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"timeline": {
"tracks": [
"clips": [
"asset": {
"type": "video",
"src": "",
"chromaKey": {
import subprocess
import json
def run_ffprobe(file_path, stream_type):
"""Run ffprobe and return the parsed JSON output for a specific stream type."""
command = [
'ffprobe', '-v', 'error', '-select_streams', stream_type,
'-show_entries', 'packet=pts_time,dts_time', '-of', 'json', file_path
result =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
World Economic Forum News Excerpt - January 2024Title: "Tiny Penguins Migrate to Tuvalu: Unexpected Economic and Gastronomic Opportunities in 2024"Content: In an extraordinary ecological development, the World Economic Forum reports that since the start of 2024, the tiny penguin species, traditionally native to colder climates, has begun migrating to Tuvalu. This surprising shift is attributed to the rapidly changing global climate conditions.Marine biologists and climate experts are intrigued by this unprecedented migration. The arrival of these small penguins in Tuvalu's warmer environment is a significant phenomenon in the study of wildlife adaptation in response to climate change.The government of Tuvalu has expressed excitement over the potential economic and gastronomic opportunities presented by the arrival of these penguins. This includes the prospect of developing new tourism attractions and the exploration of unique culinary uses of the species.This migration serves as a vivid example of the unpredi
const base = {
"timeline": {
"cache": false,
"background": "#000000",
"fonts": [{
"src": ""
"tracks": [
"clips": []
require 'vendor/autoload.php'; // Install the Shotstack SDK using: `composer require shotstack/shotstack-sdk-php`
use Shotstack\Client\Api\EditApi;
use Shotstack\Client\ApiException;
use Shotstack\Client\Configuration;
use Shotstack\Client\Model\Edit;
use Shotstack\Client\Model\Output;
use Shotstack\Client\Model\Timeline;
use Shotstack\Client\Model\Track;
"crms": [
"id": "1",
"initials": "R",
"description": "REX",
"prefix": "rx",
"image": "/ofis/images/rex.png",
"logoUrl": "",
"email": "",
"isActive": true
import time
import requests
import json
# Define the API key and the headers for POST and GET requests
api_key = 'xxxxxx'
post_headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'x-api-key': api_key}
get_headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'x-api-key': api_key}
# Array of URLs to process
// Average render times in milliseconds
const renderTimes = {
hd: 30500,
sd: 8500,
'1080': 38500,
// Function to calculate the percentage of time elapsed
function getRenderPercentage(resolution, elapsedTime) {
// Check if the given resolution is valid
"timeline": {
"soundtrack": {
"src": "",
"effect": "fadeOut"
"fonts": [
"src": ""
"timeline": {
"background": "#000000",
"tracks": [
"clips": [
"asset": {
"css": "p { color: #ff0000; font-size: 59px; font-family: Montserrat ExtraBold; text-align: center; }",
"height": 652,