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Last active December 8, 2022 21:15
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zippin' zippers in Python
# Language path: Haskell->Ocaml->Python, mypy typesystem [semantic loss ~31%]
# Subject: Zippers as the key insight
# what great fun! since mypy ~0.991 (?) we can finally, finally work with
# recursive types. this opens up Python to some traditional functional
# programming practices with a minimum of bullshit.
from typing import NamedTuple, TypeAlias
# let's walk amongst the trees for a bit.
# we can represent binary trees as nested tuples
# a tree is either:
# - the empty tree (represented by None), or
# - a branch with data element x and left and right children (x, left, right)
class Branch(NamedTuple):
value: int
left: 'Tree'
right: 'Tree'
Tree: TypeAlias = Branch | None
# for example:
example_tree: Tree = Branch(3,
Branch(2, Branch(1, None, None), None),
Branch(5, Branch(4, None, None), Branch(6, None, None))
# we can make this easier to understand with some ASCII art:
def pprint(tree: Tree, indent: int = 0) -> None:
if tree is None:
print(indent * ' ' + '·')
print(indent * ' ' + str(tree.value))
pprint(tree.left, indent = indent + 4)
pprint(tree.right, indent = indent + 4)
# suppose that for some contrived reason (maybe we're solving a programming
# puzzle []), we have a sequence of
# commands we want to run against this tree, where each command may either
# navigate the tree ("go left", "go right", "go back to the parent") or
# edit the current position ("set value to 3", "replace left child with None")
# in a purely functional program, all data is immutable: we will not be editing
# the tree in place; rather, each command must produce a new copy of the data
# with the necessary edits applied.
# one more thing: for similarly contrived reasons, we care about the final state
# of the ENTIRE tree (in other words, the "root") after all commands are
# applied.
# this makes life hard! let's try to write a program for "go left, then go left,
# then set value to 77."
def left_left_77_first_try(tree: Tree) -> Tree:
# navigation is pretty straight-forward:
if tree is None:
raise ValueError("can't go left!")
tree = tree.left
if tree is None:
raise ValueError("can't go left!")
tree = tree.left
if tree is None:
raise ValueError("can't go left!")
# hmm - this doesn't feel quite right!
return tree._replace(value = 77)
# that's not right at all - we've edited the left, left subtree, but we've
# "forgotten how we got there"; remember, we're interested in making
# edits at the leaves but retaining the whole tree (with those edits)
# to make that work, we need to take apart the tree on our way "down" to the
# destination, and rebuild it with edits on our way back "up".
def left_left_77_second_try(tree: Tree) -> Tree:
if tree is None:
raise ValueError("can't go left!")
first_left = tree.left
if first_left is None:
raise ValueError("can't go left!")
second_left = first_left.left
if second_left is None:
raise ValueError("can't go left!")
# rebuild the tree, making replacements...
return tree._replace(
left = first_left._replace(
left = second_left._replace(value = 77)))
# that worked! great, that was just a one-off transformation, right?
# <meme> ...right?
# oh dear. it seems the actual data is a sequence of these relative commands
commands = [
'left', 'left', 'set 77',
'up', 'set 99',
'up', 'right', 'right', 'set 33'
# well, we COULD translate each sequence of moves followed by a set to the
# appropriate traversal and edit, like `left_left_77_second_try` - but we'll
# be walking and rebuilding the WHOLE tree, from the root, every time we make
# an edit.
# that clearly won't scale to the thousands of nodes that this toy problem
# obviously will one day reach.
# let's slow down and think a little. we've already noticed that when we walk
# a tree to make edits, we have to remember "the rest of the tree" in order
# to reconstruct it; we also have to know "how we got there" to know which
# parts of the original tree to replace as we work our way back up.
# the mechanism is kind of like a zipper opening and closing: we "unzip" the
# tree apart as we move "down" to the focus of the edit, and "zip" it back
# together when we're done.
# well, let's take that and make it concrete!
# a zipper for a binary tree represents a focused node in the tree, with the
# additional information required to navigate around and rebuild the whole
# things.
# in practice, we'll model it as
from enum import Enum, auto
# the directions we can "turn" along a path
class Direction(Enum):
Left = auto()
Right = auto()
# a step along the path: a direction, the value at the branch,
# and the tree which was the "road not taken"!
class PathStep(NamedTuple):
dir: Direction
value: int
other: Tree
# the zipper just combines a stack of the steps we took to get to the
# focused subtree, and the focused subtree itself!
# I'm going to use a list as a purely-functional stack by copying;
# this is a little ugly
# we don't need "deepcopy" because all the data is immutable!
class Zipper(NamedTuple):
path: list[PathStep]
focus: Tree
# building a zipper for a given root tree is easy!
def to_zipper(tree: Tree) -> Zipper:
return Zipper([], tree)
# recovering the focused tree from a zipper is also easy
def from_zipper(zipper: Zipper) -> Tree:
return zipper.focus
# we can now build operations on zippers, for navigating the tree!
# going left or right requires remembering the value at the branch,
# and the other subtree, pushing these onto the path
# these operations can fail if the current focus is a dead-end (None)!
def go_left(zipper: Zipper) -> Zipper | None:
if zipper.focus is None:
return None
step = PathStep(Direction.Left, zipper.focus.value, zipper.focus.right)
return Zipper([step] + zipper.path, zipper.focus.left)
def go_right(zipper: Zipper) -> Zipper | None:
if zipper.focus is None:
return None
step = PathStep(Direction.Right, zipper.focus.value, zipper.focus.left)
return Zipper([step] + zipper.path, zipper.focus.right)
# going "up" requires rebuilding the parent branch from the remembered
# value and "other" fork; if we're at the root already, we'll just
# return the root zipper.
def go_up(zipper: Zipper) -> Zipper:
match zipper.path:
case []:
return zipper
case [PathStep(Direction.Left, value, right), *rest]:
return Zipper(rest, Branch(value, zipper.focus, right))
case [PathStep(Direction.Right, value, left), *rest]:
return Zipper(rest, Branch(value, left, zipper.focus))
raise RuntimeError("this can't happen but mypy doesn't know it!")
# going all the way back to the root is just a matter of recursing "up"
# until we're out of path
def go_root(zipper: Zipper) -> Zipper:
if not zipper.path:
return zipper
return go_root(go_up(zipper))
# for convenience, we'll provide a higher-order function for "editing" the focus
from typing import Callable
def update_focus(zipper: Zipper, f: Callable[[Tree], Tree]) -> Zipper:
return zipper._replace(focus = f(zipper.focus))
# let's navigate around our original tree a little, and try making an edit!
# remember our "command sequence"?
def apply_commands(commands: list[str], tree: Tree) -> Tree:
def apply_command(z: Zipper, c: str) -> Zipper:
match c.split():
# we'll be "permissive" of bad commands, and just stay where we
# are if navigation fails
case ['left']:
return go_left(z) or z
case ['right']:
return go_right(z) or z
case ['up']:
return go_up(z)
case ['set', n]:
return update_focus(z,
lambda t: t and t._replace(value = int(n)))
case _:
raise ValueError(f'bad command: {c}')
from functools import reduce
return from_zipper(go_root(
reduce(apply_command, commands, to_zipper(tree))))
def main() -> None:
left = go_left(to_zipper(example_tree))
assert left is not None
left2 = left and go_left(left)
assert left2 is not None
# dumb Python trick: if `x: None | T` and `f: Callable[[T], T]`
# then `x and f(x): None | T`
root_zipper = go_root(
update_focus(left2, lambda t: t and t._replace(value = 77)))
new_tree = from_zipper(root_zipper)
pprint(apply_commands(commands, example_tree))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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