questions i promise you they'll be a bunch of linux crushed
since thou be some in general knowledge stuff but there's also gonna be some like old more esoteric hardware questions as well up in having a real fun digging out somebody's questions
looking forward to that so we'll have the meet up details we have to meet ups actually planned alex going to be the denver meet up there's also a salt lake city meet up on the books details are over at meetup dot com slash jupiter broadcasting and then additionally in lady dupes my ivy i will have a live tracker and if there is if there will be more deep
tales and if it works out we'll do a little micro meet up could just be a you know just combined say hi and will have this embedded webpage that you'll be able to view over at colony tracker dot live that i'll show you right where we are at i it's all in the works right now just in this last week we got the backend setup for own tracks to record where i'm actually gonna be
and that's a pretty neat deal alex how either in that is up on leno or something oh yeah of course of course naturally yeah of course yeah yeah in fact we just we just decided to do a dedicated lauren le because what we wanna do is put a little website on there that has the details and stuff and then own tracks itself is kind of like and
multiple components and so the recorder is a docker image that you can deploy and that's like a lightweight back in that stores for location data and you can publish your location information to it in two different ways either over http or over em que tt and then the recorder as the name implies records the information
and then makes your location data available which is all completely under your control via a very a set of api eyes at some of which can integrate directly into home assistant so you can actually use own tracks to provide home assistant with your real time location which is a fantastic way to control automation and at one way that we use this
i'm not with own tracks today but soon is when no one is at home if some of the lights which always happens get left on which never fails to get left on then if no one's home and its and a certain amount of time has passed the lights just automatically turn off and that's just a simple way to use the animations or in the winter
if we're approaching and it's cold the heat interns on really simple stuff that stuff that we just don't even have to think about and ah but the key is getting your location into home assistant and own tracks can essentially be that source of information i'm using it for a live imbedded map on a web page that way you
guys can find me and we can meet up and i'll be running the own tracks client which publishes that information to the recorder
on my pixel pets so cool it uses m que tt to do that he has them in it's clever it seems like it's actually a great use of it because you could see how when you have maybe a loss of connectivity could queue up and then when you connect it can just transmit the the bits that were queued while they had no signal it's it's really smart perfect is exactly what it was designed for
now my favorite robot vacuum firmware way of attitude i had a big release last month and i finally got round to updating it and installing it this week
i'm a glutton for punishment on five has lots of stuff breaking and i still go ahead install these updates and i guess what what
did it break well i mean no the updates went fine but there's been some changes to how the the vacuums get communicated with from home assistant they deprecated the vacuum don't send command which was what i used to say hey robot go below a hoover the bedroom or something
am and they've deprecates debt for an m que t t publish command so we're both using m cutie t here in wildly different use cases just think it's so cool how's the same technology it is pretty neat and i just as a side note i hate it when stuff like that gets deprecated like i think i think the holes you
they stack that i'm using in home assistant has been deprecated and i just don't want reset up my z wave network and i don't know about migration process is like and i just don't want to deal with it and that kind of goes back to your topic earlier it's i it's working it's just a doll i don't wanna break it i don't have to do anything with it because it's just so part of my amp
restructure now it no longer feels like a separate system it feels like it is part of my home and i don't like messing with that stuff anymore and equally because it is part of the house the up time needs to be as close to a hundred percent of possible yeah and then you have to balance that off against applying updates because it's part of your house you don't
not update it for ten years miss some people would you say if it's working leave it but i keep it up to date because i feel like i wanna be compatible with future technology and future functionality i mentioned to you earlier i was like maybe i should rebuild the whole set up and i should base it on virtualization because the safety that a virtual machine gives me that's that snapshot key
ability and that that whole list ec restoring of a system or or taking a copy of it and setting it on the shelf and saying this is known good if that is so appealing to me and it feels like it gives me a safety net to what what seems like a risky proposition to keep updating all of these systems all the time that's why i keep thinking may may
b i got a rethink the way i'm doing stuff and that's where i that's where i go down the rabbit hole know ah it's too much not right now do you use a hyper visor at all fruit for anything know right now the system is built around these raspberry pi there's not a lotta overhead there so i'm just running containers on a boon to lcs on by for but i would be willing
replace you know the two or three raspberry pies it takes to do this with one fairly low energy x eighty six machine and then i have sort of my my you know my my choice of fertilizers at that point but good news for you products marks i've just had a big release version seven was released on the sixth of july twenty twenty one and it's based on debbie and
bull's eye number eleven i'm sure most of you know this bit of trivia but sir
those of you coming to denver me thought might wanna pay attention oh i've given a question of either done it
my lie
no that's good that's good because if they're listening they get a heads up and no one else will know free trivia question coming away which kids movie does debbie in name is kit releases after maybe you know maybe you aren't as just a sort of thing have to come to the meet up and find out about now what else is included in this release they've got a bunch of new
dozens of stuff says that a is now two dot zero for a q e a meu has been bumped to version six and the death a new kernel five to eleven so it's it's really good to see that brock smokes are pushing the envelope here and updating lots of their core systems the reason i say that in particular because debbie and has a bit of a reputation
and for being a bit old and crusty and you look at the versions of some of these packages and then not that far off what is shipping in arch right i mean a five eleven kernel is older than what's an arch but it's newer than what's in most healthiest districts right now and they've rolled out more recent butter offense support which i think is kind of a big deal it's nice to see
essentially butter fastens yeah fast get near parity support and pockmarks it absolutely is and i think this this comes back to a point that sir i hear quite frequently on linux unplugged actually is that we need to start taking butter if i seriously and ten stop just treating as a bit of a joke because you know facebook and all these other massive companies
that have things up significant scale are putting a lot of blood sweat and tears into the butter if as subsystems and it does seem to be cropping up in more and more places in in it for me i'm actually starting to use proxy marks as my default district in office for server oh esses because
it has that effect baked in so i don't need to fuck about with dk ems or an a you are package to install a custom kernel i don't have to worry about the licensing issues taken care of i mean the same is true of a boon to but the thing that brock's mocks gives me most of all of this other stuff is a rare
really slick web ui to manage virtual machines and alex sea containers great point and i think that is something that you and i probably under play i think for a lot of new users that's like the biggest deal right yeah absolutely yeah i completely agree on your points about butter a fast too
i think the thing the after remember is what butter if as offers is a file system that does copy on write transparent compression it can offer encryption offer us sd trim support and it's extremely low memory so it works really good say like in a raspberry pi situation or in a laptop with a single assessed
those are some use cases where see offenses is really not a great choice they're in and i i really love the combination of the two i think it makes for a really reliable home server and the way i use it now is butter effects is on the root file system so the system can vote regardless of what's gone on with the
yes if you if you're dk came module fails to build for some weird reason which has happened to me your system still boots because the core system the file system is butter fats and then you're really large datasets with your multiple deaths that are in some sort of raid configuration
that's where i go see effects and that mounts almost every time the system reboots but if it doesn't because the route is butter effects i it's guaranteed i can get in there and get the system repaired and we can then get in you can get the other things online like getting if asked him out and perhaps the biggest feature that we haven't touched on the single most important improvement in brock's mach seven
i can now download i suppose in the web ui hooray oh yeah dun dun dun says so you give them a url it it downloads there's i mean you can download your machine both so happens is you plug the url into the the little form says i want to download it to this particular area of storage and then at the bottom this is a really nice feature
it has an optional box at the bottom few to fill in the empty five hush in there so it will automatically verify the download for you as part of it's automated process now lot of people seem to think that's proxy monks isn't free as in cost it's it's open source so it's free as in speech and it is
also free as in beer am the the reason i thought it wasn't freeze because it has this little nag screen that says you do not have a valid subscription for the server and all that simply means is you have the enterprise repos enabled which ah some air quotes better tested packages i don't know quite what that testing entails but
thats what the proximal team say anyway
so you can support the project and give them money and they will enable your server to get rid of that night message or you could use automation you could use of written of answerable role which several of our community have now contributed to as well because open source is just that awesome
and what that does is it goes in and remove the repos for you changes a couple of lines in their web ui files on the proximal system and removes the nag for you automatically just one more use case for automation
and speaking of automation we want to mention our friends over a cloud guru have a course the was linked in the show notes just for you is the red hat certified specialist in advanced automation
and answerable best practices in this course are gonna cover the topics on the e x four forty seven exam as well to make sure you're ready to take that if you're putting on expanding your animal will as a great course for you you have a better understanding of the topics on the exam and around answerable and answerable tower and managing an annual inventory and of course templates as well
shall we have to go over our show notes to get the link to go directly to this course that of course is over at self hosted that show slash forty nine you'll see the link for a cd and that will take you to the red hat certified specialist in advanced automation for answerable best practices
did you get the update to you she'll yet alex i am so so disappointed in this i loved the nvidia shield so much i've bought three of them in total i've recommended them to the audience and i know that some people out there have also noticed that in video
yeah has decided to improve your experience by taking the top row which used to be reserved for your favorite applications and now put full wide advertisements
right there at the top including folks in bondage folks doing all kinds of like crazy things like you know guns and violence and smoking i've seen the whole range thankfully you know we're not really that kind of we outta we don't doesn't really bother me that much in it's in my bedroom it's not like it's a the family uses all the time
but i really do not like the fact that i cannot turn it off and um i think it's on my list replacement alex really disappointed such a great device heads it's been a really interesting one to watch the kind of cancer culture on line react to this one i mean on the one hand i don't really care that much
watch am they they've taken an interface that was very clean and just got the job done
and didn't really have any croft to it whatsoever
and then as you say they polluted it with a bunch of ads may not be on the one hand sounds pretty terrible but i mean on the on the other hand i don't i just i find myself really caring all that much i i i i've been browsing the the sub reddit am game video showed sub reddit for the last be a few years and there's lots of p
people now posting custom launches that you can install on the nvidia shield mean it's just android underneath right so you could install a custom launcher if you want to and i think all this is gonna serve to do is motivate those who do care about such things to release better quality third party launchers rather than relying on the the
google provided one i think i'll probably just switch it to an apple tv i've i have found that the apple tvs perform even better than the nvidia shield which i felt like was pretty well performance this is the exact kind of thing that will never happen on the apple tv platform and it unites been the uae has been very consistent now for years and the other thing is it it wakes
and it it controls the tv more consistently than the nvidia shield has too so i think i'm just gonna switch it out i wanted to keep it because i liked the idea of having both and i really love cody
the yeah that's a big reason why keep the shield is i really love cody
but infuse on apple tv
it it replaces cody in fact i actually have to say i think maybe infuses is probably better because it's just a new app built with more modern technologies and they've just steadily added the features you need doesn't quite have the plugin ecosystem the code he does but infuse is a really great local file playback play from your file
shares all that kind of stuff and it syncs via ai cloud to your other apple tvs so your settings you set it up once in it's el al i am also an out of the box supports sinking play status with plex him i kept my mfa does jellyfish but it's it's a really good app and so it it does the job dakota
does and so i think it's just time to i think i'm done with android tv i'm going to keep a couple chrome cast around and that's gonna be it worth if there's one thing we've learned from the internet it's the adverts always make everything better i mean youtubes better because of all the ads radio is better because of advocates right i mean i struggle to think of a single egg
example where an advert makes things better i think i wouldn't have even minded as much if it was only showing ads for services that i maybe have active loggins four on the device yeah but right but it's showing me advertisements for services that i don't have and will never subscribe to so that drives me crazy and i think the other thing is if it was at the bottom of the uae
if they hadn't wrote if they hadn't taken the row of icons and lowered it and so now you have to navigate down and and go at that would have been better as well would you make the argument that the nvidia shield was a premium device this this is quite a pervasive argument on reddit that you know it's a two hundred dollar device is a premium device i've chosen
for something might the google chrome cast the other the new one with the remote that has the same ui by the way who who who what you make of that argument custom to me i think i kind of agree with it in in that yeah one of the reasons i paid for the shield i pay the extra money for it to them in this house was because it was so blazing fast and because i didn't have
this stuff gonna rammed down my throat without without asking for nvidia have just patch this thing for years and years and years and it's it's just been very reliable and of unlike you i'm i'm left feeling rather deflated about it yeah it feels like a play to get affiliate revenue for stream sign ups and it's like they have a user base
out there they're not selling them as much any more because they're not as competitive as they used to be and there's cheaper options out there and i think the apple tv is starting to eat up some of it's marketers well because i think other people have realized it's a better box as well and so i think nvidia thought let's monetize what we've got here because they get some ongoing affiliate revenue from those subscriptions depend on the deals
work out that's too tempting i think for them to say no to and i do agree that it is a premium device it absolutely is i think tuner dollars is on the cheap and i think if you buy that like i'm the first one i ever bought was well with like the big hard drive and all that and the controller i want to say that was like three hundred dollars or something
i bought that box because row coups and cheaper boxes had that kind of crap it's one of the reasons i didn't get a fire is because the amazon fire does this as well it's rows of advertisements and so i didn't buy an amazon fire and so i didn't buy rocha i bought an nvidia shield specifically be
because it didn't have this crap on it right and so to have them retroactively add that like that wasn't the deal bro when i spent three hundred dollars on your kit best this wasn't the deal
i i just hate it
and i i think the custom launcher solution is not a bad one and maybe one i will explore but it's unfortunate it's sort of like when people tell you to solve the problems with an android phone by flashing a custom rom on there slick c'mon man yeah i know you can do that but most consumers aren't gonna do that they're just nice home that night will actually wrote enema why we talk about this
asking if he could put lineage on the shield and i think that's a pretty interesting idea actually i don't think it supported today but certainly moving forward i could see a much more motivated community emerging around this kind of stuff now i tell you what if a decent lineage image showed up for that thing i'd try it yeah me too i mean i even though i just said well
people aren't going to them a vast majority of consumers who bought this won't i'd still i'd use it now another option you've got is to replace the tv launch launcher a ap k via team win recovery project to one of the old versions of the launcher that doesn't have ads on the home screen you'll need to unlock your boot loader to do that but it doesn't require root
turn him over while david from north carolina wrote in he said i'd love to know a little more details around the solar panels that alex recently had installed especially since they seem to integrate with home assistant i've been trying to convince my wife that would be a worthwhile investment love the show keep up the work thanks david and i think he's like extra excited because he's from your homestate hand
north carolina hype paint everyday doing is it called a home state now i mean you're new home state
is it either though i've i still refer to england as home and i still watched england crash out of the euros right in the final and i still wet like a small child when that happened but you know but you also have the first state that you called home in the u s it's also the first state where i is the first place in the water i had a child so you know there is that so
your hobby i think it's like as far as states go it's your homestate yeah yeah probably is
so do you think you got details form got a few yeah not i don't haven't you know specific model numbers or anything like that but i went to a company called ansi solar now i i'd looked at tesla arena and a few others but the ansi soda now folks were the ones that came out with the beer the best overall price and packaging services finance you know that kind of stuff
and i ended up going for a solar edge system and this has a home assistant integration which connects to the that difficult this website and it will connect through the api to the website for up to fifteen times an hour i think it pull the website through the api and it was just a case of providing an api key it
took literally five minutes to set it up i had to spend an extra few hundred dollars on the little zig bee
monitoring device to enable the m inverter this outside to talk to the internet because by default it doesn't come with any wifi capabilities but apart from that you know extra few hundred dollars to to get the monitoring capabilities am yeah it's been very straightforward to set it up and not only does it took to home assistant
and but the solar rich company also provides a really nice dashboard and i really pretty slick mobile app as well so i got little a little widget on my android home screen that tells me exactly what my soul is doing right now which is pretty cool effect that adds great yeah i love that they're using zig bee for that
just sick the things exist all over the place here nate wrote into the show asking about security implications for sharing answerable play books publicly he sees my git hub all of that he got thinking about this after listened to an episode of the dark net diaries any wondered if you have any thoughts on it when all my stuff's open source on github dot com slash ironic badger so
gosh infra you know that i have open sourced everything for years now it's kind of my default policy so i i sure hope there isn't of privacy implications of doing that
you know
that's a good answer
yeah i do encrypt everything using unstable volts so all of my secrets and things like that are stuck behind a as to fifty six encryption so hopefully unless i commit a secret directly in clear text i think i'm okay yeah i just you know when i go through your github i just look at i think everything looks pretty good except for that password start t x t v
i always put all your passwords in there well funny story on that i actually publish my gmail password one time to that repo and i had a guy a listener in australia
message me that like i must have been first thing in the morning for him because it was just before i went to bed say hey by the way did you know that committee pushed twelve minutes ago has a gmail password at it and i'm like okay festival thank you for letting me know secondly i was twelve minutes ago like we just waiting for me to push something
but he looks like he's got some turtle like alert
as if to get round that sir nick bc from the home lab i west project helps me out with a pre commit hook but i have in my git repo that just checks that my secrets file is encrypted before i push and do a git commit and push that's been very very useful it doesn't protect against me actually putting
api keys and variables and stuff like that directly into other files which the you know there comes a point where you've gotta be like right okay this in my safety net is checking that file is encrypted or not that's not gonna go into scan every single file i'm so yeah i guess it's up to you whether you feel comfortable with that risk or not
and i i tend to think that even if you're using a private repo and get hobby men's retreat as a public repository anyway because one day it will be whether you like it or not so i really just means can you stick to like a good hygiene with that kind of stuff if you like to get your question in or have a comment or something you think we should check out let us know governor self huh
ousted dot show slash contact and you can get a self hosted the show slash as sorry to show your support for the show yeah become a member get access to the polls show and of course sir help us keep the show on the tracks i think this episode we're gonna talk about the future of the gasoline engine and the internal combustion engine oh i have thoughts on that interesting
yeah me too
now i was browsing some i will see to come up with youtube on these things that i'm putting i about steam trains the other week and i found this union pacific steam loco called the big boy and this thing is freaking enormous and it was designed in the early part of last century to get over some
the rocky mountain passes because they're just so vast here in the the trains are so heavy
and so the union pacific eventually restored one of these big boy steam locos which is essentially to massive steam locos glued together this thing has basically two sets of drive wheels and two two full sets of pistons and moist is just awesome just go look it up big boy union pacific steam loco
and it's going on tour in august around the the uss is leaving cheyenne wyoming and going all the way down to her houston pasta
our beloved cheese bacon's hometown of beaumont
i know it isn't in denver now disney okay well so much for that you could say it's his original hometown though so much for that plug a the am so yeah is going up to i think a through dallas at some point and then up through kansas city in saint louis so if you're in the center of the country by all means go take some pictures for me
because i'm not gonna be hell to make that one better through aug it's traversing the country that does look like an incredible rout actually will have a link in the shadow to when you gather they have a map that shows you the wrath they're gonna be on well you know it's either side of our denver meet up tone you saw i reckon if you are creative with your schedule chris you could probably find it for a day our root for the denver bermuda
in total is a good is gonna be just over five thousand miles thus a long way i drove that myself in twenty eighteen we flew into orlando drove up to dc drove down to austin to meet you
for the first time and then up to denver and that was about five thousand miles who we did that in three weeks in a car i mean it wasn't i wasn't our house now remain a land yacht yes for sure but if you're gonna be in the area don't forget that we have those meet ups coming up and you can get details at meetup dot com slash jupiter broadcasting make sure you don't miss them
episode fifty we've got some cool stuff lined up for you and rumor has it there might be some swag
hmm in the meantime you can find alex on twitter he is at ironic badger i'm at chris elliott and the show is at self hosted show and thanks for listening everybody that was self hosted the show slash forty nine
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