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Created August 8, 2014 07:41
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Snippet: SCSS: CSS-only Parallax mixin
// Magic parallax mixins
@mixin parallax-init($perspective: null, $element: null, $parallax-ios: null) {
$perspective: if($perspective != null, $perspective, toolkit-get('parallax perspective'));
$element: if($element != null, $element, toolkit-get('parallax element'));
$parallax-ios: if($parallax-ios != null, $parallax-ios, toolkit-get('parallax ios'));
@if $element == 'body' {
@at-root {
html, body {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
overflow: hidden;
body {
@include parallax-init-core($perspective, $parallax-ios);
@else {
@if $element == this {
@include parallax-init-core($perspective, $parallax-ios);
@else {
@at-root #{$element} {
@include parallax-init-core($perspective, $parallax-ios);
@mixin parallax-init-core($perspective: null, $parallax-ios: null) {
$perspective: if($perspective != null, $perspective, toolkit-get('parallax perspective'));
$parallax-ios: if($parallax-ios != null, $parallax-ios, toolkit-get('parallax ios'));
overflow: auto;
@if mixin-exists(perspective) {
@include perspective($perspective * 1px);
@else {
-webkit-perspective: $perspective * 1px;
perspective: $perspective * 1px;
// Allows for smooth scrolling but disables parallax effects.
@if $parallax-ios == false {
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
// Make sure 3D perspective is preserved
&, & * {
@if mixin-exists(transform-style) {
@include transform-style(preserve-3d);
@else {
-webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;
transform-style: preserve-3d;
@mixin parallax($distance: null, $perspective: null) {
$distance: if($distance != null, $distance, toolkit-get('parallax distance'));
$perspective: if($perspective != null, $perspective, toolkit-get('parallax perspective'));
$transform: translateZ($distance * $perspective * 1px) scale(abs($distance - 1));
@if mixin-exists(transform) {
@include transform($transform);
@else {
-webkit-transform: $transform;
transform: $transform;
z-index: $distance * 100;
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