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Created July 3, 2019 14:27
Composing A Protocol
protocol BaseDelegate: class {
func baseMethod()
protocol SecondaryDelegate: BaseDelegate {
func secondaryMethod()
protocol TertiaryDelegate: BaseDelegate {
func tertiaryMethod()
class SomethingWithDelegate {
var baseDelegate: BaseDelegate
init(baseDelegate: BaseDelegate) {
self.baseDelegate = baseDelegate
func runTheMethods() {
if let secondary = self.baseDelegate as? SecondaryDelegate {
if let tertiary = self.baseDelegate as? TertiaryDelegate {
class ConformsToBase: BaseDelegate {
func baseMethod() {
print("I only conform to the base method")
class ConformsToSecondary: SecondaryDelegate {
func secondaryMethod() {
print("I conform to secondary as well!")
func baseMethod() {
print("I conform to base and...")
class ConformsToTertiary: TertiaryDelegate {
func baseMethod() {
print("I conform to base and...")
func tertiaryMethod() {
print("I conform to tertiary as well!")
class ConformsToAll: SecondaryDelegate, TertiaryDelegate {
func baseMethod() {
print("I conform to base and...")
func secondaryMethod() {
print("I also conform to secondary and...")
func tertiaryMethod() {
print("I also conform to tertiary!")
let thing1 = SomethingWithDelegate(baseDelegate: ConformsToBase())
print("=== THING 1 ===")
let thing2 = SomethingWithDelegate(baseDelegate: ConformsToSecondary())
print("=== THING 2 ===")
let thing3 = SomethingWithDelegate(baseDelegate: ConformsToTertiary())
print("=== THING 3 ===")
let thing4 = SomethingWithDelegate(baseDelegate: ConformsToAll())
print("=== THING 4 ===")
=== THING 1 ===
I only conform to the base method
=== THING 2 ===
I conform to base and...
I conform to secondary as well!
=== THING 3 ===
I conform to base and...
I conform to tertiary as well!
=== THING 4 ===
I conform to base and...
I also conform to secondary and...
I also conform to tertiary!
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I was pretty convinced this was not possible without @objc but I am happy to be proven wrong!

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