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Last active January 31, 2024 07:38
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  • Save derme302/d57a395b711b4ecf100f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save derme302/d57a395b711b4ecf100f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Load a Google Map into Unity3D
* Based on the Google Maps for Unity Asset
* However the relience on UniWeb has been removed
Getting Started
1. Assign the GoogleMap component to your game object.
2. Setup the parameters in the inspector.
2.1 If you want to control the center point and zoom level, make sure that
the Auto Locate Center box is unchecked. Otherwise the center point is
calculated using Markers and Path parameters.
3. Each location field can be an address or longitude / latitude.
4. The markers add pins onto the map, with a single letter label. This label
will only display on mid size markers.
5. The paths add straight lines on the map, between a set of locations.
6. For in depth information on how the GoogleMap component uses the Google
Maps API, see:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GoogleMap : MonoBehaviour {
public enum MapType {
public string GoogleApiKey;
public bool loadOnStart = true;
public bool autoLocateCenter = true;
public GoogleMapLocation centerLocation;
public int zoom = 13;
public MapType mapType;
public int size = 512;
public bool doubleResolution = false;
public GoogleMapMarker[] markers;
public GoogleMapPath[] paths;
void Start() {
if (loadOnStart)
public void Refresh() {
if (autoLocateCenter && (markers.Length == 0 && paths.Length == 0)) {
Debug.LogError("Auto Center will only work if paths or markers are used.");
IEnumerator _Refresh() {
string url = "";
string qs = "";
if (!autoLocateCenter) {
if (centerLocation.address != "")
qs += "center=" + WWW.UnEscapeURL(centerLocation.address);
qs += "center=" + WWW.UnEscapeURL(string.Format("{0},{1}", centerLocation.latitude, centerLocation.longitude));
qs += "&zoom=" + zoom.ToString();
qs += "&size=" + WWW.UnEscapeURL(string.Format("{0}x{0}", size));
qs += "&scale=" + (doubleResolution ? "2" : "1");
qs += "&maptype=" + mapType.ToString().ToLower();
var usingSensor = false;
usingSensor = Input.location.isEnabledByUser && Input.location.status == LocationServiceStatus.Running;
qs += "&sensor=" + (usingSensor ? "true" : "false");
foreach (var i in markers) {
qs += "&markers=" + string.Format("size:{0}|color:{1}|label:{2}", i.size.ToString().ToLower(), i.color, i.label);
foreach (var loc in i.locations) {
if (loc.address != "")
qs += "|" + WWW.UnEscapeURL(loc.address);
qs += "|" + WWW.UnEscapeURL(string.Format("{0},{1}", loc.latitude, loc.longitude));
foreach (var i in paths) {
qs += "&path=" + string.Format("weight:{0}|color:{1}", i.weight, i.color);
if (i.fill)
qs += "|fillcolor:" + i.fillColor;
foreach (var loc in i.locations) {
if (loc.address != "")
qs += "|" + WWW.UnEscapeURL(loc.address);
qs += "|" + WWW.UnEscapeURL(string.Format("{0},{1}", loc.latitude, loc.longitude));
qs += "&key=" + WWW.UnEscapeURL(GoogleApiKey);
WWW req = new WWW(url + "?" + qs);
Debug.Log(url + "?" + qs);
// Create a texture in DXT1 format
renderer.material.mainTexture = new Texture2D(size, size, TextureFormat.DXT1, false);
while (!req.isDone)
yield return null;
if (req.error == null)
public enum GoogleMapColor {
public class GoogleMapLocation {
public string address;
public float latitude;
public float longitude;
public class GoogleMapMarker {
public enum GoogleMapMarkerSize {
public GoogleMapMarkerSize size;
public GoogleMapColor color;
public string label;
public GoogleMapLocation[] locations;
public class GoogleMapPath {
public int weight = 5;
public GoogleMapColor color;
public bool fill = false;
public GoogleMapColor fillColor;
public GoogleMapLocation[] locations;
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Axel-P commented Jun 12, 2019

Hey! I needed this, so I decided to integrate it. You can download a working copy with the updated functions here

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Hey! Great work that saved me alot of trouble. Can you please help me load the map as i continue to swipe the screen and it keeps on loading next chunk of map. Any help will really be appreciated.

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Hey! I needed this, so I decided to integrate it. You can download a working copy with the updated functions here

Hi! i used your source code to show map on an image can you help me with loading a map as i swipe the screen and it loads its next chunk of the map i would really appreciate this

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