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Last active August 30, 2023 06:41
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Grenmiles prototype
from datetime import datetime
from shapely.geometry import Point
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon
# data trip of users
# id, driverId, userId, amount, rideType, latOrigin, longOrigin, latDestination, longDestination, distance, createdAt, finishedAt
trips = [
[1,"b83c50be-4b17-405a-8885-f46b1cb12beb","0911d670-cb99-4000-9cae-c082c1c98c95", 12000, 1, -6.2812861, 107.0149711, 6.246310, 107.018128, 2.3, "2023-08-20 10:10:10", "2023-08-20 10:25:10"],
[2,"x123dda-4we7-ss5a-9985-xxeweb12beb","0911d670-cb99-4000-9cae-c082c1c98c95", 15000, 1, -6.2023535,106.8150157, -6.2273916,106.8043289, 1.5, "2023-08-20 11:10:10", "2023-08-20 11:45:10"],
[3,"d312fabd-2f65-493b-93d0-67a1a31d4e6e","0911d670-cb99-4000-9cae-c082c1c98c95", 35000, 2, -6.2273916,106.8043289, -6.2271669,106.7945101, 2.9, "2023-08-20 18:10:10", "2023-08-20 18:30:10"],
[4,"b83c50be-4b17-405a-8885-f46b1cb12beb","2f1e443f-3b92-4939-909f-7093dfe2d8b6", 15000, 1, -6.1951851,106.816837, -6.2124811,106.8182985, 1.8, "2023-08-20 15:10:10", "2023-08-20 15:30:10"],
# list of public transport area
# id, name, latPolygon, longPolygon, type, createdAt
publicTransportArea = [
[1,"Sudirman Station", 3, [-6.2017039,-6.2023226,-6.2039865,-6.2035385,-6.2017039], [106.8219668,106.8256790,106.8253356,106.8216235,106.8219668] ,"2023-05-20 10:10:10"],
[2, "Bekasi Station",3, [-6.2475420,-6.2453876,-6.2463208,-6.2485872,-6.2475420], [107.0161916,107.0170553,107.0199735,107.0189167,107.0161916],"2023-05-20 10:10:10"],
potentialTrip = {}
polygonPublicTransport = {}
# define
for area in publicTransportArea:
tempLocation = []
for i in range(len(area[3])):
polygonPublicTransport[area[0]] = {
"id" : area[0],
"name": area[1],
"type": area[2],
"polygon": Polygon(tempLocation)
# check if location is public transport or not
# return statusIfAroundPublicTransport, areaID, areaType
def checkIsPublicTransport(latitude, longitude):
point = Point(latitude, longitude)
# for area in publicTransportArea:
for data in polygonPublicTransport:
result = polygonPublicTransport[data]["polygon"].contains(point)
return True, polygonPublicTransport[data]["id"], polygonPublicTransport[data]["type"]
return False, 0, 0
##return in minutes
def timeDiff(start,end):
start = datetime.strptime(start,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
end = datetime.strptime(end,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
return (end - start).total_seconds() / 60
# calculated based on estimated emission per vehicle
# return number
def calculateEmission(distance, typeVehicle):
emission = 0
# car
if typeVehicle == 1:
emission = 1.1
# bike
elif typeVehicle == 2:
emission = 0.5
# train
elif typeVehicle == 4:
emission = 0.8
# bus
elif typeVehicle == 5:
emission = 0.7
return emission * distance
for trip in trips:
if trip[2] not in potentialTrip:
# initial data
potentialTrip[trip[2]] = {"id": trip[2] , "trips": [trip], "greenJourneys": [] }
for userData in potentialTrip:
totalTrip = len(potentialTrip[userData]["trips"])
# not commuting
if totalTrip <= 1:
for x in range(totalTrip - 1):
latOrigin = potentialTrip[userData]["trips"][x][5]
longOrigin = potentialTrip[userData]["trips"][x][6]
latDestination = potentialTrip[userData]["trips"][x][7]
longDestination = potentialTrip[userData]["trips"][x][8]
nextLatOrigin = potentialTrip[userData]["trips"][x+1][5]
nextLongOrigin = potentialTrip[userData]["trips"][x+1][6]
nextLatDestination = potentialTrip[userData]["trips"][x+1][7]
nextLongDestination = potentialTrip[userData]["trips"][x+1][8]
startTimeFirstTrip = potentialTrip[userData]["trips"][x][10]
startTimeNextTrip = potentialTrip[userData]["trips"][x+1][10]
statusOriginTrip, originStationID, originType = checkIsPublicTransport(latDestination, longDestination)
if statusOriginTrip:
statusNextTrip, nextStationID, nextType = checkIsPublicTransport(nextLatOrigin, nextLongOrigin)
# 90 minutes because of average commuting people in Jakarta is maximum 75 minutes, plus buffer 15 minutes
# source :
# elgible green journey
if statusNextTrip and timeDiff(startTimeFirstTrip, startTimeNextTrip) <= 90 and nextStationID == originStationID:
# calculate miles point for user
emissionFirstMile = calculateEmission(potentialTrip[userData]["trips"][x][5])
emissionPublicTransport = calculateEmission(potentialTrip[userData]["trips"][x][5])
emissionLastMile = = calculateEmission(potentialTrip[userData]["trips"][x][5])
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