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Created August 22, 2019 21:09
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Configures a Google Authenticator TOTP in slot 2 on a yubikey for use on linux.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Ubuntu Installation
# - Install the ubuntu yubico ppa: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yubico/stable
# - Update your apt cache: sudo apt update
# - Install the package for ykcalresp: sudo apt install yubikey-personalization
# - Copy the secret key below the qr code.
# - Run the gist and enter the secret key when prompted.
import base64
import binascii
def decode_secret(secret):
secret = secret.replace(' ', '')
secret = secret.upper()
secret = secret.encode('ascii')
secret = base64.b32decode(secret)
return secret
def get_input():
return raw_input('Google key: ')
def main():
secret = decode_secret(get_input())
encoded_key = binascii.hexlify(secret).decode('ascii').ljust(40, '0')
print('run the following command to update your yubikey')
print("ykpersonalize -2 -o chal-resp -o chal-hmac -o hmac-lt64 -o chal-btn-trig -a %s") % encoded_key
if __name__ == '__main__':
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