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Last active January 12, 2018 01:20
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Functions for cross validation in R using modelr package
# author: Derek Powell
# created: 11-02-2017
# last updated: 1/11/18, 5:19 PM
# Also available as gist:
# devtools::source_gist("8838d867daa4185c9c09187a6b02f96b", filename="crossValidate.R")
cross_validate <- function(df, model_func, score_func, nFolds=10, nRuns=10) {
# Function to perform cross validation and return results
# uses serial processing, for faster processing use multi_cross_validate
# df: data to examine
# model_func: model to use for train and test
# score_func: scoring function to measure model performance
# cluster: multidplyer cluster
# nFolds: number of folds for k-fold cross validation
# nRuns: number of runs to average over
for (rep in 1:nRuns) {
repDF <- df %>% crossv_kfold(nFolds) %>% mutate(run = rep)
if (rep == 1) {
mainDF <- repDF
if (rep > 1) {
mainDF <- rbind(repDF, mainDF)
mainDF %>%
mutate(train = map(train, %>%
mutate(model = map(train, model_func)) %>%
mutate(test = map(test, %>%
mutate(score = map2_dbl(model, test, score_func)) %>%
group_by(run) %>%
summarize(score=mean(score)) # should add weighting for uneven kfolds
cv_compare <- function(df, model_funcs, model_names, score_func, nFolds=10, nRuns=10) {
# Function to perform cross validation with several functions and compare results
# uses serial processing, for faster processing use multi_cv_compare
# df: data to examine
# model_funcs: list of model to use for train and test
# model_names: list of model names to label results
# score_func: scoring function to measure model performance
# cluster: multidplyer cluster
# nFolds: number of folds for k-fold cross validation
# nRuns: number of runs to average over
for (i in 1:length(model_funcs)) {
model_func <- model_funcs[i]
model_name <- model_names[i]
cvResult <- cross_validate(df, model_func, score_func, nFolds, nRuns) %>%
if (i == 1) {
allResults <- cvResult
if (i > 1) {
allResults <- bind_rows(allResults, cvResult)
make_cluster_env <- function(nCores, cluster_packages) {
# create cluster and load its environment with packages
cluster <- create_cluster(cores = nCores) %>%
multi_cross_validate <- function(df, model_func, score_func, cluster, nFolds=10, nRuns=10) {
# Function to perform cross validation and return results using multiple CPU cores
# df: data to examine
# model_func: model to use for train and test
# score_func: scoring function to measure model performance
# cluster: multidplyer cluster
# nFolds: number of folds for k-fold cross validation
# nRuns: number of runs to average over
for (rep in 1:nRuns) {
# print(rep)
repDF <- df %>% crossv_kfold(nFolds) %>% mutate(run = rep)
if (rep == 1) {
mainDF <- repDF
if (rep > 1) {
mainDF <- rbind(repDF,mainDF)
cluster %>%
cluster_assign_value("model_func", model_func) %>%
cluster_assign_value("score_func", score_func)
nCores <- nrow(summary(cluster))
group <- rep(1:nCores, length.out = nrow(mainDF))
mainDF <- bind_cols(tibble(group), mainDF)
byGroup <- partition(mainDF, group, cluster=cluster)
result <- byGroup %>%
mutate(train = map(train, %>%
mutate(model = map(train, model_func)) %>%
mutate(test = map(test, %>%
mutate(score = map2_dbl(model, test, score_func)) %>%
group_by(run) %>%
summarize(score=mean(score)) %>%
multi_cv_compare <- function(df, model_funcs, model_names, score_func, cluster, nFolds=10, nRuns=10) {
# Function to perform cross validation with several functions and compare results
# uses multiprocessing for faster results
# df: data to examine
# model_funcs: list of model to use for train and test
# model_names: list of model names to label results
# score_func: scoring function to measure model performance
# cluster: multidplyer cluster
# nFolds: number of folds for k-fold cross validation
# nRuns: number of runs to average over
for (i in 1:length(model_funcs)) {
model_func <- model_funcs[i]
model_name <- model_names[i]
cvResult <- multi_cross_validate(df, model_func, score_func, cluster, nFolds, nRuns) %>%
if (i == 1) {
allResults <- cvResult
if (i > 1) {
allResults <- bind_rows(allResults, cvResult)
# # uncomment below to test
# library(ggplot2)
# library(bnlearn)
# data(coronary)
# modelFuncs <- c(hc, tabu, mmhc, rsmax2)
# modelLabels <- c( "hc","tabu","mmhc","rsmax2")
# # using serial processing
# cvResults <- multi_cv_compare(coronary, modelFuncs, modelLabels, logLik, nRuns=5)
# ggplot(cvResults, aes(x = method, y = score)) + geom_boxplot() +
# labs(y = "Log Likelihood", x = "Algorithm")
# # using parallel processing
# nCores <- parallel::detectCores()
# myCluster <- make_cluster_env(nCores, c("tidyverse","bnlearn"))
# cvResultsMulti <- multi_cv_compare(coronary, modelFuncs, modelLabels, logLik, myCluster, nRuns=5)
# ggplot(cvResultsMulti, aes(x = method, y = score)) + geom_boxplot() +
# labs(y = "Log Likelihood", x = "Algorithm")
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derekpowell commented Nov 3, 2017

This is a set of functions for performing cross validation, including parallelized functions using multidplyr. This hasn't been very extensively tested as of 11-02-2017. I'm sure there's room to clean up the code and possibly improve efficiencies.

Acknowledgements: This code is based off of this post and the multidplyr vignettes on github.

Some example code using the bnlearn graphical structure learning algorithms.


modelFuncs <- c(hc, tabu, mmhc, rsmax2)
modelLabels <- c( "hc","tabu","mmhc","rsmax2")

# using serial processing
cvResults <- multi_cv_compare(coronary, modelFuncs, modelLabels, logLik, nRuns=5)

ggplot(cvResults, aes(x = method, y = score)) + geom_boxplot() +
  labs(y = "Log Likelihood", x = "Algorithm")

# using parallel processing
nCores <- parallel::detectCores()
myCluster <- make_cluster_env(nCores, c("tidyverse","bnlearn"))
cvResultsMulti <- multi_cv_compare(coronary, modelFuncs, modelLabels, logLik, myCluster, nRuns=5)

ggplot(cvResultsMulti, aes(x = method, y = score)) + geom_boxplot() +
  labs(y = "Log Likelihood", x = "Algorithm")

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