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Created October 23, 2022 06:55
Knapsack and binpacking in traditional DP manner. Knapsack should be correct - binpacking seems correct (but not verified)
import numpy as np
def knapsack(items=[4,3,1,2], profits=[60, 50, 20, 20], capacity=7):
table = np.zeros((len(items)+1, capacity+1))
table[:, 0] = 0
table[0, :] = 0
for item in range(1, len(items)+1):
for cap in range(1, capacity+1):
y = 0 if items[item-1] > cap else profits[item-1]+table[item-1, cap-items[item-1]]
table[item, cap] = max(table[item-1, cap], y)
# Search path
it, cap = len(items), capacity
included = [False] * len(items)
while it > 0:
if table[it-1, cap-items[it-1]] == table[it, cap] - profits[it-1]:
included[it-1] = True
cap = cap - items[it-1]
included[it-1] = False
it -= 1
def binpacking(items=[1,5,5,2,4], profits=[4, 3, 2, 5, 1], capacity=5, bins=3):
# Each bin is capacity+1 wide: one slot for "zero capacity" and then up to capacity.
table = np.zeros((len(items)+1, bins*(capacity + 1)))
table[:, 0] = 0
table[0, :] = 0
# Start with first bin:
for item in range(1, len(items)+1):
if items[item-1] > capacity:
# Cannot pack this item; too large
table[item, :] = table[item-1, :]
for cap in range(1, bins * (capacity + 1)):
# Current bin is cap//(capacity+1).
if (cap - items[item-1]) // (capacity+1) == cap // (capacity+1) and (cap - items[item-1]) >= 0:
# Fits current bin: we can pack
table[item, cap] = max(table[item-1, cap], # no pack item
profits[item-1] + table[item-1, cap - items[item-1]])
elif cap % capacity == 0:
table[item, cap] = table[item, cap-1]
table[item, cap] = max(table[item-1, cap], table[item, cap-1])
included = [False] * len(items)
it, cap = len(items), (capacity+1) * bins - 1
while it > 0:
if table[it-1, cap-items[it-1]] == table[it, cap] - profits[it-1]:
included[it-1] = True
cap = cap - items[it-1]
included[it-1] = False
it -= 1
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