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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Gulpfile for VS Projects
var gulp = require('gulp'),
beep = require('beepbeep'),
plumber = require('gulp-plumber'),
sass = require('gulp-ruby-sass'),
prefix = require('gulp-autoprefixer'),
rimraf = require('gulp-rimraf'),
colors = require('colors');
// Compile Sass with Source Maps
gulp.task('sass-dev', ['clean-css'], function () {
console.log('[sass]'.bold.magenta + ' Compiling Sass');
return gulp.src('_jekyll/scss/main.scss')
.pipe(plumber(function () {
console.log('[sass]'.bold.magenta + ' There was an issue compiling Sass\n';
sourcemap : true,
style : 'compact',
precision : 4,
// Compile Sass for production
gulp.task('sass-prod', ['clean-css'], function () {
console.log('[sass]'.bold.magenta + ' Compiling Sass');
return gulp.src('_jekyll/scss/main.scss')
sourcemap: true,
style: 'compressed',
precision: 4,
.on('error', function () {
console.log('There was an issue compiling Sass'.red);
.on('error', function () {
console.log('There was an issue running Autoprefixer'.red);
// Delete compiled CSS
gulp.task('clean-css', function () {
console.log('[clean-css]'.bold.magenta + ' Deleting compiled CSS files');
return gulp.src(['_jekyll/css/**/*.css', '_jekyll/css/**/*'], { read: false })
// Copy _dist files to root
gulp.task('copy-dist', ['sass-prod'], function () {
console.log('[copy-dist]'.bold.magenta + ' Copying files from _dist to root');
return gulp.src('./_dist/**/*', {base: './_dist'})
// Watch files for changes
gulp.task('watch', function () {
console.log('[watch]'.bold.magenta + ' Watching Sass files for changes');
//'js/*.js', ['lint', 'scripts']);'_jekyll/scss/**/*.scss', ['sass-dev']);
gulp.task('dev', ['sass-dev', 'watch'], function () {
return console.log('\n[dev]'.bold.magenta + ' Ready for you to start doing things\n';
gulp.task('build', ['copy-dist']);
// Default Task
gulp.task('default', ['sass-dev', 'watch']);
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