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Created March 8, 2014 15:21
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner; //Scanner import
public class StandardDeviation {
// Constants to check from where to read the file
public static final int READ_DATA_FROM_FILE = 1;
public static final int READ_DATA_FROM_KEYBOARD = 2;
public static void main(String[] args)
// declare the variable for the dataset, but don't initialise it yet.
double[] dataset = null;
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
// declare a String variable for the filename
String fileName;
// declare a boolean to decide from where to get the data
// First, check if the user passed anything as commandline argument
// args is the array for commandline parameters. If no argument
// was passed, the length = 0, if no arguments were passed, display a
// Menu to let
// the use choose.
if ((args.length == 0) || (args.length == 2)) { // no commandline parameters
// or 2 parameters given
int choice = processMenu(sc); // Returns 1 or 2 depending on user Choice
if (choice == READ_DATA_FROM_FILE) {
fileName = getFileName(sc); // getFileName returns a valid filename in any case
// Get File and process file
// declare a variable for a File
File aFile = getValidFile(fileName);
dataset = getDataFromFile(aFile);
else {
// get the data from the keyboard
dataset = getDataFromKeyboard(sc);
if (args.length == 1) { // 1 commandline parameter -> Filename
fileName = args[0];
// get File and process file
if (!isValidFile(fileName)) { // if the filename entered is not valid
// ask the user to enter a valid file.
fileName = getFileName(sc);
// declare a variable for a File
File aFile = getValidFile(fileName);
dataset = getDataFromFile(aFile);
if (args.length > 2) { // if more than 2 parameters are given, the
//args[] are assumed to be the data
dataset = convertStringArrayToDoubleArray(args);
// All options are evaluated,
// the dataset is filled with data
// calculate and display the statistics
static void showStatistics(double[] dataset) {
// calculate the results
double mean = getMeanValue(dataset);
double max = getMaxValue(dataset);
double min = getMinValue(dataset);
double std = getStdDev(dataset);
// Show results
System.out.println("Standard Deviation Information:");
System.out.println("ô¿ô- ô¿ô- ô¿ô- ô¿ô- ô¿ô- ô¿ô- ");
System.out.println("The mean is:" + mean);
System.out.println("The minimum is:" + min);
System.out.println("The Maximum is:" + max);
System.out.println("The Standard deviation:" + std);
// Method for Data Entry
public static double[] getDataFromKeyboard(Scanner sc) {
int numberOfDataPoints = 0;
do {
System.out.println("Statistical data is to be entered from keybord");
System.out.println("Enter number of items (minimum 3 items):");
numberOfDataPoints = sc.nextInt();
if (numberOfDataPoints < 3) {
.println("The number of data points should be greater than 2.");
} while (numberOfDataPoints < 3);
// declare an array of n size to store integral data points
double[] dataset = new double[numberOfDataPoints];
// allow user inputs
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfDataPoints; i++) {
System.out.print("[" + i + "]:");
dataset[i] = sc.nextDouble();
return dataset;
// Method for reading data from file
public static double[] getDataFromFile(File aFile) {
ArrayList<Double> tmp = new ArrayList<Double>();
double[] arrtmp = null;
Scanner scan = null;
try {
scan = new Scanner(aFile).useDelimiter("\\s*\\n");
arrtmp = new double[tmp.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < tmp.size(); i++) {
arrtmp[i] = (double)tmp.get(i);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {
if (scan != null) {
return arrtmp;
// Method to calculate the mean
public static double getMeanValue(double[] data) {
double sum = 0.0;
for (double d : data) {
sum += d;
return sum / data.length;
// Method to find the maximum
public static double getMaxValue(double[] data) {
double max = Double.MIN_VALUE;
for (double d : data) {
if (d > max) {
max = d;
return max;
// Method to find the minimum
public static double getMinValue(double[] data) {
double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (double d : data) {
if (d < min) {
min = d;
return min;
// Method to find the standard Deviation
public static double getStdDev(double[] data) {
double temp = 0.0;
double mean = getMeanValue(data);
for (double d : data) {
temp = temp + Math.pow(d - mean, 2);
double std = Math.sqrt(temp / (data.length - 1));
return std;
public static boolean isValidFile(String fileName) {
File theFile = new File(fileName);
return theFile.isFile();
public static File getValidFile(String fileName) {
File theFile = new File(fileName);
return theFile;
public static int processMenu(Scanner sc) {
int response = 0;
do {
System.out.println("Statistics evaluation");
System.out.println("Please select:");
System.out.println(" enter a filename and read data from a file");
System.out.println(" enter the data from the keyboard");
System.out.print("Please enter 1 or 2:");
response = sc.nextInt();
} while ((response < 1) && (response > 2));
return response;
public static String getFileName(Scanner sc) {
String aFileName;
do {
System.out.println("Please enter a valid filename: ");
aFileName = sc.nextLine();
} while (!isValidFile(aFileName));
return aFileName;
// Helper method to convert a
// String array to a double array
public static double[] convertStringArrayToDoubleArray(String[] data) {
double[] doubleData = new double[data.length];
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
doubleData[i] = Double.parseDouble(data[i]);
return doubleData;
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