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Created January 23, 2021 08:26
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No to Secret Cinema
Dear Waltham Forest Council,
I am writing to express my grave concerns about the upcoming Secret Cinema event to take place this summer.
Truly it is hard to know where to begin when appraising the reasons why this event should not take place. Locals have already voiced their concerns about noise pollution, having people flock to their community while an increasingly deadly pandemic rages on (here I refer to the new strain of COVID-19, which is up to 30% more deadly than its predecessor). The event would monopolise precious public space in the warmer months, again encouraging transmission of a deadly virus and also disincentivizing locals from enjoying the warmth of the sun in their own communities without being hassled by the aural and visual pollution from an event they have clearly stated is unwelcome in the press (
I find this ongoing trend whereby profiteering companies seek to put places “on the map” deeply concerning. This event is clearly nothing other than a decent money-spinner and an engine for the ongoing hyper-gentrification that London has been subject to at an ever-increasing rate over the last 15 years. The locals know Walthamstow is on the map because they live there, and they want to protect it, and themselves and their families. Those of us who have relied on the wonderful Walthamstow Marshes for precious outdoor time since the pandemic struck are equally aware of its presence, and we appreciate it beyond expression.
Please do not allow this event to take place. Please do not hamper the public’s access to precious public space in the middle of a pandemic.
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