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Created March 3, 2015 17:49
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Git Webhook
// array - repo names and local filesystem path and branch
$repos = array(
'plugin-slug' => array (
'branch' => 'master',
'localpath' => '/var/www/'
hook_write_log( 'Hello at ' . date( 'D M j G:i:s T Y' ) );
hook_write_log( 'Raw Input Dump (HTTP POST)' );
hook_write_log( file_get_contents( 'php://input' ) );
$payload = json_decode( file_get_contents( 'php://input' ) );
if ( ! $payload ) {
hook_write_log( 'NULL paylod. EXIT ' );
hook_write_log( 'Dump payload' );
hook_write_log( $payload );
hook_write_log( 'Dump Repos Array' );
hook_write_log( $repos );
hook_write_log( 'Dump macthing keys from array based on payload' );
hook_write_log( $repos[ $payload->repository->name ] );
hook_write_log( $repos[ $payload->repository->name ]['branch'] );
hook_write_log( $repos[ $payload->repository->name ]['localpath'] );
$remote_branch = end( explode( '/', $payload->ref ) );
hook_write_log( 'Extract remote branch' );
hook_write_log( $remote_branch );
if( ! isset( $repos[ $payload->repository->name ]['branch'] )
|| $repos[ $payload->repository->name ]['branch'] == $remote_branch ) {
hook_write_log( 'Inside if-else block' );
$command = 'cd ' . $repos[ $payload->repository->name ]['localpath'] . '/ && git reset --hard HEAD && git pull' ;
hook_write_log( $command );
$res = shell_exec( $command );
hook_write_log( $res);
hook_write_log( 'FINISHED ' . date( 'D M j G:i:s T Y' ) );
function hook_write_log( $str ) {
if ( is_string( $str ) ) {
file_put_contents( 'hook.log', "\n\n" . $str . "\n\n" , FILE_APPEND );
} elseif ( is_array( $str ) ) {
hook_write_log( var_export( $str, true ) );
} elseif ( is_object( $str ) ) {
hook_write_log( var_export( ( array ) $str, true ) ) ;
} else {
hook_write_log( 'ERROR: Paramter is not string or array. Instead it\'s ' . gettype( $str ) );
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