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Last active December 9, 2022 14:17
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FTB Quests hotkeys (from version 1802.3.7-build.152)

Key Bindings

Main quest screen

Key Action Editor Mode Only?
- (minus) Zoom out no
= (equals) Zoom in no
Ctrl-0 Reset zoom no
Tab Go to next chapter no
Shift-Tab Go to previous chapter no
1 - 9 Go to chapter no
Space Re-center view no
Ctrl-R Toggle crosshairs yes
Ctrl-A Select all quests yes
Ctrl-D Deselect all quests yes
Ctrl-Up Move selected quests up yes
Ctrl-Down Move selected quests down yes
Ctrl-Left Move selected quests left yes
Ctrl-Right Move selected quests right yes
Ctrl-F or Double-tap Shift Find a chapter/quest/task/reward via popup no
Hold F1 While hovering a quest, show extended tooltip info no

Mouse Bindings

Button Action Editor Mode Only?
Left Select quest, view details no
Right Select quest, highlight dependencies no
Right Quest editing context menu yes
Ctrl-Left Toggle quest selection yes
Middle Select quest for moving yes
Middle (drag) Select multiple quests yes
Ctrl-Middle (drag) Select multiple quests, toggling existing selection yes

Quest view screen

Key Action Editor Mode Only?
T Edit title yes
S Edit subtitle yes
D Edit description yes

Multiline description editor

Key Action
Esc Cancel changes
Enter Insert line after current
Shift-Enter Apply changes
Backspace On empty line, delete line
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