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Last active April 19, 2021 16:02
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Generate Yolov4 Darknet type Annotations from Bounding Boxe given as (x,y,w,h) and Vice Versa. Also with Yolov4 weights and config file, it generates files for each image. You can use it to extend your data. Creates a classes.txt file in the same DIR as LabelImg can fetch that. Open LabelImg and open the DIR after executing code to verify. Calcu…
import cv2
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import glob
def select_box(results:np.ndarray,method:str)->int:
Select a Single BB based on Max Probability or Max area logic
results: Pass in the results by detection module in (classes, scores, boxes) format
method: Whether to use 'prob' or 'area'
Index of the bounding box to select
classes, scores, bboxes = results
if method == 'area':
return np.argmax([box[2]*box[3] for box in bboxes ])
return np.argmax(scores)
def bnd_box_to_yolo_line(box:np.ndarray,img_size:np.ndarray)->tuple:
Change Bounding Box to YOLO text format
box: 1 D array of Bounding box in format [x,y,w,h]
img_size: 1-D array of Image Size in format [Width, Height, Channels]
4 floating point values as (x_center, y_center) are relative points of center of Rectangle. (w,h) is the width and height of Rectangle Relative to Image Size
(x_min, y_min) = (box[0], box[1])
(w, h) = (box[2], box[3])
x_max = x_min + w
y_max = y_min + h
x_center = float((x_min + x_max)) / 2 / img_size[1]
y_center = float((y_min + y_max)) / 2 / img_size[0]
w = float((x_max - x_min)) / img_size[1]
h = float((y_max - y_min)) / img_size[0]
return x_center, y_center, w, h
def yolo_to_bb(annotations:[tuple,list,np.ndarray], img_size:tuple, return_wh:bool = True):
Change the YoloV4 Darknet annotations to Bounding Box Format
annotations: Annotations for Darknet YoloV4 format gives as (xc,yc,w,h) iun the .txt file. Exclude class
img_size: Size of the original Image in format (w,h,c)
return_wh: Whether to return Widrh, Height or the Max_X, Max_Y
Tuple of Values of a Bounding Box as (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) or (x_min, y_min, w, h) depending on the third arg
(xc,yc,w,h) = annotations
x_min = (xc*img_size[1]) - ((w*img_size[1])/2)
x_max = (xc * img_array.shape[1] *2 ) - x_min
y_min = (yc*img_size[0]) - ((h*img_size[0])/2)
y_max = (yc * img_array.shape[0] *2 ) - y_min
if return_wh:
return int(x_min), int(y_min), int(x_max) - int(x_min) , int(y_max) - int(y_min)
return int(x_min), int(y_min), int(x_max), int(y_max)
def build_yolo_model(weight_file_path:str,config_file_path:str,size:tuple=(416,416)):
Build a Yolo Model
weight_file_path: Path to the .weights (Yolo v3,v4 etc) file
config_file_path: PAth to the .cfg file
size: Size of the model detection. You can pass in multiple of 32. Works even when you have trained with 416 and now testing on 608
net = cv2.dnn.readNet(weight_file_path, config_file_path)
model = cv2.dnn_DetectionModel(net)
model.setInputParams(size=size, scale=1/255.)
return model
def generate_text_annotation(dir_path:str,weight_file_path:str,config_file_path:str,size:tuple=(416,416),CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD:float=0.51, NMS_THRESHOLD:float=0.51)->None:
Generate Annotation File per image for images given in a directory. Uses Bounding Box from the model
dir_path: Directory path where your images are downloaded. (./dir/whatever/) We are Assuming that they are in .png format only
weight_file_path: Path to the .weights (Yolo v3,v4 etc) file
config_file_path: PAth to the .cfg file
size: Size of the model detection. You can pass in multiple of 32. Works even when you have trained with 416 and now testing on 608
CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD: Only MAke detections valid when the Confidence is above thsi level. Increasing this will lead to FN and decreasing will lead to FP
NMS_THRESHOLD: Non MAximum Suppression threshold. Decreasing this will give more number of BB per image. Increasing it will give less no of BBs
net = cv2.dnn.readNet(weight_file_path, config_file_path)
model = cv2.dnn_DetectionModel(net)
model.setInputParams(size=size, scale=1/255.)
image_names = glob.glob(f'{dir_path}*.png')
for image_path in image_names:
annot = [0] # one class annotation. by default 0
text_file_name = '.'+image_path.split('.')[1]+'.txt'
img_array = np.array(
classes, scores, bboxes = model.detect(img_array, CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD, NMS_THRESHOLD)
if type(classes) == tuple:
if classes.shape == (1,1): # if onlt 1 detection
index = 0
index = select_box((classes, scores, bboxes),'prob') # if multiple select on Max Area vs Max Prob
box = bboxes[index]
score = scores[index]
with open(text_file_name,'w')as f:
f.write(' '.join([str(i) for i in annot]))
with open(dir_path+'classes.txt','w')as f:
f.write('Default Class')
def IoU(true_bb:[tuple,list,np.ndarray]=(0,0,0,0), pred_bb:[tuple,list,np.ndarray]=(0,0,0,0))->float:
Get the Intersection Over Union of two Bounding Boxes
true_bb: Coordinates of True Bounding Box given as (xmin, y_min, x_max, y_max)
true_bb: Coordinates of Predicted Bounding Box given as (xmin, y_min, x_max, y_max)
floating value between 0 and 1 defining IoU of two boxes
# Open Image ans see numerator blue box to understand the logic for xA, yA, xB, yB
xA = max(true_bb[0], pred_bb[0]) # xA is the X_min is the max of 2 which will act as the x_min for Intersection Box
yA = max(true_bb[1], pred_bb[1]) # Same as xA
xB = min(true_bb[2], pred_bb[2]) # xB is the min of two which will act as the x_max for intersection box
yB = min(true_bb[3], pred_bb[3]) # same as xB
intersect_area = max(0, xB - xA+1) * max(0, yB - yA+1) # Width * Height of the blue common box (xB - xA+1) -> Height of blue box. If xa=xb, then Area is 0 that's why max(0,w)
true_area = (true_bb[2] - true_bb[0] + 1) * (true_bb[3] - true_bb[1] + 1)
pred_area = (pred_bb[2] - pred_bb[0] + 1) * (pred_bb[3] - pred_bb[1] + 1)
union_area = true_area + pred_area - intersect_area # subtract the common area once as it will be included 2 times. One for true area and one for pred area
iou = intersect_area/float(union_area)
return iou
def pad_resize(img:np.ndarray,width:int=224,height:int=224)->np.ndarray:
Pad or Resize the Image for given dimensions. For increasing the size, it keeps the Image in middle by adding padding any color.
If one dimension (width or height) has to be increased or other has to be decreased, then it'll pad the short size and then resize the bigger dimension
x, y, c = img.shape
if height > y or width > x:
x_ = (width - x)//2 if width > x else 0
y_ = (height - y)//2 if height > y else 0
img = np.pad(img,((y_,y_),(x_,x_),(0,0)),constant_values=255)
x, y, c = img.shape
if height < y or width < x:
img = cv2.resize(img, dsize=(width, height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
return img
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