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Last active March 11, 2021 18:00
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a few STLCs
(* components for type-level lists *)
type tnil = |
type ('head, 'tail) tcons = |
(* singletons for types in our system *)
type _ sty =
| IntTy : int sty
| FnTy : 'a sty * 'b sty -> ('a -> 'b) sty
(* binary operations on integer expressions *)
type op =
| Add
| Sub
| Div
| Mul
(* a heterogeneous list *)
type _ hlist =
| HNil : tnil hlist
| HCons : ('head * 'tail hlist) -> (('head, 'tail) tcons) hlist
(* a safe index into a heterogeneous list *)
type (_, _) ix =
| IxZ : ('head, ('head, _) tcons) ix
| IxS : ('a, 'tail) ix -> ('a, ('head, 'tail) tcons) ix
(* safely index an hlist *)
let rec hget : type a tylist. (a, tylist) ix -> tylist hlist -> a = fun ix xs ->
match ix, xs with
| (IxZ, HCons(x, _)) -> x
| (IxS(i), HCons(_, xs)) -> hget i xs
| (_, _) -> . (* impossible! *)
(* expressions, indexed by the types they evaluate to and the required
* type context
type (_, _) expr =
| Lit : int -> (int, 'ctx) expr
| Var : ('a, 'ctx) ix -> ('a, 'ctx) expr (* de bruijn notation! *)
| OpApp : (op * (int, 'ctx) expr * (int, 'ctx) expr) -> (int, 'ctx) expr
| Lam : 'tyIn sty * ('tyOut, (('tyIn, 'ctx) tcons)) expr
-> ('tyIn -> 'tyOut, 'ctx) expr
| App : ('a -> 'b, 'ctx) expr * ('a, 'ctx) expr -> ('b, 'ctx) expr
(* look ma no typechecker! *)
let rec eval' : type ctx a. ctx hlist -> (a, ctx) expr -> a = fun ctx ex ->
match ex with
| Lit(n) -> n
| Var(ix) -> hget ix ctx
| OpApp(op, lhs, rhs) -> begin match op, eval' ctx lhs, eval' ctx rhs with
| (Add, x, y) -> x + y
| (Sub, x, y) -> x - y
| (Div, x, y) -> x / y
| (Mul, x, y) -> x * y
| Lam(ty, body) -> fun x -> eval' (HCons(x, ctx)) body
| App(lhs, rhs) -> (eval' ctx lhs) (eval' ctx rhs)
let eval = eval' HNil
let main () =
let expr1 = App(Lam(IntTy, OpApp(Add, Var(IxZ), Lit(3))), Lit(4)) in
(* this won't compile!
* we get:
File "", line 64, characters 18-36:
64 | Lam(IntTy, Lit(3))) in
Error: This expression has type ('a -> 'b, 'c) expr
but an expression was expected of type (int, 'd) expr
Type 'a -> 'b is not compatible with type int
let expr2 = App(Lam(IntTy, OpApp(Add, Var(IxZ), Lit(3))),
Lam(IntTy, Lit(3))) in
Printf.printf "%d\n" (eval expr1)
let _ = main ()
open System
// types in our system
type Type =
| IntTy
| FnTy of Type * Type
// binary operations on integer expressions
type Op =
| Add
| Sub
| Div
| Mul
// expressions in our system
type Expr =
| Lit of int
| Var of string
| OpApp of Op * Expr * Expr
| Lam of string * Type * Expr
| App of Expr * Expr
// a fully-evaluated value in our system
type Value =
| Int of int
| Fn of (Value -> Value)
(* a "type context" or "value context" - in other words, the static
* or dynamic lexical scope of an expression, represented as a stack.
* we'll do lookup by name - this is not an efficient implementation!
type Ctxt<'a> = string * 'a list
// look up a variable in a context, innermost-to-outermost
let rec lookup var ctxt =
match ctxt with
| [] -> None
| ((v, x)::xs) -> if var = v then Some(x) else lookup var xs
// typecheck an expression in a typing context
let rec check' ctxt expr =
match expr with
| Lit(_) -> Some(IntTy)
| Var(v) -> lookup v ctxt
| OpApp(_, lhs, rhs) -> match (check' ctxt lhs, check' ctxt rhs) with
| (Some(IntTy), Some(IntTy)) -> Some(IntTy)
| _ -> None
| Lam(v, fromTy, e) -> match check' ((v, fromTy)::ctxt) e with
| Some(toTy) -> Some(FnTy(fromTy, toTy))
| _ -> None
| App(lhs, rhs) -> match (check' ctxt lhs, check' ctxt rhs) with
| (Some(FnTy(tyFrom, tyTo)), Some(ty)) ->
if tyFrom = ty then Some(tyTo) else None
| _ -> None
// check a "closed" term
let check = check' []
(* evaluate an expression in a dynamic context
* we'll throw exceptions in the event of "stuck" evaluation
* because these are type errors which the type checker should
* catch beforehand!
let rec eval' ctxt expr =
match expr with
| Lit(n) -> Int(n)
| Var(v) -> match lookup v ctxt with
| Some(value) -> value
| None -> failwith "did you typecheck this?"
| OpApp(op, lhs, rhs) -> match (op, eval' ctxt lhs, eval' ctxt rhs) with
| (Add, Int(x), Int(y)) -> Int(x + y)
| (Sub, Int(x), Int(y)) -> Int(x - y)
| (Mul, Int(x), Int(y)) -> Int(x * y)
| (Div, Int(x), Int(y)) -> Int(x / y)
| _ -> failwith "did you typecheck this?"
| Lam(v, _, e) -> Fn(fun x -> eval' ((v, x)::ctxt) e)
| App(lhs, rhs) -> match (eval' ctxt lhs, eval' ctxt rhs) with
| (Fn(f), x) -> f x
| _ -> failwith "did you typecheck this?"
// evaluate a closed term
let eval = eval' []
// check and (if successful) evaluate an expression, printing the result
let doExpr expr =
match check expr with
| Some(ty) -> printfn "%A : %A" expr ty
printfn "-> %A" (eval expr)
| None -> printfn "%A : type error!" expr
let main argv =
let expr1 = App(Lam("x", IntTy, OpApp(Add, Var("x"), Lit(3))), Lit(4));
let expr2 = App(Lam("x", IntTy, OpApp(Add, Var("x"), Lit(3))),
Lam("y", IntTy, Lit(3)));
doExpr expr1
doExpr expr2
0 // return an integer exit code
(* types in our system *)
type ty =
| IntTy
| FnTy of ty * ty
let rec print_ty ppf = function
| IntTy -> Printf.fprintf ppf "IntTy"
| FnTy(fromTy, toTy) -> Printf.fprintf ppf "%a -> (%a)"
print_ty fromTy print_ty toTy
(* binary operations on integer expressions *)
type op =
| Add
| Sub
| Div
| Mul
let rec print_op ppf = function
| Add -> Printf.fprintf ppf "Add"
| Sub -> Printf.fprintf ppf "Sub"
| Div -> Printf.fprintf ppf "Div"
| Mul -> Printf.fprintf ppf "Mul"
(* expressions in our system *)
type expr =
| Lit of int
| Var of string
| OpApp of op * expr * expr
| Lam of string * ty * expr
| App of expr * expr
let rec print_expr ppf = function
| Lit(n) -> Printf.fprintf ppf "%d" n
| Var(v) -> Printf.fprintf ppf "%s" v
| OpApp(op, lhs, rhs) -> Printf.fprintf ppf "%a(%a, %a)"
print_op op
print_expr lhs
print_expr rhs
| Lam(v, ty, body) -> Printf.fprintf ppf "λ(%s : %a) => %a"
print_ty ty
print_expr body
| App(lhs, rhs) -> Printf.fprintf ppf "(%a)(%a)"
print_expr lhs
print_expr rhs
(* a fully-evaluated value in our system *)
type value =
| Int of int
| Fn of (value -> value)
let print_value ppf = function
| Int(n) -> Printf.fprintf ppf "%d" n
| Fn(_) -> Printf.fprintf ppf "<function>"
(* a "type context" or "value context" - in other words, the static
* or dynamic lexical scope of an expression, represented as a stack.
* we'll do lookup by name - this is not an efficient implementation!
type 'a ctxt = string * 'a list
(* look up a variable in a context, innermost-to-outermost *)
let rec lookup var = function
| [] -> None
| ((v, x)::xs) -> if var = v then Some(x) else lookup var xs
(* typecheck an expression in a typing context *)
let rec check' cx = function
| Lit(_) -> Some(IntTy)
| Var(v) -> lookup v cx
| OpApp(_, lhs, rhs) -> begin match (check' cx lhs, check' cx rhs) with
| (Some(IntTy), Some(IntTy)) -> Some(IntTy)
| _ -> None
| Lam(v, fromTy, e) -> begin match check' ((v, fromTy)::cx) e with
| Some(toTy) -> Some(FnTy(fromTy, toTy))
| _ -> None
| App(lhs, rhs) -> begin match (check' cx lhs, check' cx rhs) with
| (Some(FnTy(tyFrom, tyTo)), Some(ty)) ->
if tyFrom = ty then Some(tyTo) else None
| _ -> None
(* check a "closed" term *)
let check = check' []
(* evaluate an expression in a dynamic context
* we'll throw exceptions in the event of "stuck" evaluation
* because these are type errors which the type checker should
* catch beforehand!
let rec eval' ctxt = function
| Lit(n) -> Int(n)
| Var(v) -> begin match lookup v ctxt with
| Some(value) -> value
| None -> failwith "did you typecheck this?"
| OpApp(op, lhs, rhs) -> begin match (op, eval' ctxt lhs, eval' ctxt rhs) with
| (Add, Int(x), Int(y)) -> Int(x + y)
| (Sub, Int(x), Int(y)) -> Int(x - y)
| (Mul, Int(x), Int(y)) -> Int(x * y)
| (Div, Int(x), Int(y)) -> Int(x / y)
| _ -> failwith "did you typecheck this?"
| Lam(v, _, e) -> Fn(fun x -> eval' ((v, x)::ctxt) e)
| App(lhs, rhs) -> begin match (eval' ctxt lhs, eval' ctxt rhs) with
| (Fn(f), x) -> f x
| _ -> failwith "did you typecheck this?"
(* evaluate a closed term *)
let eval = eval' []
(* check and (if successful) evaluate an expression, printing the result *)
let doExpr expr =
match check expr with
| Some(ty) -> Printf.printf "%a : %a\n" print_expr expr print_ty ty;
Printf.printf "-> %a\n" print_value (eval expr)
| None -> Printf.printf "%a : type error!\n" print_expr expr
let main () =
let expr1 = App(Lam("x", IntTy, OpApp(Add, Var("x"), Lit(3))), Lit(4)) in
let expr2 = App(Lam("x", IntTy, OpApp(Add, Var("x"), Lit(3))),
Lam("y", IntTy, Lit(3))) in
doExpr expr1;
doExpr expr2;
exit 0 (* return an integer exit code *)
let _ = main ();
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