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Created April 14, 2020 06:02
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Search EC2 User Data

Search EC2 User Data


Used to find instances that contain user data which matches the provided grep_pattern.


This was created because I needed an easy way to search all hosts for specific user data.


Basic Example

./ "this is passed to grep"

Search for user data that executes a composer install.

./ "-E (composer[[:space:]](.*)?install)"

Modify Behavior of script

Script has variables that can be hard coded to modify the behavior

ONLY_INSTANCE_IDS=""            # Add instance ids to check only those; spaced.
MAX_ITEMS=""                    # Set max number of items, helpful for testing.
DEBUG=false                     # each api call and function has debugging output.
OUTPUT_NONMATCHES=false         # True will output if an instance-id has a match or not.
OUTPUT_MATCHEDCONTENT=false     # True will output user data for matched instances.
OUTPUT_NONMATCHEDCONTENT=false  # True will output user data for non matched instances.


  • jq used to parse api results cleanly


  • Support Options to configure aws cli for region,profile
  • Support options that are manually set as hard coded variables.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# @dependencies
# [jq]( used to parse api results cleanly
#---{Global Variables}---------------------------------------------------------#
# manually set behavior Variables.
ONLY_INSTANCE_IDS="" # Add instance ids to check only those; spaced.
MAX_ITEMS="" # Set max number of items, helpful for testing.
DEBUG=false # each api call and function has debugging output.
OUTPUT_NONMATCHES=false # True will output if an instance-id has a match or not.
OUTPUT_MATCHEDCONTENT=false # True will output user data for matched instances.
OUTPUT_NONMATCHEDCONTENT=false # True will output user data for non matched instances.
read -r -d '' USAGE_MESSAGE <<- EOM
Used to find instances that contain user
data which matches the provided grep_pattern.
Usage: ${SVC} grep_pattern
Example: ${SVC} "-E (composer[[:space:]](.*)?install)"
#---{helper functions}---------------------------------------------------------#
usage() { echo "${USAGE_MESSAGE}" 1>&2; exit 0; }
log() { NOW=$(date +"%F %H:%M:%S %z"); (>&2 echo "${LOG_PREFIX}::[${NOW}]::[$@]"); }
debug() { if ${DEBUG}; then log "DEBUG: $@" ; fi }
error() { log "ERROR: $@" ; usage; exit 1 ; }
#---{script functions}---------------------------------------------------------#
getClient(){ echo "aws"; }
local CMD="$(getClient) $@";
debug $CMD;
local instance_id="${1}"
debug "(getInstanceUserData(${instance_id})"
if [ -z "${instance_id}" ]; then error "invalid instance id provided (${instance_id})"; fi
local data_raw=$(runClientCommand ec2 describe-instance-attribute --attribute userData --instance-id ${instance_id} --output text --query "UserData.Value")
if [ "${data_raw}" == "None" ]; then data_raw=""; fi # hack; `None` is a bad/sad response from the SDK.
local data_base64=$(echo ${data_raw} | base64 --decode)
local data_gzip=$(echo ${data_raw} | base64 --decode | gzip -d 2>/dev/null )
echo "${data_gzip:-$data_base64}"
local instance_id=${1}
local grep_pattern=${2}
if [ -z "${instance_id}" ]; then error "missing instance id (${instance_id})"; fi
if [ -z "${grep_pattern}" ]; then error "missing grep pattern (${grep_pattern})"; fi
debug "(instanceDataHasMatch(${instance_id}, ${grep_pattern})"
data=$(getInstanceUserData ${instance_id})
matches=$(echo "${data}" | grep ${grep_pattern})
if [ ! -z "${matches}" ]; then
debug "match found (${instance_id})"
if ${OUTPUT_MATCHEDCONTENT}; then log "${instance_id} data: (${matches})"; fi
return 0
debug "match NOT found (${instance_id})"
if ${OUTPUT_NONMATCHEDCONTENT}; then log "${instance_id} data: (${data})"; fi
return 1
local grep_pattern="${1}"
debug "(execute(${grep_pattern})"
if [ -z "${grep_pattern}" ]; then error "invalid argument GREP_PATTERN (${grep_pattern})"; fi
if [ ! -z "${TEST_INSTANCE_IDS}" ]; then
local instances=$(runClientCommand ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids "${ONLY_INSTANCE_IDS}" --max-items "${MAX_ITEMS}" --filters "Name=instance-state-name,Values=running" --query "Reservations[].Instances[].InstanceId" | jq -r '.[]')
local instances=$(runClientCommand ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids "${ONLY_INSTANCE_IDS}" --filters "Name=instance-state-name,Values=running" --query "Reservations[].Instances[].InstanceId" | jq -r '.[]')
for instance_id in ${instances}; do
if instanceDataHasMatch "${instance_id}" "${grep_pattern}"; then
log "${instance_id} has match"
if ${OUTPUT_NONMATCHES}; then log "${instance_id} has no match"; fi
#---{run time}-----------------------------------------------------------#
execute "${GREP_PATTERN}"
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