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Last active December 3, 2020 16:29
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Gulp rsync Deploy

WordPress Theme Deploy Script

To setup the deploy in your repo.

  • git submodule add -f wp-deploy

While cloning the main repo,

  • git clone --recursive <repo-url>


  • git clone <repo-url>
  • cd <repo-dir>
  • git submodule init


  • npm install

How to setup deploy.json

You will need to set following parameters in the deploy.json

  "staging": {
    "themeName": "example",                  // THEME FOLDER NAME UNDER wp-content/themes/ DIRECTORY
    "destination": "/var/www/",
    "root": "wp-content/themes/example",
    "releasesDirectory": "/var/www/",   // THIS IS WHERE ALL THE RELEASES WILL BE STORED. IF NOT PASSED, THIS WILL BE SET TO destination/../releases
    "hostname": "",
    "username": "www-data",
    "port": 22
  "production": {
    "themeName": "example",                  // THEME FOLDER NAME UNDER wp-content/themes/ DIRECTORY
    "destination": "/var/www/",
    "root": "wp-content/themes/example",
    "releasesDirectory": "/var/www/",   // THIS IS WHERE ALL THE RELEASES WILL BE STORED. IF NOT PASSED, THIS WILL BE SET TO destination/../releases
    "hostname": "",
    "username": "www-data",
    "port": 22

How to Deploy

There is a gulp task written for deployment.

There are two modes for deployment.


  • gulp deploy --staging


  • gulp deploy --production

NOTE: To be able to deploy changes, you will need to have access of server with www-data user.

How to View Available Releases


  • gulp releases --staging


  • gulp releases --production

How to Rollback to previous version

You can find out the timestamp from gulp releases command. It will show you all the available releases.


  • gulp rollback --staging --revision=<timestamp>


  • gulp rollback --production --revision=<timestamp>
"staging": {
"themeName": "example",
"destination": "/var/www/",
"root": "wp-content/themes/example",
"releasesDirectory": "/var/www/",
"hostname": "",
"username": "www-data",
"port": 22
"production": {
"themeName": "example",
"destination": "/var/www/",
"root": "wp-content/themes/example",
"releasesDirectory": "/var/www/",
"hostname": "",
"username": "www-data",
"port": 22
* Created by udit on 19/3/15.
var argv = require( 'yargs' ).argv;
var gulp = require( 'gulp' );
var fs = require( 'fs.extra' );
var rsync = require( 'gulp-rsync' );
var gulpSSH = require( 'gulp-ssh' );
var chalk = require( 'chalk' );
var deployJSON = require( './deploy.json' );
var deployConfig;
var sshConnect;
var releasesDirecoryBase;
var timestamp;
var releasesDirecory;
gulp.task( 'setupSSH', function() {
if ( argv.staging ) {
// Staging
deployConfig = deployJSON.staging;
} else if( argv.production ) {
deployConfig = deployJSON.production;
} else {
// Custom Environment
console.log( '"staging" or "production" environment is not passed. USE : gulp <command> --<environment> If your custom environment is configured then you need to provide its support. Comming Soon !' ) );
var homePath = process.env.HOME || process.env.HOMEPATH || process.env.USERPROFILE
var privateKey = homePath + '/.ssh/id_rsa';
// Setup SSH object for remote commands
sshConnect = gulpSSH( {
ignoreErrors: false,
sshConfig: {
host: deployConfig.hostname,
port: deployConfig.port,
username: deployConfig.username,
privateKey: fs.readFileSync( privateKey )
} );
// decide releaseDirectoryBase for rsync
releasesDirecoryBase = ( deployConfig.releasesDirectory ) ? deployConfig.releasesDirectory : deployConfig.destination + '../releases/';
var releaseDirCheckCommand = 'mkdir -p ' + releasesDirecoryBase;
return [ releaseDirCheckCommand ] )
.pipe( gulp.dest('./') )
.on( 'end', function() { console.log( "SSH setup Complete !" ) ); console.log( "Output:" ) ); console.log( fs.readFileSync('./' ).toString() ); } );
} );
gulp.task( 'upload', [ 'setupSSH' ], function() {
var now = new Date();
var month = "" + (now.getMonth() + 1);
var day = "" + now.getDate();
var hours = "" + now.getHours();
var minutes = "" + now.getMinutes();
var seconds = "" + now.getSeconds();
// Calculate Timestamp
timestamp = now.getFullYear()
+ ( month.length < 2 ? "0" + month : month )
+ ( day.length < 2 ? "0" + day : day )
+ ( hours.length < 2 ? "0" + hours : hours )
+ ( minutes.length < 2 ? "0" + minutes : minutes )
+ ( seconds.length < 2 ? "0" + seconds : seconds );
// generate releaseDirectory
releasesDirecory = releasesDirecoryBase + timestamp + "/";
// Setup local rsync config
var rsyncLocalConfig = {};
rsyncLocalConfig['destination'] = releasesDirecory;
rsyncLocalConfig['root'] = deployConfig.root;
rsyncLocalConfig['hostname'] = deployConfig.hostname;
rsyncLocalConfig['username'] = deployConfig.username;
rsyncLocalConfig['incremental'] = true;
rsyncLocalConfig['progress'] = true;
rsyncLocalConfig['relative'] = true;
rsyncLocalConfig['emptyDirectory'] = true;
rsyncLocalConfig['recursive'] = true;
rsyncLocalConfig['recursiveclean'] = false;
rsyncLocalConfig['exclude'] = [ 'node_modules/**', '.sass-cache/**', '/vendor/**' ];
return gulp.src( [ deployConfig.root+'/**', '!' + deployConfig.root + '/node_modules/**', '!' + deployConfig.root + '/.sass-cache/**', '!' + deployConfig.root + '/vendor/**' ] )
// Copy files to releases folder on the server.
.pipe( rsync( rsyncLocalConfig ) )
.on( 'end', function() { console.log( 'Upload Complete !' ) ); } );
} );
gulp.task( 'setcurrent', [ 'upload' ], function() {
// setup resetCurrentVersionCommand on the server
var resetCurrentVersionCommand = 'cd ' + releasesDirecoryBase + ' && rm -rf current && rm -rf .currentTimeStamp && ln -s ' + releasesDirecory + ' current && echo "' + timestamp + '" >> .currentTimeStamp';
return [ resetCurrentVersionCommand ] )
.pipe( gulp.dest( './' ) )
.on( 'end', function() { console.log( "Current version setup Complete !" ) ); console.log( "Output:" ) ); console.log( fs.readFileSync('./' ).toString() ); } );
} );
gulp.task( 'symlink', [ 'setcurrent' ], function() {
var symlinkCommand = 'mkdir -p ' + deployConfig.destination + ' && rm -rf ' + deployConfig.destination + deployConfig.themeName +' && cd ' + deployConfig.destination + ' && ln -s ' + releasesDirecoryBase + 'current ' + deployConfig.themeName;
return [ symlinkCommand ] )
.pipe( gulp.dest( './' ) )
.on( 'end', function() { console.log( "Symlink Complete !" ) ); console.log( "Output:" ) ); console.log( fs.readFileSync('./' ).toString() ); } );
} );
gulp.task( 'deploy', [ 'setcurrent', 'symlink', 'upload', 'setupSSH' ] );
gulp.task( 'releases', [ 'setupSSH' ], function() {
var showReleasesCommand = 'echo "\nList of Releases:\n" && ls -lsa ' + releasesDirecoryBase + ' && echo "\nCurrent Revision:\n" && cat ' + releasesDirecoryBase + '.currentTimeStamp && echo "\nTheme Directory Status:\n" && ls -lsa ' + deployConfig.destination + deployConfig.themeName;
return [ showReleasesCommand ] )
.pipe( gulp.dest( './' ) )
.on( 'end', function() { console.log( "Output:" ) ); console.log( fs.readFileSync('./' ).toString() ); } );
} );
gulp.task( 'rollback', [ 'setupSSH' ], function() {
if ( ! argv.revision ) {
console.log( 'You need to pass valid revision to be able to rollback ! USE : gulp rollback --<environment> --revision=<timestamp> !' ) );
releasesDirecory = releasesDirecoryBase + argv.revision + "/";
var rollbackCommand = '[ -d "' + releasesDirecory + '" ] && ( cd ' + releasesDirecoryBase + ' && rm -rf current && rm -rf .currentTimeStamp && ln -s ' + releasesDirecory + ' current && echo "' + argv.revision + '" >> .currentTimeStamp && mkdir -p ' + deployConfig.destination + ' && rm -rf ' + deployConfig.destination + deployConfig.themeName +' && cd ' + deployConfig.destination + ' && ln -s ' + releasesDirecoryBase + 'current ' + deployConfig.themeName + ' && echo "Success : Rollback done successfully !" ) || echo "Error: Revision "' + argv.revision + '" does not exists. Please use gulp releases to view available releases."'
return [ rollbackCommand ] )
.pipe( gulp.dest( './' ) )
.on( 'end', function() { console.log( "Output:" ) ); console.log( fs.readFileSync('./' ).toString() ); } );
} );
"devDependencies": {
"gulp": "^3.8.10",
"gulp-ssh": ">=0.3.3",
"gulp-rsync": ">=0.0.5",
"yargs": ">=3.5.4",
"fs.extra": ">=1.3.2",
"chalk": ">=1.0.0"
"engines": {
"node": ">=0.10.0"
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"test": "gulp && git status | grep 'working directory clean' >/dev/null || (echo 'Please commit all changes generated by building'; exit 1)"
"dependencies": {
"gulp-install": "^0.2.0"
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