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Created July 28, 2015 02:07
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Conformance test using /home/decarr/.kube/config against master at
Conformance test run date:Mon Jul 27 21:31:17 EDT 2015
Conformance test SHA:bbaee437a4ed224d97d64d0edf7e1e2193e3e172
Conformance test version tag(s):
Conformance test checking conformance with Kubernetes version 1.0
Conformance test: not doing test setup.
I0727 21:31:17.943481 20890 e2e_test.go:97] The --provider flag is not set. Treating as a conformance test. Some tests may not be run.
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 10m0s for all pods (need at least 0) in namespace 'kube-system' to be running and ready
INFO: 2 / 2 pods in namespace 'kube-system' are running and ready (5 seconds elapsed)
INFO: expected 2 pod replicas in namespace 'kube-system', 2 are Running and Ready.
Running Suite: Kubernetes e2e suite
Random Seed: 1436380640 - Will randomize all specs
Will run 60 of 119 specs
Downward API
should provide pod name and namespace as env vars
[BeforeEach] Downward API
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-downward-api-vqwmo
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-downward-api-vqwmo failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-downward-api-vqwmo with secrets found. (5.006052425s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-downward-api-vqwmo
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-downward-api-vqwmo with secrets found. (1.863595ms)
[It] should provide pod name and namespace as env vars
STEP: Creating a pod to test downward api env vars
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod downward-api-615d677b-34c8-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'downward-api-615d677b-34c8-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod downward-api-615d677b-34c8-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-downward-api-vqwmo' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (2.947946ms elapsed)
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'downward-api-615d677b-34c8-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod downward-api-615d677b-34c8-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-downward-api-vqwmo' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (5.006443913s elapsed)
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'downward-api-615d677b-34c8-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod downward-api-615d677b-34c8-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-downward-api-vqwmo' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (10.009467576s elapsed)
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'downward-api-615d677b-34c8-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod downward-api-615d677b-34c8-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-downward-api-vqwmo' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (15.012254604s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod downward-api-615d677b-34c8-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d container dapi-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:container_uuid=e34a7c57-7e55-8bd5-9edb-7c209a444e6b
[AfterEach] Downward API
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-downward-api-vqwmo" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:35.435 seconds]
Downward API
should provide pod name and namespace as env vars
Kubectl client Kubectl api-versions
should check if v1 is in available api versions
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-q45lc
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-q45lc failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-q45lc with secrets found. (5.005071267s)
[It] should check if v1 is in available api versions
STEP: validating api verions
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config api-versions'
INFO: Available Server Api Versions: v1
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-q45lc
• [SLOW TEST:10.887 seconds]
Kubectl client
Kubectl api-versions
should check if v1 is in available api versions
should correctly serve identically named services in different namespaces on different external IP addresses
[BeforeEach] Services
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api objects
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-0-yn6vt
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-yn6vt failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-yn6vt with secrets found. (5.011321452s)
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-1-8vn36
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-8vn36 failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-8vn36 with secrets found. (5.018274608s)
[It] should correctly serve identically named services in different namespaces on different external IP addresses
[AfterEach] Services
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-0-yn6vt
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-1-8vn36
S [SKIPPING] [20.404 seconds]
should correctly serve identically named services in different namespaces on different external IP addresses [It]
Only supported for providers [gce gke aws] (not )
Probing container
with readiness probe that fails should never be ready and never restart
[BeforeEach] Probing container
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-utg73
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-utg73 failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-utg73 with secrets found. (5.007573728s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-utg73
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-utg73 with secrets found. (2.14413ms)
[It] with readiness probe that fails should never be ready and never restart
[AfterEach] Probing container
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-container-probe-utg73" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:105.375 seconds]
Probing container
with readiness probe that fails should never be ready and never restart
should serve multiport endpoints from pods
[BeforeEach] Services
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api objects
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 with secrets found. (5.005885952s)
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-1-5wqgj
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-5wqgj failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-5wqgj with secrets found. (5.00485899s)
[It] should serve multiport endpoints from pods
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 to expose endpoints map[]
INFO: Get endpoints failed (19.193171ms elapsed, ignoring for 5s): endpoints "multi-endpoint-test" not found
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test cd38e678-34c8-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 277 0 2015-07-27 21:34:34 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} []}
INFO: Found ports by ip map[]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[] -> map[] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18
STEP: Successfully validated that service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 exposes endpoints map[] (5.022006746s elapsed)
STEP: Adding pod podname1 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 to expose endpoints map[podname1:[100]]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test cd38e678-34c8-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 277 0 2015-07-27 21:34:34 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} []}
INFO: Found ports by ip map[]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[], expected map[podname1:[100]] (10.445162ms elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test cd38e678-34c8-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 277 0 2015-07-27 21:34:34 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} []}
INFO: Found ports by ip map[]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[], expected map[podname1:[100]] (5.013516647s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test cd38e678-34c8-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 277 0 2015-07-27 21:34:34 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} []}
INFO: Found ports by ip map[]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[], expected map[podname1:[100]] (10.020177311s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test cd38e678-34c8-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 293 0 2015-07-27 21:34:34 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2082082a0}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[100]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[podname1:[100]] -> map[[100]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18
STEP: Successfully validated that service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 exposes endpoints map[podname1:[100]] (15.025033102s elapsed)
STEP: Adding pod podname2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 to expose endpoints map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101]]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test cd38e678-34c8-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 293 0 2015-07-27 21:34:34 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2082098f0}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[100]]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[[100]], expected map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101]] (5.642633ms elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test cd38e678-34c8-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 293 0 2015-07-27 21:34:34 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2081f60e0}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[100]]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[[100]], expected map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101]] (5.00838354s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test cd38e678-34c8-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 293 0 2015-07-27 21:34:34 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2081f67e0}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[100]]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[[100]], expected map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101]] (10.01090812s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test cd38e678-34c8-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 309 0 2015-07-27 21:34:34 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2081f7180}] [{portname2 101 TCP}]} {[{ 0xc2081f7260}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[101][100]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101]] -> map[[101][100]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18
STEP: Successfully validated that service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 exposes endpoints map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101]] (15.020319085s elapsed)
STEP: Adding pod podname3 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 to expose endpoints map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test cd38e678-34c8-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 309 0 2015-07-27 21:34:34 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2081e93b0}] [{portname2 101 TCP}]} {[{ 0xc2081e9490}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[101][100]]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[[100][101]], expected map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]] (17.541568ms elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test cd38e678-34c8-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 309 0 2015-07-27 21:34:34 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2081e9c70}] [{portname2 101 TCP}]} {[{ 0xc2081e9d50}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[101][100]]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[[101][100]], expected map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]] (5.022985926s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test cd38e678-34c8-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 309 0 2015-07-27 21:34:34 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2081da690}] [{portname2 101 TCP}]} {[{ 0xc2081da770}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[101][100]]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[[101][100]], expected map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]] (10.02656318s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test cd38e678-34c8-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 324 0 2015-07-27 21:34:34 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2081db260} { 0xc2081db340}] [{portname2 101 TCP}]} {[{ 0xc2081db420} { 0xc2081db500}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[101][101 100][100]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]] -> map[[100][101][100 101]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18
STEP: Successfully validated that service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 exposes endpoints map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]] (15.036676161s elapsed)
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 to expose endpoints map[podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test cd38e678-34c8-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 324 0 2015-07-27 21:34:34 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2081c7dc0} { 0xc2081c7ea0}] [{portname2 101 TCP}]} {[{ 0xc2081c7f80} { 0xc2081b6070}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[101][101 100][100]]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[[101][101 100][100]], expected map[podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]] (16.542374ms elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test cd38e678-34c8-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 327 0 2015-07-27 21:34:34 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2081b6a80} { 0xc2081b6b60}] [{portname2 101 TCP}]} {[{ 0xc2081b6c40}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[101][101 100]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]] -> map[[101][100 101]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18
STEP: Successfully validated that service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 exposes endpoints map[podname3:[100 101] podname2:[101]] (5.025126095s elapsed)
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 to expose endpoints map[podname3:[100 101]]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test cd38e678-34c8-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 327 0 2015-07-27 21:34:34 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2081a7260} { 0xc2081a7420}] [{portname2 101 TCP}]} {[{ 0xc2081a7730}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[101][101 100]]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[[101][101 100]], expected map[podname3:[100 101]] (5.412356ms elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test cd38e678-34c8-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 332 0 2015-07-27 21:34:34 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc208198000}] [{portname2 101 TCP} {portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[101 100]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[podname3:[100 101]] -> map[[100 101]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18
STEP: Successfully validated that service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 exposes endpoints map[podname3:[100 101]] (5.01073313s elapsed)
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 to expose endpoints map[]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test cd38e678-34c8-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 332 0 2015-07-27 21:34:34 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2081998f0}] [{portname2 101 TCP} {portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[101 100]]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[[101 100]], expected map[] (7.308776ms elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test cd38e678-34c8-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 337 0 2015-07-27 21:34:34 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} []}
INFO: Found ports by ip map[]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[] -> map[] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18
STEP: Successfully validated that service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18 exposes endpoints map[] (5.011705892s elapsed)
[AfterEach] Services
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-0-bwc18
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-1-5wqgj
• [SLOW TEST:85.863 seconds]
should serve multiport endpoints from pods
should be restarted with a /healthz http liveness probe
[BeforeEach] Pods
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-zlthw
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-zlthw failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-zlthw with secrets found. (5.007460291s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-zlthw
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-zlthw with secrets found. (2.409994ms)
[It] should be restarted with a /healthz http liveness probe
STEP: Creating pod liveness-http in namespace e2e-tests-pods-zlthw
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod liveness-http status to be !pending
INFO: Waiting for pod liveness-http in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-zlthw' status to be '!pending'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (3.197798ms elapsed)
INFO: Waiting for pod liveness-http in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-zlthw' status to be '!pending'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (5.006500043s elapsed)
INFO: Saw pod 'liveness-http' in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-zlthw' out of pending state (found '"Running"')
STEP: Started pod liveness-http in namespace e2e-tests-pods-zlthw
STEP: checking the pod's current state and verifying that restartCount is present
STEP: Initial restart count of pod liveness-http is 0
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-zlthw/liveness-http is now 0 (4.245396ms elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-zlthw/liveness-http is now 0 (2.011326386s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-zlthw/liveness-http is now 0 (4.014590154s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-zlthw/liveness-http is now 0 (6.025818381s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-zlthw/liveness-http is now 0 (8.029394738s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-zlthw/liveness-http is now 0 (10.041447305s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-zlthw/liveness-http is now 0 (12.044499798s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-zlthw/liveness-http is now 0 (14.047775397s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-zlthw/liveness-http is now 0 (16.051700172s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-zlthw/liveness-http is now 0 (18.064686002s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-zlthw/liveness-http is now 0 (20.071051167s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-zlthw/liveness-http is now 1 (22.074567906s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-zlthw/liveness-http changed from 0 to 1
STEP: deleting the pod
[AfterEach] Pods
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-pods-zlthw" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:47.458 seconds]
should be restarted with a /healthz http liveness probe
Proxy version v1
should proxy to cadvisor
[BeforeEach] version v1
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-935kr
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-935kr failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-935kr with secrets found. (5.007584955s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-935kr
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-935kr with secrets found. (1.960408ms)
[It] should proxy to cadvisor
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 9.952952ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 4.170841ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 6.528934ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 6.398513ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 4.629031ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 4.384242ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 10.415769ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 77.984144ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 200.913405ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 208.565147ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 189.747686ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 208.452033ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 205.059069ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 194.207911ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 192.12341ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 200.842761ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 204.362029ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 195.633136ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 200.71572ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 241.0796ms)
[AfterEach] version v1
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-proxy-935kr" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:17.870 seconds]
version v1
should proxy to cadvisor
Docker Containers
should be able to override the image's default command and arguments
[BeforeEach] Docker Containers
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-containers-ugw70
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-containers-ugw70 failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-containers-ugw70 with secrets found. (5.006092315s)
[It] should be able to override the image's default command and arguments
STEP: Creating a pod to test override all
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod client-containers-22104381-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-22104381-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-22104381-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-ugw70' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (10.616053ms elapsed)
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-22104381-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-22104381-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-ugw70' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (5.014205875s elapsed)
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-22104381-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-22104381-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-ugw70' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (10.020222457s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod client-containers-22104381-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:[/ep-2 override arguments]
[AfterEach] Docker Containers
• [SLOW TEST:25.396 seconds]
Docker Containers
should be able to override the image's default command and arguments
Kubectl client Kubectl describe
should check if kubectl describe prints relevant information for rc and pods
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-gavci
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-gavci failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-gavci with secrets found. (5.006897529s)
[It] should check if kubectl describe prints relevant information for rc and pods
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config create -f /home/decarr/go/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-gavci'
INFO: replicationcontrollers/redis-master
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config create -f /home/decarr/go/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-gavci'
INFO: services/redis-master
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod redis-master-jtbgx status to be running
INFO: Waiting for pod redis-master-jtbgx in namespace 'e2e-tests-kubectl-gavci' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (6.348298ms elapsed)
INFO: Waiting for pod redis-master-jtbgx in namespace 'e2e-tests-kubectl-gavci' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (5.015935756s elapsed)
INFO: Waiting for pod redis-master-jtbgx in namespace 'e2e-tests-kubectl-gavci' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (10.020681893s elapsed)
INFO: Waiting for pod redis-master-jtbgx in namespace 'e2e-tests-kubectl-gavci' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (15.024521016s elapsed)
INFO: Waiting for pod redis-master-jtbgx in namespace 'e2e-tests-kubectl-gavci' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (20.028086692s elapsed)
INFO: Waiting for pod redis-master-jtbgx in namespace 'e2e-tests-kubectl-gavci' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (25.035914317s elapsed)
INFO: Waiting for pod redis-master-jtbgx in namespace 'e2e-tests-kubectl-gavci' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (30.047051772s elapsed)
INFO: Waiting for pod redis-master-jtbgx in namespace 'e2e-tests-kubectl-gavci' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (35.057487541s elapsed)
INFO: Found pod 'redis-master-jtbgx' on node ''
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config describe pod redis-master-jtbgx --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-gavci'
INFO: Name: redis-master-jtbgx
Namespace: e2e-tests-kubectl-gavci
Image(s): redis
Labels: app=redis,role=master
Status: Running
Replication Controllers: redis-master (1/1 replicas created)
Image: redis
State: Running
Started: Mon, 27 Jul 2015 21:37:59 -0400
Ready: True
Restart Count: 0
Type Status
Ready True
FirstSeen LastSeen Count From SubobjectPath Reason Message
Mon, 27 Jul 2015 21:37:21 -0400 Mon, 27 Jul 2015 21:37:21 -0400 1 {kubelet} implicitly required container POD pulled Pod container image "" already present on machine
Mon, 27 Jul 2015 21:37:21 -0400 Mon, 27 Jul 2015 21:37:21 -0400 1 {kubelet} implicitly required container POD created Created with docker id 3f8d10072413
Mon, 27 Jul 2015 21:37:21 -0400 Mon, 27 Jul 2015 21:37:21 -0400 1 {scheduler } scheduled Successfully assigned redis-master-jtbgx to
Mon, 27 Jul 2015 21:37:22 -0400 Mon, 27 Jul 2015 21:37:22 -0400 1 {kubelet} implicitly required container POD started Started with docker id 3f8d10072413
Mon, 27 Jul 2015 21:37:58 -0400 Mon, 27 Jul 2015 21:37:58 -0400 1 {kubelet} spec.containers{redis-master} pulled Successfully pulled image "redis"
Mon, 27 Jul 2015 21:37:59 -0400 Mon, 27 Jul 2015 21:37:59 -0400 1 {kubelet} spec.containers{redis-master} created Created with docker id f8d0aa3b6944
Mon, 27 Jul 2015 21:37:59 -0400 Mon, 27 Jul 2015 21:37:59 -0400 1 {kubelet} spec.containers{redis-master} started Started with docker id f8d0aa3b6944
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config describe rc redis-master --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-gavci'
INFO: Name: redis-master
Namespace: e2e-tests-kubectl-gavci
Image(s): redis
Selector: app=redis,role=master
Labels: app=redis,role=master
Replicas: 1 current / 1 desired
Pods Status: 1 Running / 0 Waiting / 0 Succeeded / 0 Failed
FirstSeen LastSeen Count From SubobjectPath Reason Message
Mon, 27 Jul 2015 21:37:21 -0400 Mon, 27 Jul 2015 21:37:21 -0400 1 {replication-controller } successfulCreate Created pod: redis-master-jtbgx
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config describe service redis-master --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-gavci'
INFO: Name: redis-master
Namespace: e2e-tests-kubectl-gavci
Labels: app=redis,role=master
Selector: app=redis,role=master
Type: ClusterIP
Port: <unnamed> 6379/TCP
Session Affinity: None
No events.
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config describe node'
INFO: Name:
CreationTimestamp: Mon, 27 Jul 2015 21:26:15 -0400
Type Status LastHeartbeatTime LastTransitionTime Reason Message
Ready True Mon, 27 Jul 2015 21:37:57 -0400 Mon, 27 Jul 2015 21:26:16 -0400 kubelet is posting ready status
cpu: 2
memory: 1017552Ki
pods: 40
Kernel Version: 3.17.4-301.fc21.x86_64
OS Image: Fedora 21 (Twenty One)
Container Runtime Version: docker://1.6.0
Kubelet Version: v1.0.0-854-gbbaee437a4ed22-dirty
Kube-Proxy Version: v1.0.0-854-gbbaee437a4ed22-dirty
Pods: (2 in total)
Namespace Name
kube-system kube-dns-v8-015q3
kube-system kube-ui-v1-nzvle
FirstSeen LastSeen Count From SubobjectPath Reason Message
Mon, 27 Jul 2015 21:26:14 -0400 Mon, 27 Jul 2015 21:26:14 -0400 1 {kubelet} starting Starting kubelet.
Mon, 27 Jul 2015 21:26:16 -0400 Mon, 27 Jul 2015 21:26:16 -0400 1 {kubelet} NodeReady Node status is now: NodeReady
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config describe namespace e2e-tests-kubectl-gavci'
INFO: Name: e2e-tests-kubectl-gavci
Labels: <none>
Status: Active
No resource quota.
No resource limits.
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-gavci
• [SLOW TEST:54.343 seconds]
Kubectl client
Kubectl describe
should check if kubectl describe prints relevant information for rc and pods
Variable Expansion
should allow substituting values in a container's command
[BeforeEach] Variable Expansion
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-n2w77
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-n2w77 failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-n2w77 with secrets found. (5.006110495s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-n2w77
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-n2w77 with secrets found. (3.329128ms)
[It] should allow substituting values in a container's command
STEP: Creating a pod to test substitution in container's command
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod var-expansion-5198b823-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'var-expansion-5198b823-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod var-expansion-5198b823-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-n2w77' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (3.03542ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'var-expansion-5198b823-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-n2w77' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod var-expansion-5198b823-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-n2w77' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.005787125s elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'var-expansion-5198b823-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-n2w77' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod var-expansion-5198b823-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-n2w77' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (10.009338934s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod var-expansion-5198b823-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d container dapi-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:test-value
[AfterEach] Variable Expansion
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-var-expansion-n2w77" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:30.398 seconds]
Variable Expansion
should allow substituting values in a container's command
Kubectl client Update Demo
should create and stop a replication controller
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-hz49z
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-hz49z failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-hz49z with secrets found. (5.007105313s)
[BeforeEach] Update Demo
[It] should create and stop a replication controller
STEP: creating a replication controller
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config create -f /home/decarr/go/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-hz49z'
INFO: replicationcontrollers/update-demo-nautilus
STEP: waiting for all containers in name=update-demo pods to come up.
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods -o template --template={{range.items}}{{}} {{end}} --api-version=v1 -l name=update-demo --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-hz49z'
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-6jg8b update-demo-nautilus-f3u5n
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-6jg8b -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-hz49z'
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-6jg8b is created but not running
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods -o template --template={{range.items}}{{}} {{end}} --api-version=v1 -l name=update-demo --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-hz49z'
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-6jg8b update-demo-nautilus-f3u5n
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-6jg8b -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-hz49z'
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-6jg8b is created but not running
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods -o template --template={{range.items}}{{}} {{end}} --api-version=v1 -l name=update-demo --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-hz49z'
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-6jg8b update-demo-nautilus-f3u5n
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-6jg8b -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-hz49z'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-6jg8b -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-hz49z'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-nautilus-6jg8b
INFO: got data: {
"image": "nautilus.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {nautilus.jpg} , expecting nautilus.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-6jg8b is verified up and running
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-f3u5n -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-hz49z'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-f3u5n -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-hz49z'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-nautilus-f3u5n
INFO: got data: {
"image": "nautilus.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {nautilus.jpg} , expecting nautilus.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-f3u5n is verified up and running
STEP: using stop to clean up resources
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config stop -f /home/decarr/go/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-hz49z'
INFO: replicationcontrollers/update-demo-nautilus
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods,rc,svc -l name=update-demo --no-headers --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-hz49z'
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-hz49z
• [SLOW TEST:32.428 seconds]
Kubectl client
Update Demo
should create and stop a replication controller
Kubectl client Kubectl cluster-info
should check if Kubernetes master services is included in cluster-info
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-x7uah
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-x7uah failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-x7uah with secrets found. (5.00980172s)
[It] should check if Kubernetes master services is included in cluster-info
STEP: validating cluster-info
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config cluster-info'
INFO: Kubernetes master is running at
KubeDNS is running at
KubeUI is running at
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-x7uah
• [SLOW TEST:11.003 seconds]
Kubectl client
Kubectl cluster-info
should check if Kubernetes master services is included in cluster-info
Kibana Logging Instances Is Alive
should check that the Kibana logging instance is alive
[BeforeEach] Kibana Logging Instances Is Alive
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kibana-logging-ppksu
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-kibana-logging-ppksu failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kibana-logging-ppksu with secrets found. (5.00509937s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kibana-logging-ppksu
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kibana-logging-ppksu with secrets found. (2.16737ms)
[BeforeEach] Kibana Logging Instances Is Alive
[AfterEach] Kibana Logging Instances Is Alive
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-kibana-logging-ppksu" for this suite.
S [SKIPPING] in Spec Setup (BeforeEach) [15.266 seconds]
Kibana Logging Instances Is Alive
should check that the Kibana logging instance is alive [BeforeEach]
Only supported for providers [gce] (not )
Kubectl client Kubectl run
should create an rc from an image
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-krty0
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-krty0 failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-krty0 with secrets found. (5.005899526s)
[BeforeEach] Kubectl run
[It] should create an rc from an image
STEP: running the image nginx
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config run e2e-test-nginx-rc --image=nginx --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-krty0'
e2e-test-nginx-rc e2e-test-nginx-rc nginx run=e2e-test-nginx-rc 1
STEP: verifying the rc e2e-test-nginx-rc was created
STEP: verifying the pod controlled by rc e2e-test-nginx-rc was created
[AfterEach] Kubectl run
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config stop rc e2e-test-nginx-rc --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-krty0'
INFO: replicationcontrollers/e2e-test-nginx-rc
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-krty0
• [SLOW TEST:18.833 seconds]
Kubectl client
Kubectl run
should create an rc from an image
should mount an API token into pods
[BeforeEach] ServiceAccounts
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-svcaccounts-cjtqp
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-svcaccounts-cjtqp failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-svcaccounts-cjtqp with secrets found. (5.038134206s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-svcaccounts-cjtqp
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-svcaccounts-cjtqp with secrets found. (2.720158ms)
[It] should mount an API token into pods
STEP: getting the auto-created API token
STEP: Creating a pod to test consume service account token
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-service-account-9244ef99-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'token-test' in pod 'pod-service-account-9244ef99-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-service-account-9244ef99-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-svcaccounts-cjtqp' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (13.044703ms elapsed)
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'token-test' in pod 'pod-service-account-9244ef99-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-service-account-9244ef99-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-svcaccounts-cjtqp' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (5.01637283s elapsed)
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'token-test' in pod 'pod-service-account-9244ef99-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-service-account-9244ef99-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-svcaccounts-cjtqp' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (10.019686163s elapsed)
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'token-test' in pod 'pod-service-account-9244ef99-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-service-account-9244ef99-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-svcaccounts-cjtqp' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (15.032241713s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-service-account-9244ef99-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d status to be success or failure
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'root-ca-test' in pod 'pod-service-account-9244ef99-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' in namespace 'e2e-tests-svcaccounts-cjtqp' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-service-account-9244ef99-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-svcaccounts-cjtqp' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (6.599642ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod pod-service-account-9244ef99-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d container token-test: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:content of file "/var/run/secrets/": eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.nuB4O6ac8YkxgBuvyXiyA3W9ZiFkLWPeIQ2QFoUlhiTos_lSVWzVMYNvkIi7BjSsP4EA8zJ8Rf4y-BPAdFU97wp-bzuCT572UP_lhXRrlFIrRxOb1XeuE2GpF2bt9XDdRgNnx_k0X-kqcazq6jX77FMAo5WUMERs8GGtFDpgsIlXh05lqZ4r9dX3Gi8GEwbOM-HA8G7TWZt27_4WqrHZDTcR--KLSQHnxgrk0gw49bqiQTcg8qD3p-CuTdicpDsS5-aAbpxgXMBMKBknYMVKZzD3ZGsloSokVXowPqN6hkm7Br77JNbp5AzuzyXeiBSgFtIXa8sDFjGPGQ-7B-xd3g
STEP: Creating a pod to test consume service account root CA
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-service-account-9244ef99-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'token-test' in pod 'pod-service-account-9244ef99-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-service-account-9244ef99-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-svcaccounts-cjtqp' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (6.46698ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-service-account-9244ef99-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d status to be success or failure
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'root-ca-test' in pod 'pod-service-account-9244ef99-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' in namespace 'e2e-tests-svcaccounts-cjtqp' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-service-account-9244ef99-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-svcaccounts-cjtqp' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (2.911157ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'root-ca-test' in pod 'pod-service-account-9244ef99-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' in namespace 'e2e-tests-svcaccounts-cjtqp' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-service-account-9244ef99-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-svcaccounts-cjtqp' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.005789405s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod pod-service-account-9244ef99-34c9-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d container root-ca-test: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:content of file "/var/run/secrets/": -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
[AfterEach] ServiceAccounts
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-svcaccounts-cjtqp" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:56.208 seconds]
should mount an API token into pods
Pod Disks
should schedule a pod w/ a RW PD shared between multiple containers, write to PD, delete pod, verify contents, and repeat in rapid succession
[BeforeEach] Pod Disks
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pod-disks-uomao
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-pod-disks-uomao failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pod-disks-uomao with secrets found. (5.005077325s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pod-disks-uomao
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pod-disks-uomao with secrets found. (11.924868ms)
[BeforeEach] Pod Disks
[It] should schedule a pod w/ a RW PD shared between multiple containers, write to PD, delete pod, verify contents, and repeat in rapid succession
[AfterEach] Pod Disks
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-pod-disks-uomao" for this suite.
S [SKIPPING] [15.369 seconds]
Pod Disks
should schedule a pod w/ a RW PD shared between multiple containers, write to PD, delete pod, verify contents, and repeat in rapid succession [It]
Only supported for providers [gce gke aws] (not )
should call prestop when killing a pod
[BeforeEach] PreStop
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-prestop-cfycv
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-prestop-cfycv failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-prestop-cfycv with secrets found. (5.005923195s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-prestop-cfycv
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-prestop-cfycv with secrets found. (2.153052ms)
[It] should call prestop when killing a pod
STEP: Creating server pod server in namespace e2e-tests-prestop-cfycv
STEP: Waiting for pods to come up.
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod server status to be running
INFO: Waiting for pod server in namespace 'e2e-tests-prestop-cfycv' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (5.527854ms elapsed)
INFO: Waiting for pod server in namespace 'e2e-tests-prestop-cfycv' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (5.00804187s elapsed)
INFO: Waiting for pod server in namespace 'e2e-tests-prestop-cfycv' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (10.010765867s elapsed)
INFO: Found pod 'server' on node ''
STEP: Creating tester pod server in namespace e2e-tests-prestop-cfycv
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod tester status to be running
INFO: Waiting for pod tester in namespace 'e2e-tests-prestop-cfycv' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (3.960478ms elapsed)
INFO: Found pod 'tester' on node ''
STEP: Deleting pre-stop pod
INFO: Saw: {
"Hostname": "server",
"Sent": null,
"Received": {
"prestop": 1
"Errors": null,
"Log": [
"Unable to read the endpoints for default/nettest: endpoints \"nettest\" not found; will try again.",
"Unable to read the endpoints for default/nettest: endpoints \"nettest\" not found; will try again."
"StillContactingPeers": true
STEP: Deleting the server pod
[AfterEach] PreStop
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-prestop-cfycv" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:40.418 seconds]
should call prestop when killing a pod
Kubectl client Update Demo
should do a rolling update of a replication controller
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-nyjrf
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-nyjrf failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-nyjrf with secrets found. (5.00768727s)
[BeforeEach] Update Demo
[It] should do a rolling update of a replication controller
STEP: creating the initial replication controller
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config create -f /home/decarr/go/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-nyjrf'
INFO: replicationcontrollers/update-demo-nautilus
STEP: waiting for all containers in name=update-demo pods to come up.
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods -o template --template={{range.items}}{{}} {{end}} --api-version=v1 -l name=update-demo --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-nyjrf'
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-exyaf update-demo-nautilus-wlss3
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-exyaf -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-nyjrf'
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-exyaf is created but not running
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods -o template --template={{range.items}}{{}} {{end}} --api-version=v1 -l name=update-demo --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-nyjrf'
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-exyaf update-demo-nautilus-wlss3
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-exyaf -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-nyjrf'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-exyaf -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-nyjrf'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-nautilus-exyaf
INFO: got data: {
"image": "nautilus.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {nautilus.jpg} , expecting nautilus.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-exyaf is verified up and running
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-wlss3 -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-nyjrf'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-wlss3 -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-nyjrf'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-nautilus-wlss3
INFO: got data: {
"image": "nautilus.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {nautilus.jpg} , expecting nautilus.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-wlss3 is verified up and running
STEP: rolling-update to new replication controller
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config rolling-update update-demo-nautilus --update-period=1s -f /home/decarr/go/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-nyjrf'
INFO: Creating update-demo-kitten
Scaling up update-demo-kitten from 0 to 2, scaling down update-demo-nautilus from 2 to 0 (scale up first by 1 each interval)
Scaling update-demo-kitten up to 1
Scaling update-demo-nautilus down to 1
Scaling update-demo-kitten up to 2
Scaling update-demo-nautilus down to 0
Update succeeded. Deleting update-demo-nautilus
STEP: waiting for all containers in name=update-demo pods to come up.
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods -o template --template={{range.items}}{{}} {{end}} --api-version=v1 -l name=update-demo --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-nyjrf'
INFO: update-demo-kitten-d6pqm update-demo-kitten-mk48c
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods update-demo-kitten-d6pqm -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-nyjrf'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods update-demo-kitten-d6pqm -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-nyjrf'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-kitten-d6pqm
INFO: got data: {
"image": "kitten.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {kitten.jpg} , expecting kitten.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-kitten-d6pqm is verified up and running
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods update-demo-kitten-mk48c -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-nyjrf'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods update-demo-kitten-mk48c -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-nyjrf'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-kitten-mk48c
INFO: got data: {
"image": "kitten.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {kitten.jpg} , expecting kitten.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-kitten-mk48c is verified up and running
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-nyjrf
• [SLOW TEST:57.695 seconds]
Kubectl client
Update Demo
should do a rolling update of a replication controller
should provide unchanging, static URL paths for kubernetes api services.
[BeforeEach] Networking
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-nettest-q9i5e
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-q9i5e failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-q9i5e with secrets found. (5.006733926s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-nettest-q9i5e
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-q9i5e with secrets found. (2.000094ms)
[BeforeEach] Networking
STEP: Executing a successful http request from the external internet
[It] should provide unchanging, static URL paths for kubernetes api services.
STEP: testing: /validate
STEP: testing: /healthz
[AfterEach] Networking
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-nettest-q9i5e" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:15.593 seconds]
should provide unchanging, static URL paths for kubernetes api services.
Variable Expansion
should allow substituting values in a container's args
[BeforeEach] Variable Expansion
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-2ourv
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-2ourv failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-2ourv with secrets found. (5.00532816s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-2ourv
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-2ourv with secrets found. (2.090466ms)
[It] should allow substituting values in a container's args
STEP: Creating a pod to test substitution in container's args
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod var-expansion-005c63c4-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'var-expansion-005c63c4-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod var-expansion-005c63c4-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-2ourv' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (3.912106ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'var-expansion-005c63c4-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-2ourv' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod var-expansion-005c63c4-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-2ourv' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.007168799s elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'var-expansion-005c63c4-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-2ourv' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod var-expansion-005c63c4-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-2ourv' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (10.014326392s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod var-expansion-005c63c4-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d container dapi-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:test-value
[AfterEach] Variable Expansion
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-var-expansion-2ourv" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:30.405 seconds]
Variable Expansion
should allow substituting values in a container's args
should be restarted with a docker exec "cat /tmp/health" liveness probe
[BeforeEach] Pods
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-0kllr
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-0kllr failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-0kllr with secrets found. (5.006142275s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-0kllr
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-0kllr with secrets found. (1.845614ms)
[It] should be restarted with a docker exec "cat /tmp/health" liveness probe
STEP: Creating pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-0kllr
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod liveness-exec status to be !pending
INFO: Waiting for pod liveness-exec in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-0kllr' status to be '!pending'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (3.56114ms elapsed)
INFO: Saw pod 'liveness-exec' in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-0kllr' out of pending state (found '"Running"')
STEP: Started pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-0kllr
STEP: checking the pod's current state and verifying that restartCount is present
STEP: Initial restart count of pod liveness-exec is 0
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-0kllr/liveness-exec is now 0 (2.590366ms elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-0kllr/liveness-exec is now 0 (2.005680077s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-0kllr/liveness-exec is now 0 (4.00871506s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-0kllr/liveness-exec is now 0 (6.021617351s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-0kllr/liveness-exec is now 0 (8.024496895s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-0kllr/liveness-exec is now 0 (10.029301333s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-0kllr/liveness-exec is now 0 (12.033310701s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-0kllr/liveness-exec is now 0 (14.0376035s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-0kllr/liveness-exec is now 0 (16.041260183s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-0kllr/liveness-exec is now 0 (18.046374499s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-0kllr/liveness-exec is now 0 (20.049689123s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-0kllr/liveness-exec is now 0 (22.053835013s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-0kllr/liveness-exec is now 0 (24.057323378s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-0kllr/liveness-exec is now 0 (26.062172465s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-0kllr/liveness-exec is now 1 (28.066453074s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-0kllr/liveness-exec changed from 0 to 1
STEP: deleting the pod
[AfterEach] Pods
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-pods-0kllr" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:48.436 seconds]
should be restarted with a docker exec "cat /tmp/health" liveness probe
should work after restarting apiserver
[BeforeEach] Services
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api objects
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-0-n1nqn
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-n1nqn failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-n1nqn with secrets found. (5.004390935s)
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-1-ynaex
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-ynaex failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-ynaex with secrets found. (5.00520255s)
[It] should work after restarting apiserver
[AfterEach] Services
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-0-n1nqn
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-1-ynaex
S [SKIPPING] [20.379 seconds]
should work after restarting apiserver [It]
Only supported for providers [gce] (not )
Kubectl client Kubectl version
should check is all data is printed
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-4whxg
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-4whxg failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-4whxg with secrets found. (5.004335909s)
[It] should check is all data is printed
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config version'
INFO: Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"0+", GitVersion:"v1.0.0-854-gbbaee437a4ed22-dirty", GitCommit:"bbaee437a4ed224d97d64d0edf7e1e2193e3e172", GitTreeState:"dirty"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"0+", GitVersion:"v1.0.0-854-gbbaee437a4ed22-dirty", GitCommit:"bbaee437a4ed224d97d64d0edf7e1e2193e3e172", GitTreeState:"dirty"}
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-4whxg
• [SLOW TEST:10.837 seconds]
Kubectl client
Kubectl version
should check is all data is printed
should serve a basic endpoint from pods
[BeforeEach] Services
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api objects
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah with secrets found. (5.00611342s)
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-1-f3byr
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-f3byr failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-f3byr with secrets found. (5.00879017s)
[It] should serve a basic endpoint from pods
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah to expose endpoints map[]
INFO: Get endpoints failed (27.70308ms elapsed, ignoring for 5s): endpoints "endpoint-test2" not found
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah/endpoints/endpoint-test2 4757ba51-34ca-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 1119 0 2015-07-27 21:45:08 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} []}
INFO: Found ports by ip map[]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[] -> map[] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah
STEP: Successfully validated that service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah exposes endpoints map[] (5.030211767s elapsed)
STEP: Adding pod test1 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah to expose endpoints map[test1:[80]]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah/endpoints/endpoint-test2 4757ba51-34ca-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 1119 0 2015-07-27 21:45:08 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} []}
INFO: Found ports by ip map[]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[], expected map[test1:[80]] (9.326869ms elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah/endpoints/endpoint-test2 4757ba51-34ca-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 1119 0 2015-07-27 21:45:08 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} []}
INFO: Found ports by ip map[]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[], expected map[test1:[80]] (5.011644046s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah/endpoints/endpoint-test2 4757ba51-34ca-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 1119 0 2015-07-27 21:45:08 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} []}
INFO: Found ports by ip map[]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[], expected map[test1:[80]] (10.014356386s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah/endpoints/endpoint-test2 4757ba51-34ca-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 1136 0 2015-07-27 21:45:08 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2081db3b0}] [{ 80 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 80
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[80]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[test1:[80]] -> map[[80]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah
STEP: Successfully validated that service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah exposes endpoints map[test1:[80]] (15.019851315s elapsed)
STEP: Adding pod test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah to expose endpoints map[test1:[80] test2:[80]]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah/endpoints/endpoint-test2 4757ba51-34ca-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 1136 0 2015-07-27 21:45:08 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2081c6b60}] [{ 80 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 80
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[80]]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[[80]], expected map[test2:[80] test1:[80]] (3.528447ms elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah/endpoints/endpoint-test2 4757ba51-34ca-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 1136 0 2015-07-27 21:45:08 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2081c7420}] [{ 80 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 80
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[80]]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[[80]], expected map[test1:[80] test2:[80]] (5.006323503s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah/endpoints/endpoint-test2 4757ba51-34ca-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 1136 0 2015-07-27 21:45:08 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2081c7b20}] [{ 80 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 80
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[80]]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[[80]], expected map[test1:[80] test2:[80]] (10.009160425s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah/endpoints/endpoint-test2 4757ba51-34ca-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 1151 0 2015-07-27 21:45:08 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2081b6460} { 0xc2081b6540}] [{ 80 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 80
INFO: Found IP and port 80
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[80][80]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[test1:[80] test2:[80]] -> map[[80][80]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah
STEP: Successfully validated that service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah exposes endpoints map[test1:[80] test2:[80]] (15.016673756s elapsed)
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah to expose endpoints map[test2:[80]]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah/endpoints/endpoint-test2 4757ba51-34ca-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 1151 0 2015-07-27 21:45:08 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2081a64d0} { 0xc2081a6700}] [{ 80 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 80
INFO: Found IP and port 80
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[80][80]]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[[80][80]], expected map[test2:[80]] (8.309062ms elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah/endpoints/endpoint-test2 4757ba51-34ca-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 1154 0 2015-07-27 21:45:08 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2081a7340}] [{ 80 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 80
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[80]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[test2:[80]] -> map[[80]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah
STEP: Successfully validated that service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah exposes endpoints map[test2:[80]] (5.02128334s elapsed)
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah to expose endpoints map[]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah/endpoints/endpoint-test2 4757ba51-34ca-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 1154 0 2015-07-27 21:45:08 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc208199030}] [{ 80 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 80
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[80]]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[[80]], expected map[] (9.410309ms elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah/endpoints/endpoint-test2 4757ba51-34ca-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 1159 0 2015-07-27 21:45:08 -0400 EDT <nil> map[] map[]} []}
INFO: Found ports by ip map[]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[] -> map[] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah
STEP: Successfully validated that service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah exposes endpoints map[] (5.011835866s elapsed)
[AfterEach] Services
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1yuah
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-1-f3byr
• [SLOW TEST:65.725 seconds]
should serve a basic endpoint from pods
should be submitted and removed
[BeforeEach] Pods
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-o7i7z
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-o7i7z failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-o7i7z with secrets found. (5.005005738s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-o7i7z
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-o7i7z with secrets found. (2.047393ms)
[It] should be submitted and removed
STEP: creating the pod
STEP: setting up watch
STEP: submitting the pod to kubernetes
STEP: verifying the pod is in kubernetes
STEP: veryfying pod creation was observed
STEP: deleting the pod
STEP: veryfying pod deletion was observed
[AfterEach] Pods
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-pods-o7i7z" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:15.499 seconds]
should be submitted and removed
should serve a basic image on each replica with a private image
[BeforeEach] ReplicationController
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-replication-controller-6j1u4
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-replication-controller-6j1u4 failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-replication-controller-6j1u4 with secrets found. (5.050827059s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-replication-controller-6j1u4
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-replication-controller-6j1u4 with secrets found. (4.780949ms)
[It] should serve a basic image on each replica with a private image
[AfterEach] ReplicationController
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-replication-controller-6j1u4" for this suite.
S [SKIPPING] [15.433 seconds]
should serve a basic image on each replica with a private image [It]
Only supported for providers [gce gke] (not )
Proxy version v1
should proxy logs on node
[BeforeEach] version v1
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-o7gpu
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-o7gpu failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-o7gpu with secrets found. (5.024645323s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-o7gpu
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-o7gpu with secrets found. (2.620363ms)
[It] should proxy logs on node
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 49.602202ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 4.421635ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 8.684477ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 18.530963ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 24.18725ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 10.543938ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 10.069231ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 4.483321ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 125.144407ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 191.19889ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 199.543606ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 199.525377ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 201.414614ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 198.839568ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 199.255514ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 200.189599ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 199.910618ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 199.791623ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 200.003813ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 200.937213ms)
[AfterEach] version v1
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-proxy-o7gpu" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:17.864 seconds]
version v1
should proxy logs on node
should serve a basic image on each replica with a public image
[BeforeEach] ReplicationController
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-replication-controller-9cp4n
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-replication-controller-9cp4n failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-replication-controller-9cp4n with secrets found. (5.018010723s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-replication-controller-9cp4n
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-replication-controller-9cp4n with secrets found. (2.038386ms)
[It] should serve a basic image on each replica with a public image
STEP: Creating replication controller my-hostname-basic-863c0f63-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d
INFO: Controller my-hostname-basic-863c0f63-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d: Found 0 pods out of 2
INFO: Controller my-hostname-basic-863c0f63-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d: Found 2 pods out of 2
STEP: Ensuring each pod is running
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod my-hostname-basic-863c0f63-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d-sm31g status to be running
INFO: Waiting for pod my-hostname-basic-863c0f63-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d-sm31g in namespace 'e2e-tests-replication-controller-9cp4n' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (2.931067ms elapsed)
INFO: Waiting for pod my-hostname-basic-863c0f63-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d-sm31g in namespace 'e2e-tests-replication-controller-9cp4n' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (5.015703287s elapsed)
INFO: Waiting for pod my-hostname-basic-863c0f63-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d-sm31g in namespace 'e2e-tests-replication-controller-9cp4n' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (10.018946225s elapsed)
INFO: Found pod 'my-hostname-basic-863c0f63-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d-sm31g' on node ''
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod my-hostname-basic-863c0f63-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d-vd01o status to be running
INFO: Found pod 'my-hostname-basic-863c0f63-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d-vd01o' on node ''
STEP: Trying to dial each unique pod
INFO: Controller my-hostname-basic-863c0f63-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d: Got expected result from replica 1 [my-hostname-basic-863c0f63-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d-sm31g]: "my-hostname-basic-863c0f63-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d-sm31g", 1 of 2 required successes so far
INFO: Controller my-hostname-basic-863c0f63-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d: Got expected result from replica 2 [my-hostname-basic-863c0f63-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d-vd01o]: "my-hostname-basic-863c0f63-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d-vd01o", 2 of 2 required successes so far
STEP: Cleaning up the replication controller
[AfterEach] ReplicationController
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-replication-controller-9cp4n" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:42.519 seconds]
should serve a basic image on each replica with a public image
should be able to up and down services
[BeforeEach] Services
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api objects
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-0-sx80h
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-sx80h failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-sx80h with secrets found. (5.004626521s)
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-1-cgok3
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-cgok3 failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-cgok3 with secrets found. (5.005249479s)
[It] should be able to up and down services
[AfterEach] Services
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-0-sx80h
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-1-cgok3
S [SKIPPING] [20.398 seconds]
should be able to up and down services [It]
Only supported for providers [gce gke aws] (not )
should be consumable from pods
[BeforeEach] Secrets
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-secrets-hqkq5
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-secrets-hqkq5 failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-secrets-hqkq5 with secrets found. (5.011470129s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-secrets-hqkq5
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-secrets-hqkq5 with secrets found. (2.090082ms)
[It] should be consumable from pods
STEP: Creating secret with name secret-test-abc1e39e-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d
STEP: Creating a pod to test consume secrets
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-secrets-abc442bd-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'secret-test' in pod 'pod-secrets-abc442bd-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-secrets-abc442bd-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-secrets-hqkq5' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (8.120188ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'secret-test' in pod 'pod-secrets-abc442bd-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' in namespace 'e2e-tests-secrets-hqkq5' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-secrets-abc442bd-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-secrets-hqkq5' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.012188034s elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'secret-test' in pod 'pod-secrets-abc442bd-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' in namespace 'e2e-tests-secrets-hqkq5' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-secrets-abc442bd-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-secrets-hqkq5' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (10.015030203s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod pod-secrets-abc442bd-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d container secret-test: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:mode of file "/etc/secret-volume/data-1": -r--r--r--
content of file "/etc/secret-volume/data-1": value-1
STEP: Cleaning up the secret
[AfterEach] Secrets
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-secrets-hqkq5" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:30.575 seconds]
should be consumable from pods
Proxy version v1
should proxy logs on node with explicit kubelet port
[BeforeEach] version v1
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-6v5sq
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-6v5sq failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-6v5sq with secrets found. (5.021140465s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-6v5sq
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-6v5sq with secrets found. (2.740964ms)
[It] should proxy logs on node with explicit kubelet port
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 3.790676ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 5.760039ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 3.579745ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 4.588551ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 6.164726ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 4.160675ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 10.859663ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 70.393745ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 182.226327ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 205.747797ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 194.281224ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 197.627115ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 196.07806ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 204.346373ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 196.618844ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 200.654837ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 205.163767ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 192.866643ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 205.402909ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="yum.log">yum.log</a>
<a href="glusterfs/">glusterfs/</a>
<a href="btmp">btmp</a>
<... (200; 197.336322ms)
[AfterEach] version v1
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-proxy-6v5sq" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:17.834 seconds]
version v1
should proxy logs on node with explicit kubelet port
should be sent by kubelets and the scheduler about pods scheduling and running
[BeforeEach] Events
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-events-u6sib
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-events-u6sib failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-events-u6sib with secrets found. (5.020236195s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-events-u6sib
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-events-u6sib with secrets found. (2.301049ms)
[It] should be sent by kubelets and the scheduler about pods scheduling and running
STEP: creating the pod
STEP: submitting the pod to kubernetes
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod send-events-c895c957-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d status to be running
INFO: Waiting for pod send-events-c895c957-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-events-u6sib' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (17.14283ms elapsed)
INFO: Found pod 'send-events-c895c957-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' on node ''
STEP: verifying the pod is in kubernetes
STEP: retrieving the pod
&{TypeMeta:{Kind: APIVersion:} ObjectMeta:{Name:send-events-c895c957-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d GenerateName: Namespace:e2e-tests-events-u6sib SelfLink:/api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-events-u6sib/pods/send-events-c895c957-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d UID:c80bcf07-34ca-11e5-ab3d-0800279dd272 ResourceVersion:1406 Generation:0 CreationTimestamp:2015-07-27 21:48:44 -0400 EDT DeletionTimestamp:<nil> Labels:map[name:foo time:796598324] Annotations:map[]} Spec:{Volumes:[{Name:default-token-9q1uv VolumeSource:{HostPath:<nil> EmptyDir:<nil> GCEPersistentDisk:<nil> AWSElasticBlockStore:<nil> GitRepo:<nil> Secret:0xc2082a4290 NFS:<nil> ISCSI:<nil> Glusterfs:<nil> PersistentVolumeClaim:<nil> RBD:<nil>}}] Containers:[{Name:p Command:[] Args:[] WorkingDir: Ports:[{Name: HostPort:0 ContainerPort:80 Protocol:TCP HostIP:}] Env:[] Resources:{Limits:map[] Requests:map[]} VolumeMounts:[{Name:default-token-9q1uv ReadOnly:true MountPath:/var/run/secrets/}] LivenessProbe:<nil> ReadinessProbe:<nil> Lifecycle:<nil> TerminationMessagePath:/dev/termination-log ImagePullPolicy:IfNotPresent SecurityContext:<nil>}] RestartPolicy:Always TerminationGracePeriodSeconds:<nil> ActiveDeadlineSeconds:<nil> DNSPolicy:ClusterFirst NodeSelector:map[] ServiceAccountName:default NodeName: HostNetwork:false ImagePullSecrets:[]} Status:{Phase:Running Conditions:[{Type:Ready Status:False}] Message: Reason: HostIP: PodIP: StartTime:2015-07-27 21:48:44 -0400 EDT ContainerStatuses:[{Name:p State:{Waiting:<nil> Running:0xc2082c3ca0 Terminated:<nil>} LastTerminationState:{Waiting:<nil> Running:<nil> Terminated:<nil>} Ready:false RestartCount:0 ImageID:docker://00619279d4083019321e4865829a65a550a23c677d76cbb44274ade0d92ca7a9 ContainerID:docker://52ab18b8853c936cadf056eaf6cf69fdc001a1b07e0335a5a84cbc3cf388a6b8}]}}
STEP: checking for scheduler event about the pod
Saw scheduler event for our pod.
STEP: checking for kubelet event about the pod
Saw kubelet event for our pod.
STEP: deleting the pod
[AfterEach] Events
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-events-u6sib" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:24.424 seconds]
should be sent by kubelets and the scheduler about pods scheduling and running
Docker Containers
should be able to override the image's default arguments (docker cmd)
[BeforeEach] Docker Containers
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-containers-9dak3
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-containers-9dak3 failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-containers-9dak3 with secrets found. (5.007160504s)
[It] should be able to override the image's default arguments (docker cmd)
STEP: Creating a pod to test override arguments
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod client-containers-d720ac69-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-d720ac69-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-d720ac69-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-9dak3' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (5.633855ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-d720ac69-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-9dak3' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-d720ac69-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-9dak3' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.008301379s elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-d720ac69-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-9dak3' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-d720ac69-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-9dak3' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (10.012047941s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod client-containers-d720ac69-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:[/ep override arguments]
[AfterEach] Docker Containers
• [SLOW TEST:25.391 seconds]
Docker Containers
should be able to override the image's default arguments (docker cmd)
EmptyDir volumes
should have the correct mode
[BeforeEach] EmptyDir volumes
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-1uv3a
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-1uv3a failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-1uv3a with secrets found. (5.005381616s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-1uv3a
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-1uv3a with secrets found. (2.634241ms)
[It] should have the correct mode
STEP: Creating a pod to test emptydir r/w on tmpfs
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-e646bfd3-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-e646bfd3-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-e646bfd3-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-1uv3a' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (10.830804ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-e646bfd3-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-1uv3a' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-e646bfd3-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-1uv3a' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.013952767s elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-e646bfd3-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-1uv3a' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-e646bfd3-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-1uv3a' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (10.017344339s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod pod-e646bfd3-34ca-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:mount type of "/test-volume": tmpfs
mode of file "/test-volume": dtrwxrwxrwx
[AfterEach] EmptyDir volumes
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-emptydir-1uv3a" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:30.419 seconds]
EmptyDir volumes
should have the correct mode
Service endpoints latency
should not be very high
[BeforeEach] Service endpoints latency
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-svc-latency-uvv6d
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-svc-latency-uvv6d failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-svc-latency-uvv6d with secrets found. (5.004163042s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-svc-latency-uvv6d
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-svc-latency-uvv6d with secrets found. (5.139716ms)
[It] should not be very high
STEP: 2015-07-27 21:50:06.027017235 -0400 EDT Creating replication controller svc-latency-rc
INFO: 2015-07-27 21:50:06.042783203 -0400 EDT Created replication controller with name: svc-latency-rc, namespace: e2e-tests-svc-latency-uvv6d, replica count: 1
INFO: 2015-07-27 21:50:07.04300541 -0400 EDT svc-latency-rc Pods: 1 out of 1 created, 0 running, 1 pending, 0 waiting, 0 inactive, 0 unknown
INFO: 2015-07-27 21:50:08.043154911 -0400 EDT svc-latency-rc Pods: 1 out of 1 created, 0 running, 1 pending, 0 waiting, 0 inactive, 0 unknown
INFO: 2015-07-27 21:50:09.043275218 -0400 EDT svc-latency-rc Pods: 1 out of 1 created, 0 running, 1 pending, 0 waiting, 0 inactive, 0 unknown
INFO: 2015-07-27 21:50:10.04340739 -0400 EDT svc-latency-rc Pods: 1 out of 1 created, 0 running, 1 pending, 0 waiting, 0 inactive, 0 unknown
INFO: 2015-07-27 21:50:11.043545043 -0400 EDT svc-latency-rc Pods: 1 out of 1 created, 1 running, 0 pending, 0 waiting, 0 inactive, 0 unknown
INFO: Created: latency-svc-vav4e
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-vav4e [5.138483735s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-kabk1
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-kabk1 [560.511139ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-f4n6h
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-f4n6h [712.749755ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-5byuk
INFO: Created: latency-svc-92k8p
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-5byuk [826.286835ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ad6kd
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-92k8p [957.158007ms]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ad6kd [992.208324ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-e75e1
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-e75e1 [1.201632067s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-hgldi
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-hgldi [1.298743001s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-kj5sb
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-kj5sb [1.423032135s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-fq08t
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-fq08t [1.534896168s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-dtu7i
INFO: Created: latency-svc-rdes7
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-dtu7i [1.654048751s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-vu4ib
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-rdes7 [1.753479646s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-vu4ib [1.804043933s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-cuies
INFO: Created: latency-svc-4b39s
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-cuies [1.968436153s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-4b39s [1.992551201s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-lyrew
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-lyrew [2.217415823s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-opy6s
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-opy6s [1.391474342s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-i36em
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-i36em [1.174896094s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-052zl
INFO: Created: latency-svc-jbkqo
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-052zl [1.096011515s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-jbkqo [1.056495378s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-p2qe6
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-p2qe6 [1.418741446s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-bg793
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-bg793 [1.469843932s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-89nyx
INFO: Created: latency-svc-iztu0
INFO: Created: latency-svc-5gpns
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-89nyx [1.760242306s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-iztu0 [1.764719484s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-5gpns [1.764400546s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-eheq5
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-eheq5 [1.869236511s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-0ssik
INFO: Created: latency-svc-u11js
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-0ssik [1.992415252s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-zg1yx
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-u11js [1.892955858s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-zg1yx [1.899732847s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-44i56
INFO: Created: latency-svc-l1p05
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-44i56 [1.730452064s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-pfugs
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-l1p05 [2.915915276s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-pfugs [1.671458147s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-x5wqm
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-x5wqm [1.40230739s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-28h29
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-28h29 [2.467397311s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ivotv
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ivotv [1.145617231s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-v2raw
INFO: Created: latency-svc-rmx8v
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-v2raw [1.187841419s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-qkx2d
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-rmx8v [1.19593682s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-jngdo
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-qkx2d [1.192386331s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-i7wsa
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-jngdo [1.243344957s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-gxhmq
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-i7wsa [1.53893744s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-qq0cs
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-gxhmq [1.769069036s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-okskv
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-qq0cs [1.665556482s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-9od5s
INFO: Created: latency-svc-uzi4m
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-okskv [2.570948165s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-9od5s [1.823005366s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-uzi4m [1.788647438s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-bykmn
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-bykmn [1.967788343s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ztd9h
INFO: Created: latency-svc-df6g5
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ztd9h [2.126516048s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-df6g5 [2.124137688s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-59ogk
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-59ogk [485.676722ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-qmedr
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-qmedr [1.567025513s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-jiz8c
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-jiz8c [1.258977032s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-jt66i
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-jt66i [1.327946118s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-40uxy
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-40uxy [1.235692647s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ufqu3
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ufqu3 [1.259677699s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-48dcf
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-48dcf [1.229097628s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-r8sq8
INFO: Created: latency-svc-vi9bl
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-r8sq8 [1.170883948s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-vi9bl [1.050131203s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-hci7m
INFO: Created: latency-svc-xovyr
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-hci7m [1.289155588s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-xovyr [1.311002556s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-3krmc
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-3krmc [1.255060263s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-s4mim
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-s4mim [1.323507852s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-dhtte
INFO: Created: latency-svc-2ebe1
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-dhtte [1.354570723s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-2ebe1 [1.349668971s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-n2hlo
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-n2hlo [1.339610728s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-5mhsu
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-5mhsu [1.096665144s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-hga4j
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-hga4j [1.005986071s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-5crza
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-5crza [984.319301ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-o8xd1
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-o8xd1 [969.878091ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-6h4hv
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-6h4hv [958.510425ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-9ijbn
INFO: Created: latency-svc-z2t4r
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-9ijbn [1.205471626s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-z2t4r [1.177448592s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-bk9cz
INFO: Created: latency-svc-xwre2
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-bk9cz [1.345489222s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-xwre2 [1.273484601s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-nzj5p
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-nzj5p [1.296704916s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-umo89
INFO: Created: latency-svc-o877j
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-umo89 [1.428501299s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-wf0dc
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-o877j [1.476874844s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-wf0dc [1.345526593s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-uz8k9
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-uz8k9 [1.466971089s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ukxca
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ukxca [1.326363894s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-jcls2
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-jcls2 [1.138333798s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-3tyu2
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-3tyu2 [1.115035133s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-wyvzt
INFO: Created: latency-svc-y5yno
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-wyvzt [1.159308891s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-y5yno [1.171154312s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-zxg4b
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-zxg4b [1.33487281s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-h3adq
INFO: Created: latency-svc-wmbyf
INFO: Created: latency-svc-pagf8
INFO: Created: latency-svc-x9odg
INFO: Created: latency-svc-fqclk
INFO: Created: latency-svc-hbmrz
INFO: Created: latency-svc-2zdkm
INFO: Created: latency-svc-o6wmy
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-pagf8 [1.993848392s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-h3adq [2.33206262s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-hbmrz [1.758064035s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-fqclk [1.894982964s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-y2ew8
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-2zdkm [1.650222628s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-wmbyf [2.356796904s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-x9odg [2.240516539s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-o6wmy [1.648853805s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-zn68x
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-y2ew8 [1.37939582s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-yjrtp
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-zn68x [1.401228251s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-v1v3l
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ys3g1
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-yjrtp [1.490844391s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-v1v3l [1.430384615s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-zucmk
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ys3g1 [1.345499628s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-uyp9o
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-zucmk [1.287683173s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-uyp9o [1.265085922s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-tpeqz
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-tpeqz [840.260227ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ioeal
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ioeal [782.800334ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-prv5s
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-prv5s [1.024810116s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-m9ak3
INFO: Created: latency-svc-z015q
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-m9ak3 [923.011002ms]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-z015q [940.190535ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-2ek8u
INFO: Created: latency-svc-7t3yq
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-2ek8u [1.021674906s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-7t3yq [989.921757ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-tyfio
INFO: Created: latency-svc-7majn
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-tyfio [1.067414213s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-7majn [1.074272869s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-r4yhf
INFO: Created: latency-svc-9duuo
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-r4yhf [1.112960688s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-n4afo
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-9duuo [1.153735185s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-n4afo [1.07901819s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-h5ktl
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-h5ktl [1.130081477s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-adkkn
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-adkkn [1.088475799s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-l6u9f
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-l6u9f [1.136420207s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-hvjpu
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-hvjpu [870.578051ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-jeyzd
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-jeyzd [1.075077769s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-saeed
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-saeed [1.085956843s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-jgh73
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-jgh73 [1.030909053s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-8ev6n
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ase3i
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-8ev6n [1.13032171s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ase3i [1.115357672s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-7772h
INFO: Created: latency-svc-aevp9
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-7772h [1.40395362s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-aevp9 [1.384355865s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-rirni
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-rirni [1.565688118s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-f80kc
INFO: Created: latency-svc-viyg7
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-f80kc [1.782212586s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-viyg7 [1.810386862s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-evr4b
INFO: Created: latency-svc-88fg9
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-evr4b [2.041035513s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-88fg9 [2.117104469s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-1yesg
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-1yesg [2.094551702s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-nr9ry
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-nr9ry [1.928230924s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-90waj
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-90waj [1.335314132s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-rwu6q
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-rwu6q [1.071927467s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-jeyrq
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-jeyrq [1.324270267s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-m4del
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-m4del [1.373982361s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-a07nw
INFO: Created: latency-svc-3qo34
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-a07nw [1.656448273s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-nb4hm
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-3qo34 [1.730888728s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-nb4hm [1.877594411s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-zi4gf
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-zi4gf [2.083876072s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-xm2um
INFO: Created: latency-svc-c3za0
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-xm2um [2.132845412s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-f6hsu
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-c3za0 [2.176587955s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-f6hsu [2.165306134s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-hapq0
INFO: Created: latency-svc-wtnq6
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-hapq0 [2.360196514s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-wtnq6 [2.320772839s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-9prm5
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-9prm5 [2.059553046s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ih13p
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ih13p [1.677653594s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-m0e2c
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-m0e2c [1.240702391s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-28atq
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-28atq [1.120150828s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-hca4x
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-hca4x [1.117484422s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-7us77
INFO: Created: latency-svc-mk4w1
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-mk4w1 [1.105460306s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-7us77 [1.236376575s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-z4ant
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-z4ant [1.348621877s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-52rkz
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-52rkz [1.254800147s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-r4ba3
INFO: Created: latency-svc-7izfj
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-r4ba3 [1.339491754s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-7izfj [1.292561135s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-vswsw
INFO: Created: latency-svc-65mea
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-vswsw [1.16149589s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-a2ffp
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-65mea [1.148080644s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-a2ffp [1.08545515s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-l6ho4
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-l6ho4 [1.155739701s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ulpry
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ulpry [1.013103052s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-2sou2
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-2sou2 [948.100998ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-yaaih
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-yaaih [1.078324281s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-wi06k
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-wi06k [1.157167484s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-jxw4p
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-jxw4p [1.241388015s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-8ktes
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ayvq3
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-8ktes [1.319099639s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ayvq3 [1.367477119s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-wt3i8
INFO: Created: latency-svc-6y9me
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-wt3i8 [1.379840123s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-u53e4
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-6y9me [1.439853689s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-u53e4 [1.40223778s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-xesl9
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-xesl9 [1.440444333s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-9hi27
INFO: Created: latency-svc-plbci
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-9hi27 [1.525756218s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-plbci [1.50708641s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-2w31f
INFO: Created: latency-svc-cxm3d
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-2w31f [1.686752119s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-cxm3d [1.633124105s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ewz89
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ewz89 [1.619452075s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ixyht
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ixyht [1.355386423s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-28js4
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-28js4 [1.209280396s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-7bc9y
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-7bc9y [927.424631ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ea6q1
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ea6q1 [959.496178ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-8mkno
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-8mkno [988.014765ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-hvje7
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-hvje7 [1.120432782s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-b8asg
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-b8asg [1.273060657s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-w14yp
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-w14yp [1.162812156s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-rjsvr
INFO: Created: latency-svc-nk0vr
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-rjsvr [1.228193685s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-nk0vr [1.19922862s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-tb6eh
INFO: Created: latency-svc-12d04
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-tb6eh [1.342050259s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-12d04 [1.298648725s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-502b2
INFO: Created: latency-svc-wbd9l
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-502b2 [1.514590613s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-73hci
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-wbd9l [1.25323637s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-73hci [1.361283131s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-dnbhe
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-dnbhe [1.404505929s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-su1b6
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-su1b6 [1.4366974s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-s2mn7
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-s2mn7 [1.251481418s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-6ak65
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-6ak65 [1.211676709s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-dc4nj
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-dc4nj [1.195322554s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-2goh3
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-2goh3 [1.063424628s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-1ko6j
INFO: Created: latency-svc-lmkpo
INFO: Created: latency-svc-m507n
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-1ko6j [1.236506564s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-lmkpo [1.208342935s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-m507n [1.204681942s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-5vs38
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-5vs38 [1.192202986s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-5m9cf
INFO: Created: latency-svc-51dtb
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-5m9cf [1.462770967s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-51dtb [1.497917625s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-tazzo
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-tazzo [1.634781535s]
STEP: 2015-07-27 21:50:53.425174571 -0400 EDT Deleting replication controller svc-latency-rc in namespace e2e-tests-svc-latency-uvv6d
INFO: Deleting RC took: 2.076982443s
INFO: Latencies: [485.676722ms 560.511139ms 712.749755ms 782.800334ms 826.286835ms 840.260227ms 870.578051ms 923.011002ms 927.424631ms 940.190535ms 948.100998ms 957.158007ms 958.510425ms 959.496178ms 969.878091ms 984.319301ms 988.014765ms 989.921757ms 992.208324ms 1.005986071s 1.013103052s 1.021674906s 1.024810116s 1.030909053s 1.050131203s 1.056495378s 1.063424628s 1.067414213s 1.071927467s 1.074272869s 1.075077769s 1.078324281s 1.07901819s 1.08545515s 1.085956843s 1.088475799s 1.096011515s 1.096665144s 1.105460306s 1.112960688s 1.115035133s 1.115357672s 1.117484422s 1.120150828s 1.120432782s 1.130081477s 1.13032171s 1.136420207s 1.138333798s 1.145617231s 1.148080644s 1.153735185s 1.155739701s 1.157167484s 1.159308891s 1.16149589s 1.162812156s 1.170883948s 1.171154312s 1.174896094s 1.177448592s 1.187841419s 1.192202986s 1.192386331s 1.195322554s 1.19593682s 1.19922862s 1.201632067s 1.204681942s 1.205471626s 1.208342935s 1.209280396s 1.211676709s 1.228193685s 1.229097628s 1.235692647s 1.236376575s 1.236506564s 1.240702391s 1.241388015s 1.243344957s 1.251481418s 1.25323637s 1.254800147s 1.255060263s 1.258977032s 1.259677699s 1.265085922s 1.273060657s 1.273484601s 1.287683173s 1.289155588s 1.292561135s 1.296704916s 1.298648725s 1.298743001s 1.311002556s 1.319099639s 1.323507852s 1.324270267s 1.326363894s 1.327946118s 1.33487281s 1.335314132s 1.339491754s 1.339610728s 1.342050259s 1.345489222s 1.345499628s 1.345526593s 1.348621877s 1.349668971s 1.354570723s 1.355386423s 1.361283131s 1.367477119s 1.373982361s 1.37939582s 1.379840123s 1.384355865s 1.391474342s 1.401228251s 1.40223778s 1.40230739s 1.40395362s 1.404505929s 1.418741446s 1.423032135s 1.428501299s 1.430384615s 1.4366974s 1.439853689s 1.440444333s 1.462770967s 1.466971089s 1.469843932s 1.476874844s 1.490844391s 1.497917625s 1.50708641s 1.514590613s 1.525756218s 1.534896168s 1.53893744s 1.565688118s 1.567025513s 1.619452075s 1.633124105s 1.634781535s 1.648853805s 1.650222628s 1.654048751s 1.656448273s 1.665556482s 1.671458147s 1.677653594s 1.686752119s 1.730452064s 1.730888728s 1.753479646s 1.758064035s 1.760242306s 1.764400546s 1.764719484s 1.769069036s 1.782212586s 1.788647438s 1.804043933s 1.810386862s 1.823005366s 1.869236511s 1.877594411s 1.892955858s 1.894982964s 1.899732847s 1.928230924s 1.967788343s 1.968436153s 1.992415252s 1.992551201s 1.993848392s 2.041035513s 2.059553046s 2.083876072s 2.094551702s 2.117104469s 2.124137688s 2.126516048s 2.132845412s 2.165306134s 2.176587955s 2.217415823s 2.240516539s 2.320772839s 2.33206262s 2.356796904s 2.360196514s 2.467397311s 2.570948165s 2.915915276s]
INFO: 50 %ile: 1.326363894s
INFO: 90 %ile: 1.993848392s
INFO: 99 %ile: 2.570948165s
INFO: Total sample count: 200
[AfterEach] Service endpoints latency
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-svc-latency-uvv6d" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:64.811 seconds]
Service endpoints latency
should not be very high
should *not* be restarted with a docker exec "cat /tmp/health" liveness probe
[BeforeEach] Pods
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz with secrets found. (5.004565785s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz with secrets found. (1.878492ms)
[It] should *not* be restarted with a docker exec "cat /tmp/health" liveness probe
STEP: Creating pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod liveness-exec status to be !pending
INFO: Waiting for pod liveness-exec in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz' status to be '!pending'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (4.195029ms elapsed)
INFO: Saw pod 'liveness-exec' in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz' out of pending state (found '"Running"')
STEP: Started pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz
STEP: checking the pod's current state and verifying that restartCount is present
STEP: Initial restart count of pod liveness-exec is 0
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (3.212834ms elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (2.006180391s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (4.010046053s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (6.013960851s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (8.017798679s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (10.020876634s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (12.024688685s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (14.02911476s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (16.035851482s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (18.039885995s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (20.043267244s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (22.050065488s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (24.061615789s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (26.067963599s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (28.071606436s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (30.075119983s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (32.078763505s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (34.082088561s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (36.090573682s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (38.105949345s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (40.11017988s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (42.115916152s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (44.120774599s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (46.136821468s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (48.141106755s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (50.149079118s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (52.152337331s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (54.164263194s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (56.167309039s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (58.17045488s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m0.173500623s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m2.182896867s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m4.272863808s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m6.27646722s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m8.279677646s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m10.283856933s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m12.287452213s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m14.293870471s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m16.312447207s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m18.318011843s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m20.403031841s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m22.408274292s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m24.412527267s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m26.424269898s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m28.427500297s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m30.430455048s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m32.436469902s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m34.441782507s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m36.449637666s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m38.452745108s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m40.455998819s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m42.459678384s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m44.463626503s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m46.466410609s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m48.477458492s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m50.482164257s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m52.486764185s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m54.490638945s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m56.499332187s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m58.503180143s elapsed)
STEP: deleting the pod
[AfterEach] Pods
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-pods-8xrrz" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:140.915 seconds]
should *not* be restarted with a docker exec "cat /tmp/health" liveness probe
Kubectl client Kubectl logs
should find a string in pod logs
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-tfaq5
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-tfaq5 failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-tfaq5 with secrets found. (5.01596938s)
[It] should find a string in pod logs
STEP: creating Redis RC
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config create -f /home/decarr/go/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-tfaq5'
INFO: replicationcontrollers/redis-master
STEP: checking logs
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod redis-master-uw6b8 status to be running
INFO: Found pod 'redis-master-uw6b8' on node ''
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config log redis-master-uw6b8 redis-master --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-tfaq5'
INFO: 1:C 28 Jul 01:53:33.552 # Warning: no config file specified, using the default config. In order to specify a config file use redis-server /path/to/redis.conf
_.-``__ ''-._
_.-`` `. `_. ''-._ Redis 3.0.3 (00000000/0) 64 bit
.-`` .-```. ```\/ _.,_ ''-._
( ' , .-` | `, ) Running in standalone mode
|`-._`-...-` __...-.``-._|'` _.-'| Port: 6379
| `-._ `._ / _.-' | PID: 1
`-._ `-._ `-./ _.-' _.-'
|`-._`-._ `-.__.-' _.-'_.-'|
| `-._`-._ _.-'_.-' |
`-._ `-._`-.__.-'_.-' _.-'
|`-._`-._ `-.__.-' _.-'_.-'|
| `-._`-._ _.-'_.-' |
`-._ `-._`-.__.-'_.-' _.-'
`-._ `-.__.-' _.-'
`-._ _.-'
1:M 28 Jul 01:53:33.556 # Server started, Redis version 3.0.3
1:M 28 Jul 01:53:33.556 # WARNING overcommit_memory is set to 0! Background save may fail under low memory condition. To fix this issue add 'vm.overcommit_memory = 1' to /etc/sysctl.conf and then reboot or run the command 'sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1' for this to take effect.
1:M 28 Jul 01:53:33.557 # WARNING you have Transparent Huge Pages (THP) support enabled in your kernel. This will create latency and memory usage issues with Redis. To fix this issue run the command 'echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled' as root, and add it to your /etc/rc.local in order to retain the setting after a reboot. Redis must be restarted after THP is disabled.
1:M 28 Jul 01:53:33.557 # WARNING: The TCP backlog setting of 511 cannot be enforced because /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn is set to the lower value of 128.
1:M 28 Jul 01:53:33.557 * The server is now ready to accept connections on port 6379
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-tfaq5
• [SLOW TEST:16.440 seconds]
Kubectl client
Kubectl logs
should find a string in pod logs
should give a volume the correct mode
[BeforeEach] hostPath
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-hostpath-41y98
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-hostpath-41y98 failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-hostpath-41y98 with secrets found. (5.020188415s)
[It] should give a volume the correct mode
STEP: Creating a pod to test hostPath mode
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-7cd34509-34cb-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-7cd34509-34cb-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-7cd34509-34cb-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-hostpath-41y98' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (3.883537ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-7cd34509-34cb-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' in namespace 'e2e-tests-hostpath-41y98' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-7cd34509-34cb-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-hostpath-41y98' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.006713074s elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-7cd34509-34cb-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' in namespace 'e2e-tests-hostpath-41y98' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-7cd34509-34cb-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-hostpath-41y98' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (10.009585975s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod pod-7cd34509-34cb-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:mount type of "/test-volume": tmpfs
mode of file "/test-volume": dtrwxrwxrwx
[AfterEach] hostPath
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-hostpath-41y98
• [SLOW TEST:25.419 seconds]
should give a volume the correct mode
Variable Expansion
should allow composing env vars into new env vars
[BeforeEach] Variable Expansion
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-m26lk
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-m26lk failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-m26lk with secrets found. (5.006144769s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-m26lk
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-m26lk with secrets found. (2.164838ms)
[It] should allow composing env vars into new env vars
STEP: Creating a pod to test env composition
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod var-expansion-8bfb9e6a-34cb-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'var-expansion-8bfb9e6a-34cb-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod var-expansion-8bfb9e6a-34cb-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-m26lk' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (5.251013ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'var-expansion-8bfb9e6a-34cb-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-m26lk' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod var-expansion-8bfb9e6a-34cb-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-m26lk' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.008347199s elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'var-expansion-8bfb9e6a-34cb-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-m26lk' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod var-expansion-8bfb9e6a-34cb-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-m26lk' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (10.016688676s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod var-expansion-8bfb9e6a-34cb-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d container dapi-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:container_uuid=1bc3376b-b22b-00d6-1270-effec9e9da86
[AfterEach] Variable Expansion
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-var-expansion-m26lk" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:30.411 seconds]
Variable Expansion
should allow composing env vars into new env vars
should get a host IP
Kubectl client Kubectl expose
should create services for rc
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-vq6z0
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-vq6z0 failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-vq6z0 with secrets found. (5.009088837s)
[It] should create services for rc
STEP: creating Redis RC
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config create -f /home/decarr/go/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-vq6z0'
INFO: replicationcontrollers/redis-master
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod redis-master-olycy status to be running
INFO: Found pod 'redis-master-olycy' on node ''
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config log redis-master-olycy redis-master --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-vq6z0'
INFO: 1:C 28 Jul 01:54:44.820 # Warning: no config file specified, using the default config. In order to specify a config file use redis-server /path/to/redis.conf
_.-``__ ''-._
_.-`` `. `_. ''-._ Redis 3.0.3 (00000000/0) 64 bit
.-`` .-```. ```\/ _.,_ ''-._
( ' , .-` | `, ) Running in standalone mode
|`-._`-...-` __...-.``-._|'` _.-'| Port: 6379
| `-._ `._ / _.-' | PID: 1
`-._ `-._ `-./ _.-' _.-'
|`-._`-._ `-.__.-' _.-'_.-'|
| `-._`-._ _.-'_.-' |
`-._ `-._`-.__.-'_.-' _.-'
|`-._`-._ `-.__.-' _.-'_.-'|
| `-._`-._ _.-'_.-' |
`-._ `-._`-.__.-'_.-' _.-'
`-._ `-.__.-' _.-'
`-._ _.-'
1:M 28 Jul 01:54:44.824 # Server started, Redis version 3.0.3
1:M 28 Jul 01:54:44.824 # WARNING overcommit_memory is set to 0! Background save may fail under low memory condition. To fix this issue add 'vm.overcommit_memory = 1' to /etc/sysctl.conf and then reboot or run the command 'sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1' for this to take effect.
1:M 28 Jul 01:54:44.824 # WARNING you have Transparent Huge Pages (THP) support enabled in your kernel. This will create latency and memory usage issues with Redis. To fix this issue run the command 'echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled' as root, and add it to your /etc/rc.local in order to retain the setting after a reboot. Redis must be restarted after THP is disabled.
1:M 28 Jul 01:54:44.824 # WARNING: The TCP backlog setting of 511 cannot be enforced because /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn is set to the lower value of 128.
1:M 28 Jul 01:54:44.825 * The server is now ready to accept connections on port 6379
STEP: exposing RC
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config expose rc redis-master --name=rm2 --port=1234 --target-port=6379 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-vq6z0'
rm2 app=redis,role=master app=redis,role=master 1234/TCP
INFO: Service rm2 in namespace e2e-tests-kubectl-vq6z0 found.
INFO: Found IP and port 6379
STEP: exposing service
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config expose service rm2 --name=rm3 --port=2345 --target-port=6379 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-vq6z0'
rm3 app=redis,role=master app=redis,role=master 2345/TCP
INFO: Service rm3 in namespace e2e-tests-kubectl-vq6z0 found.
INFO: Found IP and port 6379
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-vq6z0
• [SLOW TEST:27.654 seconds]
Kubectl client
Kubectl expose
should create services for rc
should provide Internet connection for containers
[BeforeEach] Networking
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-nettest-26klj
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-26klj failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-26klj with secrets found. (5.022686324s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-nettest-26klj
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-26klj with secrets found. (2.101729ms)
[BeforeEach] Networking
STEP: Executing a successful http request from the external internet
[It] should provide Internet connection for containers
STEP: Running container which tries to wget
STEP: Verify that the pod succeed
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod wget-test status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'wget-test-container' in pod 'wget-test' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod wget-test in namespace 'e2e-tests-nettest-26klj' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (14.679497ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'wget-test-container' in pod 'wget-test' in namespace 'e2e-tests-nettest-26klj' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod wget-test in namespace 'e2e-tests-nettest-26klj' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.017519927s elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'wget-test-container' in pod 'wget-test' in namespace 'e2e-tests-nettest-26klj' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod wget-test in namespace 'e2e-tests-nettest-26klj' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (10.020466176s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
[AfterEach] Networking
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-nettest-26klj" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:30.695 seconds]
should provide Internet connection for containers
should function for intra-pod communication
[BeforeEach] Networking
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-nettest-5kvrl
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-5kvrl failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-5kvrl with secrets found. (5.019075251s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-nettest-5kvrl
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-5kvrl with secrets found. (1.932527ms)
[BeforeEach] Networking
STEP: Executing a successful http request from the external internet
[It] should function for intra-pod communication
STEP: Creating a service named "nettest" in namespace "e2e-tests-nettest-5kvrl"
STEP: Creating a webserver (pending) pod on each node
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Created pod nettest-rqc2i on node
INFO: Created pod nettest-edwkp on node
STEP: Waiting for the webserver pods to transition to Running state
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod nettest-rqc2i status to be running
INFO: Waiting for pod nettest-rqc2i in namespace 'e2e-tests-nettest-5kvrl' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (26.535269ms elapsed)
INFO: Waiting for pod nettest-rqc2i in namespace 'e2e-tests-nettest-5kvrl' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (5.029595245s elapsed)
INFO: Waiting for pod nettest-rqc2i in namespace 'e2e-tests-nettest-5kvrl' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (10.032537675s elapsed)
INFO: Found pod 'nettest-rqc2i' on node ''
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod nettest-edwkp status to be running
INFO: Found pod 'nettest-edwkp' on node ''
STEP: Waiting for connectivity to be verified
INFO: About to make a proxy status call
INFO: Proxy status call returned in 17.815125ms
INFO: Attempt 0: test still running
INFO: About to make a proxy status call
INFO: Proxy status call returned in 60.217759ms
INFO: Passed on attempt 1. Cleaning up.
STEP: Cleaning up the webserver pods
STEP: Cleaning up the service
[AfterEach] Networking
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-nettest-5kvrl" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:35.576 seconds]
should function for intra-pod communication
Kubectl client Update Demo
should scale a replication controller
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-zkcze
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-zkcze failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-zkcze with secrets found. (5.005356478s)
[BeforeEach] Update Demo
[It] should scale a replication controller
STEP: creating a replication controller
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config create -f /home/decarr/go/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-zkcze'
INFO: replicationcontrollers/update-demo-nautilus
STEP: waiting for all containers in name=update-demo pods to come up.
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods -o template --template={{range.items}}{{}} {{end}} --api-version=v1 -l name=update-demo --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-zkcze'
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-0jrqe update-demo-nautilus-dw7pe
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-0jrqe -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-zkcze'
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-0jrqe is created but not running
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods -o template --template={{range.items}}{{}} {{end}} --api-version=v1 -l name=update-demo --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-zkcze'
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-0jrqe update-demo-nautilus-dw7pe
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-0jrqe -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-zkcze'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-0jrqe -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-zkcze'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-nautilus-0jrqe
INFO: got data: {
"image": "nautilus.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {nautilus.jpg} , expecting nautilus.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-0jrqe is verified up and running
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-dw7pe -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-zkcze'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-dw7pe -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-zkcze'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-nautilus-dw7pe
INFO: got data: {
"image": "nautilus.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {nautilus.jpg} , expecting nautilus.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-dw7pe is verified up and running
STEP: scaling down the replication controller
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config scale rc update-demo-nautilus --replicas=1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-zkcze'
INFO: scaled
STEP: waiting for all containers in name=update-demo pods to come up.
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods -o template --template={{range.items}}{{}} {{end}} --api-version=v1 -l name=update-demo --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-zkcze'
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-0jrqe
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-0jrqe -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-zkcze'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-0jrqe -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-zkcze'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-nautilus-0jrqe
INFO: got data: {
"image": "nautilus.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {nautilus.jpg} , expecting nautilus.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-0jrqe is verified up and running
STEP: scaling up the replication controller
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config scale rc update-demo-nautilus --replicas=2 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-zkcze'
INFO: scaled
STEP: waiting for all containers in name=update-demo pods to come up.
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods -o template --template={{range.items}}{{}} {{end}} --api-version=v1 -l name=update-demo --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-zkcze'
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-0jrqe update-demo-nautilus-eu88e
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-0jrqe -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-zkcze'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-0jrqe -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-zkcze'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-nautilus-0jrqe
INFO: got data: {
"image": "nautilus.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {nautilus.jpg} , expecting nautilus.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-0jrqe is verified up and running
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-eu88e -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-zkcze'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-eu88e -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-zkcze'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-nautilus-eu88e
INFO: got data: {
"image": "nautilus.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {nautilus.jpg} , expecting nautilus.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-eu88e is verified up and running
STEP: using stop to clean up resources
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config stop -f /home/decarr/go/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-zkcze'
INFO: replicationcontrollers/update-demo-nautilus
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods,rc,svc -l name=update-demo --no-headers --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-zkcze'
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-zkcze
• [SLOW TEST:38.463 seconds]
Kubectl client
Update Demo
should scale a replication controller
should be updated
[BeforeEach] Pods
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-w0b06
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-w0b06 failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-w0b06 with secrets found. (5.034416229s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-w0b06
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-w0b06 with secrets found. (2.475594ms)
[It] should be updated
STEP: creating the pod
STEP: submitting the pod to kubernetes
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-update-ed08d2f2-34cb-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d status to be running
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-update-ed08d2f2-34cb-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-w0b06' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (14.955141ms elapsed)
INFO: Found pod 'pod-update-ed08d2f2-34cb-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' on node ''
STEP: verifying the pod is in kubernetes
STEP: updating the pod
INFO: Conflicting update to pod, re-get and re-update: pods "pod-update-ed08d2f2-34cb-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d" cannot be updated: the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again
STEP: updating the pod
INFO: Successfully updated pod
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-update-ed08d2f2-34cb-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d status to be running
INFO: Found pod 'pod-update-ed08d2f2-34cb-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' on node ''
STEP: verifying the updated pod is in kubernetes
INFO: Pod update OK
STEP: deleting the pod
[AfterEach] Pods
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-pods-w0b06" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:21.478 seconds]
should be updated
Docker Containers
should use the image defaults if command and args are blank
[BeforeEach] Docker Containers
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-containers-36x8r
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-containers-36x8r failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-containers-36x8r with secrets found. (5.019085527s)
[It] should use the image defaults if command and args are blank
STEP: Creating a pod to test use defaults
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod client-containers-f9d165d0-34cb-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-f9d165d0-34cb-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-f9d165d0-34cb-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-36x8r' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (7.016564ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod client-containers-f9d165d0-34cb-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:[/ep default arguments]
[AfterEach] Docker Containers
• [SLOW TEST:15.426 seconds]
Docker Containers
should use the image defaults if command and args are blank
Probing container
with readiness probe should not be ready before initial delay and never restart
[BeforeEach] Probing container
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-hx9xv
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-hx9xv failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-hx9xv with secrets found. (5.004677158s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-hx9xv
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-hx9xv with secrets found. (5.451272ms)
[It] with readiness probe should not be ready before initial delay and never restart
INFO: pod is not yet ready; pod has phase "Running".
INFO: pod is not yet ready; pod has phase "Running".
INFO: pod is not yet ready; pod has phase "Running".
INFO: pod is not yet ready; pod has phase "Running".
INFO: pod is not yet ready; pod has phase "Running".
INFO: pod is not yet ready; pod has phase "Running".
[AfterEach] Probing container
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-container-probe-hx9xv" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:50.440 seconds]
Probing container
with readiness probe should not be ready before initial delay and never restart
should contain environment variables for services
[BeforeEach] Pods
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-g88ut
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-g88ut failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-g88ut with secrets found. (5.00507663s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-g88ut
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-g88ut with secrets found. (8.757953ms)
[It] should contain environment variables for services
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod server-envvars-21156add-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d status to be running
INFO: Waiting for pod server-envvars-21156add-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-g88ut' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (5.079648ms elapsed)
INFO: Found pod 'server-envvars-21156add-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' on node ''
STEP: Creating a pod to test service env
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod client-envvars-241ddde4-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'env3cont' in pod 'client-envvars-241ddde4-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod client-envvars-241ddde4-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-g88ut' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (5.636933ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'env3cont' in pod 'client-envvars-241ddde4-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-g88ut' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod client-envvars-241ddde4-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-g88ut' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.009216972s elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'env3cont' in pod 'client-envvars-241ddde4-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-g88ut' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod client-envvars-241ddde4-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-g88ut' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (10.023067846s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod client-envvars-241ddde4-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d container env3cont: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:container_uuid=31cbf000-9577-7bf6-e033-be2130650a32
[AfterEach] Pods
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-pods-g88ut" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:35.752 seconds]
should contain environment variables for services
Proxy version v1
should proxy through a service and a pod
[BeforeEach] version v1
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q with secrets found. (5.004961746s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q with secrets found. (2.035763ms)
[It] should proxy through a service and a pod
STEP: 2015-07-27 21:58:59.526327845 -0400 EDT Creating replication controller proxy-service-z4tri
INFO: 2015-07-27 21:58:59.584357596 -0400 EDT Created replication controller with name: proxy-service-z4tri, namespace: e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q, replica count: 1
INFO: 2015-07-27 21:59:00.584531689 -0400 EDT proxy-service-z4tri Pods: 1 out of 1 created, 0 running, 1 pending, 0 waiting, 0 inactive, 0 unknown
INFO: 2015-07-27 21:59:01.584680163 -0400 EDT proxy-service-z4tri Pods: 1 out of 1 created, 0 running, 1 pending, 0 waiting, 0 inactive, 0 unknown
INFO: 2015-07-27 21:59:02.584832824 -0400 EDT proxy-service-z4tri Pods: 1 out of 1 created, 0 running, 1 pending, 0 waiting, 0 inactive, 0 unknown
INFO: 2015-07-27 21:59:03.584928865 -0400 EDT proxy-service-z4tri Pods: 1 out of 1 created, 0 running, 1 pending, 0 waiting, 0 inactive, 0 unknown
INFO: 2015-07-27 21:59:04.585039586 -0400 EDT proxy-service-z4tri Pods: 1 out of 1 created, 0 running, 1 pending, 0 waiting, 0 inactive, 0 unknown
INFO: 2015-07-27 21:59:05.58516461 -0400 EDT proxy-service-z4tri Pods: 1 out of 1 created, 0 running, 1 pending, 0 waiting, 0 inactive, 0 unknown
INFO: 2015-07-27 21:59:06.585288375 -0400 EDT proxy-service-z4tri Pods: 1 out of 1 created, 0 running, 1 pending, 0 waiting, 0 inactive, 0 unknown
INFO: 2015-07-27 21:59:07.585411759 -0400 EDT proxy-service-z4tri Pods: 1 out of 1 created, 0 running, 1 pending, 0 waiting, 0 inactive, 0 unknown
INFO: 2015-07-27 21:59:08.585514636 -0400 EDT proxy-service-z4tri Pods: 1 out of 1 created, 0 running, 1 pending, 0 waiting, 0 inactive, 0 unknown
INFO: 2015-07-27 21:59:09.585636354 -0400 EDT proxy-service-z4tri Pods: 1 out of 1 created, 1 running, 0 pending, 0 waiting, 0 inactive, 0 unknown
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname1/: foo (200; 61.677569ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname2/: bar (200; 4.586856ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/rewrite... (200; 4.800016ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:160/: foo (200; 4.689571ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:162/: bar (200; 3.511853ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname1/: foo (200; 3.704151ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname2/: bar (200; 2.801108ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/rewrite... (200; 3.479671ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:160/: foo (200; 3.157892ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:162/: bar (200; 16.186065ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/rewrite... (200; 3.444208ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:160/: foo (200; 11.400449ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:162/: bar (200; 3.348387ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname1/: foo (200; 13.755872ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname2/: bar (200; 3.930815ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname2/: bar (200; 3.390271ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/rewrite... (200; 3.634882ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:160/: foo (200; 3.18482ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:162/: bar (200; 3.34154ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname1/: foo (200; 22.404797ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname1/: foo (200; 3.218356ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname2/: bar (200; 3.506493ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/rewrite... (200; 3.782416ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:160/: foo (200; 3.136029ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:162/: bar (200; 3.42316ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/rewrite... (200; 3.529842ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:160/: foo (200; 3.994738ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:162/: bar (200; 3.632317ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname1/: foo (200; 4.56653ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname2/: bar (200; 9.822413ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:160/: foo (200; 3.537651ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:162/: bar (200; 3.412477ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname1/: foo (200; 3.1962ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname2/: bar (200; 3.388442ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/rewrite... (200; 3.638642ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/rewrite... (200; 3.524096ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:160/: foo (200; 3.133059ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:162/: bar (200; 3.259635ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname1/: foo (200; 16.444965ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname2/: bar (200; 65.871762ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname1/: foo (200; 116.287284ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname2/: bar (200; 167.47045ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/rewrite... (200; 215.801761ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:160/: foo (200; 266.139462ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:162/: bar (200; 319.333571ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname1/: foo (200; 365.713736ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname2/: bar (200; 415.768744ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/rewrite... (200; 471.273148ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:160/: foo (200; 515.243594ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:162/: bar (200; 565.448319ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname1/: foo (200; 630.425807ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname2/: bar (200; 664.286104ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/rewrite... (200; 714.179467ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:160/: foo (200; 766.267551ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:162/: bar (200; 813.625144ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:160/: foo (200; 863.786533ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:162/: bar (200; 913.809287ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname1/: foo (200; 963.477533ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname2/: bar (200; 1.013429072s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/rewrite... (200; 1.074439109s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:160/: foo (200; 1.113610403s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:162/: bar (200; 1.164464046s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname1/: foo (200; 1.213146319s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname2/: bar (200; 1.262709013s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/rewrite... (200; 1.313643578s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname1/: foo (200; 1.363059156s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname2/: bar (200; 1.414828664s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/rewrite... (200; 1.46619636s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:160/: foo (200; 1.513421355s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:162/: bar (200; 1.563881445s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:162/: bar (200; 1.612361588s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname1/: foo (200; 1.662223474s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname2/: bar (200; 1.711827966s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/rewrite... (200; 1.762496653s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:160/: foo (200; 1.812064979s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:162/: bar (200; 1.862091679s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname1/: foo (200; 1.914418719s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname2/: bar (200; 1.961561002s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/rewrite... (200; 2.011789999s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:160/: foo (200; 2.083166978s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/rewrite... (200; 2.112247084s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:160/: foo (200; 2.164161026s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:162/: bar (200; 2.213902618s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname1/: foo (200; 2.261675799s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname2/: bar (200; 2.31245139s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname1/: foo (200; 2.36113321s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname2/: bar (200; 2.420234386s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/rewrite... (200; 2.460902106s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:160/: foo (200; 2.511054435s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:162/: bar (200; 2.561088257s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname2/: bar (200; 2.610095058s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/rewrite... (200; 2.662899965s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:160/: foo (200; 2.71022187s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:162/: bar (200; 2.760686536s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname1/: foo (200; 2.811613329s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:80/rewrite... (200; 2.860919366s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:160/: foo (200; 2.911820458s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/pods/proxy-service-z4tri-9w46i:162/: bar (200; 2.960089881s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname1/: foo (200; 3.009839601s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q/services/proxy-service-z4tri:portname2/: bar (200; 3.060928419s)
STEP: 2015-07-27 21:59:27.808199624 -0400 EDT Deleting replication controller proxy-service-z4tri in namespace e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q
INFO: Deleting RC took: 2.254916005s
[AfterEach] version v1
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-proxy-p0x9q" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:46.025 seconds]
version v1
should proxy through a service and a pod
EmptyDir volumes
should support r/w
[BeforeEach] EmptyDir volumes
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-t005l
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-t005l failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-t005l with secrets found. (5.005080502s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-t005l
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-t005l with secrets found. (2.117351ms)
[It] should support r/w
STEP: Creating a pod to test emptydir r/w on tmpfs
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-51cc3fe1-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-51cc3fe1-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-51cc3fe1-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-t005l' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (4.793683ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-51cc3fe1-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-t005l' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-51cc3fe1-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-t005l' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.009154031s elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-51cc3fe1-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-t005l' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-51cc3fe1-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-t005l' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (10.012978419s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod pod-51cc3fe1-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:mount type of "/test-volume": tmpfs
content of file "/test-volume/test-file": mount-tester new file
mode of file "/test-volume/test-file": -rw-r--r--
[AfterEach] EmptyDir volumes
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-emptydir-t005l" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:30.382 seconds]
EmptyDir volumes
should support r/w
Kubectl client Guestbook application
should create and stop a working application
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-16o9o
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-16o9o failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-16o9o with secrets found. (5.006353632s)
[BeforeEach] Guestbook application
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-16o9o
S [SKIPPING] in Spec Setup (BeforeEach) [10.325 seconds]
Kubectl client
Guestbook application
should create and stop a working application [BeforeEach]
Only supported for providers [gce gke aws] (not )
Pod Disks
should schedule a pod w/ a readonly PD on two hosts, then remove both.
[BeforeEach] Pod Disks
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pod-disks-yxoh7
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-pod-disks-yxoh7 failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pod-disks-yxoh7 with secrets found. (5.020765893s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pod-disks-yxoh7
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pod-disks-yxoh7 with secrets found. (1.91708ms)
[BeforeEach] Pod Disks
[It] should schedule a pod w/ a readonly PD on two hosts, then remove both.
[AfterEach] Pod Disks
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-pod-disks-yxoh7" for this suite.
S [SKIPPING] [15.307 seconds]
Pod Disks
should schedule a pod w/ a readonly PD on two hosts, then remove both. [It]
Only supported for providers [gce gke] (not )
should provide secure master service
[BeforeEach] Services
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api objects
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-0-0nreq
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-0nreq failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-0nreq with secrets found. (5.005506724s)
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-1-4p8m2
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-4p8m2 failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-4p8m2 with secrets found. (5.006191204s)
[It] should provide secure master service
[AfterEach] Services
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-0-0nreq
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-1-4p8m2
• [SLOW TEST:20.353 seconds]
should provide secure master service
should check that the kube-ui instance is alive
[BeforeEach] kube-ui
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kube-ui-7vrv8
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-kube-ui-7vrv8 failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kube-ui-7vrv8 with secrets found. (5.011291392s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kube-ui-7vrv8
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kube-ui-7vrv8 with secrets found. (9.973086ms)
[It] should check that the kube-ui instance is alive
STEP: Checking the kube-ui service exists.
INFO: Service kube-ui in namespace kube-system found.
STEP: Checking to make sure the kube-ui pods are running
STEP: Checking to make sure we get a response from the kube-ui.
STEP: Checking that the ApiServer /ui endpoint redirects to a valid server.
[AfterEach] kube-ui
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-kube-ui-7vrv8" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:25.416 seconds]
should check that the kube-ui instance is alive
should support r/w
[BeforeEach] hostPath
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-hostpath-s51iz
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-hostpath-s51iz failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-hostpath-s51iz with secrets found. (5.005159155s)
[It] should support r/w
STEP: Creating a pod to test hostPath r/w
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-8e790f0d-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-8e790f0d-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-8e790f0d-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-hostpath-s51iz' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (4.281496ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-8e790f0d-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' in namespace 'e2e-tests-hostpath-s51iz' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-8e790f0d-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-hostpath-s51iz' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.006996153s elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-8e790f0d-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' in namespace 'e2e-tests-hostpath-s51iz' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-8e790f0d-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-hostpath-s51iz' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (10.010850735s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod pod-8e790f0d-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:mount type of "/test-volume": tmpfs
content of file "/test-volume/test-file": mount-tester new file
mode of file "/test-volume/test-file": -rw-r--r--
[AfterEach] hostPath
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-hostpath-s51iz
• [SLOW TEST:25.404 seconds]
should support r/w
should be schedule with cpu and memory limits
[BeforeEach] Pods
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-0uxxb
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-0uxxb failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-0uxxb with secrets found. (5.004488548s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-0uxxb
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-0uxxb with secrets found. (2.643376ms)
[It] should be schedule with cpu and memory limits
STEP: creating the pod
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-update-9da2e8ae-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d status to be running
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-update-9da2e8ae-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-0uxxb' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (4.438858ms elapsed)
INFO: Found pod 'pod-update-9da2e8ae-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' on node ''
[AfterEach] Pods
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-pods-0uxxb" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:20.388 seconds]
should be schedule with cpu and memory limits
Pod Disks
should schedule a pod w/ a RW PD, remove it, then schedule it on another host
[BeforeEach] Pod Disks
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pod-disks-7ku3m
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-pod-disks-7ku3m failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pod-disks-7ku3m with secrets found. (5.005448459s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pod-disks-7ku3m
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pod-disks-7ku3m with secrets found. (1.810266ms)
[BeforeEach] Pod Disks
[It] should schedule a pod w/ a RW PD, remove it, then schedule it on another host
[AfterEach] Pod Disks
INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:26:16 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transistion time: 2015-07-27 21:31:00 -0400 EDT
INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-pod-disks-7ku3m" for this suite.
S [SKIPPING] [15.335 seconds]
Pod Disks
should schedule a pod w/ a RW PD, remove it, then schedule it on another host [It]
Only supported for providers [gce gke aws] (not )
Kubectl client Kubectl patch
should add annotations for pods in rc
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-p2bdl
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-p2bdl failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-p2bdl with secrets found. (5.008261225s)
[It] should add annotations for pods in rc
STEP: creating Redis RC
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config create -f /home/decarr/go/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-p2bdl'
INFO: replicationcontrollers/redis-master
STEP: patching all pods
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod redis-master-j67vj status to be running
INFO: Found pod 'redis-master-j67vj' on node ''
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config patch pod redis-master-j67vj --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-p2bdl -p {"metadata":{"annotations":{"x":"y"}}}'
INFO: redis-master-j67vj
STEP: checking annotations
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod redis-master-j67vj status to be running
INFO: Found pod 'redis-master-j67vj' on node ''
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-p2bdl
• [SLOW TEST:16.399 seconds]
Kubectl client
Kubectl patch
should add annotations for pods in rc
Kubectl client Kubectl label
should update the label on a resource
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-1l8sm
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-1l8sm failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-1l8sm with secrets found. (5.009087235s)
[BeforeEach] Kubectl label
STEP: creating the pod
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config create -f /home/decarr/go/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-1l8sm'
INFO: pods/nginx
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for the following 1 pods to be running and ready: [nginx]
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod nginx status to be running and ready
INFO: Waiting for pod nginx in namespace 'e2e-tests-kubectl-1l8sm' status to be 'running and ready'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (4.764019ms elapsed)
INFO: Waiting for pod nginx in namespace 'e2e-tests-kubectl-1l8sm' status to be 'running and ready'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.00773208s elapsed)
INFO: Waiting for pod nginx in namespace 'e2e-tests-kubectl-1l8sm' status to be 'running and ready'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (10.010474338s elapsed)
INFO: Wanted all 1 pods to be running and ready. Result: true. Pods: [nginx]
[It] should update the label on a resource
STEP: adding the label testing-label with value testing-label-value to a pod
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config label pods nginx testing-label=testing-label-value --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-1l8sm'
nginx 1/1 Running 0 17s
STEP: verifying the pod has the label testing-label with the value testing-label-value
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pod nginx -L testing-label --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-1l8sm'
nginx 1/1 Running 0 17s testing-label-value
STEP: removing the label testing-label of a pod
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config label pods nginx testing-label- --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-1l8sm'
nginx 1/1 Running 0 18s
STEP: verifying the pod doesn't have the label testing-label
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pod nginx -L testing-label --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-1l8sm'
nginx 1/1 Running 0 18s <n/a>
[AfterEach] Kubectl label
STEP: using stop to clean up resources
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config stop -f /home/decarr/go/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-1l8sm'
INFO: pods/nginx
INFO: Running '/home/decarr/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/decarr/.kube/config get pods,rc,svc -l name=nginx --no-headers --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-1l8sm'
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-1l8sm
• [SLOW TEST:29.365 seconds]
Kubectl client
Kubectl label
should update the label on a resource
should work after restarting kube-proxy
[BeforeEach] Services
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api objects
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-0-4jcts
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-4jcts failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-4jcts with secrets found. (5.006762711s)
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-1-7w079
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-7w079 failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-7w079 with secrets found. (5.005708794s)
[It] should work after restarting kube-proxy
[AfterEach] Services
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-0-4jcts
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-1-7w079
S [SKIPPING] [20.385 seconds]
should work after restarting kube-proxy [It]
Only supported for providers [gce gke] (not )
Docker Containers
should be able to override the image's default commmand (docker entrypoint)
[BeforeEach] Docker Containers
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/decarr/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-containers-peq9f
INFO: Get service account default in ns e2e-tests-containers-peq9f failed, ignoring for 5s: serviceaccounts "default" not found
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-containers-peq9f with secrets found. (5.004599993s)
[It] should be able to override the image's default commmand (docker entrypoint)
STEP: Creating a pod to test override command
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod client-containers-da59152a-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-da59152a-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-da59152a-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-peq9f' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (3.624864ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-da59152a-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-peq9f' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-da59152a-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-peq9f' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.006607153s elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-da59152a-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d' in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-peq9f' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-da59152a-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-peq9f' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (10.0127863s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod client-containers-da59152a-34cc-11e5-8088-28d2444e470d container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:[/ep-2]
[AfterEach] Docker Containers
• [SLOW TEST:25.408 seconds]
Docker Containers
should be able to override the image's default commmand (docker entrypoint)
Ran 50 of 119 Specs in 1946.371 seconds
SUCCESS! -- 50 Passed | 0 Failed | 1 Pending | 68 Skipped PASS
Ginkgo ran 1 suite in 32m31.841483089s
Test Suite Passed
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