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Created June 10, 2010 11:24
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* Gettext translator.
* This solution is partitionaly based on Zend_Translate_Adapter_Gettext (c) Zend Technologies USA Inc. (, new BSD license
* @author Roman Sklenář
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2009 Roman Sklenář (
* @license New BSD License
* @example
* @package Nette\Extras\GettextTranslator
* @version 0.4
class GettextTranslator extends \Nette\Object implements \IEditableTranslator
/** @var string */
public $locale;
/** @var bool */
private $endian = FALSE;
/** @var string|stream MO gettext file */
protected $file = FALSE;
/** @var array translation table */
protected $dictionary = array();
/** @var array */
protected $meta;
/** @var array */
protected $space;
/** @var string */
protected $filename;
* Translator contructor.
* @param string
* @param string
* @return void
public function __construct($filename, $locale = NULL)
$this->locale = $locale;
$this->filename = $filename;
$this->space = \Nette\Environment::getSession('Nette.Addons.GettextTranslator');
//$time = new DateTime();
if(!isset($this->space->untranslated)) {
//$this->space->time = $time;
$this->space->untranslated = array();
* Translates the given string.
* @param string translation string
* @param int count (positive number)
* @return string
public function translate($message, $count = 1)
$message = (string) $message;
if (!empty($message) && isset($this->dictionary[$message])) {
$word = $this->dictionary[$message];
if ($count === NULL) $count = 1;
if(is_array($count)) {
$tcount = 1;
foreach($count as $value) {
if(is_int($value)) {
$tcount = $value;
$count = $tcount;
if(!is_int($count)) {
$count = 1;
$s = preg_replace('/([a-z]+)/', '$$1', "n=$count;" . $this->meta['Plural-Forms']);
$message = $word->translate($plural);
} else {
$this->space->untranslated[] = $message;
$args = func_get_args();
if (count($args) > 1) {
$tempargs = $args;
if(is_array(array_pop($tempargs))) {
$args = array_pop($args);
$message = vsprintf($message, $args);
return $message;
* Load translation data (MO file reader) and builds the dictionary.
* @param string $filename MO file to add, full path must be given for access
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @return void
private function buildDictionary($filename)
$this->endian = FALSE;
$this->file = @fopen($filename, 'rb');
if (!$this->file) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Error opening translation file '$filename'.");
if (@filesize($filename) < 10) {
\InvalidArgumentException("'$filename' is not a gettext file.");
// get endian
$input = $this->readMoData(1);
if (strtolower(substr(dechex($input[1]), -8)) == "950412de") {
$this->endian = FALSE;
} else if (strtolower(substr(dechex($input[1]), -8)) == "de120495") {
$this->endian = TRUE;
} else {
\InvalidArgumentException("'$filename' is not a gettext file.");
// read revision - not supported for now
$input = $this->readMoData(1);
// number of bytes
$input = $this->readMoData(1);
$total = $input[1];
// number of original strings
$input = $this->readMoData(1);
$originalOffset = $input[1];
// number of translation strings
$input = $this->readMoData(1);
$translationOffset = $input[1];
// fill the original table
fseek($this->file, $originalOffset);
$origtemp = $this->readMoData(2 * $total);
fseek($this->file, $translationOffset);
$transtemp = $this->readMoData(2 * $total);
for ($count = 0; $count < $total; ++$count) {
if ($origtemp[$count * 2 + 1] != 0) {
fseek($this->file, $origtemp[$count * 2 + 2]);
$original = @fread($this->file, $origtemp[$count * 2 + 1]);
} else {
$original = '';
if ($transtemp[$count * 2 + 1] != 0) {
fseek($this->file, $transtemp[$count * 2 + 2]);
$tr = fread($this->file, $transtemp[$count * 2 + 1]);
if ($original === '') {
$word = new Word(explode(\Nette\String::chr(0x00), $original), explode(\Nette\String::chr(0x00), $tr));
$this->dictionary[$word->message] = $word;
return $this->dictionary;
* Read values from the MO file.
* @param string
private function readMoData($bytes)
$data = fread($this->file, 4 * $bytes);
return $this->endian === FALSE ? unpack('V' . $bytes, $data) : unpack('N' . $bytes, $data);
* Generates meta information about distionary.
* @return void
private function generateMeta($s)
$s = trim($s);
$s = preg_split('/[\n,]+/', $s);
foreach ($s as $meta) {
$pattern = ': ';
$tmp = preg_split("($pattern)", $meta);
$this->meta[trim($tmp[0])] = count($tmp) > 2 ? ltrim(strstr($meta, $pattern), $pattern) : $tmp[1];
public function getVariantsCount()
$s = preg_replace('/([a-z]+)/', '$$1', "n=2;" . $this->meta['Plural-Forms']);
return $nplurals;
public function getStrings()
//return $data;
$result = array();
foreach($this->dictionary as $value) {
if(trim($value->message) != "") {
$result[$value->message] = $value->getTranslation(NULL);
foreach($this->space->untranslated as $value) {
if(trim($value) != "" && !isset($result[$value])) {
$result[$value] = false;
return $result;
public function setTranslation($message, $string)
$word = new Word($message, $string);
$this->dictionary[$word->message] = $word;
public function save()
$filename = explode('/', $this->filename);
$filename = $filename[count($filename) - 1];
$newPoFilename = str_replace($filename, '', $this->filename) . 'TPanel.po';
//$this->gettext_gen_mo($newFilename, $this->getStrings());
$fp = fopen($newPoFilename, 'w');
fwrite($fp, $this->getPoHeader());
fwrite($fp, $this->getPoStrings());
fwrite($fp, $dump);
echo exec('msgfmt -o ' . $this->filename . ' ' . $newPoFilename);
$this->space->untranslated = array();
private function getPoHeader()
$time = new DateTime();
$header = '# Gettext keys exported by GettextTranslator and Translation Panel
# Created: ' . $time->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: TranslationPanel\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: ' . $this->meta['Plural-Forms'] . '\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
return $header;
private function getPoStrings()
$result = '';
$strings = $this->getStrings();
foreach($strings as $key => $value) {
$result .= 'msgid "' . $key . '"
if(!is_array($value)) {
$result .= 'msgstr "' . $value . '"
} else {
if(count($value) == 1) {
$result .= 'msgstr "' . $value[0] . '"
} else {
$counter = 0;
$result .= 'msgid_plural "' . $key . '"
foreach($value as $val) {
$result .= 'msgstr[' . $counter . '] "' . $val . '"
$result .= '
return $result;
* Class that represents translatable word.
* @author Roman Sklenář
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2009 Roman Sklenář (
* @license New BSD License
* @example
* @package Nette\Extras\GettextTranslator
* @version 0.4
class Word extends \Nette\Object
/** @var string|array */
protected $message;
/** @var string|array */
protected $translation;
* Word constructor.
* @param string|array
* @param string|array
* @return void
public function __construct($message, $translation)
$this->message = $message;
$this->translation = $translation;
* @return string
public function getTranslation($form = 0)
return (is_array($this->translation) && $form !== NULL) ? $this->translation[$form] : $this->translation;
* @return string
public function getMessage($form = 0)
return is_array($this->message) ? $this->message[$form] : $this->message;
* Translates a word.
* @param string translation string
* @param int form of translation
* @return string
public function translate($form = 0)
$msg = $this->getTranslation($form);
return !empty($msg) ? $msg : $this->getMessage($form);
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