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Created January 20, 2019 15:42
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JS Bin // source
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<title>JS Bin</title>
<script id="jsbin-javascript">
// 1. Create a variable with your name
var name = 'Design Lobby';
console.log( name );
// 2. Create a function that logs your name with console.log()
function logName( parameter ) {
console.log( parameter );
logName( 'Design Lobby' );
// 3. Create an object called "me" that includes properties for your first and last names as well as other properties for your website and social media
var me = {
first: 'Gareth',
last: 'Lockton',
website: '',
socialMedia: {
twitter: '@designlobby',
facebook: 'designlobby'
console.log( me.socialMedia.twitter );
// 4. Create a boolean variable called loggedIn (set to either true or false)
var loggedIn = false;
console.log( loggedIn );
// 5. Write a conditional statement that logs "Logged In" when loggedIn is true and "Please login" when loggedIn is false
if ( loggedIn === true ) {
console.log( 'Logged In' );
} else {
console.log( 'Please login' );
// 6. Create an array called ids filled with numbers that could represent post ids
var postIds = [11, 22, 33, 44, 55];
// 7. Loop over the ids and log them all out
for (var count = 0, max = postIds.length; count < max; count++) {
// for of loop example
// for (var id of postIds) {
// console.log(id);
// }
// 8. Create an array of post objects. Include an id, title and content property on each object
var postObj = [
id: 1,
title: 'Title 1',
content: 'Content 1'
id: 2,
title: 'Title 2',
content: 'Content 1'
id: 3,
title: 'Title 3',
content: 'Content 3'
// 9. Loop over the array of posts and log out the title of each one
for (var count = 0, max = postObj.length; count < max; count++) {
// for of loop example
// for (var post of postObj) {
// console.log(post.title);
// }
// 10. Create a function that will take an array of posts and log out the title and content of each post.
function myFunction( postObj ){
for (var count = 0, max = postObj.length; count < max; count++) {
var post = postObj[count];
// for of loop example
// function logPostsExample2(posts) {
// for (var post of posts) {
// console.log(post.title);
// console.log(post.content);
// }
// }
// logPostsExample2(posts);
// 9. Loop over the array of posts and log out the title of each one
// 10. Create a function that will take an array of posts and log out the title and content of each post.
<script id="jsbin-source-javascript" type="text/javascript">// 1. Create a variable with your name
var name = 'Design Lobby';
console.log( name );
// 2. Create a function that logs your name with console.log()
function logName( parameter ) {
console.log( parameter );
logName( 'Design Lobby' );
// 3. Create an object called "me" that includes properties for your first and last names as well as other properties for your website and social media
var me = {
first: 'Gareth',
last: 'Lockton',
website: '',
socialMedia: {
twitter: '@designlobby',
facebook: 'designlobby'
console.log( me.socialMedia.twitter );
// 4. Create a boolean variable called loggedIn (set to either true or false)
var loggedIn = false;
console.log( loggedIn );
// 5. Write a conditional statement that logs "Logged In" when loggedIn is true and "Please login" when loggedIn is false
if ( loggedIn === true ) {
console.log( 'Logged In' );
} else {
console.log( 'Please login' );
// 6. Create an array called ids filled with numbers that could represent post ids
var postIds = [11, 22, 33, 44, 55];
// 7. Loop over the ids and log them all out
for (var count = 0, max = postIds.length; count < max; count++) {
// for of loop example
// for (var id of postIds) {
// console.log(id);
// }
// 8. Create an array of post objects. Include an id, title and content property on each object
var postObj = [
id: 1,
title: 'Title 1',
content: 'Content 1'
id: 2,
title: 'Title 2',
content: 'Content 1'
id: 3,
title: 'Title 3',
content: 'Content 3'
// 9. Loop over the array of posts and log out the title of each one
for (var count = 0, max = postObj.length; count < max; count++) {
// for of loop example
// for (var post of postObj) {
// console.log(post.title);
// }
// 10. Create a function that will take an array of posts and log out the title and content of each post.
function myFunction( postObj ){
for (var count = 0, max = postObj.length; count < max; count++) {
var post = postObj[count];
// for of loop example
// function logPostsExample2(posts) {
// for (var post of posts) {
// console.log(post.title);
// console.log(post.content);
// }
// }
// logPostsExample2(posts);
// 9. Loop over the array of posts and log out the title of each one
// 10. Create a function that will take an array of posts and log out the title and content of each post.</script></body>
// 1. Create a variable with your name
var name = 'Design Lobby';
console.log( name );
// 2. Create a function that logs your name with console.log()
function logName( parameter ) {
console.log( parameter );
logName( 'Design Lobby' );
// 3. Create an object called "me" that includes properties for your first and last names as well as other properties for your website and social media
var me = {
first: 'Gareth',
last: 'Lockton',
website: '',
socialMedia: {
twitter: '@designlobby',
facebook: 'designlobby'
console.log( me.socialMedia.twitter );
// 4. Create a boolean variable called loggedIn (set to either true or false)
var loggedIn = false;
console.log( loggedIn );
// 5. Write a conditional statement that logs "Logged In" when loggedIn is true and "Please login" when loggedIn is false
if ( loggedIn === true ) {
console.log( 'Logged In' );
} else {
console.log( 'Please login' );
// 6. Create an array called ids filled with numbers that could represent post ids
var postIds = [11, 22, 33, 44, 55];
// 7. Loop over the ids and log them all out
for (var count = 0, max = postIds.length; count < max; count++) {
// for of loop example
// for (var id of postIds) {
// console.log(id);
// }
// 8. Create an array of post objects. Include an id, title and content property on each object
var postObj = [
id: 1,
title: 'Title 1',
content: 'Content 1'
id: 2,
title: 'Title 2',
content: 'Content 1'
id: 3,
title: 'Title 3',
content: 'Content 3'
// 9. Loop over the array of posts and log out the title of each one
for (var count = 0, max = postObj.length; count < max; count++) {
// for of loop example
// for (var post of postObj) {
// console.log(post.title);
// }
// 10. Create a function that will take an array of posts and log out the title and content of each post.
function myFunction( postObj ){
for (var count = 0, max = postObj.length; count < max; count++) {
var post = postObj[count];
// for of loop example
// function logPostsExample2(posts) {
// for (var post of posts) {
// console.log(post.title);
// console.log(post.content);
// }
// }
// logPostsExample2(posts);
// 9. Loop over the array of posts and log out the title of each one
// 10. Create a function that will take an array of posts and log out the title and content of each post.
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