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Created August 18, 2012 17:49
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Save derekwyatt/3388701 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Shutdown pattern
// Spawn your futures
val fs = (1 to 100).map { i =>
Future { Thread.sleep(i); i }
// Wrap all of the work up into a single
// Future
val f = Future.sequence(fs)
// Wait on it forever - i.e. until it's done
Await.result(f, Duration.Inf)
// Shut down
class ProductionReaper extends Reaper {
// Shutdown
def allSoulsReaped(): Unit = context.system.shutdown()
import{Actor, ActorRef, Terminated}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
object Reaper {
// Used by others to register an Actor for watching
case class WatchMe(ref: ActorRef)
abstract class Reaper extends Actor {
import Reaper._
// Keep track of what we're watching
val watched = ArrayBuffer.empty[ActorRef]
// Derivations need to implement this method. It's the
// hook that's called when everything's dead
def allSoulsReaped(): Unit
// Watch and check for termination
final def receive = {
case WatchMe(ref) =>
watched += ref
case Terminated(ref) =>
watched -= ref
if (watched.isEmpty) allSoulsReaped()
import{ActorSystem, Props, ActorRef}
import akka.testkit.{TestKit, ImplicitSender, TestProbe}
import org.scalatest.{WordSpec, BeforeAndAfterAll}
import org.scalatest.matchers.MustMatchers
// Our test reaper. Sends the snooper a message when all
// the souls have been reaped
class TestReaper(snooper: ActorRef) extends Reaper {
def allSoulsReaped(): Unit = snooper ! "Dead"
class ReaperSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem("ReaperSpec"))
with ImplicitSender
with WordSpec
with BeforeAndAfterAll
with MustMatchers {
import Reaper._
override def afterAll() {
"Reaper" should {
"work" in {
// Set up some dummy Actors
val a = TestProbe()
val b = TestProbe()
val c = TestProbe()
val d = TestProbe()
// Build our reaper
val reaper = system.actorOf(Props(new TestReaper(testActor)))
// Watch a couple
reaper ! WatchMe(a.ref)
reaper ! WatchMe(d.ref)
// Stop them
// Make sure we've been called
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What will happen if an uncaught exception is thrown out in the watched actor? It seems the watched actor won't be able to send out a Terminated message to its parent actor, then the ArrayBuffer Reaper.watched will never be empty

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