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Created September 6, 2022 17:00
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/* Find files */
$files = glob( $argv[1] );
sort( $files );
echo "Reading from: \n- ", implode( "\n- ", $files ), "\n\n";
/* Read Amount of Seats from Command Line */
array_shift( $argv );
array_shift( $argv );
$seats = (int) $argv[0];
/* Read Candidates from Command Line */
array_shift( $argv );
$candidates = $argv;
echo "Candidates (in order of ballot):\n", implode( ' — ', $candidates ), "\n\n";
/* Read votes */
foreach ( $files as $pref => $file )
$data = unserialize( file_get_contents( $file ) );
foreach ( $data as $voter => $choices )
$votes[$voter][$pref] = $candidates[$choices['choices'][0]];
/** Options **/
$rejectDuplicatePreferencedVotes = false; // if true, drop the whole vote, otherwise collapse
/* Reindex choices in each vote to get rid of original indexes, in case
* voters picked not all preferences in order */
foreach ( $votes as $voteIdx => $preferences )
$votes[$voteIdx] = array_values( $preferences );
if ( sizeof( array_count_values( $preferences ) ) != sizeof( $preferences ))
if ( $rejectDuplicatePreferencedVotes )
"Voter '%s' has duplicates (%s), rejecting\n",
implode( ' — ', $preferences )
unset( $votes[$voteIdx] );
} else {
"Voter '%s' has duplicates (%s), de-duplicating\n",
implode( ' — ', $preferences )
$deDuplicated = [];
foreach( $preferences as $pref )
$deDuplicated[$pref] = 1;
$preferences = array_keys( $deDuplicated );
"%s %s\n\n",
str_repeat( ' ', strlen( $voteIdx ) + 24 ),
implode( ' — ', $preferences )
$votes[$voteIdx] = $preferences;
echo "\n";
/* Anonymise votes */
$votes = array_values( $votes );
class Stv
private array $elected = [];
private int $quorum;
private int $currentRound = 1;
private array $tally;
private array $firstPreferences;
private array $eliminated = [];
function __construct( private array $candidates, private int $seats, private array $votes )
public function elect() : array
do {
} while ( count( $this->elected ) < $this->seats );
return $this->elected;
private function calculateQuorum()
$cV = count( $this->votes );
$cC = count( $this->candidates );
$s = $this->seats;
$this->quorum = floor( $cV / ( $s + 1 ) ) + 1;
echo "Votes: {$cV}\n";
echo "Candidates: {$cC}\n";
echo "Seats: {$s}\n";
echo "Quorum: {$this->quorum}\n";
echo "\n";
private function prepareTally()
foreach ( $this->candidates as $candidate )
$this->tally[$candidate] = [];
/* For all votes still in play, calculate count per candidate */
foreach ( $this->votes as $idx => $vote )
$this->tally[$vote[0]][] = $idx;
$this->firstPreferences = array_map( 'count', $this->tally );
private function rank()
uksort( $this->tally, function( $a, $b ) {
$aC = count( $this->tally[$a] );
$bC = count( $this->tally[$b] );
if ( $aC !== $bC )
return -1 * ( count( $this->tally[$a] ) <=> count( $this->tally[$b] ) );
echo "Vote count for '$a' and '$b' is the same, so use first preference to disambiguate.\n\n";
return -1 * ( $this->firstPreferences[$a] <=> $this->firstPreferences[$b] );
} );
private function distributeWhenOverQuorum()
foreach ( $this->tally as $candidate => $votes )
$nextPref = [];
$countNextPref = 0;
$voteCount = count( $votes );
if ( $voteCount <= $this->quorum )
echo "Candidate '{$candidate}' is over quorum ({$this->quorum}) with {$voteCount} votes, redistributing.\n";
$overQuorum = $voteCount - $this->quorum;
/* For the votes in the tally for $candidate, count the next pref,
* if it exists */
foreach ( $this->votes as $voteIdx => $ranking )
if ( count( $ranking ) < 1 )
echo "- Vote {$voteIdx} is exhausted.\n";
if ( $ranking[0] == $candidate )
echo "- Vote {$voteIdx} has $candidate as first preference, ";
// array_shift( $this->votes[$voteIdx] );
if ( count( $this->votes[$voteIdx] ) < 2 )
echo "but no more preferences left.\n";
echo "and as next preference {$this->votes[$voteIdx][1]}.\n";
@$nextPref[ $this->votes[$voteIdx][1] ][] = $voteIdx;
/* Sort from most to lowest */
$nextPrefOptions = $nextPref;
function($a, $b) {
return -1 * ( count( $a ) <=> count( $b ) );
/* Create iterators */
$allI = new MultipleIterator( MultipleIterator::MIT_NEED_ANY );
foreach ( $nextPrefOptions as $option )
$allI->attachIterator( new ArrayIterator( $option ) );
$distributeBallots = [];
foreach ( $allI as $ballotNrs )
foreach ( $ballotNrs as $ballotNr )
if ( $ballotNr === NULL )
$distributeBallots[] = $ballotNr;
/* Pick as many "over quorom" as needed at strip out first pref */
for ( $i = 0; $i < $overQuorum; $i++ )
array_shift( $this->votes[$distributeBallots[0]] );
array_shift( $this->tally[$candidate] );
"\nDistributing ballot #%s from %s to %s\n\n\n",
$distributeBallots[0], $candidate, $this->votes[$distributeBallots[0]][0],
$this->tally[$this->votes[$distributeBallots[0]][0]][] = $distributeBallots[0];
private function electIfMatchQuorum() : bool
$anyElected = 0;
foreach ( $this->tally as $candidate => $votes )
if ( count( $votes ) >= $this->quorum )
$this->electCandidate( $candidate );
unset( $this->tally[$candidate] );
return !!$anyElected;
private function electCandidate( string $candidate )
echo "Candidate '{$candidate}' has reached quorum, and is therefore elected\n\n";
$this->elected[] = $candidate;
private function eliminateLowest()
end( $this->tally );
$toEliminate = key( $this->tally );
$votes = count( $this->tally[$toEliminate] );
echo "Eliminating '{$toEliminate}' with {$votes} votes\n\n";
$this->eliminated[] = $toEliminate;
echo "Distributing votes to next preference:\n";
$distribution = [];
foreach ( $this->tally[$toEliminate] as $voteIdx )
array_shift( $this->votes[$voteIdx] );
if ( count( $this->votes[$voteIdx] ) < 1 )
echo "- Votes for {$voteIdx} exhausted\n";
if ( in_array( $this->votes[$voteIdx][0], $this->eliminated ) )
echo "- Not distributing {$voteIdx} to {$this->votes[$voteIdx][0]} as candidate has been eliminated.\n";
goto skipEliminatedCandidate;
if ( in_array( $this->votes[$voteIdx][0], $this->elected ) )
echo "- Not distributing {$voteIdx} to {$this->votes[$voteIdx][0]} as candidate has been elected.\n";
goto skipEliminatedCandidate;
echo "- Distributing {$voteIdx} to {$this->votes[$voteIdx][0]}.\n";
@$distribution[ $this->votes[$voteIdx][0] ]++;
$this->tally[ $this->votes[$voteIdx][0] ][] = $voteIdx;
if ( count( $distribution ) )
foreach( $distribution as $candidate => $voteCount )
echo "- Candidate '{$candidate}': {$voteCount}\n";
} else {
echo "- Nothing to distribute\n";
echo "\nElected candidates: ", join( ', ', $this->elected ), "\n";
echo "Eliminated candidates: ", join( ', ', $this->eliminated ), "\n";
unset( $this->tally[$toEliminate] );
echo "\n";
private function doRound()
echo "Round #{$this->currentRound}\n--------\n\n";
if ( count( $this->tally ) > 1 )
if ( ! $this->electIfMatchQuorum() )
private function showVotes()
echo "Votes:\n";
foreach ( $this->votes as $voteIdx => $ranking )
printf( "Vote #%2d: %s\n",
$voteIdx, implode( ' — ', $ranking )
echo "\n";
private function showTally()
echo "Tally:\n";
foreach( $this->tally as $candidate => $items )
echo "Candidate '{$candidate}': ", count( $items ), ' → ',
implode( ' ', $items ), "\n";
echo "\n";
$stv = new Stv( $candidates, $seats, $votes );
$elected = $stv->elect();
echo "\n=================================\n\nELECTED:\n\t", implode( "\n\t", $elected ), "\n";
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