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Forked from OfTheDelmer/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Lesson Reflection


Pick one lesson you've given this week, and use it to answer the following questions. Give yourself a moment to reflect upon the following before answering.

  • Organization of lesson notes, does it include the following:
    • an agenda or lesson outline, No, but I think I did write it on the board during class
    • objectives with action verbs, Ditto
    • L.E.A.R.N. component (link, evaluate, active, review, and new), No
    • scaffolded exercises if applicable, Yes
    • correctness, typos, clarity. Yes
  • Checks for understanding, does it include two to three? What ones were used? Why? Nope
  • Classroom context, how much did this lesson rely on the success of previous lessons? None
  • Connection, how well did it tie into the lab? 100%
  • Team work, how did you utilize a co-instructor and how did it impact the lesson? Was it impacted by procedures to collect feedback from students and fellow instructors: stand-ups, check-ins, etc? Co-instuctor helped a lot. Brought up things I maybe missed. I used previous feedback from students during stand-ups and check ins.
  • Relation to previous materials, how was it it different or did it improve upon previously exisiting materials? Did a lesson even exist?The lesson existed, but I modified a little bit of the existing content

Question 1

How would you rate your lesson from 1-10 in terms of how close its content and delivery were to being a perfect lesson execution. Keep in mind that if it is given a 5 out 10 you feel as though it could be twice as good.


7 There was a lot of content that we skipped over because of time restraints. While the lesson was scaffolded well, the final example was beyond the scope of what we should have been trying to get to.

Question 2

  • Give a link to your lesson.


Question 3

  • Please give your feedback on how you would improve it and any actions items you will take going forward with these materials.


More time spent on basic http server before jumping right into express. Also, more example with basic routing and params. As well as a bit more about the web. We got right into things and I think that some people got left a little behind.

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