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Created August 26, 2015 21:49
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Split (for e.g. poster-printing) a PDF into rows and columns, using pdfinfo and ghostscript.
import sys
import os
import subprocess
import tempfile
PDFINFO_BINARY = 'pdfinfo'
GS_BINARY = 'gswin64c'
class ShellCmdError(Exception):
def main(args):
if len(args) != 5:
print('Usage: {0} pdf-file rows columns output-file'.format(
args[0] if args else 'pdfsplit', file=sys.stderr))
return 0
rows = int(args[2])
columns = int(args[3])
except ValueError:
print('Invalid dimension specification.', file=sys.stderr)
print('Usage: {0} pdf-file rows columns output-file'.format(
args[0] if args else 'pdfsplit', file=sys.stderr))
return 0
size = pdf_dimensions(args[1])
badsize = False
if (size[0] % rows != 0):
print(('Vertical dimension ({0} pts) not evenly divisible ' +
'by {1} rows!').format(size[0], rows), file=sys.stderr)
badsize = True
if (size[1] % columns != 0):
print(('Horizontal dimension ({0} pts) not evenly divisible ' +
'by {1} columns!').format(size[1], columns), file=sys.stderr)
badsize = True
if badsize:
return 0
row_step = size[0] // rows
column_step = size[1] // columns
temporaries = [tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.pdf', delete=False)
for _ in range(rows * columns)]
for t in temporaries:
temporaries = [ for t in temporaries]
for row in range(rows):
for column in range(columns):
pdf_segment(args[1], size, rows, columns, row_step, column_step,
row, column, temporaries[row * columns + column])
pdf_combine(args[4], *temporaries)
for t in temporaries:
return 0
def pdf_dimensions(filename):
SIZE_LABEL = b'Page size:'
SIZE_INFIX = b' x '
pdf_info = subprocess.check_output([PDFINFO_BINARY, filename])
except subprocess.CalledProccessError as e:
raise ShellCmdError(e)
size_pos = pdf_info.find(SIZE_LABEL)
if size_pos == -1:
raise ShellCmdError('Page size record not found in pdfinfo output.')
term_pos = pdf_info.find(SIZE_TERMINATOR, size_pos + len(SIZE_LABEL))
if term_pos == -1:
raise ShellCmdError('Valid page size record not found in ' +
'pdfinfo output')
size_info = pdf_info[size_pos + len(SIZE_LABEL):term_pos]
size = size_info.strip().split(SIZE_INFIX)
if len(size) != 2:
raise ShellCmdError('Valid page size record not found in ' +
'pdfinfo output')
# rows (vertical), columns (horizontal)
size = (int(size[1]), int(size[0]))
except ValueError:
raise ShellCmdError('Valid page size record not found in ' +
'pdfinfo output')
return size
def pdf_segment(filename, size, rows, columns, row_step, column_step,
i, j, output_filename):
ret =[GS_BINARY, '-o', output_filename, '-sDEVICE=pdfwrite',
'-g' + str(size[1] * 10 // columns) + 'x' + str(size[0] * 10 // rows),
'-c', '<</PageOffset [' +
str(-j * column_step) + ' ' + str((i + 1 - rows) * row_step) +
']>> setpagedevice',
'-f', filename],
if ret != 0:
raise ShellCmdError('Error using gs to segment file.')
def pdf_combine(output_filename, *filenames):
ret =[GS_BINARY, '-o', output_filename, '-sDEVICE=pdfwrite'] +
if ret != 0:
raise ShellCmdError('Error using gs to segment file.')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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