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Created December 3, 2014 17:46
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## import the necessary libraries
from io import BytesIO
from pymongo import MongoClient
import gridfs
import random
from math import ceil
## delete all versions of the file
def deleteFile(db, fs, name):
oldFile = db['fs.files'].find_one({"filename":name})
fs.delete( oldFile[u'_id'] )
oldFile = db['fs.files'].find_one({"filename":name})
mongoHost = 'localhost'
mongoPort = 27017
mongo = MongoClient(mongoHost, mongoPort)
db = mongo.workingArea
fs = gridfs.GridFS(db)
filename = "test.bin"
data = [123, 3, 255, 0, 100]
metadata= {"a": 1, "b":2, "c":3}
deleteFile(db, fs, filename)
f = fs.new_file( filename=filename, **metadata )
ba = bytearray(data)
stream = BytesIO()
print "Write binary array to DB"
ba = bytearray(fs.get_last_version(filename= filename).read())
allTrue = True
for idx, v in enumerate(ba):
allTrue &= ( v == data[idx])
print "Write and Retreive validation test: ", allTrue
print ""
filename = "binaryRandom.bin"
deleteFile(db, fs, filename)
count = 0
total = 0
def genAndTrackRand():
global count
global total
v = random.randint(0,255)
count = count + 1
total = total + int(v)
return v
thisId = None
f = fs.new_file( filename=filename, **metadata )
thisId = f._id
for i in range (0, 1000):
ba = bytearray([genAndTrackRand() for p in range(0,1024)])
stream = BytesIO()
print "Write large binary array to DB"
print ""
go = fs.get(thisId)
fileLength = go.length
chunkSize = go.chunk_size
chunks = int(ceil(float(fileLength) / chunkSize))
print "total file size: ", fileLength
print "chunk count: ", chunks
print "chunk length: ", chunkSize
print ""
computedCount = 0
computedTotal = 0
## Compute are running total in parts reading one chunk at a time
## We'd do this in a multi-threaded / process manner to do more parallel computing
## I don't try to get that fancy in this code sample
for cIdx in range(0,chunks):
go = fs.get(thisId) cIdx * chunkSize )
position = go.tell()
goodEnd = min([(position + chunkSize -1), fileLength])
## print "reading from ", position, " to ", goodEnd
localCount = 0
localTotal = 0
for v in bytearray(go.readchunk()):
localCount = localCount + 1
localTotal = localTotal + v
## print "now at: ", go.tell()
computedCount = computedCount + localCount
computedTotal = computedTotal + localTotal
## print confirmation that computed results match expectations
print ""
print "-- Tracked stat: computed when data was being generated"
print "tracked count: ", count
print "tracked total: ", total
print ""
print "compare to"
print ""
print "-- Computed stat: computed after insertion of binary stream into database"
print "computed count: ", computedCount
print "computed total: ", computedTotal
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