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Created August 6, 2023 23:21
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Makefile for building a bunch of .asm files into bootable DOS floppies
# Builds all .asm files in src/ into .com files in build/
# For each built .com file in build/, a floppy image is generated in build/
# containing the program, as well as an autoexec.bat to run the program and
# shut down the computer on exit
# Requires a bootable DOS floppy image as a base (BASEFLOPPY)
# To have the autoexec.bat run the program under debug, use:
# make DEBUG=1
# To run the generated floppy images, qemu may be used like this:
# qemu-system-i386 -fda build/foo.img -boot order=a -nographic
# should autoexec run the program with debug?
# floppy to use as a base for creating the floppy - may contain useful
# stuff like a bootable dos and
BUILD_DIR := build
SRC_DIR := src
SRC_FILES := $(wildcard $(SRC_DIR)/*.asm)
COM_FILES := $(patsubst $(SRC_DIR)/%.asm,$(BUILD_DIR)/,$(SRC_FILES))
IMG_FILES := $(patsubst $(SRC_DIR)/%.asm,$(BUILD_DIR)/%.img,$(SRC_FILES))
ifeq '$(DEBUG)' '1'
.PHONY: all clean
all: $(IMG_FILES)
# bootable DOS floppy image
# requires the base image and mtools
$(BUILD_DIR)/%.img: $(BUILD_DIR)/ $(BUILD_DIR)/%.bat $(BUILD_DIR)/
$(MCOPY) -D o -i $@ $(word 2,$^) ::autoexec.bat
$(MCOPY) -i $@ $(word 3,$^)
$(MCOPY) -i $@ $< ::$(<F)
# autoexec.bat tailored to run our program
$(BUILD_DIR)/%.bat: $(BUILD_DIR)/
printf "@echo off\r\nprompt $$p$$g\r\n$(PROG_PREFIX)$(<F)\r\nshut" > $@
# build the program itself into a com file
$(BUILD_DIR)/ $(SRC_DIR)/%.asm
nasm -w+error -f bin -l $(BUILD_DIR)/$*.lst -o $@ $<
# small com program to shut down the computer by int 15h
printf '\270\7\123\273\1\0\271\3\0\315\25' > $@
rm -f $(BUILD_DIR)/*.com $(BUILD_DIR)/*.lst $(BUILD_DIR)/*.img
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