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Created June 9, 2020 09:30
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The SQL generates Java model classes by information_schema (for PostgreSQL)
select classs_name,
E'import lombok.Data;\n\n' ||
E'@Data\npublic class ' || classs_name || E' {\n' || string_agg(field_string, '') || E'}\n'
from (
select classs_name,
' private ' || type || ' ' || lower(substring(field_name, 1, 1)) || substring(field_name, 2) ||
as field_string
from (select replace(initcap(table_name), '_', '') as classs_name,
when (data_type, column_name) = ('bigint', 'id') then 'Long'
when (data_type, is_nullable) = ('bigint', 'NO') then 'long'
when (data_type, is_nullable) = ('bigint', 'YES') then 'Long'
when (data_type, is_nullable) = ('integer', 'NO') then 'int'
when (data_type, is_nullable) = ('integer', 'YES') then 'Integer'
when (data_type) = ('text') then 'String'
when (data_type) = ('date') then 'Date'
else 'Void'
end "type",
replace(initcap(column_name), '_', '') as field_name
from information_schema
where table_schema = '!!!!_SCHEMA_NAME_!!!'
order by table_name, ordinal_position) t1
) t2
group by classs_name
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