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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Laravel 4.2 Controller for responding to bs_grid AJAX requests.
* Usage: Point bs_grid to GridController@postModelName (make sure route is defined for the action)
* Whitelist models by making appropriate public methods.
* Controller will respond to basic use and sorting appropriately.
class GridController extends BaseController {
public function __construct()
//It would be wise to define some sensible filters
//...unless you like to be mined
//In this way we create a white list of models...
//You probably do not want all models accessed this way
public function postUser()
return $this->BSGrid('User');
public function postPhoto()
return $this->BSGrid('Photo');
//this takes a Laravel Model name and returns the JSON
//that bs_grid expects
//currently handles sorting and pagination appropriately
//TODO: respond to filter
//TODO: actually pay attention to the fields
public function BSGrid($model)
//default required data
$data = array(
'total_rows' => null,
'page_data' => null,
'error' => null,
'filter_error' => array(),
'debug_message' => array()
try {
//get the proper number of rows, paginated
$request = $model::take(Input::get('rows_per_page'))
//now specify sorting, etc
foreach(is_array(Input::get('sorting')) ? Input::get('sorting') : [] as $sort)
if($sort['order'] == 'ascending')
$request->orderBy($sort['field'], 'ASC');
if($sort['order'] == 'descending')
$request->orderBy($sort['field'], 'DESC');
//get data and rows
$data['page_data'] = $request->get()->toArray();
$data['total_rows'] = $model::all()->count();
catch (Exception $e) {
$data['error'] = 'Server error in GridController.';
$data['debug_message'][] = $e->getMessage();
return $data;
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