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Created December 9, 2016 22:12
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Need help rebuilding commands and executing them. Ideas?
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using FluentAssertions;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace Commander
public class Tests
public async Task Test()
var general = new General();
Response<int> final = await general
.Add<FirstCommand, string>(x => x.Execute("here we are!"))
.Execute<SecondCommand, int>(x => x.Execute("second!"));
public abstract class CommandContext
public Type CommandType { get; set; }
public Type ResponseType { get; set; }
public class CommandContext<T, TT> : CommandContext
public Expression<Func<T, Task<Response<TT>>>> Expression { get; set; }
public class General
private readonly Dictionary<Type, CommandContext> _commandMap = new Dictionary<Type, CommandContext>();
public General Add<T, TT>(Expression<Func<T, Task<Response<TT>>>> input)
if (_commandMap.ContainsKey(typeof(T)))
throw new Exception("Command already exists.");
_commandMap.Add(typeof(T), new CommandContext<T, TT>
CommandType = typeof(T),
ResponseType = typeof(TT),
Expression = input,
return this;
public async Task<Response<TT>> Execute<T, TT>(Expression<Func<T, Task<Response<TT>>>> input)
//var item = input.ReturnType;
await Task.FromResult(0);
var response = new Response<TT>()
Data = default(TT)
foreach (var item in _commandMap)
var context = item.Value;
//var command = Activator.CreateInstance(context.CommandType);
//var call = input.Compile();
//await call.Invoke(command);
//var handlerType = typeof(Response<>);
//Type[] typeArgs = { command.Type.GenericTypeArguments[1].GenericTypeArguments[0] };
//var constructed = handlerType.MakeGenericType(typeArgs);
//var handler = Activator.CreateInstance(constructed);
//var c = Activator.CreateInstance<ICommand>(item.Key);
// var method = command.
// var handler = Activator.CreateInstance(item.Key);
// var call = command.Compile();
// await call.Invoke(handler);
var command = getCommandFromContext(context.Expression);
var commandResult = await command.Execute(context.Expression.Paramaters);
if (commandResult.Ok == false)
response.Message = commandResult.Message;
return response;
public class FirstCommand : ICommand<string, string>
public async Task<Response<string>> Execute(string input)
await Task.Run(() => Console.Write(input));
return new Response<string>()
Data = "first!"
public class SecondCommand : ICommand<int, string>
public async Task<Response<int>> Execute(string input)
await Task.Run(() => Console.Write(input));
return new Response<int>()
Data = 123
public interface ICommand<T, in TT>
new Task<Response<T>> Execute(TT input);
public class Response<T>
public string Message { get; set; }
public bool Ok { get; set; }
public T Data { get; set; }
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