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Created June 6, 2012 17:53
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mapred test
function(value, keyData, arg) {
var data = Riak.mapValuesJson(value)[0];
r = {};
r[data.remote_addr] = 1;
return [r];
function(values, arg){
return values.reduce(function(acc, item){
for (ip in item) {
if(acc[ip]) {
acc[ip] += item[ip];
} else {
acc[ip] = item[ip];
return acc;
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dermoth commented Jun 7, 2012

                {<<"eleveldb_mult">>, riak_kv_eleveldb_backend, [
                        %% eleveldb configuration
                        {write_buffer_size_min, 3670016 }, %% 3.5MB in bytes
                        {write_buffer_size_max, 4194304}, %% 4MB in bytes
                        {max_open_files, 20}, %% Maximum number of files open at once per partition
                        {block_size, 4096}, %% 4K blocks
                        {cache_size, 8388608}, %% 8MB default cache size per-partition
                        {sync, false}

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