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Created October 27, 2015 20:15
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How to get a method which takes any string enumeration in Swift 2.1.
Actually figured out by Carl Hill-Popper, documented by me.
import UIKit
// 1) Make you some string enums.
enum Wat: String {
enum Something: String {
// 2) Make a protocol which matches the features of the enum you need to use.
protocol StringEnum {
var rawValue: String { get }
// 3) Pretending these are in machine-generated files and you can't access them
// directly to add the protocol, add the protocol using an extension.
extension Wat: StringEnum {
//Don't actually do anything since this already conforms
//because a Wat: String already returns a rawValue.
extension Something: StringEnum {
//Don't actually do anything since this already conforms
//because a Something: String already returns a rawValue.
// 4) do something which takes anything conforming to the string
func doAThingWithAStringEnum(coreDataKey: StringEnum) -> String {
return coreDataKey.rawValue
// Prints "Hai"
// Prints "Bleep"
// 5) Have a 🍺 to celebrate passing arbitrary string enums to a centralized method.
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