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Last active June 5, 2021 04:11
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-How to use Custom CSS for the Gamepad Viewer-
Enabling a custom CSS is as easy as adding &css=[url to css file]
to the end of the url like so:
If you're going to be using custom CSS for the gamepad viewer
to design your own skin, we're assuming you have some sort of
basic knowledge on how CSS works. I'd also suggest uploading
your custom CSS to GitHub's gist as you can easily get the
direct link for the file by copying the link address on the
"Raw" button at the top right of the code.
NOTE: If you're using gist, MAKE SURE TO NAME YOUR CSS FILE!
It doesn't matter what you call it, so long as it ends in .css
else the site won't read it and think it's just a plain text.
Each CSS entry must be preceded by '.custom' since that's the
hardcoded class for a custom style. It doesn't make sense to
change this as you can only have one custom skin loaded at a time.
If you're using images, they have to be uploaded to an image host of
your choice. Personally, I'd go with Imgur since it's simple to upload
and get the direct URL of the image. None of the images in this example
will load because they're pointing to a location relative of the css
files, since this is normally in the main CSS file of the site.
The following is a copy of the code used for displaying the PS3 controller
skin on the Gamepad viewer. You can scroll below and read the comments to
get an understanding of how the styling works and whatnot. Happy skinning!
P.S. If you use this tool often and would like to 'buy me a coffee' you can
do so via my Imraising page:
/*BEGIN PS3 Controller Styling*/
/*This class defines the base attributes of the skin*/
background: url(drawing/drawing.svg);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: 0px 0px;
width: 970px;
height: 424px;
margin-left: -485px;
margin-top: -212px;
.custom.disconnected {
background: url(drawing/drawing.svg);
background-position: 0px -424px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
/* This hides the controller's button when disconnected so only the background image remains */
.custom.disconnected div {
display: none;
.custom .triggers{ /* The triggers are housed inside a div, so this sizes the div properly and positions it */
width: 759px;
height: 34px;
position: absolute;
left: 104px;
.custom .trigger{/* These are the actual triggers themselves */
width: 211px;
height: 34px;
background: url(drawing/drawing.svg);
background-position: -967px 0px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
opacity: 0;
.custom .trigger.left{
float: left;
.custom .trigger.right{
float: right;
-webkit-transform: rotateY(180deg);
transform: rotateY(180deg);
/* The bumpers follow the same methodology as the triggers in terms of
placement */
/*.custom .bumper{*/
/*width: 89px;*/
/*height: 28px;*/
/*background: url();*/
/*opacity: 0;*/
/*.custom .bumpers{*/
/*position: absolute;*/
/*width: 586px;*/
/*height: 28px;*/
/*left: 99px;*/
/*top: 72px;*/
/*.custom .bumper.pressed{ [> The '.pressed' class is used for most buttons to signify they've been pressed <]*/
/*opacity: 1;*/
/*.custom .bumper.left{*/
/*/* Call me lazy or smart, but why should I make 2 bumpers when they're symmetrical*/
/*and I can just rotate them in the browser? Also, note that you most likely won't need*/
/*to use a browser speficic prefix unless it's something that is indeed browser specific.*/
/*NOTE: CLR Browser is basically chrome, so you use '-webkit-' as the browser prefix. */*/
/*-webkit-transform: rotateY(180deg);*/
/*transform: rotateY(180deg);*/
/*float: left;*/
/*.custom .bumper.right{*/
/*float: right;*/
/* This bit of code is for the player indicator, which is represented in
quandrants on the xbox controller. That's note what it's called on the
PS3 controller but it'd be pointless for me to change the HTML for
something as pedantic as a name. */
.custom .quadrant{
position: absolute;
height: 17px;
width: 111px;
top: 140px;
left: 240px;
/* Since the player indicator is just a CSS sprite, we change the
position of the background to match the player number.
NOTE: Player orderin starts at 0, so p0 = Player 1 */
.custom .p0{
background-position: 0 -6px;
.custom .p1{
background-position: 0 -28px;
.custom .p2{
background-position: 0 -49px;
.custom .p3{
background-position: 0 -70px;
/* This is to size and position the containing div for the
start and select buttons. */
.custom .arrows{
position: absolute;
width: 176px;
height: 62px;
top: 214px;
left: 358px;
/* Setting the size and CSS sprite for the start adn select buttons */
.custom .back, .custom .start{
width: 71.5px;
height: 61.5px;
.custom .back.pressed, .custom .start.pressed{
background: url(drawing/drawing.svg);
background-position: -1177.5px 0px;
opacity: 0;
color: #00ffff;
.custom .back{
float: left;
.custom .start{
float: right;
/* Positioning and size of the container for the face buttons */
.custom .abxy{
position: absolute;
width: 259px;
height: 218px;
top: 105px;
left: 633px;
/* base class used to simplify the sprite mapping */
.custom .button{
position: absolute;
.custom .button.pressed{
background: url(drawing/drawing.svg);
background-position-x: -1249px;
.custom .a{
top: 143px;
left: 92px;
.custom .b{
top: 71px;
right: 0px;
.custom .x{
top: 71px;
.custom .y{
left: 92px;
/* Analog sticks follow the same principles as the triggers in terms of positioning
Note that the rotation of the sticks in hard coded with javascript, so it applies
the CSS inline. */
.custom .sticks{
position: absolute;
width: 364px;
height: 105px;
top: 328px;
left: 210px;
.custom .stick{
position: absolute;
width: 105px;
.custom .stick.pressed.left{
background-position-x: -106px;
.custom .stick.pressed.right{
background-position-x: -211px;
.custom .stick.left{
top: 0;
left: 0;
.custom .stick.right{
top: calc(100% - 105px);
left: calc(100% - 105px);
/* Dpad possitioning and sizing */
.custom .dpad{
position: absolute;
width: 146px;
height: 146px;
top: 142px;
left: 133px;
.custom .face{
position: absolute;
.custom .face.up, .custom .face.down{
width: 33.5px;
height: 34px;
.custom .face.left, .custom .face.right{
width: 34px;
height: 33.5px;
.custom .face.up{
left: 56px;
top: 0;
background-position: 92px 0px;
.custom .face.down{
left: 56px;
top: 112px;
background-position: 131px 0;
-webkit-transform: rotateX(180deg);
transform: rotateX(180deg);
.custom .face.left{
top: 56px;
left: 0;
background-position: 0px 0;
-webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg);
transform: rotate(-90deg);
.custom .face.right{
top: 56px;
right: 0px;
background-position: 53px 0;
-webkit-transform: rotate(90deg);
transform: rotate(90deg);
.custom .face.pressed{
background: url(drawing/drawing.svg);
background-position-x: -1323px;
/* NOTE: You NEED to set this to exactly half the height of what is listed
for '.controller.custom' so when your skin is activated via player selection
parameters (e.g. it will be correctly
centered on screen. */
margin-top: -279px;
/* The following entries are empty because I haven't used them yet, but they
exist for the purpose of displaying a fightstick. Since fightsticks have
the left and right triggers and digital buttons, there are separate
html items that allow the triggers to be shown as button presses isntead of
an opacity setting */
.custom .trigger-button.left{
.custom .trigger-button.right{
.custom .trigger-button.left.pressed{
.custom .trigger-button.right.pressed{
/* This is where the fight stick CSS would go. The ideal way of
showing the input would be to use an image sprite of a fight stick in
all 8 positions, and change it according to the inputs. The classes
themselves are fairly self explanatory. */
position: absolute;
width: 140px;
height: 132px;
top: 192px;
left: 74px;
/*END PS3 Controller Styling*/
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