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Created January 16, 2012 20:00
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Save dericcrago/1622654 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
backbone.layoutmanager screencast source updates to work with backbone.layoutmanager v0.0.4
this.twitter = {
// Create this closure to contain the cached modules
module: function() {
// Internal module cache.
var modules = {};
// Create a new module reference scaffold or load an
// existing module.
return function(name) {
// If this module has already been created, return it.
if (modules[name]) {
return modules[name];
// Create a module and save it under this name
return modules[name] = { Views: {} };
app: _.extend({}, Backbone.Events)
paths: {
layout: "/templates/layouts/",
template: "/templates/"
fetch: function(path) {
var done = this.async();
$.get(path + ".html", function(contents) {
render: function(template, context) {
return Handlebars.compile(template)(context);
// Start application
jQuery(function($) {
// Shorten the app namespace
var app =;
// Get dependency
var Tweet = twitter.module("tweet");
var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
"": "index",
"show/:id": "show"
fetchTweets: function() {
var _cache;
return function(done) {
if (_cache) {
return done(_cache);
var tweets = new Tweet.Collection();
// Fetch the tweets
tweets.fetch().success(function() {
_cache = tweets;
index: function() {
// Create a new main layout
var main = new Backbone.LayoutManager({
// change name to template
// name: "main"
template: "main"
// Fetch new tweets
this.fetchTweets(function(tweets) {
// Assemble the layout
// Change to updated layout.view(partial, view)
// var list = main.views[".list"] = new Tweet.Views.List({ collection: tweets });
// var detail = main.views[".detail"] = new Tweet.Views.Detail({ model: });
var list = main.view(".list", new Tweet.Views.List({ collection: tweets }));
var detail = main.view(".detail", new Tweet.Views.Detail({ model: }));
// When a new model is clicked re-render the right column
list.bind("update", function(model) {
detail.model = model;
// Render into the page
main.render(function(contents) {
show: function(id) {
// Create a new detailed layout
var detailed = new Backbone.LayoutManager({
// change name to template
// name: "detailed"
template: "detailed"
// Fetch new tweets
this.fetchTweets(function(tweets) {
// Assemble the layout
// Change to updated layout.view(partial, view)
// var detail = detailed.views[".detailed"] = new Tweet.Views.Detail({ model: tweets.get(id) });
var detail = detailed.view(".detailed", new Tweet.Views.Detail({ model: tweets.get(id) }));
// Render into the page
detailed.render(function(contents) {
// Start router and trigger first route
app.router = new Router();
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