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kirsty dereknahman

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Dear Liz Truss,
Like many people in the United Kingdom, I have been watching in horror as anti-trans rhetoric and legislation has swept through British media, politics and public life over the past decade. I find it gravely concerning that you in particular are planning to amend the Gender Recognition Act to ensure that life as a transgender teenager is even more fraught with shame, fear and outright danger than it already is under the guise of “protecting” such teenagers from matters pertaining to their own mental and physical wellbeing.
Trans youth deserve access to puberty blockers. They deserve safety and protection. They deserve happiness.
I demand:
- The release of the full results of the GRA consultation.
- Clarification on your intentions with respect to any proposed legislation.
import 'react-native-gesture-handler';
import React from 'react';
import SplashScreen from 'react-native-splash-screen';
import { NavigationContainer } from '@react-navigation/native';
import { createBottomTabNavigator } from '@react-navigation/bottom-tabs';
import { createStackNavigator } from '@react-navigation/stack';
import HomeScreen from '../screens/HomeScreen';
import WelcomeScreen from '../screens/WelcomeScreen';
import React from 'react';
import { Alert } from 'react-native';
import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-community/async-storage';
const STORAGE_KEY = '@has_stored_value';
// TODO: add the readData in here
// it'll probably complain because we can only have one export default
// find out how/if i can export multiple functions and variables from many functions
// a single hook
The problem: Use forEach to write a function that behaves like filter.
The correct answer:
function filter(arr, callback) {
const newArr = [];
arr.forEach((el) => {
if (callback([el])) {
Dear Waltham Forest Council,
I am writing to express my grave concerns about the upcoming Secret Cinema event to take place this summer.
Truly it is hard to know where to begin when appraising the reasons why this event should not take place. Locals have already voiced their concerns about noise pollution, having people flock to their community while an increasingly deadly pandemic rages on (here I refer to the new strain of COVID-19, which is up to 30% more deadly than its predecessor). The event would monopolise precious public space in the warmer months, again encouraging transmission of a deadly virus and also disincentivizing locals from enjoying the warmth of the sun in their own communities without being hassled by the aural and visual pollution from an event they have clearly stated is unwelcome in the press (
[Tue Feb 23 2021 15:12:39.952] LOG unmounting component.....
[Tue Feb 23 2021 15:12:39.953] LOG mixpanel {"people": {"token": "cf54eecc5944f8b3f3a4ae5acd2a08c3"}, "token": "cf54eecc5944f8b3f3a4ae5acd2a08c3"}
[Tue Feb 23 2021 15:12:39.954] LOG flushing mixpanel..... {"people": {"token": "cf54eecc5944f8b3f3a4ae5acd2a08c3"}, "token": "cf54eecc5944f8b3f3a4ae5acd2a08c3"}
[Tue Feb 23 2021 15:12:39.954] LOG flushing mixpanel triggered.....
[Tue Feb 23 2021 15:12:39.955] LOG ====================================
[Tue Feb 23 2021 15:12:39.955] LOG useFocusEffect offlineTrackingActionsRef {"offlineTrackingActions": {"offlineTrackingActions": {"offlineTrackingActions": [Object]}}}
[Tue Feb 23 2021 15:12:39.955] LOG ====================================
[Tue Feb 23 2021 15:12:39.955] LOG DATA HERE ----> {"offlineTrackingActions":{"offlineTrackingActions":{"offlineTrackingActions":{"offlineTrackingActions":{"offlineTrackingActions":[{"trackingType":"mixpanel","eventName":"[Vie
2021-02-26 15:48:48.662920+0000 I Belong[43041:1085005] [javascript] ================API RESPONSE====================
2021-02-26 15:48:48.662945+0000 I Belong[43041:1198828] Task <E87B4BB2-D0B9-482E-83EE-E82EB4C60AF4>.<111> HTTP load failed, 0/0 bytes (error code: -1009 [1:50])
2021-02-26 15:48:48.663584+0000 I Belong[43041:1198828] Task <E87B4BB2-D0B9-482E-83EE-E82EB4C60AF4>.<111> finished with error [-1009] Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1009 "The Internet connection appears to be offline." UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=50, NSUnderlyingError=0x600002730810 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1009 "(null)" UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=50, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=1}}, _NSURLErrorFailingURLSessionTaskErrorKey=LocalDataTask <E87B4BB2-D0B9-482E-83EE-E82EB4C60AF4>.<111>, _NSURLErrorRelatedURLSessionTaskErrorKey=(
"LocalDataTask <E87B4BB2-D0B9-482E-83EE-E82EB4C60AF4>.<111>"
), NSLocalizedDescription=The Internet connection appears to be offline., NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=https://belong-a
dereknahman / logs
Created February 26, 2021 16:16
weird response
2021-02-26 16:14:58.143668+0000 I Belong[43041:1085005] [javascript]
2021-02-26 16:14:58.144017+0000 I Belong[43041:1085005] [javascript] '***** useAppTracking: useFocusEffect mixpanel: ', { token: 'cf54eecc5944f8b3f3a4ae5acd2a08c3',
people: { token: 'cf54eecc5944f8b3f3a4ae5acd2a08c3' } }, ' ', 1614356098143
2021-02-26 16:14:58.144276+0000 I Belong[43041:1085005] [javascript] 'isTrackingReady: ', true
2021-02-26 16:14:58.144491+0000 I Belong[43041:1085005] [javascript] 'consentedToTracking', true
2021-02-26 16:14:58.144742+0000 I Belong[43041:1085005] [javascript] 'checkTrackingReady: ', true
2021-02-26 16:14:58.145144+0000 I Belong[43041:1085005] [javascript] 'track screen: ', true, ' tracking ready: ', true, ' consent to tracking ', true
2021-02-26 16:14:58.145459+0000 I Belong[43041:1085005] [javascript] You are offline. We are saving your data in local storage.
2021-02-26 16:14:58.145679+0000 I Belong[43041:1085005] [javascript] ====================================
2021-02-26 16:14:58.145932+0000 I Bel
dereknahman / gist:c7afe54b9cb2c522e8495eb218e9fc52
Created March 1, 2021 11:20
Startup to clicking the 'learn british slang' goal, all while online on a fresh simulator
[Mon Mar 01 2021 11:15:49.566] BUNDLE ./index.js
[Mon Mar 01 2021 11:15:50.248] LOG Reactotron Configured
[Mon Mar 01 2021 11:15:50.249] LOG Running "BelongMobile" with {"rootTag":1,"initialProps":{}}
[Mon Mar 01 2021 11:15:50.249] LOG [NetworkProvider] networkStatus: {"details": {"bssid": null, "ipAddress": "", "isConnectionExpensive": false, "ssid": null, "subnet": ""}, "isConnected": true, "isInternetReachable": null, "type": "wifi"}
[Mon Mar 01 2021 11:15:50.499] LOG [registerDeviceWithApiService] deviceApiKey null
[Mon Mar 01 2021 11:15:50.500] LOG [registerDeviceWithApiService] registering device id CA4AD30E-E7C2-4DB0-B25B-4C21BAF90EAE with API using BELONGAPIKEY
[Mon Mar 01 2021 11:15:50.501] LOG [NetworkProvider] networkStatus: {"details": {"bssid": null, "ipAddress": "", "isConnectionExpensive": false, "ssid": null, "subnet": ""}, "isConnected": true, "isInternetReachable": true, "type": "wifi"}
[Mon Mar 01 2021