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Created May 9, 2011 19:21
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Inversion of actor messaging control example. !, !! and !!! are not defined on the Actor, they are defined on the message
import akka.dispatch.{Future, CompletableFuture, DefaultCompletableFuture, FutureTimeoutException}
* Toolkit stuff
// Something to derive from
trait Response
// Useful for later implicits
class FutureTimeout(val value: Long)
// A place to hold the global default for now
object Request {
val futureTimeout = new FutureTimeout(5000)
// Wraps the closure that lets us respond to the client in the way it wishes
class Responder[Rsp](function: (Rsp, ActorRef) => Unit) {
def respond(rsp: Rsp)(implicit responder: ActorRef) = function(rsp, responder)
// Puts the request / response protocol into a pair that we can unapply
case class ReqRspPair[Req, Rsp](req: Req, responder: Responder[Rsp])
// Creates the binding of request to response
// provides methods for making the calls and setting up the responder
trait Request[Req, Rsp <: Response] {
import Request.futureTimeout
def !(to: ActorRef)(implicit sender: ActorRef): Unit = {
val rsp = (response: Rsp, responder: ActorRef) => {
try {
} catch {
case e =>
println(sender + " entered into a Request / Response contract and did not " +
"handle the response from the server (" + to + "): " + e)
to.!(ReqRspPair(this, new Responder[Rsp](rsp)))(Some(sender))
// Synchronous two-way request / response
def !!(to: ActorRef)(implicit timeout: FutureTimeout = futureTimeout, sender: ActorRef): Option[Rsp] = {
val future = new DefaultCompletableFuture[Rsp](timeout.value)
val rsp = (response: Rsp, responder: ActorRef) => {
def go(response: Rsp) {
// I'm sure we're losing a lot by not calling !! on the ActorRef
// but if I do that, then the future I get back is too late... I need
// to put the future into the Responder binding so we can abstract it
// away. Probably going to need to hack Akka itself to get this done
// "for real"
to.!(ReqRspPair(this, new Responder[Rsp](rsp)))(Some(sender))
try {
} catch {
case e: FutureTimeoutException =>
// Future-based two-way request / response
def !!!(to: ActorRef)(implicit timeout: FutureTimeout = futureTimeout, sender: ActorRef): CompletableFuture[Rsp] = {
val future = new DefaultCompletableFuture[Rsp](timeout.value)
val rsp = (response: Rsp, responder: ActorRef) => {
def go(response: Rsp) {
// Same caveat as above
to.!(ReqRspPair(this, new Responder[Rsp](rsp)))(Some(sender))
* Application stuff
// Back to basic case classes. The inheritance gives us what we need
object ServerProtocol {
case class LookupResult(value: String) extends Response
case class PerformLookup(key: String) extends Request[PerformLookup, LookupResult]
case class IntResult(value: Int) extends Response
// case objects don't work
case class GetInt() extends Request[GetInt, IntResult]
// The Server actor implementation
class Server extends Actor {
// Import the protocol for ease of use
import ServerProtocol._ = "ActorServer"
// Actor could help us here by providing an implicit
implicit val requiredResponder: ActorRef = self
def receive = {
// Extract the information and respond
case ReqRspPair(GetInt(), responder) =>
println("Server *** GetInt: " + self.sender)
// Extract the information and respond
case ReqRspPair(PerformLookup(key), responder) =>
println("Server *** PerformLookup: " + self.sender)
// The Client actor implementation
class Client(server: ActorRef) extends Actor {
// Import the protocol for ease of use
import ServerProtocol._ = "ActorClient"
// Actor could help us here by providing an implicit
implicit val requiredSender: ActorRef = self
def receive = {
case 'Go =>
self ! 'SendRequest1
// The ! usage of the protocol
case 'SendRequest1 =>
PerformLookup("Key") ! server
// The other half of the ! usage
case LookupResult(value) =>
println("Client ... Client got " + value + " from " + self.sender)
self ! 'SendRequest2
// The !! usage of the protocol
case 'SendRequest2 =>
val value = PerformLookup("Key") !! server
println("Client ... Client got synchronous " + value.get.value)
self ! 'SendRequest3
// The !!! usage of the protocol
case 'SendRequest3 =>
val future = PerformLookup("Key") !!! server
println("Client ... Client got future " + future.result.get.value)
self ! 'SendRequest4
case 'SendRequest4 =>
GetInt() ! server
// The other half of the ! usage
case IntResult(value) =>
println("Client ... Client got " + value + " from " + self.sender)
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val s = actorOf[Server].start
val c = actorOf(new Client(s)).start
c ! 'Go
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