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PneumaticCraft: Repressurized 1.14.4+: New and Planned Gameplay Changes

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized 1.14+ Gameplay Changes

Some significant player-visible changes are coming in PNC:R 1.14.4+. A lot (not all) of this is based on MineMaarten's document here: (note that some of the points in that doc have already made it into the 1.12.2 release).

1.14.4 and 1.15.2 have releases on Curseforge now, and an alpha for 1.16.1 has just been uploaded. All new development will happen on 1.16.1, but 1.15.2 will be getting critical fixes and easy-backport stuff for a while. But no further development for 1.14.4, sorry. 1.16.1 is where it's at now.

Dev builds are available from and Jenkins builds should not considered stable, so seriously: don't include them in any modpack. However, they're there to play with and even provide feedback on if you're feeling brave. But MAKE BACKUPS before trying them on any existing worlds!

The following features discussed below are not yet implemented, and will appear in the 1.16.1 (or maybe 1.16.2, who knows) version at some point in the future (anything not in this list is available to play with right now!):

OK, on to the discussion...

Requiring Less Iron

Iron requirements are a bit excessive early-game. Over half a stack is needed just to get an Air Compressor and basic Pressure Chamber built.

  • Add Reinforced Stone: 1 x Compressed Iron & 8 x Stone = 8 x Reinforced Stone
    • placeable block, slightly harder than Stone & Obsidian-level blast resistance
    • used in some recipes (reducing c. iron requirements)
    • also Reinforced Stone Bricks/Slabs/Stairs/Walls/Tiles/Pillars for crafting & decorative building

Recipe Changes

See above. These recipes currently all use a lot of (too much) compressed iron.

  • Change Pressure Chamber Wall: 8 x Reinforced Brick = 8 x Pressure Chamber Walls.
  • Change Air Compressor: 6x Reinforced Brick & Furnace & 1 Pressure Tube = 1x Air Compressor.
  • Change Pressure Chamber Interface: 1 x Hopper + 2 x Pressure Chamber Wall = 2 x Pressure Chamber Interface.
    • This recipe has the added benefit that it also might hint that Pressure Chamber Interfaces are best used in pairs.
  • Change Cannon Barrel: 6x Reinforced Brick Wall + 1x Pressure Tube -> 1 x Cannon Barrel
  • Change Empty PCB: 1 x Plastic Sheet & 2 x Redstone Torch & 3 x Gold Nugget = 3 x Empty PCB
  • Change Printed Circuit Board: require only 2 x Capacitor & 2 x Transistor, instead of 3 of each
  • Change Transistor: 1 x Plastic Sheet & 3 x Gold Nugget & 1 x Redstone = 1 x Transistor
  • Change Capacitor: 1 x Plastic Sheet & 2 x Gold Nugget & 1 x Slimeball = 1 x Capacitor
    • Add Pressure Chamber recipe: 1 x Milk Bucket & 4 x Green Dye @ 1.5 bar = 4 x Slimeball & 1 x Bucket (in case slimeballs are hard to find)
    • Gold makes more sense than iron as a conductor item for PCB components. And we don't have Copper :P
  • Logistics Core: 8 x Reinforced Brick Tile & redstone = 8 x Logistics Core
    • Change Logistics Frames: 7 x Stick & Dye & Logistics Core = 8 x matching coloured frame
    • Change Logistics Module: 4 x Redstone & Logistics Core & 2x Pressure Tube = Logistics Module
    • Change Logistics Drone: Logistics Core & 3 x Turbine Blade = Logistics Drone

Pressure Chamber

One of the biggest pain-points in the mod, especially for something encountered so early.

  • Get rid of the filtering mechanic in the Pressure Chamber Interface
  • An input interface will only accept items that are a Pressure Chamber recipe ingredient
    • Minimises chance of putting useless items in the chamber
  • An output interface will (by default) only extract items which have been crafted
    • Instead of the item filter, there is a "Extract Crafted" / "Extract All" toggle
    • "Extract Crafted" (the default) will extract any crafted item
    • "Extract All" will extract everything including input items - use in conjuction with a redstone signal
      • Useful to remove unwanted input items from the chamber.
  • New default recipes:
    • 4 Green Dye & Milk Bucket @ 1.5 bar -> 4 Slimeballs & Bucket
    • 4 Snow @ 1 bar -> Ice
    • 4 Ice @ 1.5 bar -> Packed Ice
    • 4 Packed Ice @ 2 bar -> Blue Ice


Coloured plastic is a historical artifact from the plastic plants days. Colour requirements add nothing to gameplay and are just a source of annoyance, especially when creating programming puzzle pieces.

  • One only type of plastic item: Plastic Sheet
    • Tag as "pneumaticcraft:plastic"
  • Only one Programming Puzzle Piece item now - no more coloured puzzle pieces
  • Plastic Mixer is gone - no longer needed
  • Liquid Plastic remains as before (made with LPG & Coal) - now called "Molten Plastic"
    • Charcoal was usable in 1.14/1.15, but no longer in 1.16 - but can be used there with Biodiesel to make plastic
  • Solidify Liquid Plastic in-world to Plastic Sheet (10 ticks after being placed)
    • Very easily automated with Liquid Hopper & Dispenser Upgrade plus a Hopper or Omnidirectional Hopper
  • Alternatively: solidify via Heat Frame cooling, for a chance of bonus outputs
    • Put a bucket or other fluid container in a chest and cool the chest with a Heat Frame
    • Variable output depending on temperature: 1.0x output at 0C, increasing to (max) 1.75x output at -75C
  • Consider Tinker's Smeltery integration if/when Tinker's makes it to 1.14+
  • Add dyeable Plastic Construction Block (tm)
    • 8 x Plastic Sheet & dye = 8 Plastic Construction Blocks (tm)
    • Primarily for construction
    • Hurts (an unreasonable amount!) to stand on if not wearing footwear: mob farm use?
      • Probably need to hurt non-player mobs even with footwear to avoid jammed mob farms.
    • Can be smelted to convert back into Plastic Sheets
    • "Compatible with other leading brands"


Heat will work in much the same way as it does now. Block/fluid heat properties (including hot/cold blockstate transitions) are defined in data/pneumaticcraft/pneumaticcraft/block_heat_properties/<entry>.json for ease of modification in data packs, but that's more for modpack developers.

  • Add Heat Pipe, a way to transfer heat more compactly (and needing less c. iron) than insulated Compressed Iron Blocks
    • 3 Compressed Iron Block & 6 Wool = 8 Heat Pipe
    • Heat Pipe will only connect to blocks (or semiblocks) with a Heat capability or which offer a heat behaviour, like furnaces and Heat Frames
    • Super-low heat resistance to connected heat-handling blocks, but don't thermally connect to adjacent air or fluid blocks at all.
    • Camouflageable & waterloggable
  • Campfire will be a useful heat source, lasting longer than just setting fire to netherrack before going out
  • Heat Frame Cooling sees some expansion of functionality:
    • Recipes can define a max threshold temperature (instead of the default 0C which is used now)
    • Recipes can define an output bonus multiplier (and limit); the multiplier is used to calculate the chance of bonus outputs depending on how much lower the temperature is than the recipe threshold
      • Used for bonus Plastic Sheet production
    • Recipes will be able to accept fluid ingredients, and the Heat Frame can take those ingredients from fluid containing items (vanilla bucket, tanks...) in the inventory. E.g. a Small Tank full of 32000mB lava will yield 32 x Obsidian (and an empty tank, of course).

PCB's (UV Light Box and Etching Acid)

Right now, PCB etching becomes obsolete as soon as the Assembly Line is made, which I don't like; I want to keep the etching system as an alternative but there needs to be an incentive. Otherwise the UV Light Box and Etching Acid are one-use obsoleted items. So, the Assembly Line will be the simpler option (Empty PCB -> Unassembled PCB directly); Etching Tank & UV Light Box will be the faster option (many done in parallel), IF given the right infrastructure.

  • Add new Etching Tank: 25 input slots, 2 output slots (re-use model from removed Plastic Mixer)
    • Input items are etched in parallel
    • 1 output slot for success (Unassembled PCB), one for failure (Failed PCB)
    • Unassembled PCB extracted from the side, Failed PCB extracted from top/bottom
      • Side Configuration could be problematic unless the Etching Tank becomes a rotatable block
    • Has 4000mB tank for Etching Acid
      • If Etching Tank is heated, Etching Acid will be (slowly) consumed
      • At max heat, consumption will be about 0.8mB per second
    • Twice as fast as in-world etching (2m30s instead of 5m)
      • Etching Tank will accept (and use) heat to speed up the process - max speed is 30s
    • Consider recipe support to allow conversion of other items via etching.
      • Etch Iron Plates -> Book Stencil
      • Then, Book Stencil & Enchanted Book & Liquid XP bucket @ 4 bar = 2 x Enchanted Book & Bucket (in Pressure Chamber)
      • Would need Liquid XP added as a fluid, but that would also be useful for the Aerial Interface
    • In-world PCB etching will remain but is not the recommended option
  • A way for the UV Light Box to handle multiple items in parallel?
    • Possibly an Advanced UV Light Box which has a faster base speed (for a corresponding increase in air cost, of course)
    • Add an output slot and a threshold slider to allow pcb's to be considered "done" at a certain percentage (100% by default)
      • This replaces the existing redstone output at given % completion; only items in the output slot can be extracted with automation
    • Dispenser Upgrade accepted for auto-ejection of "done" pcb's to adjacent inventory (e.g. Etching Tank)
  • Consider UV Lightbox recipe support to allow conversion of other items via UV exposure:
    • Rotten flesh -> leather?
    • Harmful potions -> beneficial potions?
    • Some other "purifying" conversions..?
  • Printed Circuit Board (finished item) tagged as "pneumaticcraft:pcb"

Ideal progression:

  • Early on: UV Light Box & (possibly heated) Etching Tank - slow but cheap
  • Mid-game: Assembly Station is moderately fast (note: even with lots of Speed Upgrades, there's a time overhead - about 7 secs per craft with 10 Speed Upgrades)
  • Late game: Assembly Station with max speed upgrades, or...
    • The best option: Advanced UV Light Box set to extract early (very fast), with (heated) Etching Tank; Failed PCB's auto-recycled via Blast Furnace (also yields a little XP) and sent back to Advanced UV Light Box. This should be a viable way to mass-produce PCB's (and gain some free XP).


  • Add Reinforced Chest; blast-proof storage with 36 slots
    • Keeps inventory when broken
  • Add a Smart Chest:
    • 2 x Reinforced Iron Chest & 1 x PCB
    • 72 slots
    • Filtered slots, to only accept certain items
    • Ability to block off slots, so the inventory can appear to have anything from 1-72 slots
    • Built-in auto-pull / auto-push functionality (per-side)
      • With Dispenser Upgrade, can eject items into the world (dropper-like functionality)
      • With Magnet Upgrade and 0-4 Range Upgrades, can absorb nearby in-world items (vacuum chest functionality)

Tube Modules

  • Regulator Modules are now easier to use when not upgraded
    • Regulate to 4.9 bar regardless of the tube it's on
    • Regulate to 0 with 15 redstone (so a direct signal turns it into a shutoff valve)
    • Interpolates signals from 1-14.
    • When upgraded, they can be configured via GUI as in 1.12.2
  • Safety Modules are now easier to use when not upgraded
    • They simply leak air at (danger_level - 0.1) bar (4.9 for basic tubes, 19.9 for advanced tubes)
    • No need to supply a redstone signal of a certain level
    • When upgraded, they can be configured via GUI as in 1.12.2
  • Redstone Modules now have a GUI even when not upgraded to allow channel selection and direction switching (no need for dyes or wrench anymore although they can still be used)
    • Signal inversion is now also available when not upgraded
    • Other operations still need an Advanced PCB, though
  • Logistics Module now have a GUI to set the channel color
    • No need for dyes anymore (although dyes can still be used to set the channel)
  • Redstone Modules will now take redstone input from Pressure Gauge modules on the same tube section
  • Added a much nicer channel (color) selection widget to make Redstone & Logistics Module channel selection easier

Logistics System

  • Make Logistics Modules cheaper in air usage.
    • Not totally free, but they're currently a little expensive for something which just moves items/fluids around.
  • Recipe Changes: no longer require plastic for logistics items
    • Added "Logistics Core" crafting item, used in crafting logistics-related items (drones, frames & module)
    • 8 x Reinforced Brick Tile & 1 x Redstone
    • Frames use a Logistics Core, 7 x Stick & 1 x Dye
    • Logistics Drone uses a Logistics Core & 4 x Turbine Rotor
    • Logistics Module uses a Logistics Core, 2 x Pressure Tube & 4 x Redstone
  • Better filtering support
    • See Tag Matching below for tag matching support
    • Tool durability matching
    • Mod ID matching

Tag Matching

In 1.12, OreDict matching worked by considering items as matching if they had any oredict entries in common. In 1.14+ of course, oredict is replaced by the vanilla tags system, but the same principle applies. Unfortunately this approach is broken, and only happened to work in 1.12 (mostly) by luck.

Problem: Iron Ingots are tagged with "forge:ingots" and "forge:ingots/iron". Gold Ingots are tagged with "forge:ingots" and "forge:ingots/gold". Using the "any tag in common" approach would cause iron and gold ingots to be considered equivalent, which is probably not the desired behaviour... (this only worked in 1.12 because Forge didn't add a general "ingot" OreDict entry).

We need to be able to select which tags should be checked when comparing items.

Solution: a new "Tag Workbench" machine.

To configure tags, right-click the Tag Workbench to open a GUI, and insert an item to be matched, and some paper. The GUI will show all available tags for that item in a list on the left, and a list of selected tags on the right. Items on the left (available) can be added to the list on the right (selected), or removed from the selected list. When done, press a button to write the selected tags to a new "Tag Filter" item, consuming the paper. Tag Filters can be self-crafted back into paper to recycle them as needed.

Tag Filters can then be placed into Logistic Frame filter slots, and will match any item that contains any of the tags in the filter. They can also be used in Item Filter widgets for Drone programming.

Upgrade Mechanics

  • Some upgrades are now tiered, which means there are multiple items for that upgrade type with a different crafting recipe for each tier.
    • Jet Boots is a prime example: this allows different recipes for higher-tier upgrades instead of just tediously recrafting more of the same upgrade. See Upgrade Changes below for more details.
  • Upgrades now have a hard max in the upgrade slots: e.g. if a machine can only use 10 Volume Upgrades, it's impossible to put more than 10 Volume Upgrades in its upgrade slots.
    • This fixes the current counter-intuitive behaviour of allowing an arbitrary number of upgrades to be added, but only have some of them actually do anything.
  • It isn't possible to put the same upgrade in more than one slot of the 4-slot upgrade inventory. I.e. if there are Volume Upgrades in slot 1, then no insertion of Volume Upgrades in slots 2/3/4.
    • This means an absolute hard max of 64 upgrades of any one type, but that's fine.

Upgrade Changes

  • Add an "Upgrade Matrix" crafting component made in Thermopneumatic Processing Plant: 1 Lapis & 1000mB water @ 2 bar = 4 x Upgrade Matrix
    • Usable as an alternative to Lapis when crafting upgrades: a way to save on Lapis if you're short of it
  • Jet Boots Upgrades are limited to 5 tiers, but tier 5 is as good as old (1.12.2) tier 10. Tier 4 allows hovering; Tier 3 allows Builder Mode.
    • All tiers will need 2 Vortex Cannons and the previous tier ugprade. Tier 1: as before; Tier 2: 4 x Feather & 2 x Pneumatic Cylinder; Tier 3: 4 x Ghast Tear & 2 x Blaze Rod; Tier 4: 2 x Feather Fall Potion, 1 x Nether Star & 2 x Phantom Membrane; Tier 5: 4 x End Rod & 1 x Elytra & 2 x Dragon Breath
  • Volume Upgrades limited to 25 upgrades per machine / item, but have diminishing returns. Formula: 2 * SQRT(n_upgrades), so 1 upgrade = 2 x base volume, 10 upgrades = ~6.32 x base volume, and max 25 upgrades = 10 x base volume.
    • Volume Upgrades were only limited by the number of slots and stack size in 1.12.2, which is a bit silly.

New Upgrades

  • Inventory Upgrade - replaces Dispenser Upgrade in Drones & Programmable Controller; 4 x Lapis, 1 x Chest, 4 x Sticks
  • Jumping Upgrade - replaces Range Upgrade in Pneumatic Legs; Tier 1: 2 x Piston & 1 x Pressure Tube & 2 x Vortex Cannon; Tier 2: 2 x Slime Block & 2 x Piston; Tier 3: 4 x Jump Boost I Potion & 2 x Piston; Tier 4: 2 Jump Boost II Potions & 2 x Piston
  • Should we have a separate Run Speed Upgrade for Pneumatic Legs? 3 tiers?
  • Flippers Upgrade for the boots gives a moderate swim speed increase (no air cost)
  • Heat Capacity Upgrade - give heat-using machines a bit more heat capacity (heating up more slowly, but also cooling down more slowly); 4 x Lapis, 1 x Compressed Iron Ingot, 4 x Heat Pipe
    • Probably similar "diminishing returns" functionality as Volume Upgrades will have
  • Standby Upgrade - add to Logistics & Harvesting Drones to let them go into standby mode when idle, saving air; 4 x Lapis, 1 x Bed & 4 x Redstone Torches
    • Basic drones don't do this by default, and really shouldn't; unwanted standby could cause a lot of fall damage depending on layouts. So it's a player choice (and a bit of extra expense).

Thermopneumatic Processing Plant

  • Recipes will have a temperature range so can define max as well as min temperature
    • See yeast recipes below...
  • TPP can now produce an output item in addition to an output fluid
    • Used for the new Upgrade Matrix item (see Upgrades above)

Fluid Tanks

The Liquid Hopper already serves as a 16000mB fluid tank, but it would be nice to have something that's "just a tank":

  • Three sizes:
    • Small Tank (32B): 4 x compressed iron, 4 x iron bar, 1 x glass
    • Medium tank (64B): 2 x small tanks, 1 x pressure tube, 2 x gold, 4 x plastic
    • Large tank (128B): 2 x medium tank, 1 x adv. pressure tube, 2 x diamond, 4 x plastic
  • Tanks can be connected vertically into a (sort of) multiblock by wrenching the top or bottom half of one of the two vertically-stacked tanks
    • Tanks can only be connected if one of the pair is empty, OR both tanks contain the same fluid
    • Connected tanks will only accept fluids that match what any connected tank contains
    • Vertically connected tanks will auto-push their contents to the tank below (or above if the fluid density < 0)
    • Connected tanks will never push fluids upwards (downwards for density < 0)
      • This means that (for automation purposes) a tank stack should generally be filled at the top tank, and emptied at the bottom tank (vice versa for density < 0)
    • No current limit on the height of tank stacks, although I might impose one for performance reasons
    • Tanks do not connect automatically when placed; they must be wrenched together
    • Tanks can not be connected horizontally
  • Fluid-containing items can be inserted (GUI or piped) to transfer fluids in/out of the tank
    • Any item which provides the FLUID_HANDLER_ITEM_CAPABILITY capability will work here (including Buckets, Liquid Hoppers and these Tanks in item form, plus items from various other mods)
  • Tanks don't try to push/pull fluids by default (other than to vertically-connected tanks)
    • But can push fluids if a Dispenser Upgrade is installed
    • Ejection rate is 25mB/t, can be increased up to 1600mB/t with up to 7 Speed Upgrades

Small tanks are now a crafting component in any machine that stores fluids (TPP, Refinery...).

Fluid Mixer

This is a new machine which can mix two fluids together, and produce a fluid and/or item output

  • Intended for Biodiesel (see below), but there may be other uses...
  • Maybe also allow Lava + Water = Obsidian ?


A renewable alternative to traditional Oil. Added in 1.16.1.

  • New Fluid: Yeast Solution - mushroom + water in TPP, temp range 30-60C
    • Yeast Solution will spread in-world to adjacent water blocks IF in contact with a warm surface, 30-60C
      • In a warm biome (e.g. jungle/desert/nether) a simple Compressed Iron Block will work. In cooler biomes, some heat source & control will be needed. This can be as simple as a Compressed Iron Block & Campfire or other heat source early game (manual control needed).
      • Later on, this temperature control can be automated with Vortex Tube and Regulator Module or perhaps a Universal Sensor set to monitor temperature.
    • Yeast Solution & Wheat flour in TPP makes Sourdough; cook to make Sourdough Bread, a better food source than bread (high saturation)
  • New Fluid: Ethanol - Yeast Solution & Sugar in TPP (30-60C)
    • Can be used as fuel, but a bit weak
    • Mix with Sweet Berries & Snowballs for a refreshing drink! (not added yet)
  • New Fluid: Vegetable Oil - any vegetable matter in TPP with >=2 bar pressure
    • Use "forge:crops" & "forge:seeds" tags here. Seeds will likely be a better source.
  • New Fluid: Biodiesel - Ethanol & Vegetable Oil in Fluid Mixer
    • Same air production rate in Liquid Compressor as Diesel
    • Biodiesel can be used to make Lubricant, as Diesel can be
    • Biodiesel can be combined with Charcoal (not Coal) in a TPP to make Molten Plastic fluid - renewable plastic!
    • Item by-product: Glycerol Blob (yeah, I know Glycerol is a liquid under normal conditions but for ease of game implementation it can be treated as a gooey item...)
      • Can be used in place of Sugar in Speed Upgrade crafting to get 2 Speed Upgrades instead of 1.
      • Can be burned as fuel; 1 Glycerol Blob = 4 items smelted
      • Combine with wool to get Bandages; 1-use quick heal item with a few seconds cooldown


Having the input and output fluids shared in one of the four Refinery blocks is a little unintuitive.

  • New block: Refinery Controller
    • The controller accepts input fluids (Oil by default)
  • Stack 2-4 Refinery Output blocks on top of or behind the controller
    • Refinery Output uses existing Refinery block model
    • Refinery Output will not accept input, only allow output
    • Possibly accept Dispenser Upgrades for auto-pushing of output fluid (would require each output to have its own GUI)
  • Controller might now have pressure as well as heat? (undecided about this)
    • Pressure could be useful for "vacuum distillation" recipes (not sure if any will exist by default) which would give the unloved Vacuum Pump some more uses
    • Pressure won't be required for basic oil refining (need to make this clear; there's a risk of confusion here)
    • But possibly allow a negative pressure to increase Oil refining output a bit?
  • Refinery recipes will have a temperature range (i.e. enforce a max as well as min temperature)
    • Allows for cryogenic distillation recipes


  • Can now merge programs in from a Drone / Network Data Storage / Pastebin / clipboard to the current program
    • i.e. have a library of commonly-used subroutines available
    • Start piece in merged program is auto-replaced with Label & Text pieces
  • Fixed zooming behaviour (this will also make it into 1.12.2!)


Not directly player-affecting, but semiblocks (logistics frames, heat frames, crop sticks, spawner agitators and transfer gadgets) have been completely rewritten as entities in 1.14, where previously they used a custom system with a lot of extra rendering and syncing code. The new system is much simpler and more robust since it uses existing vanilla entity rendering and syncing, and should eliminate one of the biggest causes of mod problems - semiblock syncing bugs.

Air Canisters

In 1.12.2, Air Canisters really only have one use: as crafting components. Although they can be pressurized, they can't do much else.

  • Have an "active mode" whereby active canisters in a player's inventory charge up other items (armour, tools, not other canisters).
    • Charge up to the canister's pressure level; canister will never take air from other items, only supply it
  • Basic canisters can only be charged to 5 bar max (maybe a little higher, but that's risky). It would be nice to be able to charge tools to 10 bar before tier 2 is unlocked.
  • Consider a tier 1.5 compressor which can generate up to 10 bar of pressure
    • Could be a new liquid compressor
    • Or maybe make the Thermal Compressor tier 1.5
    • Or maybe introduce a new tier 1.5 Impact Compressor, powered by explosions (and possibly entities falling on it)
    • Since tier 1.5 tubes don't exist, such a compressor would need to be hooked up directly to a Charging Station until tier 2 is unlocked.

Ore Smelting

The intention here is a system which isn't too expensive to build and provides 2x ore multiplying without too much effort. But with extra automation to control heat and pressure levels, allow up to 5x multiplying (though this level should be hard to achieve in practice).

  • Sort-of-multiblock system with three blocks, which need to be stacked from top to bottom):
    • Crusher: crush X ore to X dust (needs pressure)
    • Ore Washer: X dust -> X slurry (a fluid) (needs pressure & water supply)
    • Slurry Kiln: X slurry -> finished product (needs heat)
  • Each stage has an output multiplier; the base multiplier is 1.28
    • So 1.28^3 = ~2.09 ore multiplying for not too much effort
  • Each stage has an optimum pressure for stage 1 & 2 and optimum temperature for stage 3
    • Output multiplier increases as temp/pressure gets closer to optimum
  • Optimum values will vary by ore type...
    • So most efficient setup will have one smelting multiblock per ore type (or one per few ore types?)
  • Absolute best multiplier is 1.71^3 = ~5.0
    • This should take some effort to maintain...
  • Needs a good collective name!
  • Support for other mods ores/dusts/ingots will be done via tags, and will require consistent naming, e.g. "forge:ores/copper" -> "forge:dusts/copper" -> "forge:ingots/copper"
    • Also support for gem-style transitions: e.g. "forge:ores/diamond" -> "forge:gems/diamond"
    • We will need to create iron & gold dust items for vanilla support
  • Single "Ore Slurry" fluid, using NBT to store the finished product (ingot or gem) that will be created in the Slurry Kiln

Pneumatic Jackhammer

Added in 2.1.0, for MC 1.16.1

With a mod about pneumatics, a pneumatic drill feels pretty natural. Complete with noises (mutable in config) and animated drill bit while digging!

  • Basic drill will use pressurized air and mine around as fast as an iron pick
  • Is equally effective on all block materials
  • Does not have durability, so will never wear out
  • Requires a Drill Bit to be installed (4 types: iron, compressed iron, diamond & netherite)
    • Better drill bits are faster and open up more multi-block-breaking modes
    • Netherite Drill bit requires Assembly System (so, PCB's unlocked) to make
  • Takes Speed and Volume Upgrades only
  • Can install a Fortune or Silk Touch enchanted book via GUI to get those enchantments
    • Book can be swapped out at any time for flexibility

Experience Handling

The Aerial Interface allows transfer of player XP, but PneumaticCraft doesn't have its own XP fluid so this is dependent on other mods.

  • Add an XP fluid: Memory Essence. Fluid->XP ratio is 20mB per point of XP, in common with many other mods.
  • Add a "Memory Stick" item, which is a specialised fluid container only holding Memory Essence fluid.
    • Up to 512,000mB fluid (25,600 XP points = ~90 levels)
    • Recipe: 1 x emerald, 2 x diamond, 1 x soul sand, 2 x plastic, 2 x gold
    • Can be used to drain/add XP to the player using it
    • Toggleable "auto-absorb" mode where XP orbs go straight into it
    • Could also be useful to supply XP to recipes, e.g. Book Stencil enchantment book copying.
    • Fluid can be extracted by a Liquid Hopper (drop the item in front of the hopper) or Small/Medium/Large Tanks (put item in the tank's item slot)
  • Aerial Interface will (of course) use this fluid as a default when transferring XP.
    • Support for other mods' XP fluids can remain though, so the Aerial Interface can still be used as a XP fluid converter

Villages & Villagers

Added a PneumaticCraft house to villages.

  • Different house style for each of the 5 village biomes, although all feature various Reinforced Stone bricks
  • Each house contains an Air Compressor, Crafting Station, Pneumatic Wrench (in an Item Frame) and Omnihopper
  • Each house contains a chest with some miscellanous PNC items (compressed iron ingots, various crafting components)
  • Charging Station is the Point of Interest for the Pressure Mechanic, PNC:R's villager
    • The Pressure Mechanic still sells the PCB Blueprint and Stop Worm & Nuke Virus, but now has a greatly expanded (levelled) trade list with quite a few handy items to sell...
  • Dropping villagers into a Pressure Chamber no longer converts them into Mechanics
    • No longer necessary, since an unemployed villager will now become a Pressure Mechanic when he spots a Charging Station

More basic Drones

  • Collector Drone
    • Right-click it on an inventory and will collect items in a 21x21x21 area centered on the inventory
    • Filtering?
      • Maybe Botania-style by putting Item Frames on the inventory?
      • Or using what's in the inventory when initially right-clicked?
  • Guard Drone
    • Right-click it on an inventory and it will take a weapon and monitor a 21x21x21 area, attacking any hostile mobs.
    • Drone can be upgraded with an Entity Tracker Upgrade. Then it will use Minigun Ammo instead of a melee weapon.

Mob Spawning

We have the Spawner Agitator now, for a bit of extra spawner control. But we can go further...

  • Add a Spawner Extractor, a machine placed on top of a Spawner, which sucks the "core" from the spawner.
    • Give it strong negative pressure (< -0.9 bar)
    • It will take a minute or two to extract the Spawner Core, but it's not plain sailing:
      • There must a player (fake player does not count!) within 5 blocks of the Extractor
      • There must be no mobs of the spawner's type within 10 blocks of the Extractor
      • The Spawner will spawn mobs at an elevated rate while the Extractor is running (there will be spawning limits, though)
    • If there is no player or any mobs, the Extractor's progression will stall
    • So the player should have good defense, and a means of efficiently killing a lot of mobs (Micromissiles, Drones, Sentry Turrets...)
  • With an extracted Spawner Core, a Pneumatic Spawner can be built:
    • Fairly air-hungry (this is a mid-late game item), can be controlled with redstone, accepts upgrades
    • Speed Upgrades to increase spawn rates (at an air cost)


  • Added a Display Table; it's a table. But it can hold and display a single item, and can be interacted via automation (drones/hoppers/pipes...)
  • Programmable Controller becomes a tier 2 machine: 10 bar min working pressure, 20 bar danger, 25 bar max. Air usage unchanged.
  • Pneumatic Doors are now colourable by right-clicking with a dye (colour is preserved when broken)
  • Fuels now have a "burn multiplier", which affects their air production rate and burn rate in the Liquid Compressor (while not affecting the total air produced per mL)
    • Diesel now burns more slowly (x0.8) but produces a little more air overall
    • LPG will burn a little faster (x1.25) with the same overall production
    • Gasoline burns a lot faster (x1.5) with the same overall production
    • Kerosene is unchanged (but will have its efficiency greatly increased in the Kerosene Lamp)
      • Kerosene Lamp will also have an overall efficiency improvement: changing fuel usage from being proportional to range^3 to 3*range^2
    • Hot liquids "burn" much more slowly (x0.5)
  • Infinite Water Source block
    • To generate water (for the smelting multiblock, mainly) without lots of lag-inducing block updates
    • Should require at least 2 adjacent water source blocks (config option)
    • Accepts Speed Upgrades to boost generation rate, probably similar to Liquid Hopper scaling
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macks2008 commented Apr 19, 2021

so the section "requiring less iron" and below are implemented? Wording/arrangement was a little ambiguous.
Also thank goodness for the change to iron requirements. 🥳 PNC tends to be a pretty serious iron sink as it is (was?). This is normally fine long-term as I seem to end up with more iron than other materials from automated mining systems, but even assuming I have automated mining, it is a rather noticeable barrier to entry to basically need a stack and a half (or at least that's about how much I tend to 'splode) of iron to get started on a mod

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desht commented Apr 19, 2021

Yeah, the mod does require less iron now, although the requirements are still non-trivial...

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