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Created December 23, 2022 04:58
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export const socketProcedure = publicProcedure.use(connectionSocket);
export const socketConnectProcedure = socketProcedure.use(connectionSocketConnect);
export const socketDisconnectProcedure = socketProcedure.use(connectionSocketDisconnect);
export const socketRequestProcedure = socketProcedure.use(connectionSocketRequest);
export const socketEventProcedure = socketProcedure.use(connectionSocketEvent);
export const mySocketRouter = router({
connect: socketConnectProcedure.mutation(async ({ctx, input}) => {
// aws connection connect callback
const awsConnectionId = ctx.connectionId;
disconnect: socketDisconnectProcedure.mutation(async ({ctx, input}) => {
// aws connection disconnect callback
const awsConnectionId = ctx.connectionId;
doAThing: socketRequestProcedure.input(z.object({thing: z.string()})).mutation(async ({ctx, input}) => {
// requests are messages sent from the client. they have the aws connection id tied to this particular connection
const awsConnectionId = ctx.connectionId;
// you can call the $thing method here, which will internally do all of the aws stuff
// you must pass the connectionId that you want to send this message to
caller.sendThing(awsConnectionId, {thing: 'hi'});
$thing: socketEventProcedure.input(z.object({thing: z.string()})).mutation(() => {
// this cannot be called, its simply a type placeholder input intellisense for the client
// all "events" (things that can come back from the server) must start with $ for inference purposes.
$otherThing: socketEventProcedure.input(z.object({thing: z.string()})).mutation(() => {
// this cannot be called, its simply a type placeholder input intellisense for the client
// all "events" (things that can come back from the server) must start with $ for inference purposes.
export const caller = makeSocketCaller(mySocketRouter.createCaller({}));
type FirstLetterCapital<T extends string> = T extends `${infer TFirst}${infer TRest}`
? `${Uppercase<TFirst>}${TRest}`
: never;
type OnlyDollars<T> = T extends `$${infer TName}` ? FirstLetterCapital<TName> : never;
function makeSocketCaller<T extends Record<string, (...args: any) => any>>(
item: T
): {[key in OnlyDollars<keyof T> as `send${key}`]: (connectionId: string, input: Parameters<T[key]>[0]) => void} {
return item;
// client
const mySocket = await trpc.mySocket.connect({
onThing(data) {
// ^ data is inferred from the input of $thing
console.log('received', data);
mySocket.doAThing({thing: 'hi'});
onOtherThing(data) {
// ^ data is inferred from the input of $otherThing
console.log('received', data);
mySocket.doAThing({thing: 'hi'});
onError(err) {
console.error('error', err);
if (mySocket.isConnected) {
mySocket.doAThing({thing: 'hi'});
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