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Created March 19, 2018 03:26
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A mutable, generic deque, implemented as a doubly-linked list in Java for didactic purposes (download zip and extract, compile with javac, run with java DequeDemo)
/* a deque (double-ended queue)
* implemented as a mutable, generic, doubly-linked list in Java
* what do we mean by this?
* deque: a Double-Ended QUEue. a data structure supporting fast insertion or
* removal at either end, used in various algorithms and data-sharing
* techniques.
* mutable: the structure contains state which may be altered by various
* mutating operations. for example, when we enqueue an element at the
* front, the operation does not return a new deque containing the
* additional element (and preserving the original deque) but rather changes
* the deque's internal structure to contain the new element. this is the
* common way of working in object-oriented programming and indeed OOP seems
* uniquely suited to constructing programs as interacting networks of
* stateful elements. nonetheless, this complicates reasoning about our
* programs: we must now concern ourselves with not merely values but with
* evolutions of values over time, and (potentially) their interaction over
* non-deterministically sequenced threads of execution. hic sunt dracones.
* generic: just as described before, the deque type is parametrically
* polymorphic over the type of contained elements.
* doubly-linked: each node will store two links, to the next and the previous
* elements in the list. this will permit fast in-place reversal as well as
* the required deque operations.
// some imports we'll need
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
// just as before
public final class Deque<T> implements Iterable<T> {
// default constructor: an empty deque
public Deque()
head = tail = null;
// key deque operations
// for consistency, we'll use the "stack-like" terminology we used before,
// but this time we'll distinguish which end of the deque we're acting on
// first, accessors for the first and last elements (again, we'll throw
// NoSuchElementException on an empty deque)
public T front() throws NoSuchElementException
if (head == null)
throw new NoSuchElementException("front() on empty deque");
return head.value;
public T back() throws NoSuchElementException
if (head == null)
throw new NoSuchElementException("back() on empty deque");
return tail.value;
// next, operations to add new elements at the front or the back
public void pushFront(T value)
// the new head contains the given value; it's prev pointer is null
// (it's the new first element) and it's next pointer is the old
// head of the deque
ListNode newHead = new ListNode(value, null, head);
// set our old head's prev pointer to the new head, or (if we're empty)
// set our head and tail to the new node
if (head != null) {
head.prev = newHead;
// set our head pointer to the new head
head = newHead;
} else {
head = tail = newHead;
public void pushBack(T value)
// this is the mirror image case of pushFront
ListNode newTail = new ListNode(value, tail, null);
if (tail != null) { = newTail;
tail = newTail;
} else {
head = tail = newTail;
// operations to remove the element at the front or back (returning
// the value).
// these throw NoSuchElementException on an empty Deque
public T popFront()
T result = front();
head =;
return result;
public T popBack()
T result = back();
tail = tail.prev;
return result;
// some general random-access collection operations
public boolean isEmpty()
return head == null;
public int size()
// this looks just like the singly-linked case, though we could
// have also walked the list backwards
int count = 0;
ListNode node = head;
while (node != null) {
node =;
return count;
// get an element by index (zero-based, from the front)
public T get(int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
if (index < 0)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("negative index to get()");
ListNode node = head;
while (node != null && index > 0) {
node =;
if (node == null)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("invalid index to get()");
return node.value;
// get an element by index (zero-based, from the back)
// the mirror-image case, enabled by a doubly-linked list
public T getFromBack(int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
if (index < 0)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("negative index to get()");
ListNode node = tail;
while (node != null && index > 0) {
node = node.prev;
if (node == null)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("invalid index to get()");
return node.value;
// just for name symmetry, if a client wants to be explicit
public T getFromFront(int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
return get(index);
// this time around, our reverse operation will change the deque in place
// this can be done quite quickly!
public void reverse()
ListNode node = head;
while (node != null) {
// swap the node's next and prev, then advance to the next node
// (in the original order)
ListNode next =; = node.prev;
node.prev = next;
node = next;
// now swap the head and tail, using node as a temporary
node = tail;
tail = head;
head = node;
// instead of a copying "concat" function, we'll have an "append" function
// that copies the contents of another deque onto our tail.
// this will be enabled by our Iterable support
public void appendBack(Deque<? extends T> other)
// I blew up on this the first time, and its a key example of the
// problems with mutable state: what happens if we get ourselves as
// other? i.e. this == other? well, without a special case, we end up
// reading one element at a time from ourselves and pushing it to our
// own tail: we keep growing as we push, and so our iteration over
// other aka this never ends! an infinte loop, repeating our own
// elements onto our tail.
if (other == this) {
// clone ourselves and append the clone
appendBack(new Deque<T>(other));
} else {
for (T v : other)
// and the mirror-image (but this time, we'll need the reverse iterator
// for other!)
public void appendFront(Deque<? extends T> other)
if (other == this) {
appendFront(new Deque<T>(other));
} else {
Iterator<? extends T> rev = other.reverseIterator();
while (rev.hasNext())
// we'll again provide standard java iteration, with an inner class...
public Iterator<T> iterator()
return new ListIterator(head, true);
// ... as well as iteration in reverse order!
public Iterator<T> reverseIterator()
return new ListIterator(tail, false);
// I don't want to implement all of Collection for Deque, so I'm going
// to have an explicit Deque "copy constructor" that clones from another
// Deque. In likely defiance of Java convention, this is a "shallow" copy.
public Deque(Deque<? extends T> other)
this(); // invoke default constructor
for (T v : other)
// finally, we'll provide a constructor that can build a Deque from
// any standard Collection of any type which
// is a subtype of T (including T itself); this is much easier now
// that we can pushBack()
public Deque(Collection<? extends T> items)
this(); // invoke default constructor
for (T v : items)
// we'll again use a private inner class to describe the structure of
// our nodes; a Deque is then represented by references to the first and
// last nodes.
private final class ListNode {
public ListNode(T value, ListNode prev, ListNode next)
this.value = value;
this.prev = prev; = next;
// two notes:
// first, this time these are not final: we're going to mutate them
// second, this time we have pointers in both directions
public T value;
public ListNode prev;
public ListNode next;
// this private inner class is used to implement the Iterable<T> interface;
// it must implement Iterator<T>.
// this one takes an extra boolean parameter to control iteration direction,
// letting us re-use the same class both both directions
private final class ListIterator implements Iterator<T> {
public ListIterator(ListNode node, boolean forward)
this.node = node;
this.forward = forward;
public boolean hasNext()
return node != null;
public T next() throws NoSuchElementException
if (node == null)
throw new NoSuchElementException(
"next() on empty iterator");
T val = node.value;
if (forward)
node =;
node = node.prev;
return val;
private ListNode node;
private final boolean forward;
// this time, these aren't final: they're our key pieces of
// mutable internal state. we'll keep them private, and ensure that
// our public API carefully maintains their critical invariants.
// namely: head is always either null (for an empty deque), or points to the
// "first" node in the deque; and, tail is always either null, or points
// to the "last" node in the deque. n.b. head is null iff tail is null.
private ListNode head;
private ListNode tail;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Arrays;
class DequeDemo {
public static void main(String[] args)
// an empty deque
Deque<Object> empty = new Deque<>();
System.out.println("empty.size() = " + empty.size());
// build a list of numbers, statefully...
Deque<Integer> nums = new Deque<>();
for (int i = 1; i <= 4; ++i)
System.out.println("nums.front() = " + nums.front());
System.out.println("nums.back() = " + nums.back());
System.out.println("nums.size() = " + nums.size());
System.out.println("nums.get(1) = " + nums.get(1));
System.out.println("nums.getFromBack(1) = " + nums.getFromBack(1));
// copy nums onto its own tail:
for (int i : nums)
System.out.print(i + ", ");
// reverse nums in-place
for (int i : nums)
System.out.print(i + ", ");
// now print the reversed list in reverse, using reverseIterator()
Iterator<Integer> rev = nums.reverseIterator();
while (rev.hasNext())
System.out.print( + ", ");
// stick stuff on the front, then demo pop at both ends
// and track the size (why not?)
nums.appendFront(new Deque<Integer>(Arrays.asList(
new Integer[] { 7, 7, 7 })));
System.out.println("nums.size() = " + nums.size());
System.out.println("nums.popFront() = " + nums.popFront());
System.out.println("nums.size() = " + nums.size());
System.out.println("nums.popBack() = " + nums.popBack());
for (int i : nums)
System.out.print(i + ", ");
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