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Last active October 13, 2017 05:15
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Kotlin Coroutines: select first _successful_ clause
* Waits for the result of multiple suspending functions simultaneously. The caller is suspended until
* one of the clauses is _selected_ or all clauses _fail_.
* @param deferredList a list of [clauses][Deferred] to select a result from
* @param cancelOtherJobsWhenDone a flag whether all [Deferred] from the provided [deferredList] which are
* still active at the moment of getting the first result should be cancelled
* @return a [Pair] of a result of the _selected_ clause, if present, and a [List] of the _failed_ clauses
* gathered at the moment of getting that result. If all clauses _fail_, the result - a [Pair] of `null`
* and a list of all clauses, - will be returned after the last clause fails.
suspend fun <R, D : Deferred<R>> selectFirstSuccessful(deferredList: List<D>,
cancelOtherJobsWhenDone: Boolean = true): Pair<R?, List<D>> =
selectFirstSuccessful(deferredList, listOf())
.let { (result, otherDeferred, failedDeferred) ->
if (cancelOtherJobsWhenDone) otherDeferred.forEach { it.cancel() }
result to failedDeferred
* Waits for the result of multiple suspending functions simultaneously. The caller is suspended until
* one of the clauses is _selected_ or all clauses _fail_.
* @param deferredList a list of [clauses][Deferred] to select a result from
* @return a [Triple] of a result of the _selected_ clause, if present, a [List] of the clauses that were
* active at the moment of getting that result, and a [List] of the _failed_ clauses gathered at the moment of
* getting that result. If all clauses _fail_, the result - a [Triple] of `null`, empty list and a list
* of all clauses, - will be returned after the last clause fails.
suspend fun <R, D : Deferred<R>> selectFirstSuccessfulAndOther(deferredList: List<D>): Triple<R?, List<D>, List<D>> =
selectFirstSuccessful(deferredList, listOf())
private suspend fun <R, D : Deferred<R>> selectFirstSuccessful(deferredList: List<D>,
failedDeferredList: List<D>): Triple<R?, List<D>, List<D>> =
if (deferredList.isEmpty()) {
Triple(null, deferredList, failedDeferredList)
} else {
try {
select<Triple<R?, List<D>, List<D>>> {
deferredList.forEach { deferred ->
deferred.onAwait { result -> Triple(result, deferredList - deferred, failedDeferredList) }
} catch (e: Exception) {
val completedExceptionally = deferredList.filter { it.isCompletedExceptionally }
val notCompletedExceptionally = deferredList - completedExceptionally
selectFirstSuccessful(notCompletedExceptionally, completedExceptionally + failedDeferredList)
fun asyncStringOrException(random: Random) = async {
val time = random.nextInt(1000)
if (random.nextInt(100) > 90) "Waited for $time ms"
else throw RuntimeException("I'm tired after $time ms")
fun generateList() = Random(1).let { random -> List(10) { asyncStringOrException(random) } }
fun testFirstSuccessful() = runBlocking {
val (result, failedResults) = selectFirstSuccessful(generateList())
println("Result: $result")
println("${failedResults.size} coroutines have failed at the time of getting the result")
failedResults.forEach { println(" Fail reason: ${it.getCompletionExceptionOrNull()}") }
fun testFirstSuccessfulAndOther() = runBlocking {
val (result, otherCoroutines, failedResults) = selectFirstSuccessfulAndOther(generateList())
println("Result: $result")
println("${otherCoroutines.size} coroutines still running at the time of getting the result")
println("${failedResults.size} coroutines have failed at the time of getting the result")
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
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The Random(1) is to make the the following result reproducible, but it can obviously be changed to have any seed:

Result: Waited for 847 ms
6 coroutines have failed at the time of getting the result
   Fail reason: java.lang.RuntimeException: I'm tired after 748 ms
   Fail reason: java.lang.RuntimeException: I'm tired after 606 ms
   Fail reason: java.lang.RuntimeException: I'm tired after 588 ms
   Fail reason: java.lang.RuntimeException: I'm tired after 434 ms
   Fail reason: java.lang.RuntimeException: I'm tired after 313 ms
   Fail reason: java.lang.RuntimeException: I'm tired after 254 ms

Result: Waited for 847 ms
3 coroutines still running at the time of getting the result
6 coroutines have failed at the time of getting the result

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