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Last active January 3, 2016 15:39
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One way to bind data to specific blender spaces.
# snippet to add data to specific space-views by dertom
# - alter SpaceContext-PropertyGroup to fit your needs
# - import the SpaceContext to your script: import SpaceContext
# - when needed get the space-context (your SpaceContext-PropertyGroup) via:
# currentSpaceContext = SpaceContext.retrieveSpaceContext(context)
# For now you have to press a button to trigger the operation that creates the context for a single space
# This sample is indended to be run from the text-editor and will create a panel in each view_3d spaces ui-region.
# For testing open multiple view3d-spaces, add the space-context via button and then you can choose one object which
# will be set in the new space-context (independ from the view data)
import bpy
# The spacecontext: define per space data you want to keep in each space-view:
class SpaceContext(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
objectName = bpy.props.StringProperty()
# create a data-slot for the current space. not sure how to call this automatically from
# panel's draw-method. For now you will have to press the button once to init spacecontext
class SpaceContextOp(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "utils.spacecontext"
bl_label = "Create SpaceContext"
def poll(cls, context):
return True
def execute(self, context):
spaceSignature = getCurrentSpaceSignature(context)
# check if there is already data for this space
world =[0]
pos = world.spaceMapping.find(spaceSignature)
data = None
if pos==-1: # no slot for this space-view? create one
data = world.spaceMapping.add() = spaceSignature
return {'FINISHED'}
# get the spacecontext-signature,a unique-string,for the given context
def getCurrentSpaceSignature(context):
current_space = context.space_data
for screenIdx in range(0,len(
screen =[screenIdx]
for areaIdx in range(0,len(screen.areas)):
area = screen.areas[areaIdx]
for spaceIdx in range(0,len(area.spaces)):
space = area.spaces[spaceIdx]
if (space == current_space):
name = str(screenIdx)+str(areaIdx)+str(spaceIdx)
return name
# This is the call you want to do to receive the current space-context
# get the spacecontext or None
def getCurrentSpaceContext(context):
signature = getCurrentSpaceSignature(context)
world =[0]
pos = world.spaceMapping.find(signature)
if pos == -1:
# print("NO CONTEXT FOUND FOR SIG:"+signature)
return None
# print("FOUND CONTEXT FOR SIG:"+signature)
return world.spaceMapping[pos]
class SpaceContextPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
"""Testing Space-dependent data"""
bl_label = "SpaceContext Demo"
bl_idname = "spacecontext_demo"
bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
bl_region_type = 'UI'
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
spaceCtx = getCurrentSpaceContext(context)
if not spaceCtx: # no spacecontext bound to this space? show button to create one
else: # spaceCtx found
def register():
bpy.types.World.spaceMapping = bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=bpy.types.SpaceContext)
def unregister():
if __name__ == "__main__":
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