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Last active December 31, 2018 11:10
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import math, random, streams, strformat
type Vector = object
x: float64
y: float64
z: float64
proc sum(l: Vector, r: Vector): Vector {.inline.} =
Vector(x: l.x + r.x, y: l.y + r.y, z: l.z + r.z)
proc prod(l: Vector, r: float64): Vector {.inline.} =
Vector(x: l.x * r, y: l.y * r, z: l.z * r)
proc sprod(l: Vector, r: Vector): float64 {.inline.} =
l.x * r.x + l.y * r.y + l.z * r.z
proc vprod(l: Vector, r: Vector): Vector {.inline.} =
Vector(x: l.y * r.z - l.z * r.y, y: l.z * r.x - l.x * r.z, z: l.x * r.y - l.y * r.x)
proc norm(l: Vector): Vector =
let fix = 1 / math.sqrt(l.x * l.x + l.y * l.y + l.z * l.z)
Vector(x: l.x * fix, y: l.y * fix, z: l.z * fix)
let G = [0x0003C712,
proc tracer(o: Vector, d: Vector, n: var Vector, t: var float): int =
t = 1e9
var m = 0
var p = -o.z / d.z
if 0.01 < p:
t = p
n = Vector(x: 0, y: 0, z: 1)
m = 1
for k in countdown(18, 0):
for j in countdown(8, 0):
if 0 != (G[j.uint] and (1 shl k.uint)):
var p = o.sum(Vector(x: float64(-k), y: 0, z: float64(-k - 4)))
var b = p.sprod(d)
var c = p.sprod(d) - 1
var q = b * b - c
if q > 0:
var s: float64 = -b - math.sqrt(q)
if (s < t) and (s > 0.01):
t = s.float64
n = (p.sum(
m = 2
return m
proc sampler(o: Vector, d: Vector): Vector =
var n = Vector(x: 0, y: 0, z: 0)
var t = 0.0
var m = tracer(o, d, n, t)
if m == 0:
return Vector(x: 0.7, y: 0.6, z: 1.0).prod(math.pow(1 - d.z, 4.0))
var h = o.sum(
var l = Vector(x: 9.0 + float64(rand(1.0)), y: 9.0 + float64(rand(1.0)), z: 16).sum(
var r = d.sum( * -2))
var b = l.sprod(n)
if b < 0 or tracer(h, l, n, t) != 0:
b = 0
if m == 1:
h =
if 1.uint == (1.uint and uint(math.ceil(h.x) + math.ceil(h.y))):
return Vector(x: 3.0, y: 1.0, z: 1.0).prod(b * 0.2 + 0.1)
return Vector(x: 3, y: 3, z: 3).prod(b * 0.2 + 0.1)
var p = 0.1
if b > 0:
p = math.pow(l.sprod(r), 99)
return Vector(x: p, y: p, z: p).sum(sampler(h, r).prod(0.5))
return Vector(x: 0, y: 0, z: 0).sum(sampler(h, r).prod(0.5))
when isMainModule:
var g = Vector(x: -6, y: -16, z: 0).norm()
var a = Vector(x: 0, y: 0, z: 1).vprod(g).norm().prod(0.002)
var b = g.vprod(a).norm().prod(0.002)
var c = a.sum(b).prod(-256).sum(g)
var outFile = newFileStream("temp.ppm", fmWrite)
defer: outFile.close()
outFile.write("P6 512 512 255 ")
for y in countdown(511, 0):
for x in countdown(511, 0):
var p = Vector(x: 13, y: 13, z: 13)
for r in countdown(63, 0):
var t = - 0.5) * 99).sum( - 0.5) * 99))
p = sampler(Vector(x: 17, y: 16, z: 8).sum(t), + float64(x)).sum( + float64(y))).sum(c).prod(16)).norm()).prod(3.5).sum(p)
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