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Last active June 18, 2019 02:39
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  • Save dereknguyen269/f6cc37b15c642d57140edb4e678c1f87 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dereknguyen269/f6cc37b15c642d57140edb4e678c1f87 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function() {
var a = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({
__proto__: []
}instanceof Array && function(e, c) {
e.__proto__ = c
) || function(f, c) {
for (var e in c) {
if (c.hasOwnProperty(e)) {
f[e] = c[e]
return function(f, c) {
a(f, c);
function e() {
this.constructor = f
f.prototype = c === null ? Object.create(c) : (e.prototype = c.prototype,
new e())
var Helicon;
(function(b) {
var a;
(function(c) {}
)(a = b.I || (b.I = {}))
)(Helicon || (Helicon = {}));
var Helicon;
(function(b) {
var a;
(function(c) {}
)(a = b.I || (b.I = {}))
)(Helicon || (Helicon = {}));
var Thelxinoe;
(function(b) {
var a;
(function(c) {
function d() {
return new Thelxinoe.Aiakos()
c.CreateAikos = d
)(a = b.I || (b.I = {}))
)(Thelxinoe || (Thelxinoe = {}));
var Melete;
(function(b) {
var a;
(function(c) {
var e;
(function(f) {
f[f.Unknown = 0] = "Unknown";
f[f.Closed = 1] = "Closed";
f[f.Printing = 2] = "Printing"
)(e = c.Dismissal || (c.Dismissal = {}));
var d;
(function(f) {
f[f.Ok = 0] = "Ok";
f[f.Problem = 1] = "Problem";
f[f.GetSupport = 2] = "GetSupport"
)(d = c.SessionResult || (c.SessionResult = {}))
)(a = b.I || (b.I = {}))
)(Melete || (Melete = {}));
var Helicon;
(function(b) {
var a = (function() {
function c(d) {
var e = this;
if (!d || typeof d != "object" || !d.Canvas) {
d = new Mneme.Mn(d)
e.H = d;
d.Hcn = this;
e.K = 0;
if (typeof Aoide == "object" && Aoide.Ao) {
e.J = new Aoide.Ao(e);
e.J.NewPage = function(f) {
e.Page = f + e.H.FirstPageNumber
if (!c.browser) {
Object.defineProperty(c, "Browser", {
get: function() {
return c.browser
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(c, "Platform", {
get: function() {
return c.platform
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
c.prototype.Q = function(d) {
var e = [, "Windows", "Macintosh", "Android", "Linux"];
function f(g) {
var h;
for (h = 0; h < g.length; h++) {
if (d.indexOf(g[h]) >= 0) {
return h
c.browser = f(c.knownBrowsers);
c.platform = f(e)
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "BrowserName", {
get: function() {
var d = "Unknown"
, e = c.browser;
if (e > 0 && e < 7) {
d = c.knownBrowsers[e].replace("/", "")
return d
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
c.IsOurWoff = function(d) {
return c.ourWoffs.indexOf(d) >= 0
c.MbedWoffs = function(g, e) {
var h, d, f;
f = e.length;
if (f) {
h = g.createElement("div"); = "hidden";
do {
d = g.createElement("span"); = e[--f];
d.textContent = "G";
} while (f);g.body.appendChild(h)
c.prototype.RegPrintFrame = function(d) {
this.R = d
c.prototype.PrepPrint = function(j) {
var e = c.browser, k, i = [], h, g, d;
function f() {
c.MbedWoffs(k, i)
if (!j) {
j = this.R;
this.R = null
if (j && (e == 3 || e == 2)) {
h = this.Fonts,
d = h.length;
while (--d >= 0) {
g = h[d];
if (c.IsOurWoff(g) && i.indexOf(g) < 0) {
k = (j.contentWindow || j).document;
if (k.readyState == "complete") {
} else {
k.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", f)
c.prototype.NewPage = function(e, d) {
this.Page = e;
c.prototype.TurnPage = function(e, d) {
this.NewPage(this.Page + e, d);
c.prototype.MessageFor = function(e) {
var d = Math.abs(e);
if (d >= c.errmess.length) {
return "Unknown"
return c.errmess[d]
c.deComma = function(e) {
var d = e.indexOf(", ");
if (d < 0 || e.indexOf(" & ") > 0 || e.indexOf(" and ") > 0) {
return e
return e.substr(d + 2) + " " + e.substr(0, d)
c.prototype.GetMunfos = function(f, d) {
var g, e = this.H.GetMunfos(f), h;
if (!e) {
e = []
if (d) {
h = e;
e = new Array(h.length);
for (g = 0; g < e.length; g++) {
e[g] = c.deComma(h[g])
return e
c.prototype.GetFirstMunfo = function(f, d) {
var e = this.H.GetFirstMunfo(f);
if (d) {
e = c.deComma(e)
return e
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "LoadSuccessHandler", {
set: function(d) {
this.M = d
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "LoadFailureHandler", {
set: function(d) {
this.L = d
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "LoadXmlHandler", {
set: function(d) {
this.N = d
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "LoadSoundFontHandler", {
set: function(d) {
this.O = d
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
c.prototype.LoadNewData = function(m, d, g) {
var l = "", e = 5, f = -1, j, i, h, k = this;
if (!d) {
d = k.L
if (m.byteLength >= 3) {
j = m[0];
i = m[1];
h = m[2]
if (j == 82 && i == 73 && h == 70) {
e = 0;
if (k.J) {
f = k.H.LoadMtd(m, g);
m = null;
if (f >= 0) {
d = k.M;
if (f != 0) {
l = k.MessageFor(f)
} else {
if (j == 77 && i == 78 && h == 83) {
e = 3;
if (k.O) {
d = k.O
} else {
l = c.errmess[1];
if (j == 239 && i == 187 && h == 191 && m.byteLength >= 6) {
m = m.subarray(3);
j = m[0];
i = m[1];
h = m[2]
if (j == 60) {
if (i == 63 && h == 120) {
e = 1;
if (k.N) {
d = k.N
} else {
if (i == 104 && h == 84 || i == 33 && h == 68) {
e = 2
if (d) {
Type: e,
Code: f,
Diag: l,
Data: m
c.prototype.LoadFromUrl = function(e, d, j, i) {
var l = this, g = new XMLHttpRequest(), f;
function k(m) {
f = true;
if (l.L) {
Type: 4,
Code: m,
Diag: "Internet Data Request failed"
if (!d) {
d = null
} ? "POST" : "GET", e, true);
g.responseType = "arraybuffer";
if (!j) {
j = k
g.addEventListener("error", function() {
f = true;
if (c.browser == 6 && g.overrideMimeType) {
g.ontimeout = function() {
f = true;
g.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain;charset=UTF-8");
g.onload = function() {
if (g.status > 399) {
} else {
l.LoadNewData(new Uint8Array(g.response), null, i)
try {
} catch (h) {
if (!f) {
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "Parser", {
get: function() {
return this.H
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
c.prototype.Clone = function(d, f) {
var e = new c(d);
e.Parser.Clone(this.H, f ? f : 0);
return e
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "Page", {
get: function() {
return this.H.Page
set: function(e) {
if (!isNaN(e = Number(e))) {
var d = this;
d.H.Page = Math.floor(e);
if (d.P) {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "PageChangeHandler", {
set: function(d) {
this.P = d
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "Size", {
set: function(d) {
this.H.Size = d
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "Horizontal", {
get: function() {
return this.H.Horizontal
set: function(d) {
this.H.Horizontal = d
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "Vertical", {
get: function() {
return this.H.Vertical
set: function(d) {
this.H.Vertical = d
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "Aspect", {
get: function() {
return this.H.Aspect
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "NoYBar", {
set: function(d) {
this.H.NoYBar = d
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "Approve", {
set: function(d) {
this.H.Approve = d
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "Fonts", {
get: function() {
return this.H.Fonts
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
c.prototype.S = function(e) {
var d = -1, f;
if (e.length >= 3) {
while (++d < 3) {
f = e[d];
if (typeof f != "number" || f < 0 || f > 255) {
return d == 3
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "Color", {
set: function(d) {
if (this.S(d)) {
this.H.Color = d
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "BgColor", {
set: function(d) {
if (this.S(d)) {
this.H.BgColor = d
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "PprColor", {
set: function(d) {
if (this.S(d)) {
this.H.PprColor = d
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "Zoom", {
get: function() {
return this.H.Zoom
set: function(d) {
this.H.Zoom = d;
this.K = 0
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "Rect", {
get: function() {
return this.H.Rect
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "ZoomMode", {
get: function() {
return this.K
set: function(d) {
this.K = d;
if (d > 0) {
this.H.FitTo(d == 2)
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "FirstPageNumber", {
get: function() {
return this.H.FirstPageNumber
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "LastPageNumber", {
get: function() {
return this.H.LastPageNumber
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
c.prototype.Render = function(d) {
return this.H.Ready ? this.H.Render(d) : 7
c.prototype.Rescale = function(f) {
var e = this
, d = e.H;
if (f) {
e.K = 0
if (e.K) {
d.FitTo(e.K == 2)
} else {
d.Zoom = f
c.prototype.Draw = function(e, f, d, g) {
return this.H.Render(g, f, e, d)
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "Canvas", {
get: function() {
return this.H.Canvas
set: function(d) {
this.H.Canvas = d
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
c.prototype.T = function() {
if (!this.I && b.Clio) {
this.I = (b.Clio).CreateClio(this)
return this.I
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "Clio", {
set: function(d) {
this.I = d
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "ApiProblemHandler", {
set: function(d) {
var e = this.T();
if (e) {
e.ApiProblemHandler = d
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
c.prototype.Session = function(g, f, d) {
var e = this.T();
if (e) {
e.Session(g, f, d)
c.prototype.Fetch = function(h, e, d, g) {
var f = this.T();
if (f) {
return f.Fetch(h, e, d, g)
return false
c.prototype.Tally = function(d) {
var e = this.I;
if (e) {
c.prototype.Confirm = function(d, f, g, h, i) {
var e = this.I;
if (e) {
e.Result(d, g, h, i);
c.prototype.ToDeliver = function(g, f, e) {
var d = this.I;
if (!d) {
throw "Clio missing"
return d.ToDeliver(g, f, e)
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "Copies", {
get: function() {
var d = this.I;
return d ? d.Copies : 200
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "PlaySupported", {
get: function() {
return this.J && this.J.PlaySupported
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "Playing", {
get: function() {
return this.J && this.J.Playing
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
c.prototype.Visit = function(e, d) {
this.H.Render(null, e, null, null, d)
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "Chording", {
set: function(d) {
if (this.J) {
this.J.Chording = d
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "Gain", {
get: function() {
return this.J ? this.J.Gain : 0
set: function(d) {
if (this.J) {
this.J.Gain = d
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
c.prototype.Play = function(e, d) {
if (this.J) {
this.J.Play(e, d)
c.prototype.Stop = function() {
if (this.J) {
c.prototype.Pause = function(d) {
return this.J && this.J.Pause(d)
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "ReadyHandler", {
set: function(d) {
if (this.J) {
this.J.ReadyHandler = d
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "EndHandler", {
set: function(d) {
if (this.J) {
this.J.EndHandler = d
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "MnsfDir", {
set: function(d) {
if (this.J) {
this.J.Foundry.FontsUrl = d
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "LoadedFonts", {
set: function(d) {
this.H.LoadedFonts = d[0] == "*" ? d : c.ourWoffs
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
c.prototype.ScrollPos = function(e, f, d) {
this.H.ScrollPos(e, f, d)
c.prototype.RePosY = function() {
return c
a.errmess = ["Success", "Not digital sheet music", "Reading sheet music data", "Out of memory", "Unsupported version", "Digital sheet music data garbled", "Reconstituting sheet music data", "Permission denied", "RECOVERED_READ", "Program fault"];
a.knownBrowsers = [, "Edge/", "OPR/", "Chrome/", "Firefox/", "Safari/", "Trident/"];
a.browser = 0;
a.platform = 0;
a.ourWoffs = ["Doremi", "Jive", "Jivetalk"];
b.Hcn = a
)(Helicon || (Helicon = {}));
var Mneme;
(function(b) {
var a;
(function(c) {}
)(a = b.I || (b.I = {}))
)(Mneme || (Mneme = {}));
var Mneme;
(function(b) {
var a;
(function(d) {
var c = (function() {
function e() {}
return e
d.FontInfo = c
)(a = b.Render || (b.Render = {}))
)(Mneme || (Mneme = {}));
var Mneme;
(function(b) {
var a = (function() {
function c(d) {
this.d = d;
this.Pos = 0
c.prototype.Read = function(h, f) {
var g = this.Pos
, e = this.d
, d = e.byteLength - g;
if (f > d) {
f = d
h.set(e.subarray(g, g + f));
this.Pos += f;
return f
return c
b.ByteReader = a
)(Mneme || (Mneme = {}));
var Mneme;
(function(c) {
var b = (function() {
function d(e, f) {
this.reader = e;
if (c.Mn.Ndef(f)) {
f = true
this.LNdian = f
d.prototype.Skip = function(e) {
return c.Skip(this.reader, e)
d.prototype.ToGo = function(e) {
return e - this.reader.Pos
d.prototype.GetChunk = function(f, j) {
var g = this, h = 0, k, i, e, l;
j.IsList = false;
j.Id = 0;
j.Len = 0;
if (g.reader.Pos & 1) {
if (g.ToGo(f) < 8) {
h = -1
} else {
k = new Uint8Array(8);
if (g.reader.Read(k, 8) != 8) {
h = -2
} else {
i = new DataView(k.buffer,0,8);
e = i.getInt32(4, g.LNdian);
l = i.getInt32(0, true);
if (l == 1414744396) {
j.IsList = true;
if (g.ToGo(f) < 4) {
h = -1
} else {
e -= 4;
if (g.reader.Read(k, 4) != 4) {
h = -1
l = i.getInt32(0, true)
if (e < 0 || e > 2 * 1024 * 1024 || k[0] < 32 || k[1] < 32 || k[2] < 32 || k[3] < 32) {
h = -2
} else {
j.Len = e;
j.Id = l
return h
d.prototype.NextChunk = function(e, f, h) {
var g;
do {
g = this.GetChunk(e, f);
if (g < 0) {
g = h.indexOf(f.Id);
if (g == -1) {
} while (g < 0);return g
d.prototype.RiffStart = function() {
var h = -1;
var k = new Uint8Array(12)
, i = this.reader.Read(k, 12);
if (i == 12) {
if (k[0] == 82 && k[1] == 73 && k[2] == 70) {
var f = k[3];
if (f == 70 || f == 88) {
var e = new DataView(k.buffer,4,8);
var j = e.getInt32(4, true);
if (j == 1178883149) {
var g = f == 70;
this.LNdian = g;
h = e.getInt32(0, g)
return h
return d
c.Chunker = b;
var a = (function(d) {
__extends(e, d);
function e(g, f, h) {
var i =, g, h) || this;
i.J = (f < 0 ? 0 : f) + g.Pos;
i.I = new Uint8Array(1);
i.L = false;
return i
e.prototype.More = function() {
return this.ToGo(this.J) > 0
e.prototype.Done = function() {
var f = this.ToGo(this.J);
if (f > 0) {
e.prototype.Byte = function() {
if (this.reader.Read(this.I, 1) != 1) {
return 0
} else {
return this.I[0]
e.prototype.Next = function() {
if (this.L) {
this.L = false;
return this.K
return this.Byte()
e.prototype.Peek = function() {
this.K = this.Byte();
this.L = true;
return this.K
e.prototype.String = function() {
var f = this.Byte()
, g = new Uint8Array(f);
if (this.reader.Read(g, f) == f) {
return c.RdStr(g, f)
return ""
e.prototype.Val = function() {
var f;
var g = 0;
while (this.More()) {
f = this.Byte();
g = (g << 7) + f;
if (f >= 128) {
g -= 128
} else {
return g
e.prototype.Signed = function() {
var f = this.Val();
if (f & 1) {
f = ~f
return f >> 1
return e
c.Byter = a
)(Mneme || (Mneme = {}));
var Mneme;
(function(b) {
var a;
(function(d) {
var c = (function() {
function e() {
var h, f, g = this;
g.U = new Array(1257 + 1);
g.V = new Array(1257 + 1);
for (h = 2; h <= 1257; h++) {
g.U[h] = Math.floor(h / 2);
g.V[h] = 1
g.S = new Array(628 + 1);
g.T = new Array(628 + 1);
for (h = 1; h <= 628; h++) {
g.S[h] = 2 * h;
g.T[h] = 2 * h + 1
g.O = new Array(6);
g.W = [4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14];
f = 0;
for (h = 0; h < 6; h++) {
g.O[h] = f;
f += 1 << g.W[h]
g.P = f - 1 + 64;
g.N = 0;
g.Z = new Uint8Array(g.P)
e.prototype.Initialize = function(j) {
var h = this
, f = new Uint8Array(2);
function i() {
if (j.Read(f, 2) != 2) {
h.R = true;
return 0
return (f[0] << 8) + f[1]
h.a = j;
var g = 0;
if (!h.a) {
h.R = true
} else {
h.R = false;
g = i();
if (g >= 32768) {
g = g - 32768 + (i() << 15)
h.UncompressedSize = g;
h.X = new Uint8Array(1);
h.Q = 0;
h.Pos = 0
e.prototype.CannotFinish = function() {
this.R = true
e.prototype.b = function(k) {
var j = this, f, m, i, l, g = k + 629;
function h(o, n) {
var p;
do {
if ((p = j.V[o] + j.V[n]) > 32767) {
p -= 65536
} else {
if (p < -32768) {
p += 65536
j.V[o = j.U[o]] = p;
if (o != 1) {
p = j.U[o];
n = j.S[p] == o ? j.T[p] : j.S[p]
} while (o != 1);if (j.V[1] == 2000) {
for (o = 1; o <= 1257; o++) {
j.V[o] >>= 1
if (j.U[g] != 1) {
i = j.U[g];
if (j.S[i] == g) {
h(g, j.T[i])
} else {
h(g, j.S[i])
do {
l = j.U[i];
if (j.S[l] == i) {
f = j.T[l]
} else {
f = j.S[l]
if (j.V[g] > j.V[f]) {
if (j.S[l] == i) {
j.T[l] = g
} else {
j.S[l] = g
if (j.S[i] == g) {
j.S[i] = f;
m = j.T[i]
} else {
j.T[i] = f;
m = j.S[i]
j.U[f] = i;
j.U[g] = l;
h(f, m);
g = f
g = j.U[g];
i = j.U[g]
} while (i != 1)
e.prototype.c = function() {
var f = this, g;
if (f.Q-- == 0) {
if (f.a.Read(f.X, 1) != 1) {
return 256
f.Y = f.X[0];
f.Q = 7
g = (f.Y & 128) != 0 ? 1 : 0;
f.Y = (f.Y << 1) & 255;
return g
e.prototype.d = function(j) {
var f, k = 1, h = 0, g;
for (f = 0; f < j; f++) {
g = this.c();
if (g) {
if (g == 256) {
return -1
h |= k
k <<= 1
return h
e.prototype.e = function() {
var f = 1, g;
do {
g = this.c();
if (g == 256) {
return g
if (g) {
f = this.T[f]
} else {
f = this.S[f]
} while (f <= 628);f -= 629;
return f
e.prototype.IsFinished = function() {
var g = true
, f = this;
if (f.Z) {
if (!f.R) {
g = f.e() == 256
f.Z = null;
f.X = null
return g
e.prototype.Read = function(m, h) {
var g = this, l, f, k, j = 0;
function i(n) {
m[j++] = n;
g.Z[g.N] = n;
if (++g.N >= g.P) {
g.N = 0
g.Pos += 1
while (j < h && !g.R) {
if (g.L) {
g.L -= 1;
if (++g.M >= g.P) {
g.M = 0
} else {
l = g.e();
if (l == 256) {
g.R = true
} else {
if (l < 256) {
} else {
f = Math.floor((l - 257) / 62);
g.L = l - 257 + 3 - f * 62;
k = g.d(g.W[f]);
if (k == -1) {
g.R = true;
k += g.L + g.O[f];
k = g.N - k;
if (k < 0) {
k += g.P
g.M = k
return j
return e
d.Decompressor = c
)(a = b.Decompress || (b.Decompress = {}))
)(Mneme || (Mneme = {}));
var Mneme;
(function(b) {
var a;
(function(i) {
var l = (function() {
function n(r, q, p, o) {
this.Id = r;
this.y = o;
this.Needs = q;
this.Mtd = p
n.prototype.Prep = function(o, p) {
this.w = o;
this.Max = o.Pos + p
n.prototype.ReadPlayer = function(q, o) {
var p = 0;
var r = this.Mtd.HandlePlayerData;
if (r) {
p = r(q + o.Pos, o, this.Mtd.LNdian)
} else {
b.Skip(o, q)
return p
n.prototype.Read = function(o) {
if (this.w.Pos + o > this.Max) {
return false
this.Bytes = new Uint8Array(o);
return this.w.Read(this.Bytes, o) == o
n.prototype.DView = function(p, q) {
var o = this;
if (b.Mn.Ndef(p)) {
p = o.Needs
if (b.Mn.Ndef(q)) {
q = o.Mtd.Endian
o.x = q;
if (!o.Read(p)) {
return -2
o.v = new DataView(o.Bytes.buffer,0,p);
return 0
n.prototype.I16 = function(o) {
return this.v.getInt16(o, this.x)
n.prototype.U16 = function(o) {
return this.v.getUint16(o, this.x)
n.prototype.I32 = function(o) {
return this.v.getInt32(o, this.x)
n.prototype.Skip = function(o) {
return b.Skip(this.w, o)
n.prototype.Str = function(o) {
if (!this.Read(o)) {
return null
return b.RdStr(this.Bytes, o)
n.prototype.MakeByter = function(o, p) {
return new b.Byter(this.w,o,p)
return n
i.ParserImpl = l;
var m = (function(o) {
__extends(n, o);
function n(p) {
return, 1885631597, 8, p, "Preface") || this
n.prototype.Handler = function(r, p) {
var s = this, q;
s.Prep(p, r);
q = s.DView();
if (q == 0) {
s.Mtd.PageCount = s.I16(4);
s.Mtd.Approval = (s.I16(6) & 4096) != 0
return q
return n
i.PrefaceParser = m;
var d = (function(o) {
__extends(n, o);
function n(p) {
return, 1852401520, 24, p, "PageInfo") || this
n.prototype.Handler = function(r, p) {
var u = this
, s = u.Mtd;
u.Prep(p, r);
var q = u.DView();
if (q == 0) {
s.PageHeight = u.I32(0);
s.PageWidth = u.I32(4);
s.StartPage = u.I16(8);
s.PageCount = u.I16(10);
s.FirstNumericalFolio = u.I16(20)
return q
return n
i.PageInfoParser = d;
var j = (function(o) {
__extends(n, o);
function n(p) {
return, 1330007625, 0, p, "Info") || this
n.prototype.Handler = function(q, p) {
var u = this;
u.Prep(p, q);
var w = new b.Chunker(p,u.Mtd.LNdian);
var s = {};
var r;
do {
r = w.GetChunk(u.Max, s);
if (r >= 0) {
var v = u.Str(s.Len - 1);
if (v == null) {
r = -2
} else {
u.Mtd.AddMunfo(s.Id, v)
} while (r >= 0);if (r == -1 && w.ToGo(u.Max) < 1) {
r = 0
return r
return n
i.InfoParser = j;
var f = (function(o) {
__extends(n, o);
function n(p) {
return, 1953392237, 0, p, "FontInfo") || this
n.prototype.Handler = function(r, u) {
var x = this
, y = x.Mtd
, p = -2;
x.Prep(u, r);
if (x.Read(2)) {
var v = x.Bytes[0], w = x.Bytes[1], s = new Array(v), q;
y.FontEncodings = new Array(v);
y.FontNames = new Array(v);
for (q = 0; q < v; q++) {
if (!x.Read(w)) {
s[q] = x.Bytes[2];
y.FontEncodings[q] = x.Bytes[3]
if (q == v) {
for (q = 0; q < v; q++) {
if ((y.FontNames[q] = x.Str(s[q])) == null) {
if (q == v) {
p = 0
return p
return n
i.FontInfoParser = f;
var h = (function(n) {
__extends(o, n);
function o(p) {
return, 1348760685, 0, p, "PageList") || this
o.prototype.Handler = function(r, w) {
var B = this
, C = B.Mtd
, q = C.PageCount
, v = new b.Chunker(w,C.LNdian)
, z = {}
, A = 0
, u = 0
, y = 0;
function s(D, t, E) {
return t.Read(D.PageData[y] = new Uint8Array(E), E) == E
var x = null;
function p(D, t) {
if (!x) {
x = new b.Decompress.Decompressor()
if (!s(D, x, x.UncompressedSize)) {
u = -6
C.PageData = new Array(q);
B.Prep(w, r);
while (u == 0) {
A = v.GetChunk(B.Max, z);
if (A < 0) {
if (y >= q) {
u = 5
} else {
switch (z.Id) {
case 1684305005:
if (!s(C, w, z.Len)) {
u = 5
case 1667527789:
p(C, w);
case 2036626541:
if (C.Aiakos && C.Aiakos.Ok()) {
p(C, C.Aiakos.Prep(w))
} else {
u = 7
u = 5
if (u == 0) {
y += 1;
if (y == q && x && !x.IsFinished()) {
u = -6
if (u == 0 && (A != -1 || y != q)) {
u = A
C.PageCount = y;
return u
return o
i.PageListParser = h;
var e = (function(n) {
__extends(o, n);
function o(p) {
return, 1768188269, 0, p, "Thelxinoe") || this
o.prototype.Handler = function(q, p) {
if (!this.Mtd.InitAiakos()) {
b.Skip(p, q);
return 7
return this.Mtd.Aiakos.ReadIn(this.Mtd, q, p)
return o
i.ThelxParser = e;
var c = (function(o) {
__extends(n, o);
function n(p) {
return, 1145918573, 0, p, "Player") || this
n.prototype.Handler = function(q, p) {
return this.ReadPlayer(q, p)
return n
i.Player = c;
var k = (function(n) {
__extends(o, n);
function o(p) {
return, 1481462893, 0, p, "Player") || this
o.prototype.Handler = function(s, q) {
var p = new b.Decompress.Decompressor(), r;
r = this.ReadPlayer(p.UncompressedSize, p);
if (!r && !p.IsFinished()) {
r = -6
return r
return o
i.XPlayer = k;
var g = (function(n) {
__extends(o, n);
function o(p, t, s, q, r) {
var u =, t, s, p, r) || this;
u.z = q;
return u
o.prototype.Handler = function(r, p) {
var s = this;
s.Prep(p, r);
var q =, this);
var u = s.Max - p.Pos;
if (u > 0) {
b.Skip(p, u)
return q
return o
i.Proxy = g
)(a = b.Parsers || (b.Parsers = {}))
)(Mneme || (Mneme = {}));
var Mneme;
(function(b) {
var a;
(function(c) {
var d = (function() {
function e() {
this.Parsers = [new b.Parsers.PrefaceParser(this), new b.Parsers.PageInfoParser(this), new b.Parsers.InfoParser(this), new b.Parsers.FontInfoParser(this), new b.Parsers.ThelxParser(this), new b.Parsers.PageListParser(this), new b.Parsers.XPlayer(this), new b.Parsers.Player(this)]
e.prototype.Init = function() {
this.PageCount = 0;
this.LNdian = true;
this.Approval = false;
this.E = {}
Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "HandleXtraData", {
set: function(f) {
this.D = f
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
e.prototype.Parse = function(m, i, n, g) {
var h = 0;
var o = new b.Chunker(m), k;
o.LNdian = g;
var f = [];
for (k = 0; k < n.length; k++) {
var l = {};
var j;
do {
j = o.NextChunk(i, l, f);
if (j < 0) {
j = n[j].Needs > i - m.Pos ? -2 : n[j].Handler(l.Len, m);
if (j) {
h = j
} while (h >= 0);if (h == 0 && j != -1 && Math.abs(m.Pos - i) > 1) {
h = j
return h
e.prototype.ReadIn = function(k) {
var i = this, h, g = new b.ByteReader(k), f = new b.Chunker(g), j = f.RiffStart();
if (j < 0) {
h = j
} else {
j += 8;
h = i.Parse(g, j, i.Parsers, i.LNdian = f.LNdian);
if (i.D) {
i.D(k.length - g.Pos, g, i.LNdian)
return h
e.prototype.GetMunfos = function(g) {
var f;
f = g.charCodeAt(2) << 24;
f += g.charCodeAt(1) << 16;
f += g.charCodeAt(0) << 8;
f += 73;
return this.E[f]
e.first = function(f) {
return b.Mn.Ndef(f) ? "" : f[0]
e.prototype.GetFirstMunfo = function(f) {
return e.first(this.GetMunfos(f))
e.prototype.AddMunfo = function(h, f) {
var g = this.E[h];
if (g) {
} else {
this.E[h] = [f]
Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "Endian", {
get: function() {
return this.LNdian
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
e.prototype.InitAiakos = function() {
if (!this.Aiakos) {
try {
this.Aiakos = Thelxinoe.I.CreateAikos()
} catch (f) {}
return this.Aiakos
return e
c.Mtd = d
)(a = b.MtdFile || (b.MtdFile = {}))
)(Mneme || (Mneme = {}));
var Mneme;
(function(b) {
var a;
(function(e) {
var c = (function() {
function g(h, i) {
this.Hndlr = h;
this.NArg = i
return g
var d = (function() {
function g(i, j) {
this.Y = j;
this.b = Helicon.Hcn.Browser;
function h(n, m, o) {
return {
Name: n,
Italic: m,
Bold: o,
Symbol: false,
Encoding: 0,
Ajust: 1
var l = "Times";
var k = "Helvetica";
this.d = [h(l, false, false), h(l, true, false), h(l, false, true), h(k, false, false), h(k, true, false), h(k, false, true)]
g.prototype.SubstituteAnsi = function(n) {
var m = 0;
var k;
var h = n.length;
for (var j = 0; j < h; j++) {
var l = n.charCodeAt(j);
var i = 0;
if (l < 32) {
if (l >= 20) {
i = g.NonAnsiSubstitutes[l - 20]
} else {
if (l >= 128 && l < 160) {
i = g.UnicodeRedirections[l - 128]
if (i > 0) {
if (m == 0) {
k = n.substr(0, j)
} else {
k += n.substr(m, j - m)
k += String.fromCharCode(i);
m = j + 1
if (k) {
n = k + n.substr(m, h - m)
return n
g.prototype.DshGaps = function(k, h, j, i, m) {
var l = Math.sqrt(k * k + h * h);
if (!l || !j) {
return null
l /= j;
return {
Dash: l * m,
Gap: l * i
g.prototype.Init = function(l) {
var m = this
, i = l.FontNames.length;
m.c = new Array(i);
for (var n = 0; n < i; n++) {
var h = new e.FontInfo();
var k = l.FontNames[n];
var j = k.indexOf("-");
if (j < 0) {
h.Name = k
} else {
h.Name = k.substr(0, j++);
if (k.substr(j, 4) == "Bold") {
h.Bold = true;
j += 4
k = k.substr(j);
if (k == "Italic" || k == "Oblique") {
h.Italic = true
h.Encoding = l.FontEncodings[n];
h.Ajust = h.Encoding >= 34 && h.Name.indexOf("Times") >= 0 ? m.Y : 1;
m.c[n] = h
m.Z = m.a = 0
g.prototype.Gtft = function(h) {
var i = this.c;
if (h >= 0) {
if (h < i.length) {
return i[h]
} else {
h = -1
h = ~h;
if (h >= 6) {
h = 0
return this.d[h]
g.prototype.SubSym = function(m) {
var p = this, o = 1, l = "", n = "Symbol", k = 0, i, j;
if (m.length == 1) {
i = m.charCodeAt(0);
if (i >= 210 && i <= 212 || i >= 226 && i <= 228) {
if (i < 226) {
n = "Times";
o *= p.Y
} else {
n = "Arial";
o = 0.9434
i &= 15;
if (i == 3) {
k = 169
} else {
if (i == 2) {
k = 174
} else {
k = 8482
if (k) {
l = String.fromCharCode(k)
if (l == "" && m != "") {
j = Helicon.Hcn.Browser;
if (j != 4 && Helicon.Hcn.Platform == 1 && (m.charCodeAt(0) < 236 || j != 3 && j != 2)) {
l = m
} else {
for (var h = 0; h < m.length; h++) {
k = m.charCodeAt(h);
for (i = 0; g.SymSub[i][0] < k; i++) {}
if (g.SymSub[i][0] == k) {
k = g.SymSub[i][1]
l += String.fromCharCode(k)
i = p.a;
if (p.c[i].Encoding == 34) {
n = p.c[i].Name
} else {
n = "Times"
return {
SubString: l,
FontName: n,
ScaleBy: o
return g
d.NonAnsiSubstitutes = [728, 711, 729, 305, 8260, 733, 321, 322, 731, 730, 64257, 64258];
d.UnicodeRedirections = [8364, 506, 8218, 402, 8222, 8230, 8224, 8225, 710, 8240, 352, 8249, 338, 510, 381, 507, 508, 8216, 8217, 8220, 8221, 8226, 8211, 8212, 732, 8482, 353, 8250, 339, 509, 382, 376];
d.SymSub = [[67, 88], [68, 916], [70, 934], [71, 915], [76, 923], [80, 928], [81, 920], [83, 931], [85, 89], [86, 987], [87, 937], [88, 926], [89, 936], [97, 945], [98, 946], [99, 967], [100, 948], [101, 949], [102, 981], [103, 947], [104, 951], [105, 953], [106, 966], [107, 954], [108, 955], [109, 956], [110, 957], [111, 959], [112, 960], [113, 952], [114, 961], [115, 963], [116, 964], [117, 965], [118, 982], [119, 969], [120, 958], [121, 968], [122, 950], [162, 180], [172, 8592], [173, 8593], [174, 8594], [175, 8595], [190, 9472], [199, 8745], [210, 174], [211, 169], [212, 8482], [214, 8730], [226, 174], [227, 169], [228, 8482], [236, 9127], [237, 9128], [238, 9129], [252, 9131], [253, 9132], [254, 9133], [4095, 0]];
e.RendInfo = d;
var f = (function() {
function g(R) {
var W = this, h, af, aj, ah, r, K;
W.g = R;
function ai(ao) {
var t = ao[0];
if (t == 127 && W.h) {
} else {
if (t == 0 && W.i) {
} else {
R.Gray(t / 127)
function C(t) {
R.LinJoin(t[0] == 1 ? "round" : t[0] == 2 ? "bevel" : "miter")
function s(t) {
R.LinCap(t[0] == 1 ? "round" : t[0] == 2 ? "square" : "butt")
function E(t) {
function Z(ao, t) {
R.Gsv(t.Peek() != 17)
function al() {
function ae() {
function v() {
function i(ao) {
var ap = ao[3];
function t(aq) {
return Math.round(255 - ((aq * (100 - ap) * 255) / 100 + ap * 255) / 100)
R.Rgb([t(ao[0]), t(ao[1]), t(ao[2])])
function k(t) {
R.Rct(t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3])
function B(t) {
R.Rrct(t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4])
function Y(t) {
R.XLat(t[0], t[1])
function X(t) {
function A(t) {
R.Rotr(t[0], t[1], t[2])
function u(t) {
R.Arc(t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4])
function aa(t) {
R.Arcn(t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4])
function J(t) {
R.Dot(t[0], t[1], t[2])
function ak() {
function n() {
function H(t) {
R.MvTo(t[0], t[1])
function M() {
function V(t) {
R.LinTo(t[0], t[1])
function I(t) {
R.Line(aj = t[0], ah = t[1], r = t[2], K = t[3])
function ac(t) {
R.LinTo(t[0], t[1]);
R.MvTo(t[0], t[1])
function l(t) {
R.Dshto(t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5], t[6], t[7])
function G(ao) {
var ap = String.fromCharCode(ao[2])
, t = ao[3]
, aq = "";
while (t-- > 0) {
aq += ap
R.Wavy(ao[0], ao[1], aq)
function am() {
R.Relstr(h, 0, 0)
function F(ao, t) {
R.Abstr(t.String(), ao[0], ao[1])
function z(ao, t) {
R.Relstr(t.String(), ao[0], ao[1])
function y(ao, t) {
R.OutStr(t.String(), ao[0], ao[1])
function S(t) {
R.Sid3(t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5])
function o(t) {
R.Sid4(t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5], t[6], t[7])
function L(ao) {
var t = ao[0]
, ap = ao[1];
R.Curv(t, ap, ao[2] + t, ao[3] + ap, ao[4] + t, ao[5] + ap, ao[6] + t, ao[7] + ap, false)
function x(ao) {
var t = ao[14]
, ap = ao[15];
R.Curv(t, ap, ao[8] + t, ao[9] + ap, ao[10] + t, ao[11] + ap, ao[12] + t, ao[13] + ap, false);
R.LinTo(ao[6] + t, ao[7] + ap);
R.Curv(0, 0, ao[0] + t, ao[1] + ap, ao[2] + t, ao[3] + ap, ao[4] + t, ao[5] + ap, true);
if (!ao[16]) {
function Q(ao) {
var t = ao[0]
, ap = ao[1];
R.FulSlr(t, ap, ao[2] + t, ao[3] + ap, ao[4] + t, ao[5] + ap, ao[6] + t, ao[7] + ap, ao[8] + t, ao[9] + ap, ao[10] + t, ao[11] + ap, ao[12] + t, ao[13] + ap, ao[14] + t, ao[15] + ap, ao[16] + t, ao[17] + ap, ao[18] + t, ao[19] + ap, ao[20] + t, ao[21] + ap, ao[22] ? 1 : 0, ao[22], ao[23], ao[24], ao[25]);
ao[22] = 0
function P(ao) {
var t = ao[0]
, ap = ao[1];
R.Curvdsh(t, ap, ao[2] + t, ao[3] + ap, ao[4] + t, ao[5] + ap, ao[6] + t, ao[7] + ap, ao[8], ao[9], ao[10], ao[11], ao[12])
function w(t) {
R.Beam(t[0], t[1], t[2] + t[0], t[3] + t[1], t[4])
function q(t) {
R.Elis(t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5])
function ad(t) {
R.Fnt(t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3])
function m(t) {
R.Chr(af = t[0], t[1], h = String.fromCharCode(t[2]))
function ag(t) {
R.Chr(af = t[0], t[1], h)
function an(t) {
R.Chr(af, t[0], h)
function O(t) {
R.Line(aj = t[0], ah, r, K)
function j(t) {
R.Line(aj, ah = t[0], r, K)
function N(t) {
R.Line(aj = t[0], ah = t[1], r, K)
function p(ao, t) {
R.Relstr(t.String(), 0, 0)
function T(t) {
R.Fnt(t[0], t[1], t[1], 0)
function U(ao) {
var t = ao[0]
, ap = ao[1];
R.Curv(t, ap, ao[2] + t, ao[3] + ap, ao[4] + t, ao[5] + ap, ao[6] + t, ao[7] + ap, true)
function ab() {}
function D(t, ao) {
return new c(t,ao)
W.f = new Array(D(ai, 1),D(C, 1),D(s, 1),D(E, 1),D(Z, 0),D(al, 0),D(ae, 0),D(v, 0),D(i, 4),D(k, 4),D(B, 5),D(Y, 2),D(X, 2),D(A, 3),D(u, 5),D(aa, 5),D(J, 3),D(ak, 0),D(n, 0),D(H, 2),D(M, 0),D(V, 2),D(I, 4),D(ac, 2),D(l, 8),D(G, 4),D(am, 0),D(F, 2),D(z, 2),D(y, 2),D(S, 6),D(o, 8),D(L, 8),D(x, 17),D(Q, 22),D(P, 13),D(w, 5),D(q, 6),D(ad, 4),D(m, 3),D(ab, 1),D(ab, 0),D(ab, 0),D(ab, 0),D(ab, 1),D(ab, 0),D(ab, 1),D(ab, 2),D(ab, 3),D(ab, 4),D(ag, 2),D(an, 1),D(O, 1),D(j, 1),D(N, 2),D(p, 0),D(Q, 26),D(T, 2),D(U, 8))
g.prototype.MtdXlate = function(p, m) {
var o, k, h, j, q = new Array(26), i = new b.Byter(p,m), l = this.f, r;
while (i.More()) {
k = i.Next();
if (k < 128) {
h = 1
} else {
k -= 128;
h = i.Byte()
j = k >= 64;
if (j) {
k -= 64
if (k >= 59) {
return 5
o = l[k];
var n = o.NArg;
do {
for (r = 0; r < n; r++) {
q[r] = j ? i.Signed() : i.Val()
o.Hndlr(q, i)
} while (--h > 0 && i.More());if (h > 0) {
return 5
return i.More() ? 5 : 0
g.prototype.PreApproval = function(k, j) {
var i = this.g, h, m, l;
i.Fnt(-4, 250, 250, 0);
for (m = 1000; m < j - 300; m += 1200) {
l = m < 2500 || m > 12000 ? 99999 : 10000 - m * 0.7;
for (h = 250; h < k - 200; h += 1400) {
if (h < l || h > l + 2600) {
i.Rotr(h, m, -52);
i.Rotr(h, m, 52)
g.prototype.Sample = function() {
var i = 3600
, j = 13000
, h = this.g;
h.Rotr(i, j, -52);
h.Fnt(-6, 2800, 2800, 0);
h.Abstr("SAMPLE", i, j);
h.Rotr(i, j, 52);
g.prototype.Approval = function() {
var i = 3100
, j = 11000
, h = this.g;
h.Rgb([128, 0, 26]);
h.Rotr(i, j, -52);
h.Fnt(-6, 1800, 1800, 0);
h.Fnt(-6, 785, 785, 0);
h.Rotr(i, j, 52)
g.prototype.BackFill = function(j, k, i, l) {
var h = this.g;
h.Rct(l, 0, k, i);
this.h = j[0] == 255 && j[1] == 255 && j[2] == 255 ? null : j
Object.defineProperty(g.prototype, "Color", {
set: function(h) {
this.g.Rgb(this.i = h)
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
return g
e.MtdInterp = f
)(a = b.Render || (b.Render = {}))
)(Mneme || (Mneme = {}));
var Mneme;
(function(c) {
function b(i, h) {
var g = i.X - h.X
, f = i.Y - h.Y;
return Math.sqrt(g * g + f * f)
c.Dist = b;
function e(k, f) {
var j;
try {
j = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, k)
} catch (h) {
if (d.Ndef(f)) {
f = k.length
j = "";
for (var g = 0; g < f; g++) {
j += String.fromCharCode(k[g])
return j
c.RdStr = e;
function a(f, i) {
if (i > 0) {
var h = new Uint8Array(16), g;
while (i >= 16) {
g = f.Read(h, 16);
i -= g;
if (g < 16) {
if (i > 0 && i < 16) {
i -= f.Read(h, i)
return i
c.Skip = a;
var d = (function() {
function f(i) {
var h = this
, g = new c.MtdFile.Mtd();
h.m = g;
h.F = 0;
h.Parse = g.Parse;
h.Canvas = i;
h.n = false;
h.A = Helicon.Hcn.Platform == 3
Object.defineProperty(f.prototype, "Hcn", {
set: function(g) {
this.I = g
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(f.prototype, "BgColor", {
set: function(g) {
this.y = g
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(f.prototype, "PprColor", {
set: function(g) {
this.z = g
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(f.prototype, "Color", {
set: function(g) {
this.x = g
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(f.prototype, "Approve", {
set: function(g) {
this.B = g ? 1 : 2
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(f.prototype, "FirstPageNumber", {
get: function() {
return this.m.StartPage + this.m.FirstNumericalFolio
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(f.prototype, "LastPageNumber", {
get: function() {
return this.FirstPageNumber + this.m.PageCount - 1
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(f.prototype, "Page", {
get: function() {
return this.r + this.m.FirstNumericalFolio
set: function(h) {
var g = this;
if (h > g.LastPageNumber) {
h = g.LastPageNumber
h -= g.FirstPageNumber;
if (h < 0) {
h = 0
g.r = h
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
f.prototype.Skip = function(g, h) {
return c.Skip(g, h)
Object.defineProperty(f.prototype, "Size", {
set: function(g) {
this.v = this.u = g
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(f.prototype, "Zoom", {
get: function() {
return this.s
set: function(j) {
var h = this, k, g, i = this.m.PageWidth;
if (!j || j < 0) {
j = h.s
h.u = h.v;
g = h.O();
if (g && i) {
k = (g.Wide * 15) / j - h.m.PageWidth;
h.t = k > 0 ? k / 2 : 0
h.s = j
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
f.prototype.K = function() {
return this.I && this.I.Playing
f.prototype.ScrollPos = function(i, g, l) {
var o = this, k = o.q, n = 15 / o.s, m, h, j;
if (k) {
m = k.scrollTop * n;
h = k.clientHeight * n;
if (!l) {
l = o.Mtd.PageHeight
} else {
l += 80
if (!g) {
g = l
} else {
g += 80
if (m > i || g > m + h) {
j = i;
if (j > l - h) {
j = l - h
if (j < 0) {
j = 0
k.scrollTop = Math.floor(j / n)
if (!o.C) {
o.C = h
o.D = i;
o.E = l
f.prototype.Scale = function() {
var k = this, l, h = k.p, j, g = Math.round, i;
if (h instanceof HTMLCanvasElement || !(i = h.firstElementChild) || i.childElementCount < 9) {
} else {
j = k.O();
l = 15 / k.s;
h.setAttribute("viewBox", -g(k.t).toString() + " 0 " + g(j.Wide * l) + " " + g(j.High * l))
f.prototype.RePosY = function() {
var i = this, k = i.q, l = i.s / 15, h, g, j;
if (k) {
h = k.clientHeight;
if (g = h - i.C) {
j = k.scrollTop;
if (g > 0) {
if (j + h > i.E * l) {
k.scrollTop = Math.max(0, j - g)
} else {
if (i.K()) {
k.scrollTop = j + Math.min(-g, Math.max(0, i.D * l - j))
i.C = h
Object.defineProperty(f.prototype, "Rect", {
get: function() {
var h = this
, g = h.s / 15;
return {
left: Math.floor(g * h.t),
top: 0,
width: Math.floor(g * h.m.PageWidth),
height: Math.floor(g * h.m.PageHeight)
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(f.prototype, "Fonts", {
get: function() {
return this.m.FontNames
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(f.prototype, "Aspect", {
get: function() {
if (!this.m.PageHeight) {
return 3 / 4
return this.m.PageWidth / this.m.PageHeight
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(f.prototype, "XtraLoader", {
set: function(g) {
this.m.HandleXtraData = g
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(f.prototype, "PlayerLoader", {
set: function(g) {
this.m.HandlePlayerData = g
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
f.Ndef = function(g) {
return typeof (g) === "undefined"
f.asMwin = function(h) {
var g = null;
if (h) {
g = ((typeof (h) == "string" ? document.getElementById(h) : h))
return g
f.prototype.L = function() {
var g = this;
g.C = g.Horizontal = g.Vertical = g.t = g.r = 0;
g.s = 1;
g.H = false
f.prototype.M = function(h, g) {
var i = this;
if (!g) {
if (i.n = h) {
if (i.o == null) {
i.o = new c.Render.RendInfo(i.m,i.A ? 0.86 : 1)
} else {
f.prototype.Clone = function(g, i) {
var h = this;
h.m = g.m;
h.H = g.H;
h.n = g.n;
h.Page = g.r;
h.F = i;
if (i && g.A) {
h.o = new c.Render.RendInfo(g.m,1)
} else {
h.o = g.o
Object.defineProperty(f.prototype, "Canvas", {
get: function() {
return this.p
set: function(g) {
var h = f.asMwin(g), i;
this.q = null;
this.p = h;
if (h) {
i = h.parentNode;
if (i && i instanceof HTMLDivElement && i.childElementCount == 1) {
this.q = i
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(f.prototype, "Ready", {
get: function() {
return this.n
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
f.prototype.LoadMtd = function(i, h) {
var g = this.m.ReadIn(i);
this.M(g >= 0, h);
return g
Object.defineProperty(f.prototype, "Endian", {
get: function() {
return this.m.Endian
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(f.prototype, "Mtd", {
get: function() {
return this.m
set: function(g) {
this.m = g;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
f.prototype.InitAiakos = function() {
return this.m.InitAiakos()
f.prototype.N = function(i) {
var j = c.Render
, h = this.o
, g = f.asMwin(i);
if (!g) {
g = this.p
return new (g instanceof HTMLCanvasElement ? j.CanvasDeviceDriver : j.SvgDeviceDriver)(h,g)
f.prototype.O = function(g, j) {
var i = this, h = i.u, k;
if (!h) {
g = f.asMwin(g);
k = g || i.F ? g : i.q;
if (k) {
h = {
Wide: k.clientWidth,
High: k.clientHeight
if (!h) {
h = i.w
if (!h) {
if (!j) {
j = i.N(g)
if (j) {
h = i.w = j.CanvasSize()
return h
f.prototype.FitTo = function(v, g) {
var s = this, r = 1, w, p, i, m, u = s.m, h = s.Canvas, o = u.PageWidth, j = u.PageHeight, l = "hidden", k = l, n = s.q, q;
if (s.F || !n || g) {
w = s.O(g);
p = w.Wide;
i = w.High
} else {
q =;
i = n.clientHeight;
p = n.clientWidth;
if (v && !s.NoYBar && !s.K()) {
k = q.overflowY;
if (k && k != l) {
p += 16
k = p * j / (o * i) > 1.035 ? "auto" : l
q.overflowY = k;
q.overflowX = l;
p = n.clientWidth;
if (v) {
m = Math.floor(p * j / o)
} else {
m = i
s.u = {
High: m,
Wide: p
}; = p + "px"; = m + "px"
if (p) {
p *= 15;
i *= 15;
s.t = 0;
if (v || i * o > p * j) {
r = p / o
} else {
r = i / j;
p /= r;
if (p > o) {
s.t = (p - o) / 2
s.s = r
f.prototype.P = function(g) {
var i = this
, j = i.N(g)
, h = i.O(g, j);
if (j) {
j.Wide = h.Wide;
j.High = h.High;
j.Zum(i.s / 15)
return j
f.prototype.Q = function(q, s, p, o) {
var v = this, w = v.m, l = w.PageData[q], n = new c.ByteReader(l), i = v.Horizontal + v.t, h = i, g = v.B ? v.B == 1 : w.Approval && (q > 0 || w.PageCount <= 1 || w.GetFirstMunfo("sto") || v.F), m = new c.Render.MtdInterp(s), u = 15 / v.Zoom, k, r, j;
if (!v.F && p) {
r = v.z;
k = v.y;
if (p == 2) {
if (!k) {
k = r ? r : [255, 255, 255];
r = null
m.BackFill(k, s.Wide * u, s.High * u, 0)
} else {
h = 0;
if (!r) {
r = k
if (r) {
m.BackFill(r, w.PageWidth, w.PageHeight, h)
if (i || v.Vertical) {
s.XLat(i, v.Vertical)
if (g) {
m.PreApproval(w.PageWidth, w.PageHeight)
} else {
if (v.F && v.GetMunfos("pag")) {
if (v.x) {
m.Color = v.x
j = m.MtdXlate(n, l.length);
if (g) {
if (o) {
o(j, q + this.FirstPageNumber)
return j
f.prototype.R = function() {
var g = c.Render.Woff
, h = this;
if (!h.G && g) {
h.G = new g()
return h.G
f.prototype.Render = function(n, o, i, k, q) {
var s = this, g = -9, r = c.Render, m = r.SvgDeviceDriver, l = r.CanvasDeviceDriver, p, h;
function j() {
return s.Q(o, q, p, n)
if (!q) {
q = s.P(i)
if (q) {
p = m && q instanceof m ? 1 : l && q instanceof l ? 2 : 0;
if (f.Ndef(o)) {
o = s.r
if (p == 1) {
q.AssignIDs = o
} else {
if (p == 2) {
q.RedNotes = k
if (o >= 0 && o < s.m.PageCount) {
if (p != 2 || s.H) {
g = j()
} else {
s.H = true;
if (h = s.R()) {
h.Load(s.Mtd.FontNames, j);
g = 0
return g
Object.defineProperty(f.prototype, "LoadedFonts", {
set: function(h) {
var g = this.R();
if (g) {
g.LoadedFonts = h
} else {
this.H = true
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
f.prototype.GetMunfos = function(g) {
return this.m.GetMunfos(g)
f.prototype.GetFirstMunfo = function(g) {
return this.m.GetFirstMunfo(g)
f.prototype.MakeParser = function(k, j, h, i, g) {
return new c.Parsers.Proxy(h,k,j,i,g)
return f
c.Mn = d
)(Mneme || (Mneme = {}));
var Mneme;
(function(b) {
var a = (function() {
function c() {}
c.calcDashSeg = function(h, i, k, f) {
var d, j = 0, g = 0, e = f;
if (h == 2 || h == 0) {
e -= i;
j = 1
} else {
if (h == 4) {
e -= k;
g = 1
e /= (i + k);
d = Math.floor(0.33 + e);
if (d < 1) {
d = 1
j += d;
g += d;
e = j * i + g * k;
e = f / e;
return {
Dash: i * e,
Gap: k * e
c.segmentPhasesFor = function(f, h, d) {
var i, g = [];
if (f == 0) {
if (h == 100) {
i = 0
} else {
i = 1;
g.push(d * h / 100)
} else {
g.push(d * f / 100);
if (h >= 100) {
i = 3
} else {
g.push(d * h / 100);
if (f < h) {
i = 4
} else {
i = 2;
var e = g[0];
g[0] = g[1];
g[1] = e
return {
Phases: c.partialDashTemplate[i],
PhaseChanges: g
c.DeCastel = function(m, l, o, n, k, j, h, g) {
var f = {
X: m,
Y: l
, e = [f];
function d(q, p) {
return {
X: (q.X + p.X) / 2,
Y: (q.Y + p.Y) / 2
function i(t, v, u, p) {
if (b.Dist(t, p) <= 100) {
} else {
var q = d(v, u);
v = d(v, t);
u = d(u, p);
var s = d(v, q);
var r = d(u, q);
q = d(s, r);
if (q.X == p.X && q.Y == p.Y) {
} else {
i(t, v, s, q);
if (q.X == t.X && q.Y == t.Y) {
} else {
i(q, r, u, p)
i(f, {
X: o,
Y: n
}, {
X: k,
Y: j
}, {
X: h,
Y: g
return e
c.prototype.DashSegs = function(n, w, o, t, r, l) {
var f, i, k = 0, p = 0, j, q, h, m, s, e, g, u;
function v(x) {
var B = 0, A = x[0], y, z;
for (z = 0; z < x.length; z++) {
y = x[z];
B += b.Dist(A, y);
A = y
return B
function d() {
var x, z;
function y(B, A) {
return B + (A - B) * x
if (++k >= q.length) {
return false
f = q[k];
z = b.Dist(i, f);
p += z;
if (p <= j) {
i = f;
return true
} else {
x = (j - (p - z)) / z;
i.X = y(i.X, f.X);
i.Y = y(i.Y, f.Y);
p = j;
k -= 1;
return false
q = c.DeCastel(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5], r[6], r[7]);
if (q.length) {
s = v(q);
e = c.segmentPhasesFor(o, t, s);
i = q[0];
u = e.Phases;
for (g = 0; g < u.length; g++) {
j = e.PhaseChanges[g];
m = u[g];
h = c.calcDashSeg(m, n, w, j - p);
if (m >= 3) {
j = p + h.Gap;
while (d()) {
i = f
j = e.PhaseChanges[g]
l(m, i, h, function(y) {
var x = d();
y.X = i.X;
y.Y = i.Y;
return x
return c
a.partialDashTemplate = [[2], [1, 0], [1, 0, 3], [0, 3], [0, 4, 0]];
b.Dasher = a
)(Mneme || (Mneme = {}));
var Mneme;
(function(b) {
var a;
(function(d) {
var c = (function() {
function e(j, i) {
this.g = "";
var h = this, g = Helicon.Hcn, f;
h.G = j;
h.e = i;
h.m = g.Browser == 4;
h.n = h.m && g.Platform == 1;
h.l = [];
h.k = "";
h.o = typeof Aoide == "object" && (f = Aoide.LiteSvg) ? f.SvgPage : function(k) {
return ""
Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "AssignIDs", {
set: function(f) {
this.k = this.o(f)
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
e.prototype.CanvasSize = function() {
var h, f, i = this.e, k, j;
try {
h = i.width.baseVal.value;
f = i.height.baseVal.value
} catch (g) {
k = i;
j = k.getBoundingClientRect();
h = j.width;
f = j.height
if (h <= 1) {
h = 768;
f = 1024
return {
Wide: h,
High: f
e.prototype.Zum = function(i) {
var h = this.e
, f = this.Wide / i
, g = this.High / i
, j = h.viewBox.baseVal;
if (j) {
j.width = f;
j.height = g
} else {
this.q(h, "viewBox", "0 0 " + f + " " + g)
e.prototype.p = function(f) {
return document.createElementNS(this.g, f)
e.prototype.q = function(g, f, h) {
g.setAttribute(f, h.toString())
e.prototype.r = function(h) {
var j = "", i = h.length, f, g = this.p("polygon"); = this.I; = "0";
for (f = 0; f < i; f += 2) {
if (f > 0) {
j += " "
j += h[f] + "," + h[f + 1]
this.q(g, "points", j)
e.prototype.s = function() {
var h = this
, f = h.e.createSVGMatrix()
, g = h.e.createSVGTransformFromMatrix(f);
h.J = ""
e.prototype.t = function() {
var f = this;
f.a = f.b = f.c = 0;
f.K = ""
e.prototype.Clear = function() {
var f = this
, g = f.e;
while (g.firstChild) {
f.I = "rgb(0,0,0)";
f.H = "1";
f.O = 1;
f.l.length = f.d = f.j = f.Q = 0;
e.prototype.u = function(g) {
var f = this
, h =;
h.stroke = f.I;
h.strokeWidth = f.H;
h.strokeLinecap = f.h;
h.strokeLinejoin = f.i;
h.fill = "none"
e.prototype.Gray = function(f) {
if (f === 1) {
this.I = "white"
} else {
if (f === 0) {
this.I = "rgb(0,0,0)"
} else {
var g = (Math.round(f * 255)).toString();
this.I = "rgb(" + g + "," + g + "," + g + ")"
e.prototype.LinJoin = function(f) {
this.i = f
e.prototype.LinCap = function(f) {
this.h = f
e.prototype.LinWid = function(f) {
this.H = f.toString()
e.prototype.v = function(f) {
var g = this.p("g");
this.f = g
e.prototype.Gsv = function(i) {
var h = this
, j = h.f
, g = null
, f = j.transform.baseVal;
if (f.numberOfItems > 0) {
g = f.getItem(0)
Srfc: i ? j : null,
Pth: h.J,
Xfrm: g,
Rot: h.a,
Dx: h.b,
Dy: h.c
if (i) {
if (g) {
} else {
e.prototype.Grst = function() {
var g = this, h = g.l.pop(), f, i;
if (h) {
g.J = h.Pth;
g.a = h.Rot;
g.b = h.Dx;
g.c = h.Dy;
f = h.Srfc;
if (f) {
i = f.transform.baseVal;
if (i.numberOfItems == 0 && h.Xfrm) {
g.f = f
} else {
g.K = ""
e.prototype.Eoclp = function() {
this.K = this.J;
this.J = ""
e.prototype.Clp = function() {
this.J = ""
e.prototype.Rgb = function(f) {
this.I = "rgb(" + f[0] + "," + f[1] + "," + f[2] + ")"
e.prototype.w = function(f, k, g, j) {
var i = this;
i.J += "M" + f + "," + k;
i.LinTo(f, k + j);
i.LinTo(f + g, k + j);
i.LinTo(f + g, k)
e.prototype.x = function() {
this.J += "Z";
this.Z = this.l.length == 0
e.prototype.Rct = function(f, j, g, i) {
this.w(f, j, g, i);
e.prototype.Rrct = function(f, l, j, m, i) {
var o = this
, n = j + f
, k = l + m - f
, g = j + i - f;
o.J += "M" + l + "," + n;
o.Arc(l + f, n, f, 180, 270);
o.Arc(k, n, f, 270, 360);
o.Arc(k, g, f, 0, 90);
o.Arc(l + f, g, f, 90, 180);
e.prototype.y = function(f) {
e.prototype.XLat = function(g, f) {
this.y(function(h) {
return h.translate(g, f)
e.prototype.Rot = function(f) {
this.y(function(g) {
return g.rotate(f)
e.prototype.z = function(g, f, i, h) {
return g.translate(f, i).rotate(h).translate(-f, -i)
e.prototype.Rotr = function(g, f, i) {
var h = this;
h.y(function(j) {
return h.z(j, g, f, i)
h.a += i;
if (i !== 0 && h.a === 0) {
g = -g;
f = -f
h.b += g;
h.c += f
e.prototype.A = function(m, k, j, l, f, n) {
function h(o) {
o *= 0.0174532925;
return {
X: m + Math.cos(o) * j,
Y: k + Math.sin(o) * j
if (j <= 0) {
this.LinTo(m, k)
} else {
var g = h(l)
, i = h(f);
this.J += "L" + g.X + "," + g.Y + "A" + j + "," + j + ", 0 " + (Math.abs(f - l) >= 180 ? "1," : "0,") + n + " " + i.X + "," + i.Y
e.prototype.Arc = function(f, j, h, g, i) {
this.A(f, j, h, g, i, 1)
e.prototype.Arcn = function(f, j, h, g, i) {
this.A(f, j, h, g, i, 0)
e.prototype.B = function(f) { = this.I; = "0";
e.prototype.Dot = function(g, i, f) {
var h = this.p("circle");
h.r.baseVal.value = f;
this.B(h); = g; = i
e.prototype.C = function() {
var f = this
, g = f.p("path");
f.q(g, "d", f.J);
f.J = "";
return g
e.prototype.D = function(h) {
var g = this
, f = g.e.createSVGMatrix();
g.Z = false;
f = g.z(f, g.b, g.c, g.a);
e.prototype.E = function(h) {
var f = this
, g = f.C(); = h;
if (f.Z) {
e.prototype.Fil = function() {
e.prototype.Eofil = function() {
e.prototype.MvTo = function(f, g) {
this.J = "M" + f + "," + g
e.prototype.Strk = function() {
var f = this
, g = f.C();
if (f.Z) {
e.prototype.LinTo = function(f, g) {
this.J += "L" + f + "," + g
e.prototype.F = function(j, g, i, f, h) {
j.x1.baseVal.value = g;
j.x2.baseVal.value = i;
j.y1.baseVal.value = f;
j.y2.baseVal.value = h
e.prototype.Line = function(g, f, h, j) {
var i = this.p("line");
this.F(i, g, g + h, f, f + j)
e.prototype.StrkTo = function(f, g) {
this.LinTo(f, g);
this.MvTo(f, g)
e.prototype.Dshto = function(q, o, i, g, m, n, h, f) {
var p = this, k = p.G.DshGaps(i, g, m, n, h), r, l, j;
if (k) {
r = p.p("line");
p.u(r); = k.Dash.toString() + " " + k.Gap;
l = q - i;
j = o - g;
if (f) {
p.F(r, l, q, j, o)
} else {
p.F(r, q, l, o, j)
e.prototype.Wavy = function(f, h, g) {
this.J1(g, f, h)
e.prototype.G1 = function(f) {
var g = this;
g.q(f, "font-size", g.M);
g.q(f, "font-family", g.L);
if (g.S) { = "Bold"
if (g.T) { = "Italic"
e.prototype.H1 = function(f) {
return document.createTextNode(this.G.SubstituteAnsi(f))
e.prototype.I1 = function(h) {
var g = this
, f = g.G.SubSym(h);
h = f.SubString;
g.L = f.FontName;
g.M = (parseFloat(g.M) * f.ScaleBy).toString();
return h
e.prototype.J1 = function(l, f, m) {
var i = this, k = i.p("text"), h, j = i.O, g;
if (i.U) {
l = i.I1(l)
i.G1(k); = i.I; = "0";
i.P = j;
if (j == 1 && !i.a && i.Q == 0) {
i.q(k, "x", f);
i.q(k, "y", m)
} else {
g = i.e.createSVGMatrix();
if (i.a) {
if (i.K === "") {
g = i.z(g, i.b, i.c, i.a)
} else {
g = i.z(g, i.b, i.c, 0)
g = g.translate(f, m);
if (j !== 1) {
g = g.scaleNonUniform(j, 1)
if (i.Q !== 0) {
g = g.translate(i.R, 0).skewX(i.Q)
h = i.e.createSVGTransformFromMatrix(g);
i.V = k;
i.W = f;
i.X = m;
return k
e.prototype.Abstr = function(j, f, k, g) {
var h = this
, i = h.J1(j, f, k);
if (g) { = g.toString()
if (h.k && j.length < 3) { = h.k + h.j++
e.prototype.K1 = function() {
var g = this, h, f = g.V.getBBox();
h = (f.width + f.x * 2) * g.P;
if (g.m && g.P > 1) {
h -= (g.n ? 118 : 59) / g.P
return g.W + h
e.prototype.Relstr = function(j, g, f) {
var h = this, i;
if (h.V) {
if (h.U) {
j = h.I1(j)
if (h.O !== h.P) {
h.J1(j, h.K1() + g, h.X + f)
} else {
i = h.p("tspan");
if (g < 0 && h.m && h.L == "Jivetalk") {
g *= 0.2
h.q(i, "dx", g);
h.q(i, "dy", f);
e.prototype.OutStr = function(i, g, f) {
this.J1(i, g, f);
var h =;
h.fill = "none";
h.stroke = this.I;
h.strokeWidth = "10"
e.prototype.Sid3 = function(g, f, i, h, k, j) {
e.prototype.Sid4 = function(i, h, k, j, m, l, g, f) {
e.prototype.Curv = function(i, h, k, j, g, f, n, m, l) {
if (!l) {
this.MvTo(i, h)
if (k < 0) {
k = 0
if (g < 0) {
g = 0
if (n < 0) {
n = 0
if (j < 0) {
j = 0
if (f < 0) {
f = 0
if (m < 0) {
m = 0
this.J += "C" + k + "," + j + "," + g + "," + f + "," + n + "," + m
e.prototype.L1 = function(j, g, l, f, i, p) {
var n = this, h = null, m = new b.Dasher(), k, o;
if (j && n.J !== "") {
k = n.p("clipPath");
h = "clp" + n.d++; = h;
h = "url(#" + h + ")"
m.DashSegs(g, l, f, i, p, function(t, q, r, s) {
n.MvTo(q.X, q.Y);
while (s(q)) {
n.LinTo(q.X, q.Y)
n.LinTo(q.X, q.Y);
o = n.C();
if (t !== 0) { = r.Dash.toString() + " " + r.Gap
if (h) { = h
e.prototype.FulSlr = function(p, o, z, v, F, E, k, j, m, l, C, A, h, f, x, u, w, s, D, B, i, g, H, n, G, y, r) {
var q = this;
q.Curv(p, o, z, v, F, E, k, j, false);
q.LinTo(m, l);
q.Curv(0, 0, C, A, h, f, x, u, true);
q.Curv(0, 0, w, s, D, B, i, g, true);
if (!H) {
} else {
q.L1(true, n, G, y, r, arguments)
e.prototype.Curvdsh = function(k, h, o, n, l, j, q, p, f, m, i, g, r) {
this.L1(r === 0, f, m, i, g, arguments)
e.prototype.Beam = function(j, h, i, g, f) {
this.Sid4(j, h, i, g, i, g - f, j, h - f)
e.prototype.Elis = function(j, i, n, g, p, m) {
var r = this, l = r.K1() + g, h = r.X + p, f = r.J, q, k, o;
if (j === 0) {
r.w(l, h, n, i)
} else {
k = l + n;
o = h + i;
r.Curv(l, h, l + j, o, k - j, o, k, h, false)
q = r.H;
r.J = f;
r.H = q
e.prototype.Fnt = function(j, h, i, g) {
var k = this
, f = k.G.Gtft(j);
k.L = f.Name;
k.S = f.Bold;
k.T = f.Italic;
k.U = f.Encoding === 16;
k.M = (h * f.Ajust).toString();
if (h > 0) {
k.O = i / h;
if (g) {
g = Math.atan(-g / h);
k.R = h * Math.sin(g) * 0.2135230315;
g = g * 57.295779513
} else {
k.O = 1;
g = 0
k.Q = g
e.prototype.Chr = function(f, h, g) {
this.Abstr(g, f, h)
return e
d.SvgDeviceDriver = c
)(a = b.Render || (b.Render = {}))
)(Mneme || (Mneme = {}));
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