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Last active December 2, 2022 22:39
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Python scripts for downloading Leipzig Corpora Languages
import tarfile
from html.parser import HTMLParser
from io import BytesIO
import requests
import os
class LeipzigResourceFinder(HTMLParser):
"""Find available leipzig resources for a given language."""
def __init__(self, code, variant=None):
Fetch all resources for a given language. Example:
.. code::
lcr = LeipzigResourceFinder(code='fra')[-1] # 'fra_mixed_2009_10K.tar.gz'[-1] # 'fra_wikipedia_2010_1M.tar.gz'
lcr.find_one(size='10K', type='news', year=2009) # 'fra_news_2009_10K.tar.gz'
lcr.find_one(size='10K', type='news', year=2014) # 'fra_news_2009_10K.tar.gz'
:param code: the language code, e.g. 'eng' or 'ban'
:param variant: an optional language variant, e.g. 'ca' for 'eng-ca', 'eu' for 'eng-eu', etc.
# store
self.code = code
self.variant = variant
# list of all resources, index of resources = []
self.index = {k: {} for k in ['type', 'year', 'size']}
# to the deed
res =
data=dict(corpora_language=code, func='table'),
headers={'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'})
def find_one(self, size='10K', typ='wikipedia', year='2016'):
Get one resource, giving priority first to size, then resource type and finally year.
If the exact match is not available, it will return something else in this order.
:param size: one of 10K, 30K, 100K, 1M, 3M
:param typ: one of news, news-typical, wikipedia, web, mixed
:param year: a year, e.g. 2016
:return: a resource in the form `<lang/variant>_<type>_<year>_<size>.tar.gz` or None (rare !)
if len( == 0:
return None
# first, try to find a match
sets = [set(self.index[k].get(v, [])) for k, v in zip(['size', 'type', 'year'], (size, typ, year))]
while len(sets) > 0:
matches = set.intersection(*sets)
if len(matches) > 0:
return matches.pop()
# return anything of the good size (might happen if only variants are available...
for i in range(1, len( + 1):
if size in[-i]:
# last resort: return anything
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
# HTMLParser override
if tag == 'a':
attrs = dict(attrs)
cls = attrs.get('class', '')
if 'link_corpora_download' in cls and 'data-corpora-file' in attrs:
def _process_resource(self, res):
split = res.split('.')[0].split('_')
if len(split) != 4: # might happen on some rare occasions, such as Serbo-Croation hbs_ba_web_2015_30K
lang, typ, year, size = split
if self.variant is None:
if lang != self.code: return
if lang != self.variant: return
for k, v in zip(['type', 'year', 'size'], [typ, year, size]):
if v not in self.index[k]:
self.index[k][v] = []
class Leipzig:
_gist_meta_url = ''
def __init__(self, version=None):
url = self._gist_meta_url
if version is not None:
url = url.replace('raw', f'raw/{version}')
leipzig_meta = requests.get(url).json()
raise Exception(f'Could not fetch meta from {url}.')
self.code2lang = leipzig_meta['languages']
self.lang2code = {v: k for k, v in self.code2lang.items()}
def download_sentences(url):
"""Download sentences from a leipzig resource URL."""
# get tar archive
res = requests.get(url)
# extract sentences file from archive
tar ='r:gz', fileobj=BytesIO(res.content))
tar_info = [member for member in tar.getmembers() if'sentences.txt')][0]
handle = tar.extractfile(tar_info)
# read sentence file
raw_text ='utf-8')
return [line.split('\t')[1] for line in raw_text.split('\n') if '\t' in line]
def download_all(self, download_folder, language_codes=None, filename='{code}.{size}.txt',
size='10K', typ='wikipedia', year='2016',
normalize_func=lambda t: t, filter_func=lambda t: True):
Download all resources into a folder. For size, typ and year argument, see LeipzigResourceFinder
:param download_folder: the download folder
:param language_codes: a list of language codes to download, will download everything if not set
:param filename: available placeholders are code, size and typ
:param size: the size to prioritize
:param typ: the type of resource to prioritize, e.g. 'wikipedia', 'web', etc.
:param year: the year to prioritize
:param normalize_func: an optional function called on each sentence
:param filter_func: an optional filter to exclude sentences
os.makedirs(download_folder, exist_ok=True)
if language_codes is None:
language_codes = list(self.code2lang.keys())
for code in language_codes:
variant = None
if '-' in code:
code, variant = code.split('-')
outpath = os.path.join(download_folder, filename.format(code=code, typ=typ, size=size))
if not os.path.exists(outpath):
print(f'Processing {code} {self.code2lang[code]}...', end=' ', flush=True)
resource = LeipzigResourceFinder(code, variant).find_one(size, typ, year)
print(resource, end=' ', flush=True)
lines = [
for l in self.download_sentences(f'{self.DOWNLOAD_URL}/{resource}')
if len(l) > 0 and not l.isspace() and filter_func(l)
if len(lines):
with open(outpath, 'w') as f:
print(f'{len(lines)} lines. OK')
print('no line.')
except Exception as e:
print('ERROR', e)
"bih":"Bihari languages",
"bcl":"Central Bikol",
"ckb":"Central Kurdish",
"mhr":"Eastern Mari",
"arz":"Egyptian Arabic",
"hif":"Fiji Hindi",
"gom":"Goan Konkani",
"ell":"Greek, Modern",
"pes":"Iranian Persian",
"nds":"Low German",
"dsb":"Lower Sorbian",
"cmn":"Mandarin Chinese",
"nan":"Min Nan Chinese",
"azj":"North Azerbaijani",
"frr":"Northern Frisian",
"sme":"Northern Sami",
"uzn":"Northern Uzbek",
"nob":"Norwegian Bokmål",
"nno":"Norwegian Nynorsk",
"plt":"Plateau Malagasy",
"sot":"Sotho, Southern",
"ekk":"Standard Estonian",
"lvs":"Standard Latvian",
"gsw":"Swiss German",
"als":"Tosk Albanian",
"hsb":"Upper Sorbian",
"fry":"Western Frisian",
"mrj":"Western Mari",
"pnb":"Western Panjabi",
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