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Last active August 5, 2020 15:33
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Better Typed ExpandJoin which uses FlatMap/FlatJoin
package io.getquill.sql.norm
import io.getquill.ast._
import io.getquill.ast.Implicits._
import io.getquill.norm.BetaReduction
import io.getquill.norm.TypeBehavior.{ ReplaceWithReduction => RWR }
import io.getquill.norm.Normalize
import io.getquill.quat.Quat
// def nestedWithRenames(): Unit = {
// case class Ent(name: String)
// case class Foo(fame: String)
// case class Bar(bame: String)
// implicit val entSchema = schemaMeta[Ent]("TheEnt", -> "theName")
// val q = quote {
// query[Foo]
// .join(query[Ent]).on((f, e) => f.fame == // (Foo, Ent)
// .distinct
// .join(query[Bar]).on((fe, b) => (fe._1.fame == b.bame)) // ((Foo, Ent), Bar)
// .distinct
// .map(feb => (feb._1._2, feb._2)) // feb: ((Foo, Ent), Bar)
// .distinct
// .map(eb => (, eb._2.bame)) // eb: (Ent, Bar)
// }
// println(run(q)) //helloo
// }
// nestedWithRenames()
object ExpandJoin {
def apply(q: Ast) = expand(q, None)
def expand(q: Ast, id: Option[Ident]) =
Transform(q) {
case q @ Join(_, _, _, Ident(a, _), Ident(b, _), _) => // Ident a and Ident b should have the same Quat, could add an assertion for that
val (qr, tuple) = expandedTuple(q)
val innermostOpt =
CollectAst(qr) {
case fm @ FlatMap(_, _, MoreTables) => fm
innermostOpt match {
case Some(innermost) =>
val newInnermost =
innermost match {
case FlatMap(fj: FlatJoin, alias, MoreTables) =>
val fjr = BetaReduction(fj, RWR, MoreCond -> (Constant(1) +==+ Constant(1))) // TODO reduce this out i.e. something && 1==1 should be just something
Map(fjr, alias, tuple)
case other =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Flat Join Expansion created Illegal FlatJoin COnstruct:\n${io.getquill.util.Messages.qprint(other).plainText}")
val output = BetaReduction(qr, RWR, innermost -> newInnermost)
// Check that there are no placeholders remaining in the AST. Otherwise something has gone wrong.
val verifyNoPlaceholders = new StatelessTransformer {
override def applyIdent(id: Ident): Ident =
id match {
case `MoreCond` | `MoreTables` =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Flat Join Expansion could not succeed due to placeholders remaining in the AST:\n${io.getquill.util.Messages.qprint(output).plainText}")
case _ =>
case None =>
val MoreTables = Ident("<PH>", Quat.Generic)
val MoreCond = Ident("<PH>", Quat.Generic)
private def expandedTuple(q: Join): (FlatMap, Tuple) =
q match {
case Join(t, a: Join, b: Join, tA, tB, o) =>
val (ar, at) = expandedTuple(a)
val (br, bt) = expandedTuple(b)
val or = BetaReduction(o, RWR, tA -> at, tB -> bt)
val arbrFlat = BetaReduction(ar, RWR, MoreTables -> br)
val arbr = BetaReduction(arbrFlat, RWR, MoreCond -> or).asInstanceOf[FlatMap] // Reduction of a flatMap must be a flatMap
(arbr, Tuple(List(at, bt)))
case Join(t, a: Join, b, tA, tB, o) =>
val (ar, at) = expandedTuple(a)
val or = BetaReduction(o, RWR, tA -> at)
val br =
FlatJoin(t, b, tB, or +&&+ MoreCond),
tB, MoreTables
val arbr = BetaReduction(ar, RWR, MoreTables -> br).asInstanceOf[FlatMap]
(arbr, Tuple(List(at, tB)))
case Join(t, a, b: Join, tA, tB, o) =>
val (br, bt) = expandedTuple(b)
val or = BetaReduction(o, RWR, tB -> bt)
val arbr =
FlatJoin(t, a, tA, or),
BetaReduction(br, RWR, MoreCond -> or)
(arbr, Tuple(List(tA, bt)))
case q @ Join(t, a, b, tA, tB, on) =>
// (Join(t, nestedExpand(a, tA), nestedExpand(b, tB), tA, tB, on), Tuple(List(tA, tB)))
val ar = nestedExpand(a, tA)
val br = nestedExpand(b, tB)
val ab =
ar, tA,
FlatMap(FlatJoin(t, br, tB, on), tB, MoreTables)
(ab, Tuple(List(tA, tB)))
private def nestedExpand(q: Ast, id: Ident) =
Normalize(expand(q, Some(id))) match {
case Map(q, _, _) => q
case q => q
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