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Created May 29, 2013 15:08
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Moving faster with Vim (5-minute lightning talk presentation). I wasn't inspired to learn effective command of Vim until I saw some people flying around faster than I thought was possible. The goal of this presentation is to call out how slow "normal" text editing is, and how many keystrokes can be reduced by using increasingly more terse Vim co…
$(function() {
// good opportunity to combine into a single statement
// qq w cw <esc> A, <esc> 0 j q
var a = 10;
var b = 20;
var c = 30;
var d = 40;
var e = 50;
// opportunity to simplify syntax
// 0 w x w x
// qq f'x f; <esc> j q
// v4j:s/'//g
var Apartment = {
'rooms': 3,
'bathrooms': 2,
'laundry': false,
'parking': false
class Apartment
# opportunity to update hash syntax
# w x e l ct :
# qq f:x f c3l : <esc> j q
# nmap <leader>rh :%s/\v(:)@<!:([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)(\s*)\=\>\s?/\2:\3/gc<cr>
def costs
:single => 1500,
:double => 2000,
:triple => 2500,
:quard => 3000
Basic Movement
jk -- down 1, up 1
hl -- left 1, right 1
G -- move to last line
gg -- move to first line (or :0<CR>)
0 and $ take you from the beginning to the end of the line.
You can advance backward and forward one word at a time with w and b.
Starting with a number (xw) moves you x words forward.
Ctrl-u, ctrl-d -- move cursor up and down half a page
To quickly jump to a specific character, use fx (or tx to place the cursor in front)
; will repeat the last search, capital F (and T) will search backwards.
( and ) quickle move backward and forward one sentence.
{ and } quickly move you up and down paragraphs.
HML will jump your cursor to high, medium, and low parts of the screen.
zt, zz, and zb will similarly move your current line to the area of the screen.
Two easy ways to jump to a line number:
xxG (think of as: line number GOTO)
:set incsearch will set incremental search
:set hlsearch will set highlight search
/string will search forward for the next occurrence
?string will search backward for the previous occurrence
n moved forward one match, N moves backward one match
(reversed if searching .. in reverse)
ggn will jump to the first match, or GN to jump to the last
* searches forward for the string under the cursor
# searches forward for the string under the cursor
:noh will unhighlight the search
& repeats the last search-and-replace
Editing commands that leave you in command mode
dd - delete the current line
d$ - delete from the cursor to the end of the line
d0 - delete from the cursor to the beginning of the line
d5j - delete 5 lines down
d5l - delete 5 characters to the right
d5w - delete 5 words in front
d5b - delete 5 words in front
d} - delete to the end of the paragraph
The same motion comands that work on delete also work on `y`, yank (copy)
rx -- replace the current character with x
Ctrl-a -- increment the next number forward by 1
10 Ctrl-a -- increment the next number by 10
Ctrl-d -- decrement the next number by 1
10 Ctrl-d -- decrement the next number by 10
Colon Commands
While in command mode, you can jump to the expression evaluator with :
2,5y - copy lines 2-5
s/string/replacement/ - search and replace
2,5 s/string/replacement/ - perform search and replace once per line in 2,5
2,5 s/string/replacement/g - perform global search and replace
% s/string/replacement/g - global search and replace on all lines
% s/string/replacement/gc - global search and replace with confirmation
:tabe path/to/file -- open new tab with new file
gt, gT -- move right and left one tab
Or, for convenience, you can add this to your .vimrc:
map <c-h> gT
map <c-l> gt
so Ctrl-h and Ctrl-l will cycle tabs left and right
Switching to insert mode
i, a -- insert mode at current character, before current character
I, A -- insert mode at beginning, end of line
c<motion> -- change the motion
c$ -- delete from the current character to the end of the line
cw -- change a word
c5w -- change 5 words
o, O -- insert a newline before, after current line
ci' -- change inside quote, for changing 'quoted' values.
di' -- delete inside quote
Shorthand -- Longhand -- motion and enter insert mode
c{motion} -- d{motion}i -- delete the motion and enter to insert mode
C -- d$a -- delete to the end of the line and enter insert mode
A -- $a -- move to the end of the line and enter insert mode
I -- ^i -- move to beginning of line and enter insert mode
s -- xi --
S -- ^C
o -- $a<CR> -- insert newline below cursor and enter insert mode on it
O -- jA -- insert newline above cursor and enter insert mode on it
Unit of Work
Changing to insert mode, making edits, and switching back to command mode is
considered one unit of work in vim. The "dot operator" (.) replays the previous
unit of work. This can make it to quickly repeat similar edits, like when you
make an edit and then realize you have to apply the edit a few more times.
Ever hit the wrong key and get stuck in `recording` mode? This is that.
qq -- start recording
q -- finish recording
@q -- playback macro
10@q -- playback macro 10 times
One quick command
While in insert mode, you can hit Ctrl-o (command).
This can be useful if you need to quickly move and then continue editing.
But escape is so far away!
No kidding, especially on a tiny laptop. Ctrl-C will cancel the current edit and
drop you back to command mode, or alternatively, putting
imap jj <Esc>
in your .vimrc will catch `jj` in edit mode (an uncommon combination) and
convert it to an <Esc>, dropping you in command mode.
Abort/undo/reset/ABANDON SHIP
Sometimes it just seems like Vim is a sinking ship. To make a life raft of your
current sessin (buffers, tabs), you can enter command mode and:
:mksession(!) mysession.vim
and load it with `vim -S mysession.vim` or in command mode:
:source mysession.vim
<leader>t -- open Command-T file explorer
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