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Last active September 23, 2016 20:35
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# Weather
# =======
# By Jezen Thomas <>
# This script sends a couple of requests over the network to retrieve
# approximate location data, and the current weather for that location. This is
# useful if for example you want to display the current weather in your tmux
# status bar.
# There are three things you will need to do before using this script.
# 1. Install jq with your package manager of choice (homebrew, apt-get, etc.)
# 2. Sign up for a free account with OpenWeatherMap to grab your API key
# 3. Add your OpenWeatherMap API key where it says API_KEY
set -e
# Not all icons for weather symbols have been added yet. If the weather
# category is not matched in this case statement, the command output will
# include the category ID. You can add the appropriate emoji as you go along.
# Weather data reference:
weather_icon() {
case $1 in
500) echo 🌦
800) echo ☀️
801) echo 🌤
803) echo ⛅️
804) echo ☁️
*) echo "$1"
LOCATION=$(curl --silent
CITY=$(echo "$LOCATION" | cut -d , -f 6)
LAT=$(echo "$LOCATION" | cut -d , -f 8)
LON=$(echo "$LOCATION" | cut -d , -f 9)
WEATHER=$(curl --silent\?lat="$LAT"\&lon="$LON"\&APPID="$WEATHER_API_KEY"\&units=metric)
CATEGORY=$(echo "$WEATHER" | jq .weather[0].id)
TEMP="$(echo "$WEATHER" | jq .main.temp | cut -d . -f 1)°C"
WIND_SPEED="$(echo "$WEATHER" | jq .wind.speed | awk '{print int($1+0.5)}')ms"
ICON=$(weather_icon "$CATEGORY")
printf "%s" "$CITY:$ICON $TEMP, $WIND_SPEED"
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